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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Alyssa wasn't the only one swearing at the TV. A handful of men around the City were making similar comment. Steve. James. Deeks. Cody. Two others...Webb and Pierce ... Just laughed. Steve was just getting dressed when he caught the story, hearing Tom's name first. Someone definitely needed to teach him some manners he thought,

When James got into the office, the first thing he'd said was that he had seen McBride letting his mouth go and when Evie had been making coffee, he had asked her a little more privately if she was doing okay. Evie had looked at him and smiled.

"About a year ago.. In Malone's. You and Steve told me I needed to get used to the crap he spouts. I don't like it, but it doesn't annoy me as much as it did. When he talks about us not doing our job...being incompetent...that's different. That's what annoys me most."

"Yeah. Well maybe someday he'll get the message."

They all set themselves down with coffee and listened to Tom's plan and then started to put things into place. As Evie was finding an appropriate hotel, she looked over to James.

"You know, one day, we will get a case when either you or Tom go undercover."
Inside, Tom was stewing over the report McBride put on the morning news. It was bad enough to see that crap at night, but to wake up and find McBride running Tom and his team down. That just burned Tom's ass. He of course didn't show his anger to his team mates. He briefed them on his plan and they went to work. Tom grabbed a mug of coffee and retreated to his office. It wasn't long before his cell phone went off. Sam called to tell Tom both he & Callen would like to drop McBride off in the desert somewhere. While that action would bring much joy to Tom, he knew the guys were just blowing off some steam. It wasn't long before Jack came storming into the MCU squad room. He darted right into Tom's office. Steve walked in just behind Jack, but stopped where James & Evie were sitting. Steve asked if Tom had a plan for getting the MCU team out of the boiling pot McBride had put them in?

Jack was fuming over what McBride said this morning. It was one thing to paint him as a dirty cop. But it was another to imply that Evie was the biggest whore in the city. Jack knew that Evie earned everything she got from the department. She busted her ass in the academy to graduate and become a street cop. Then she busted her ass to become a detective. Despite what some people thought, nothing had been handed to Evie. Tom & Jack talked until Jack had cooled down. Both men agreed that McBride needed punched in the mouth, but they also knew that would play right into his hands. By the time Jack was leaving Tom's office, he was finishing up one of his old stories. " Great......Now I'll be listening to the old man's stories all day. " Steve said while rolling his eyes. Jack stopped and said hello to James & Evie. He leaned over gave a kiss on the cheek and asked how she was doing? After checking in with James & Evie and saying hello to Kim. Jack & Steve left the MCU squad room for their own department. Kim finished up what her ad would say. She went into Tom's office so he could read it, before she called it in. As Kim passed by Evie's desk after exiting Tom's office. Evie handed her a piece of paper with a motel address and room number. Kim now had everything she needed. She placed the ad in the daily sex trade paper. " Tonight.......The killer will be playing by our rules. " Kim said to James & Evie after hanging up the phone. The ad was set to be in the sex paper when it came out at noon. Tom knew that this was a big gamble, but he was tried of playing this out the killer's way. It was time the killer played on their terms and not his.
When Jack came storming into the office, Evie had looked up. She sighed and shook her head a little and stood up intending to go and try and calm him down. Steve had walked over to her desk though and intercepted her. Although she was sure she knew, she looked at Steve and asked what was wrong.

"Fucking McBride is what's wrong." Evie shook her head and smiled ruefully.

"You were the one last year telling me I had to get used to it."

"This morning' diatribe was a little much though." Evie moved towards Tom's office. Steve reached out and took hold of her forearm. He shook his head when she looked at him. "Let him unload a little. He's not blaming Tom or anything. He just wants to make sure his little girl is okay. If you want to do something useful, get me a cup of coffee." Evie laughed.

"What did your last slave die of?"

"Restricted duty. I have to take things easy. Captain's orders." He eased himself into Evie's chair, groaning softly and playing up the whole thing, lifting his feet onto the edge of Evie's desk.

"Take things easy!" James repeated. "I thought you were at the gym last night?" Steve threw him a pained look. They all knew that Steve's gym was a proper gym... Not a fashionable machine laden sterile place but an old fashioned boxing gym. This is where Steve had gone since he was a teenager and had started getting interested in MMA.

"Physiotherapy brother. Physiotherapy." Evie returned with a mug of coffee and handed it to Steve. "Tell me you didn't get into a ring!" She stared at him in disbelief.

"Okay... I didn't get into a ring!"

"Steve!! You'll get..."

"I'm fine. Let it go." He saw Evie start to open her mouth to say something again. "Let it go." Evie closed her mouth and sighed.

"I thought you were getting all the therapy you needed from that friend of Rick's?" James asked with the hint of a smile on his face.

"Different kind of therapy... But just as energetic I assure you."

"Oh please. Enough. " Evie got up, laughter in her voice as she understood exactly what James and Steve were talking about. "Kim and I don't particularly want to hear about your sex life..."

"Oh, I don't know." Kim laughed. Evie turned and looked at her. "Don't encourage them. I promise you, it's not somewhere you want to go."

"Maybe McBride should turn his lens in your direction." James suggested. The four of them were joking and laughing when jack and Tom came out, with Jack finishing up his story. Evie assured her Dad she was fine while Steve finished his coffee and then everyone got back to work. When Tom ultimately suggested that the killer would be playing by their rules, they all hoped that would be the case, but they were all a little worried.
Later that day a man wondered into the Central Station and dropped a letter off at the front desk. The place was busy with people coming and going. The Desk Sergeant didn't notices anyone dropping off the letter. It was just there and addressed to Detective Evelyn Taylor of the MCU. The sergeant picked up the letter. Looked at for a moment before he dropped into the a box with other mail addressed to the MCU team. A short time later, a uniformed officer picked up the mail in that box and delivered it to the MCU squad room. He made his rounds before leaving. During this time the members of the MCU were out of the office. Tom had taken his team to lunch on him of course. It was the least he could do since the night they had last night. Plus this night was shaping up to be another long one. Once again with Rick out of town, Tom would have Alyssa picked up at the academy. Jack gladly said that he'd do that job. Tom and his team went to the Code 7 for lunch. While there they talked over how the stakeout would go. Kim would be wearing a wire under her outfit. That ad stated that Mary Jane Kelly was a nude model who'd do extra for the right price. The ad also said that she worked out of her own place. So Kim's outfit would have to be sexy. That would be no trouble for Kim. Tom told Evie & James to cover the front entrance of the motel. He would cover the back in the alley. Since this motel had a front and rear door, someone should spot the killer coming in. So that no one jumped the gun earily. A code word was decided upon. The team would only come in when Kim used the word "Red." This would also keep the killer from finding out too soon that the police were closing in on him. After lunch was over, the MCU team returned to the station. Their mail sitting on their desks waiting for them.
Evie plonked herself down on her chair pushing the post aside to read her emails first. Then she turned to the snail mail. The first two were from the DAs office - one asking for more information on one case and the second confirming a trial date. Evie looked at the next one. Something about it looked strange.

"James. Look at this." He looked over but then seeing that there was something on Evie's desk that was piquing her interest, he got up and walked over. He looked for a moment. "Hang on." He went back to his desk and searched through the drawers for a second before pulling out a pair of surgical gloves.. He walked back over and handed them to Evie. "Kim. Go get Tom" he said. Evie pulled on the gloves and opened the envelop cautiously, tipping out the contents.

"What the... That's not..."

James stared. "I think it is" tome and Kim came back to the desk. "What is it."

"I'm guessing that this is the 'from hell' letter." Evie said as she opened it carefully and laid it on the table. Then she read it out slowly.

"From Hell
I send you greetings Detective Taylor.
You must know by now it's pointless to catch me. No one can catch Saucy Jack. Once I've had my fill of blood, I'll disappear again, but only for a while. The press is coming down hard on you and your MCU team. No shame really. I've faced the best and beaten the best. It's what I do. Ha Ha.
Till another time. Your Friend
Jack the Ripper"

"We'll at least there's no claim that he's eaten the rest of that." Kim said pointing at the piece of flesh that ad come with the letter. Not quite the same.

"And no offer to send the knife. No catch me if you can." Evie added.

"Doesn't change our plans though." James said. "Send it to the lab and let's do what we have to."
Tom stood in front of Evie's desk as she read the letter. It was more taunting then anything helpful. His dig about the press meant that the killer had seen McBride's broadcast this morning. He was the only reporter who was coming down hard on the MCU team. The killer must have singled out Evie after hearing McBride talk about her. Kim put on a pair of gloves and took the letter along with the small plastic bag holdings what appeared to be some type of flesh down to the lab. They could run tests on those items to see if they matched the letter from yesterday and if that flesh belonged to one of the victims. Later that afternoon, Greg from the crime lab called Evie and conferment that the new letter and the one from yesterday were written by the same person. Also the flesh matched the blood type from Katherine Eddowes. Greg said it came from her missing uterus. For the next few hours, the MCU team went over the floor plans for the motel. Tom pointed out where he wanted Evie & James to be sitting out front. He'd cover the back. Once the team knew the ins and outs of the motel, they took a break.

After regrouping, Kim got her wire, dressed and was driven to the motel by Tom. Evie & James followed but stayed out on the street while Tom left Kim off out in the alley behind the motel. Now the waiting game started. Night came quickly and so did men & women looking for whatever action Kim was selling. They all left disappointed as the hours ticked by. Evie & Tom checked in with each other every half hour. It was going on 2 am when Tom lit up a cigarette. It was his 10th, or perhaps his eleventh. He wasn't sure at this time. Tom leaned back into his car seat, the police radio was down low. He noticed a man stepping from the shadows and make his way towards the rear door of the motel. Only a blind man could have missed the man dressed in a deerstalker cap and wearing a coat with a short cape over the shoulders. Tom reached for the radio mic as the men disappeared inside the motel. " L 90 to William 71........The suspect has entered the building from the rear........Move into the lobby but wait for the code before moving upstairs. " Tom listened as Evie replied to his message. " L 90 to dispatch.......Send me three black n whites as back up........Code 2 only. " Tom's code 2 request would have the patrol cars coming quickly, but without lights and sirens. Tom left his car, drew his weapon and entered the motel through the rear door.

Kim heard Tom's message and was waiting. Her heart was pounding a bit in her chest. Most of Kim's undercover work hadn't been so dangerous. Catching a killer was different from making pornos. Kim heard the knock at her door. She stood up and turned her back towards the door. Kim was fixing her hair when she told the man to come in. The door slowly opened and the man stepped inside. Kim could just see his figure in the mirror she was looking into. He greeted her with a pleasant sounding voice. At this same moment, Evie got a text from Greg in the crime lab. They got the info on who bought that special paper and the quill pen. It was Clive Eastman. He was the only person in LA to receive those items. Evie sent that message to Tom. Kim turned giving the man standing just 10 feet away a sexy smile. She started to ask just what he was looking for. But her words were cut short when both Kim & the killer realized they knew each other. " LYING CUNT!! " Eastman yelled out as he pulled a long thin knife from inside his coat. He charged at Kim who blocked him, then that began to fight. " RED!!! " Kim screamed out as she was forced backwards into the wall. Eastman tried to stab her, but Kim kept the knife at bay. He then smashed Kim's head against the mirror breaking it. Tom yelled for everyone to move in as he rushed up the backstairs. He'd reach the room Kim was using first since it was closer to the back of the motel. Tom found the door was locked when he reached it. Crashing noises were coming from inside.

Tom yelled out "POLICE!" as he thrusted his body against the solid wooden door. Eastman took a swipe at Kim with his knife. He cut her on her arm before he spun around hearing what Tom said. Eastman made a mad dash for the window as the door came flying off of it's hinges. Tom fired as Eastman jumped out onto the fire escape. He started for the roof seeing police cars below him. Tom ran to the window and looked out. He turned when Evie & James entered the room. He told James to check on Kim. Tom yelled for Evie that Eastman was heading for the roof. He told her to cut him off. Tom jumped out the window and started up the ladder. After reaching the roof, Tom spotted Eastman standing on the far side looking down into the alley. " It's over Eastman! " Tom said while pointing his Desert Eagle at the man. Eastman shook his head and pointed his knife at Tom. " I'M NOT EASTMAN!!!.......AND IT'S NOT OVER!!.......IT NEVER ENDS LIKE THIS!! " Tom moved slowly along the roof. He placed his weapon back inside his shoulder holster. " Okay......You're not Eastman.......My mistake........But it is over Jack......You've been caught. " Tom's voice was calm as he spoke with Eastman. As Tom continued to move around the top of the motel, Eastman turned keeping Tom in his sights. Evie had already reached the roof top where Tom waved for her to keep back. Eastman began crying that the story didn't end this way. Tom said that it did this time. The space between Tom & Eastman had grown shorter. There was only a few feet between them when James and two uniformed officers rushed out onto the roof. The sounds made by James caused Eastman to turn his head. Tom then delivered a blow which knocked Eastman down onto the roof. The knife was jarred from his hand. Tom jumped down, placing his knee into Eastman's back. He ordered Eastman to places his hands behind his head. Tom placed the cuffs on Eastman then helped him up. Eastman was handed off to the uniformed officers who took him down to the street. Tom asked James how Kim was doing. He said she got cut, but was doing alright. James left Kim with a couple of paramedics. Tom pulled a rubber glove from his coat, reached down and picked up the knife. He kept the glove between his hand and the knife. Tom put his free arm around Evie and said they had reports to fill out.
Evie and James sat out front of the hotel in an unmarked Crown Vic. They talked about the Ripper - present and past; they talked about Jack and Steve. They talked about the shooting competition and day coming up when they had to go back in uniform. That then led them to talking about some of their respective experiences. Then James commented that in the best part of a year this was the first time they'd actually partnered each other. Then came the 'RED' call immediately followed by Tom's call to action. The light conversation stopped and the two broke into a run almost as soon as their feet hit the pavement.

They ran up the stairs taking them two at a time, James in the lead. They both reached the broken room door in time to see Tom at the window. On hearing his instruction, James moved to Kim who was holding her arm over near the bed whilst Evie turned and carried on running up the stairs. When she got there, she saw Tom and Eastman circling each other slowly. She saw Tom wave for her to stay back but she kept the Glock drawn and aimed squarely at Eastman's chest. With James's arrival, Tom took the offensive and suddenly it was over.

"Are we really going back to the squad room now... In the middle of the night... To start writing reports?" Evie asked as Kim was being patched up by the paramedic.
Tom took pity on Evie. He decided that the reports could wait until morning. It had been a long couple of days for the team and they were beat. Kim had a nasty bump on the back of her head. She was kept over night at the hospital to make sure there was no signs of concussion. Kim would receive some stitches on her left arm where Eastman had slashed her. The wound wasn't very deep, but it needed to be closed. Kim decided to use some of her vacation time to heal up. The MCU had no major cases at that time. Tom & his team were once again heroes in the city. Almost every paper, tv and radio station spoke of the brave gamble the MCU team did to protect the people of Los Angeles. McBride however was still taking shots at Tom and his team. He felt that they must have violated Eastman's civil rights at some point. It didn't seem to matter how many young women Eastman murdered. McBride always blamed the police for something. It was pretty peaceful during Kim's week long vacation. There were some troubling reports that came acrossed Tom's desk during that time. The first was Nate Long the former LAPD Narcotics detective was found dead. He was cool his heels while in prison until the case against Chin Liu came up. Long had been attacked while in the shower and knifed to death. Suddenly the case against Liu was falling apart. The men taken into custody at the warehouse refused to testify against Liu. Lucy Lee had died from an overdose and now Long was dead. It did appear as if Liu would walk. The second troubling report was that a couple of small time hoods called Terry & Tim Russo had taken over Mason Hill's old outfit. The were street thugs looking to make names for themselves in the underworld. The Russo brothers were on strangers to Tom and his team. Pretty much anyone who spent time working the streets in LA had busted one, or both brothers for something. The third and most troubling report came from Homeland Security. It stated that a supply of Yersinia pestis bacterium had gone missing from a Government Research Center. Yersinia pestis (formerly Pasteurella pestis) is a type of bacterium. Human Y. pestis infection takes three main forms: pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic plagues. In the wrong hands Yersinia pestis could be turned into a frighting bio weapon. These three reports made Kim's week off an uneasy one for her team mates.

Kim returned to work and was filled in on what happened while she was away. Tom got a phone call from the Governor that same Monday. The Governor wanted Tom and/or James to appear at the mansion for a photo shoot. This was the Governors way of getting his face in the papers along the members of the MCU team. They did after all just track down a dangerous killer and the MCU team was good press. As it happen, a request for the MCU to do a prisoner transfer also came in and would be on the same day. Tom wasn't looking forward to spending time with the press. He decided to flip a coin with James and the loser went to see the Governor. As luck would have it, James lost. Tom told James to take Kim with him and Tom would take Evie on the prisoner transfer. All Tom & Evie had to do was drive to the LA County Sheriff's station in Malibu. Pick up the prisoner there and return him to Los Angeles. It was a cake job as James put it. The trouble with cake jobs is that they cane be hard to swallow. Wednesday morning came. James & Kim left early that morning leaving Tom & Evie at the station. Around 10 am, Tom & Evie left the Central Station in Tom's Crown Vic and headed for Malibu. They drove north up the pacific coast highway. The time passed so quickly that soon they were pulling into the Sheriff's station. Waiting in a cell was one Charlie Shanks. He was wanted by the DA in Los Angeles for a case they were working on against a loan shark named Les "The Duke" Moorland.

Shanks was a witness to Moorland committing murder. Somehow this information was left out on the report sent to the MCU. All Tom & Evie knew that Shanks had several thousand dollars worth of unpaid parking tickets. Afraid for his life, Shanks skipped town. The DA needed Shanks to help put Moorland away. Shanks however got picked up for DUI by the LA County Sheriff. After running his background, they found that he was wanted. Once the DA's office found out that Shank had been picked up. They requested that the MCU go get him. This request was passed on, but need to know information was removed. Someone in the department was trying to set the MCU up. As it would turn out, this wouldn't be the last time. A mole was in deep and looking for a chance to destroy the heroic MCU team. Tom signed the proper paperwork, then he and Evie waited. In time a deputy brought Shanks out. Charlie Shanks stood just in front of where Tom & Evie were waiting. He had one black pants, a white button down shirt. Shanks's had wavy dark hair, a little long in the back. He was in his earily 40's. His file spoke of Shanks's being a small time crook who was cocky as hell. He did seem rather somber on this day. The deputy led Shanks, removed his cuffs then handed him off to Evie. Tom waited until She cuffed Shanks, then Tom tossed her the car keys. He would ride with Shanks in the back while Evie drove home. Shanks suggested that they drive down the pacific coast highway. Tom told Evie to take the Malibu Canyon instead.
It had been a long time since Evie had done a prisoner transfer. Lat one she could remember was probably when she was still in her probation after leaving the Academy. Her and John Cooper had had to drive up to Sacramento to bring a prisoner back. It had been quite a good road trip. She couldn't help but wonder why they had finished up being asked to do it.

"A supposed elite team... Providing a taxi service for a low rate cook. Something doesn't add up." She had said to Tom as they had headed off, but he didn't continue to push it. They arrived in Malibu and picked up their 'body', escorting him back to the car in silence. Evie still couldn't understand what was so special about him. Tom climbed in the back seat with him, and Evie set in the drivers seat, firing up the engine and then heading for route 1.
While it seemed odd that the elite MCU team was asked to provide transport for a prisoner. They were after all still LAPD officers who did jobs given to them. The transfer request came from the DA's office. Whatever the DA wanted with Shanks wasn't up for debate. Tom like Evie should have wondered why and asked questions. But he decided that this job was easy and nothing to worry about. Tom told Evie to take Malibu Canyon to LA and not route 1 which was the pacific coast highway. Shanks let out a sigh as Tom told him they weren't on a Sunday drive. Over the next few minutes Shanks started talking. He offered Tom & Evie money to just let him slip away. Tom just turned his head and looked out the window as Evie explained the bribery law and what would happen to Shanks if she, or Tom reported him. Evie had turned off the PCH into Malibu Canyon. It was long after that when Shanks started to turn his head and look out the rear window. A white late 90's model Chevy 4 door was following them. Evie made a comment about being followed. Tom looked back over his shoulder and noticed Shanks watching the car. Shanks was asked by Tom if those were friends of his? Shanks gave a nervous laugh and shrugged his shoulders. The white Chevy started to speed up. Tom reached into his coat, ready to pull out his Desert Eagle. The white Chevy passed them along the road without any trouble. It all seemed like a case of nerves. The white Chevy drove on and disappeared in the distance. Tom removed his hand from his coat and leaned back into the seat. Everything was going smooth as glass. They'd be in LA soon enough and Tom & Evie would then have the rest of the day to themselves. Earlier that day, Tom suggested that he & Evie hit the beach for some fun under the sun. It would be a warm up for their vacation in Hawaii the two were planning.

Evie had driven another 5 miles, or so before their day took a wrong turn. From out of no where, a gun shot was heard. The bullet struck the front tire of the unmarked police car sending it out of control. Evie however fought hard and kept the car from crashing. Two more shots came, striking the car. All the shots were coming from the drivers side, on a nearby hill. The car had stopped near a group of trees which blocked some of the shooters view. Tom pushed Shanks down and pulled his weapon. He told Shanks to get out and keep down. Tom yelled at Evie asking if she was okay? She was fine, but the police radio wasn't getting a signal out of the canyon walls. Tom & Evie climbed from the car and took cover. More shots came, but they weren't hitting anything. The shooter had lost his best view and couldn't pinpoint were his targets were. Tom & Evie soon found out that their cell phone weren't getting a signal at this location. The shooting stopped. Tom figured that the shooter was moving so they could get a better shot. He told Evie that they should find some cover. Tom unlocked the cuffs from Shanks, but told him not to run. Shanks looked scared. It was now obvious that there was more to this case then Tom & Evie were told. Tom reached into the front of his car and pulled out his backup Glock. He tossed it to Evie. Tom then grabbed the shotgun which was hidden under the front seat. He pointed to a group of trees which would give them some cover and a better view of the hillside from where the shots had come from. As the threesome started to run, more shots rang out. No one was hit, everyone made it to the trees. Tom had spotted the flash from the rifle. He told Evie that the guy had a high powered rifle. From where the shooter was, he was out of range of their weapons. Tom was already working on a plan to get them out of trouble.
When the Chevy passed, Evie looked left and watched it. The was a driver and a passenger, neither of whom looked right. Evie let out a breath that she hadn't even realised she was holding as the car pulled in front of her and opened up a gap, disappearing into the distance. She let her mind drift a little to the beach and how Tom had suggested they spend their afternoon and beyond. It had sounded good. And then the car suddenly jerked right. Instinctively Evie pulled right. The steering was heavy. The car fish tailed for a few seconds as Evie tried to get full control of the car back. She spotted the small group of trees and brought the car to it, drawing behind them to get some limited cover.

Evie climbed out of the car, pulling her Glock and crouching behind the front fender, looking to see if she could spot the shooters position. She couldn't and ducked back down, turning and sitting with her back to the car. She pulled out her phone, and as Tom handed her his back up Glock, she looked at him and shook her head indicating no signal. She tucked the spare Glock inside the back of her pants and then on Tom's instruction, she pushed herself up and the three of them started moving.

"So much for a cake job!" She called out to Tom as they moved.
During the lull in the action Tom & Evie spoke with Shanks. This cake job wasn't so easy anymore and they wanted to know why. Shanks who always assumed Tom & Evie knew his background, began to tell his story. He told about being the witness in the DA's case against Les Moorland. Shanks knew that Moorland would hire some muscle to kill him. Since Shanks had disappeared, it was easy to see that Moorland waited. Shanks admitted to being the only person who could put Moorland away. There was no doubt that those men driving that car were Moorland's hired guns. Tom looked at Evie and silently they spoke. Using their eyes, Tom & Evie knew that this was more then just a case of hired guns going after a murder witness. There had been a huge fuck up in the department. Someone had forgot, or failed to pass on need to know information. The question was. Did this happen because of a mistake, or was there something deeper going on? Tom & Evie wouldn't speak of this openly until later. There was no need to get into this while Shanks was around.

Tom looked at the hillside. He thought that he'd be able to slip around those shooters and catch them from behind. Tom guessed that it should take him about 10 minutes to hit their flank. He pulled and handed Evie his Desert Eagle, plus his extra clips. She would now have all their small arms & ammo. Evie could hold off those two at least for a while. Tom didn't expect this would get that far. With Shanks staring over his shoulder. Tom couldn't give Evie the kiss had had wanted to place on her sweet lips. He did however touch her softly on the cheek while telling her to go by the book. Tom grabbed the shot gun tightly in his hands and took off running for the treeline. Two rifles opened up on Tom, but like the before they didn't hit anything but trees and ground. Tom disappeared into the trees and started making his way around the hill. Shanks slumped against a tree. He had heard of Tom, Evie and the MCU task force. He never expected to come face to face with them. " I hope the Lieutenant's plan works. " Shanks was nervously checking his pockets for a cigarette. A sad sign escaped his lips when he remembered they had been taken by the deputies. Shanks looked over at Evie. He asked if her & Tom were more then partners? Shanks already knew since he saw the touch. It was easy to see that Tom & Evie were beyond being just partners. Evie & Shanks talked for a few more minutes, just passing the time. Suddenly a man's voice from the top of the hillside called down to them. He wanted to make a deal with Evie. Shanks life for her partner's life. Tom's form appeared at the top of the hill along with the two shooters. They each had weapons pointed at Tom. " I'll give you 10 minutes to give Shanks up honey! ' The man finished off. He was a hired gun from Los Vegas known as Luke Barrett. His partner was a local man named Larry Bayer. Barrett had the high powered rifle and Bayer had Tom's shotgun. Tom just laughed at Barrett's request as the three men walked back towards cover. " She's not gonna make deal.......She can't even if she wanted to.......You won't get your hands on Shanks. " Barrett snarled back that Evie had better give Shanks up. There'd be a dead cop laying up here if she didn't.
Evie ignored the question about her and Tom. She was too concerned with what might be happening with Tom. Add to that, their relationship was nothing to do with Shanks and had no bearing on the events unfolding. But then her thoughts were interrupted and her heart sank. As soon as she heard it, she guessed what was coming. Evie tugged Shanks down behind a broken tree trunk lying on the ground, crouched a little herself until she could work out where the voice was coming from. Then she cautiously peered over the trunk and saw two men...Tom in the gun trained on him from each side. Evie ducked back down, swore quietly under her breath, and closed her eyes for a moment, thinking of her next move. Get help? Get Tom out of there. Get Shanks out of there. Evie was sure that if she gave Shanks over they would all die anyway, but of course she knew she couldn't hand him over. She sat and thought. They had to get out here somehow. They would have driven here...parked up somewhere... Waited. How did they know when they'd be there? Picked up the trail. Better still, followed them from Malibu. The Chevy. Suddenly Evie knew what she needed to do.

"Come on. Move. We need to be well away from here when they come back to make their next offer. They're not going to throw away their best bargaining chip." She reached out and grabbed hold of Shanks sleeve and pulled.

"You'd risk your partner's life?" Shanks said.

"Apparently." She headed back towards the road but further along from where they had been run off it. Within about 10 minutes she saw it. The white Chevy. Trying not to think what might be happening back with Tom, she pushed Shanks onwards. The two got to the car. Evie climbed in the driver's seat and reached under the column, pulling out the electrical wires which ran the length of it. Sorting out the two she needed, she pulled them out and then sparked them against each other. It took three goes before the engine caught. She put the car in gear and pulled away from the lay by hard, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake. It took five minutes of driving before she spotted the emergency phone on the road side. She slammed on the brakes, skidding in the dirt and raising another cloud. The phone was linked directly with the Rangers; it was designed to report fires, but she quickly got the rangers to put her through to dispatch. Within two minutes, she reported what had happened and there was nothing left to do but wait. And hope.
Tom had underestimated Barrett & Bayer when he tried to slip in behind them. Barrett thought that the cops would try this trick, so he had Bayer waiting. Bayer jumped Tom as he made his way up the far side of the hill. Tom was struck from behind with Bayer's colt .45. He wasn't knocked out, just staggered. It was enough for Bayer to grab the shotgun Tom was carrying. This was the reason why Tom gave his Desert Eagle to Evie. In case he was captured, Tom didn't want these guys using his pistol against Evie. Now that they had a cop, Barrett & Bayer were feeling pretty good. They both thought that Evie would give up Shanks to save her partner. Tom told them that they were barking up the wrong tree. He said Evie would never give up a prisoner. Not even to save his life. Tom told his captors that Evie would make an escape from the area. She would in time return with the L.A. County Sheriff's Department. Barrett sent Bayer to check on where they left the car. When Bayer returned he was upset at the fact that their car was gone. Barrett kicked at the dirt while swearing up a blue storm. Evie had out foxed them and gotten away with their target. Barrett knew that the unmarked police car was still down over the hill. He figured they could change the tire and make their escape with Reed as a hostage. Barrett told Tom to start walking. The three men slowly began making their way down the hill towards Tom's car.

5 minutes after Evie made her report, the first LASD units pulled in. Within 10 minutes the sheriff's deputies were thick as flies. A patrol car had been dispatched from the LAPD to pick up Shanks. This freed Evie so she could join the LASD in rescuing Tom. Lieutenant Edwards of the Sheriff's Department arrived and took command. The first things Edwards did was to get a chopper in the air. He wanted eyes in the sky to spot the shooters. Edwards & Evie talked as they looked over a map of the area. She showed him where they were when the ambush happened. It wasn't long before the helicopter radioed in that three men were walking down the road heading for a car. Edwards figured that they were trying to make a break for it by using Tom's car. He ordered his units to surround that area. Edwards & Evie jumped into his car, taking off to lead the rescue.
As the car sped back towards the location where the chopper had reported seeing the three men, Evie played through the various ways this could end. Unfortunately, each possible option she considered, the ending always seemed to veer to the same point... Tom getting shot. She wished she had James on hand... someone off hidden... someone who she trusted to take the shot. She saw herself just walking up, pulling the Glock, giving the two strangers one chance... once chance to let Tom go and give themselves up.... What would Tom do? What would Steve? Or James? Or her dad? Suddenly out of nowhere, that scene from Speed came into her head. Jack and Harry heading up to try and release the elevator. Harry asking Jack the question. "All right, pop quiz. Airport, gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover; he's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away... Jack?" Jack's response... "Shoot the hostage." it had worked in the movie and they had saved all the people. Jack had even got a medal. Tom and Evie and Alyssa had sat down and watched it toether a few months ago, with Tom giving a running commentary on how bad a film it was from a procedural point of view. He had said though that shooting the hostage was probably a pretty good way to end things... except you'd expose the City and the PD to a multi-million dollar law suit. Shoot the hostage. That wasn't an option. Evie had said it was stupid in the movie but in real life... it wasn't an option.

Evie and Edwards drove past the parked unmarked police car. Barrett and Bayer hadnt made it there yet, but it was only a few more seconds, before they came into view. Edwards stopped the car, slewing it sideways across the road. Evie eased her way out slowly, drawing her weapon. Bad guys counted on cops being good guys. They counted on the fact that cops generally followed procedure... that generally they wanted to arrest not to kill. As Barrett and Bayer realized wha was happening, the helicopter buzzed low over head. Bayer looked up and then looked back to Evie. Evie was walking purposefully towards them. Edwards was a few paces behind; he also had his weapon drawn.

"You better stop right there or we'll just put a bullet in your partner right now." Barrett said as the three of them came to a stop and he raised his gun.

"No you wont." Evie said quietly. She stopped about 40 ft in front of them. She raised her own weapon. She knew nothing about Barrett or Bayer. She was playing a hunch and playing with Tom's life. "Right now you have a relatively minor kidnapping charge and an attempt to assist the escape of a felon and a federal witness. If you pull the trigger, you'll be dead one second later. And if you don't put the gun down..." she took a breath and exhaled softly, adjusting her aim to the centre of Barretts face. "in the next five seconds... you'll be dead." Evie saw Tom smirk a little. Barrett laughed, but the nervousness in it was definitely audible.

"You wont do it."

"Three... two..." Evie suddenly shifted her sights. Maybe only 10-15 degrees. ROund and down. From Barretts head to Bayer's knee. She pulled the trigger once and shifted the sights back up as Bayer went down screaming, holding his leg, blood oozing through his fingers and he grabbed his knee. She saw the shock on Barretts face as he watched his friend go down and then look back at Evie.

"" Evie continued with the count. Barrett bottled it. He held his gun up and stepped away from Tom.. then threw the gun down. Evie kept the glock trained on him, aware of Edwards moving past her approaching him. Only when he had hold of him and was cuffing him did she lower the glock and look at Tom.

"Can't let you go anywhere on your own can I?" She smiled as she slipped the gun back into her holster. Bayer was still rolling on the ground in agony. Neither of them took any notice and officers from a second car moved in to take him into custody.
Tom waited as the scene played out. He knew there was great danger in this for him, but he had faith in Evie. Barrett didn't take much cover behind Tom. He was standing a few feet back and slightly to Tom's right. This gave a great shot like Evie enough room to hit her target. Tom was a little surprised when Evie took down Bayer first. It was however a smart move since he was holding a shotgun and was standing in front of Tom at his left side. Bayer hit the ground like a ton of bricks after being shot. Tom just grinned. Evie could be very forceful when she needed to be and it was showing now. Her weapon and eyes shifted over towards Barrett. He was in shock that the female cop had just shot his partner. Barrett didn't even get a chance to think before Evie's pistol was aimed at his head. He let out the longest and most disgusted filled sigh before Barrett gave up. Tom leaned down and grabbed the shotgun as Evie walked over to him. He listened to her comment, then gave Evie his best innocent look. " This was all part of my plan. " Tom said trying his best to BS Evie. She however didn't buy what Tom was shoveling. Evie gave him that "Yeah...Right" look while handing back his Desert Eagle and back up Glock. Lieutenant Edwards called for a tow truck which came and got Tom & Evie back on the road. Shanks had made it to LA long before Tom & Evie did. Tom called the DA's office to make sure.

Tom & Evie called it a day and went to the beach as planned. It seemed a shame to hang around the office since James & Kim were in Sacramento
attending that special press conference with the Governor. It was a beautiful day at the beach. Tom & Evie enjoyed the sun and had a relaxing time. While at the beach, Tom even brushed up on his surfing. Since they would be going to Hawaii for their vacation. Tom decided it was time to get back on the board. It had been a few years since Tom had surfed. He wiped out the first few times. Well, it was more like the first 10 times before he caught a wave and rode it back to shore. Once their day at the beach was over. Tom & Evie swung past the police academy and picked up Alyssa. The three of them decided to go out that evening for dinner. They went to Palm's Thai Restaurant in Hollywood, after stopping at the boat to get cleaned up. After dinner, they stopped for some ice cream before returning home. James paid a visit to the boat after he & Kim got back to LA. He had to fill in Tom & Evie on what happened in Sacramento. The Governor gave James a large file which held information on the MCU's next case.

For weeks, the Governor's office was getting complains and reports about a corrupt county Judge & Sheriff. People who worked for the Governor looked into these reports and on the surface, even seemed legit, but there were too many complains from parents about their daughters being arrested on trumped up charges. The Governor knew how this kind of thing would look in the press. He couldn't afford having any type of corruption going on. The Governor said he wanted the MCU to go undercover and investigate what was going on in Sierra County. North of Los Angeles and along the border with Nevada sat Sierra County. It was one of the smallest counties in California. The county seat was the small town of Downieville. Population-282. There was only 3,240 people in the whole county. The place was being run by two men. The County Judge was Paul Jessup, an older man in his early 60's. He was however very fit and as tough as any LA Judge. The other man was Sheriff Lyle Wallace, nicknamed Dirty Lyle by those who feared him. He was tall and built like Tom, but Lyle was a man in his mid fifty's. His brown hair was already showing signs of gray. Lyle wasn't afraid to get rough, which is what started his nickname. In the county, it was well known that Lyle would beat up woman who didn't submit to his wishes. Most everyone in the county was fearful of these two men. The Governor's people couldn't find anyone who would talk about what was going on. This is why the Governor wanted the MCU team to go undercover. If anyone could find out what was, or wasn't going on, it was the MCU.

Tom & Evie looked over the file as they spoke with James. There would be no sitting on the sidelines for this case. Tom & James would also being going undercover. If the reports and complains were true. Every member of the MCU would be in danger. The file was filled with reports of abuse by both Judge Jessup and Sheriff Wallace. The team would need names and backgrounds before going undercover. Tom suggested that Evie & Kim pose as collage students from Los Angeles. He & James would pose as a couple of campers staying in the area. The Governor's office would make sure that any information requests on backgrounds would get the undercover files. Each team member would type up their false background and send it to the Governor's office. They'd pick up whatever fake ID's were needed from the station. Tom got Kim on the phone. She had already started work on her background. She'd be using the name Mikayla Mendez. She & Evie would be friends who attended the same collage. It wasn't long before all the backgrounds were ready and sent. James went home for the night. Tom made sure that Alyssa was taken care of while he & Evie were away. Rick was by now back in Los Angeles. The MCU team would meet up at the station. Get their fake ID's and pickup a pair of undercover cars. They would then head north into whatever was waiting for them.
Downieville had been a gold rush town big enough that back in the 1850s, it was one of the places being considered as California state capital. Now it was little more than a one street town which survived on tourism. Camping. Mountain biking. Fishing. Tom outlined the plan for both him and James to go in as campers and over the speaker phone, as they all sat around Tom's dinning table, Kim suggested that she and Evie go in a college students. Evie suggested she had better Akers them grad students; neither of them looked quite like 20 year olds. Evie would go in using the name Catherine Hanson...27 year old Business graduate now taking her MBA at UCLA Berkley. Kim promised everything would be set in the morning.

After James had left and as Tom and Evie got intombed, Evie drew close to him, lying on her side and against his side, her right hand careless across his chest.

"I was thinking... Alyssa has a lot of street smarts. She got on by herself for a long time. Looked after herself pretty well." She could imagine the questioning look on his face. She carried on. "It's obviously your choice but I thought... Maybe as a graduation present... She could move into my place... Pay rent... We'd do it all properly... Contract and everything... And... Maybe I could move in here. She gets her own place... I get someone I trust at mine... And we get here. What do you think?"
At first, when Evie started talking Tom did have questions. His questions disappeared when she reached her point and it was a great point. Tom had thought about asking Evie to move into the boat full time. She was now spending more time here then at her apartment. Alyssa was pretty smart for being so young. Living on the streets will do that to a person. Alyssa had shown she could be responsible. She was working her ass off at the academy while also taking classes at UCLA. Once Alyssa graduated, she'd be able to support herself and pay rent on her own place. Tom was getting the feeling that Alyssa needed her own space. The boat was kinda small for three people to live in full time. Sure it had two bedrooms, but it was more comfortable for two people, or just one. " That sounds like a great idea. " Tom said while kissing Evie's forehead. It could their gift to Alyssa and they could pay her first few months rent ahead of time. This would allow Alyssa to save up some of her first few paychecks. It would also allow Tom & Evie more chances to be allow. The only time they were alone now was when Alyssa was staying with Rick. Plus Tom knew that Alyssa would start dating soon. She most likely wasn't thrilled with the idea of bring a date back here with her dad around. Tom told Evie all of this. He then added that they could have more special nights which would make McWilliams very happy. Since Evie called him a few days ago. McWilliams had been having the most erotic dreams of being with Evie again. While he would still have to wait until that day came. McWilliams planned on take out each dirty dream on Evie's hot body. None of this was a surprise to Evie. She knew very well that his dick would get hard just at the mention of her name. McWilliams was a horny old man who enjoyed using Evie.

Before falling asleep, Tom & Evie agreed on letting Alyssa have the apartment. They also agreed on taking care of Alyssa's needs until she was ready. Tom had said that Rick was planning on buying Alyssa a car. Jack, Steve, James & Kim would pay to have her car outfitted with a police radio and siren. Alyssa's graduation was coming quickly. Tom & Evie would also have to plan out how the party would go. That conversation would take place another time. Right now, Tom & Evie needed sleep. They both had long drives ahead of them in the morning. The plan was for Evie & Kim to leave at least an hour ahead of Tom & James. It wouldn't look good if four strangers all showed up at once. Tom figured that Evie & Kim could somehow catch the eye of the local sheriff. He suggested that it wouldn't be hard if they dressed on the sexy side. Tom of course didn't mean like hookers. But collage girls could dress sexy while still being collage girls. Plus these girls would be on the road looking for adventure, or whatever Evie & Kim came up with. Tom & Evie fell asleep laying together. When the morning alarm went off, they were still in the same position. They greeted each other with a long kiss after tom shut the alarm off. Although the kiss could have led to more, they both had a lot of work ahead of them. Tom & Evie slipped form the bed. Alyssa was already up and making breakfast. Tom let Evie shower first while he made coffee. Once Evie was done, Tom hit the shower. After breakfast, Tom & Evie dropped Alyssa off before driving to the Central Station. Kim was already there working on getting the their backgrounds sent to the Governor's office. James was close behind Tom & Evie. James picked up a jeep from the department garage for him and Tom to use. Evie & Kim would pick up their car before leaving.
Evie showered quickly thinking as she did so that if she was going to move in here she needed to find a way to build her run back into her routine. When she stayed at the boat, she hardly even went out for a run. Truth was she missed the opportunity to clear her head each morning but she was also aware that she had lost most of the level of fitness she had reached for the MMA. Cahill would murder her if they were to meet in the ring now and whilst she was still fit, by comparison... she was getting soft in places.

She towelled off and then wrapped the towel around her before looking through the wardrobe at the clothes she had on the boat. She needed to look like a grad student. They were going to work on the basis that she and Kim were just driving through, taking a slightly scenic route to Reno where they were going to have a little fun. They'd stop off at a diner snd see whether the Sherriff would take the bait... them being the bait. She decided that she probably needed to stop off at her own place on the way to work, get some party clothes... things that she would wear in Reno. For the trip, she decided to go for the girl-next-door look. She pulled out a tight soft pink t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts which came to her mid thigh. She found a white push up t-shirt bra and some white briefs. Simple. Nothing fancy. showing off without really putting anything out there. Then she pulled out her brown hiking boots.

They called into her aprtment on the way and she filled a bag with some more t-shirts, shorts, denims and a couple of dresses which were more appropriate for the Reno casinos. Then the heaed to the station. Kim had managed to source them an Audi TT roadster which was in Evie's name... or rather that of Maddison Scott... Evie's cover. She was to be the spoilt rich kid who was going with her friend to spend some of her trust fund.
Once everything was set, the two teams left Los Angeles. Evie & Kim took off from Evie's apartment while Tom & James left from the station. Tom & James gave the girl's an hour head start. They left in the jeep loaded with camping and fishing gear. Acting as tourists, Tom figured that would give him & James time to dig up any dirt on the judge & sheriff. Evie & Kim were pretty much on their own. The plan was for them to get on the inside of whatever was going on. Find out about these improper arrests and judgement handed down by the county judge. There was some reason why so many girls were getting busted in this county. Tom did some reading on Sierra County before the teams left. That county had a prison farm where inmates would work. There was no information on where the food went, other then it was used to feed the prisoners. A number of prisons acrossed America had farms where food for the prison was grown. Tom asked Evie & Kim to check on whether or not all the food grown at the prison was used there. That would be just one of their missions. The main part would be to find out whatever they could about Judge Jessup & Sheriff Wallace. Everyone on the two teams was given a special phone number to call when their job was over, or if they needed help. This number was committed to memory before they left.

Tom & James drove on throughout the day and finally reached Sierra county before the sun went down. They figured the girls were already here somewhere. There was no way for the two teams to contact each other. Tom knew that the cell phones Evie & Kim would have would be taken and probably checked. Evie did have a tracking device hidden inside a deodorant container. It was assumed that such personal items would be given to the prisoners. All Evie needed to do was turn the bottom of that container counter clock wise twice. This would activate the tracking device which would let Tom & James know where they were. James had a tablet device which allowed him to track Evie's device. A red circle appeared on the map which was on the screen. It showed Evie was outside the town of Downieville. Tom figured that Evie & Kim stopped at a diner. James drove towards a small lake where he and Tom would make camp. They'd go to the same diner for dinner after setting up the camp site.
The weather was good. They put the roof down and Kim drove for the first couple of hour. They stopped at a roadside diner for coffee and then Evie took over. It took them a little over 7 hours to cover the 480 miles even with the stop; neither woman took much notice of the speeding limits paricularly once they got out of the City. And it was a nice drive. They arrived in town late afternoon driving down Main Street slowly but not too much so. They took the oppoortunity to look around - something which looked entirely normal for tourists. Of course Kim and Evie werent looking just as tourists. but who knew. They had intentionally not booked anywhere in advance... they wanted to seem like somewhat hapless students just out on a roadtrip. In fact, Kim had checked out places pretty well and they knew exactly where they intended to try and stay and where they would look if that wasn't possible.

Evie pulled into the side in front of a coffee shop. There were other stores on the street, but they were heading for coffee. Evie was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. Kim was carrying a california road map as she climbed out of the car and both of them headed inside. They sat down and a waitress came over. She took their orders and also persuaded them both to have a slice of cake... although neither took much persuading. Two or three others in the shop looked at them, watching... recognizing them as strangers. Kim and Evie took no particular notice but smiled politely when they caught anyone's eye. As they drank they talked about Reno and places that they needed to go. When they were done, they left $20 on the table and then left. They decided to have a walk up and down the street before heading for the Riverside Inn on the banks of the Yuba river. They made it look like they were just finding their bearing, but really it was about getting noticed. And it was about finding out where the police station was. They weren't going to go in and announce themselves, but getting a little insight as to where one of their targets was likely to be spending most of his time was not going to do any harm.
During the time Evie & Kim spent in the sleepy little town of Downieville, they were noticed. And not just by the local town folk, some of which feared for these two lovely young women. One of the town's deputy's, a man named Burt Rosewell watched them closely. Deputy Rosewell spotted Evie & Kim when they entered the town. He followed them to the coffee shop and waited until they came back out. Rosewell radioed his find to the Sheriff's Station. Sheriff Wallace was out of the office, but the other Deputy Carlos "Tiny" Alvarez was there. The two men talked about the new visitors in town. Rosewell told Alvarez everything that Evie & Kim did, plus he added details of how hot they looked. Burt Rosewell was the younger of the two deputies. He was in his late 20's with short blonde hair. Rosewell stood 5'9" and weighting in at 170 lbs. A handsome young man, Rosewell certainly looked like the all American boy. He was however shifty and underhanded. Carlos Alvarez was a taller and heavier man. Tiny as he was known around town stood 6'3" and weighed 250 lbs. Alvarez was in his late 30's and was a little soft around the middle. The town's people knew Alvarez as being a lowlife snake. Just hours after becoming a deputy. Alvarez raped a woman in full view of 10 other people. No one dared to speak up after one man who did was killed. The good people of Downieville learned to fear these men and their sheriff & judge. To supplement their income, the deputies would often shakedown tourist who would pass through the area. They had other plans for these newcomers.

Alvarez placed a call to the house of Judge Jessup. There was a party going on there which was where Sheriff Wallace was at. Wallace was told about the two hot looking women who wandered into town. Rosewell had followed Evie & Kim to the Riverside Inn where they got a room. Wallace told Alvarez to join Rosewell and keep an eye on the girls. He'd be long shortly and they'd pay their new tourist's a visit, police style. Alvarez left the sheriff's office and drove to the Riverside Inn. The two deputies joined up and kept watch on the room. In time, Sheriff Wallace arrived and met up with his men. Rosewell pointed out the room which Evie & Kim had rented. Being on his guard, Sheriff Wallace ran the plates on the car used by Evie & Kim. It came back as being owned by Evie's undercover name. Wallace had a background check run on the same name. He found it funny that the one girl was a rich bitch. Wallace enjoyed making those rich cunts scream. Inside the room, Evie & Kim stayed in character as the two college students. Neither could be sure if the room was bugged. The only time they talked openly was the in the car, or when they knew no one could hear them. Wallace & his men got ready to raid the room. They would use a report of two rowdy girls as their reason. Once inside, the men would search and find drugs. These drugs would of course be planted, but that didn't stop Wallace or his men. Evie & Kim would be set for drug charges. This would lead them to jail, then in front of Judge Jessup. He would find them guilty and ship them off to the county prison farm. From there they would find out why so many young women end up in trouble in this area.
Kim had noticed Rosewell when they were having coffee and a tap of her foot on Evie's calf together with a couple of suruptitious glances in the right direction had let Evie knw they were being watched. Of they'd been watched since they'd come into town - Evie was well aware of that but it certainly hadnt taken long for the local law to notice. From that point on in truth the two of them were acting for the police and at the moment for one officer in particular.

Kim and Evie walked down one side of the street pointing at odd things in store windows... Tourist trinkets, clothes, shoes. They smiled...chatted...laughed. They were two grad students who were having a little fun on a road trip. They crossed the street and then headed back down towards the car. Kim drove them both the short distance to the hotel where she parked. Taking their bags from the car they headed inside and booked one twin room under the names of Mikayla Mendez and Brooke Donovan.

The room was simple and comfortable with everything you could want. It wasn't LA luxury but people who came to Downieville weren't usually looking for or expecting that. They quickly sorted themselves out, found a TV channel that was playing music, although they didn't have the volume up loud, and Evie...Brooke pulled out a bottle of wine from her bag. They cracked it open and then waited, talking about anything...mostly college related. They didn't have to wait long before the knock at the door came. The girls gave each other a knowing look and Evie got up to get the door. Before she got there a seond, louder, more urgent knock was heard. She opened the door smiling. Wallace was stood in front, Rosewell and Alvarez flanking him. Wallace took a moment to look Evie up and down. he liked what he saw and he was pleased that Rosewell hadnt been exaggerating. quite the reverse. Evie looked surprised but she was still smiling.

"Oh. Can I help you?" She had barely gotten the words out before Wallace pushed passed her, followed by Rosewell and Alvarez. Kim got up as Wallace and Rosewell walked into the main part of the room. Alvarez stayed with Evie just inside the door. He was smiling and taking his time at looking over Evie.

"What's going on. Is something wrong?" Kim asked, every bit surprised at the police intrusion.
Wallace was very pleased by the sight that greeted him and his men at the door. In fact both women were just what Wallace was hoping he'd find. The three cops pushed their way into the room. Alvarez remained at the door while Wallace & Rosewell started to search the room. Wallace told the two young women that they received a complaint about noise coming from this room. The complaint which was written on paper stated that it sounded like a wild party in room 14. Wallace tossed the paper at Brooke when she protested. He then stormed up placing a finger in her face. " You sound like one of those big city types who has something to hide!.......We're gonna search this room......And if we find nothing you and your friend are free........But if we find something......Then you two will be in big trouble! " Wallace then ordered Alvarez to watch the girls. He and Rosewell started to search.

Sheriff Lyle Wallace, known around town as Dirty Lyle was built like Tom. They were the same height, same weight, the same powerful build. The only difference was that Wallace had light brown hair which was showing some gray. Wallace was in his early 50. He ruled over this town doing whatever his heart desired. Wallace & Jessup were from the Las Vegas area. They were both small time crooks who found a small town they could exploit. Paying the right people off got them the power they needed. In time, these two men took of anyone who could cause trouble for them. Their power base was secure and their grip on this county was absolute. To the outside world, Sierra County looked like an all American place. Those that lived here did so in fear of the men who ran this area like their own private country.

Wallace & Rosewell searched until Rosewell found a small bag which had cocaine in it. Mikayla protected that it wasn't theirs. She pointed at Deputy Rosewell saying he just planted it. Wallace walked up to Mikayla and back handed her acrossed the face. The force from the smack was hard enough to drop Mikayla down to her knees. Brooke came to the aid of her friend. She was grabbed by Alvarez and forced against the wall. " Don't makes things worse Chica.......You're in enough trouble right now. " Alvarez said as he held Brooke. Wallace told Rosewell to search the girl's car. He did and returned with a large bag filled with cocaine. Wallace told his men to search the girls. Both Brooke & Mikayla were told to place their hands on the wall and spread their legs. The following body search was just a chance for the deputies to feel the bodies of both Brooke & Mikayla. Their hands stroked, rubbed and lingered over certain parts of the female prisoners. Soon the handcuffs were put on and Alvarez promised a more thorough search at the jail. Rosewell even said the girls would get the chance to search each other. This of course would just be for the amusement of the sheriff and his men.
Whilst in many ways this was exactly what the girls needed to happen if they were going to get anywhere in trying to identify what was going on with the law enforcement in this town, neither of them had predicted that this was the way it went down. And whilst both of them were playing their parts... acting every bit the shocked and somewhat offended 'innocent' women, they were both more than a little annoyed that supposed 'fellow cops' could disrespect the badge... the same badge that both Evie and Kim normally wore. This was why so many people ... so many fundamentally good people thought bad of cops. And every bad cop made the job that much harder.

"A complaint? From whom? We weren't making any noise? You have to have the wrong..." Evie was stopped mid sentence as the paper was tossed at her by Wallace. She turned a ducked her head a little as it headed towards her, but she let it fall to the floor. Before she could bend down to pick it up, Wallace was in front of her waving his finger around. Evie had to stop herself from reaching up, grabbing hold of it and breaking it.

"We've got nothing to hide... we're just passing through on the way to Reno that's all." None of them were listening now. Evie and Kim just watched, wide-eyed. Open mouthed. Looking from one man to another... at each other. And then everything seemed to happen so quickly. Kim protested the find, argued that the cocaine had been planted and then she was down. Instinctively, Evie moved towards her. There was nothing in her move that was acting. But she didn't make any more than maybe two paces before she was pulled back and round. She slammed into the wall and groaned loudly. Again there was nothing in what she was doing now that amounted to acting. But she had to make sure that her reactions were not the reactions of a cop... or even of a woman who could probably take care of herself quite well against these guys... maybe even all three together depending on whether they fought together as a team. Evie hugged her shoulder where it had contacted the wall as she watched Rosewell walk out only to return a few minutes later with his prize. Both Kim and Evie proclaimed that there was no way that the bag was theirs, that it hadn't been in the car. As expected, the officers took no notice and before either of them had the opportunity to do what Wallace told them, they were both manhandled to the wall. Alvarez was quickly grabbing hold of Evie, turning her around and then pushing her into the wall again. Kim was soon next to her. Evie felt hands around her wrists pushing them up the wall; feet kicking at her ankles and then hands taking their time over her body. There was nothing proper about their search, but both Evie and Kim were thinking that this was probably only going to be the start of their problems. They were marched out of their room, down the stairs, through the lobby and outside and then both of them were pushed into the rear seat of a police cruiser. Alvarez and Wallace climbed in the front, both of them grinning, while Wallace went to his own car and they made the short journey to the police station. Evie and Kim... Brooke and Mikayla said nothing to each other in the back of the car.
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