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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

After reaching the jail, the girls were rushed inside through a side door. Alvarez & Rosewell were already looking forward to the action they expected would follow. Wallace followed behind his men until they reached the jail. He kept going straight passing the jail after seeing a new vehicle parked in front of the coffee shop/diner. Wallace pulled up and checked the plates. It was possible that more new girls had come to town. But sadly this jeep belonged to Daniel Andrews of Los Angeles. This was the name James was using while undercover. Wallace went inside the diner to check out the newcomers. He noticed the two men right away sitting at the counter drinking coffee. Wallace walked slowly passed them while listening to them talk about fishing. Everything seemed okay with these two, but the bigger one seemed familiar. This of course was Tom. Wallace had a feeling that he had seen this man somewhere. It was possible that he had been here before. It was also possible that this bigger man was wanted for something. Wallace left the coffee shop and headed back to the jail. He'd check up on this big fellow later. Right now there was more important things that needed done.

Wallace walked into his office through the same side door that Evie & Kim came through. Alvarez & Rosewell were sitting around with the feet up drinking beer. They had placed the girls in a cell, then waited for the sheriff. " Time for some fun boss? " Alvarez asked while handing Wallace a beer. Wallace laughed and said it was time. Alvarez & Rosewell got up. They went over to a closet and pulled out a large mattress. The men dumped it in the middle of the room. Alvarez walked over, opened the cell and ordered Brooke & Mikayla out! Once out of the cell, Alvarez pushed them both towards the mattress. Wallace then told the girls to strip and make out with each other. He wanted to see them fucking each other before the guys joined in. Rosewell was busy setting up a camera which was not far from the mattress. This video would be shown to Judge Jessup later on. He'd get to see just how good, or bad these two girls could be.
Evie and Kim were surprised at being taken through to a cell and simply left there. They couldn't openly talk about it but the looks between them were enough for each to understand that neither of the knew why they weren't being processed. Prints taken. Mug shots. Paperwork. Interviews. They had been placed in a holding cell and left there, still cuffed. In the expectation that the cell was bugged, they began to talk as Mikayla and Brooke. What they hell was happening? What had they done to make the cops plant cocaine on them? They needed their phone call. Brooke could phone her Daddy...get his lawyer down here. The holding cell was one of three at the back of the room. Die imagined that the layout of the police station probably hadnt changed since the place was built as a Sheriff's office when the town was first founded. Two rooms really. One at the front with a front door and a front desk for members of the public to walk up to. One at the back, with the cells and an area of processing prisoners. Interior walls had been added to produce what Evie guessed were washrooms. And probably in the front half of the building, the Sherriff might have his own office. Closets had also been created and as Evie and Kim saw the mattress being pulled out once Walkace returned, both of them realized why the delay. Alvarez and Rosewell were waiting for the boss to come back.

They both stayed sitting on the single cot that was in the cell, but they exchanged a knowing look. Brooke watched as Alvarez walked over to the cell and unlocked it. Slowly both girls stood up and walked out. Alvarez moved behind them, undid the cuffs and then , placing a hand in between their shoulders he pushed both girls simultaneously towards the centre of the room. Towards the mattress. Wallace walked over to them grinning, sucking on his beer can and loosening his tie. He looked down at both of them and then told them what to do. Brooke looked shocked...incredulous. She looked at Alvarez and Rosewell and then back to Wallace.

"You can't be serious! I'm not going to...We're not... You can't do this? I want a lawyer. Now. I'm going to tell..." Wallace reached out at grabbed hold of Brooke's chin. Squeezing. Silencing her mid flow. She brought both hands up to his forearm. It was huge...thick...hard. Had Evie wanted to, she could have simply kicked the man in the balls, but she wasn't Evie. And Brooke didn't think f things like that. And so she stood, whimpering, squirming a little as Walace lifted her just a couple of inches, holding tight to his forearm.

"This is my jail and I can do whatever I like. Downieville don't have no scum lawyers. Once you've been processed you'll get your call, but ain't no-one gonna believe two coke whores. Judge is just gonna laugh. So how about you be a good little girl..." He leaned close to Brooke. "...and do what your FUCKING TOLD!" He spat the last two words out. Brooke could smell the beer on his breath and felt specks of spittle hitting her face. When he let her go, Mikayla moved close to her friend.

"Brooke... " Kim was as much checking Evie was okay as Mikayla was checking Brooke. Kim saw the quick confirmatory glance from Evie. "Brooke...we...we're not gonna get out of here unless... "She looked up to Wallace. "Will you let us go if we... If we do what you want." Wallace took another drink. He looked like he was thinking about the answer.

"That's always a possibility sweetie." Mikayla looked back to Brooke. "See." She took Brooke's hand and then took a step towards the mattress. "It'll be just like at the Delta Kappa party." She gave Brooke a look that said "come on ... Please." Brooke looked at her then back at Wallace then around at the others again. They were sniggering.

"Yeah Brooke. Show us what happened at the... Delta kappa party." Alvarez' statement was think with sarcasm and he was already imagining what might have happened. Mikayla took another step and after a slight hesitation, Brooke took a step...and then both girls took another...and another. Slow. Brook reluctant but appearing to be giving in. They stepped onto the mattress. Mikayla moved close to Brooke and tentatively kissed her on the mouth. Softly. Brooke didn't respond. Both Kim and Evie knew that Kim knew exactly how to push Evie's buttons. They needed to do this no matter what they felt but both of them knew that it wouldn't be long before Evie... Brooke would be fully responsive to Kim's... Mikayla's actions.

It was the third kiss that Brooke responded to. She was stil looking around at the the camera but on the third occasion it was clear that she kissed Mikayla back...and then again...and again. Mikayla's hands moved to Brooke's waist ... Round to her ass. One hand slipped under the bak of her t-shirt. Mikayla pulled Brooke closer as she felt Brooke beginning to relax into what she was doing. It didn't take long before the three men were seeing two hot women making out right in front of them. The kissing was slow. Lots of tongues visible. Brooke was slowly succumbing to Mikayla. To her kisses and her touches.

"Jeez. These are the best two yet." Rosewell said.

Mikayla broke the kiss and quickly smoothly lifted Brooke's t-shirt over her head, tossing it off to one side. Then she pulled her own shirt off as she went back to kissing Brooke, the two of them now topless, still standing, their bodies moving against each other.
Wallace sat down at a desk still drinking his beer. His eyes focused on the two girls. Their performance during this show would tell Wallace if they were worthy enough to be sent to the county prison farm. While it was a real county prison and a real farm. It also served as Judge Jessup's private whorehouse. The party which he had thrown that same night was for his re election campaign fund. Really it was just Jessup's way of pimping out the girls and making money for himself. He never lost an election and no body ever ran against him. Still to make everything look legit. Jessup needed to have fund raising party's. His term as county judge which only lasted 4 years was coming to an end. He'd of course be running again on the November ballot and thanks to those who attended his party. Jessup's bank account would be fat again. The biggest donors got the best girls. Those girls who could earn a higher price. This is why Wallace was watching Brooke & Mikayla closely. He wanted to see which one of them could join that special group of top earners. It was possible they both would. The girls needed to show that they could make another girl cum. Only after Wallace was sure of that part would he & his men join in. Then they would see how the girls did with hard cocks. Most of those who attended Jessup's party's were men from outside the county. They were big money people from places like San Francisco, Reno and Las Vegas. A few were women who had money and enjoyed having sex with hot young college girls.

The county prison farm served Jessup in a number of ways. Not only was it his whorehouse, but Jessup made a lot of money selling the crops grown there to his powerful friends. The crops from the farm should have been used for the farm. It was okay to sell some of the farms crops, but that money should be used to make the prison a better place. Jessup used some of the money to pay the guards and staff while keeping the rest to line his pockets. The prisoners got very little from the money earned by their work on the farm. 75% of everything grown on the farm was shipped out to restaurants, hotels and big resorts. This number should have been lower. But Jessup ran things his own way. Jessup was by now a greedy man who had his sights set on bigger things.

The action was finally starting to get better. Wallace cracked open another beer. His men were sitting nearby drinking and watching the girls. The camera was set up to catch the best view as the girls made out. Wallace told the girls they needed to make each other cum. The guys wanted a good show. Alvarez added that they wanted hot an horny bitches! He followed that up with a belly laugh. So far Wallace was impressed with both Brooke & Mikayla. It did seem like Brooke was a slow starter, but that was to be expected since the situation she was forced into. It wasn't uncommon for some girls to react the way Brooke did after being thrust into a sexual scene. However Brooke didn't seem to need a beating in order to help her along. It was becoming clear that Mikayla could get her motor running. As the action was starting to heat up. Wallace let his right hand lay on his lap. He slowly started to rub his cock inside of his pants. Wallace like many men enjoyed seeing two hot girls making out with each other.
For Kim, this was just like old times. Giving a sexual performance in front of a group of men with a camera running. She had no problems with the role she had been given. She also knew that whilst Evie wasn't as comfortable doing this kind of thing, she could wind Evie up enough for her need to overcome any inhibition. In truth though in this particular instance it wouldn't look altogether wrong if Brooke was a little nervous. At the moment thought, Mikayla could feel her responding, feel the increasing hunger in the kisses. She lifted her right hand and placed it on Brooke's cheeks, let it stroke slowly down her neck, over her shoulder, onto her left breast. Her fingers played around the nipple as the two of them continued to kiss. Then Mikayla's hand moved lower. Joined by her left hand, she undid the button and zipper of Brooke's shorts and then slipped her right hand inside. Brooke moaned, moved a little and gave Mikayla's hand more room. The two girls kept kissing as Mikayla started to rub a Brooke's pussy, feeling it increasingly wet.

"Oh I bet you two are real popular on campus. What do you say Boss?" Alvarez said chuckling, barely taking his eyes off the girls.

"I think they probably walk around putting it out there... every bit the teasing sluts... but i doubt theyve ever had a real man who knows how to treat horny little whores. But dont you worry none ladies... we know how to treat you don't we boys." The others laughed and agreed, confirming Wallace's statement.

Brooke was moving her hips back and forth, moving against Mikayla's fingers. Evie was only partly conscious of the audience now; just like Kim expected. Her moans were coming louder, more desperate and it didn't take long before she was cumming. Mikayla broke the kiss and smiled and then withdrew her now wet fingers from between Brooke's legs. She smiled.

"Show them what they want Brooke... just like you did that night for those guys at the party." Mikayla wispered softly but loud enough for the men to hear. They were all imagining what might have happened whenever it was. She leaned in and kissed Brooke softly again then pulled back once more. "Kneel down... show them... you know what you need to do."

"Take the rest of your clothes off before you do anything else. Lets see all the merchandise." Both Mikayla and Brooke looked over to Wallace. It was a perfect picture for him; he wished he had a camera. Two sexy hot girls, stood naked from the waist up, sideways on to him, tits brushing against each other, both looking at him, both obviously horny. Mikayla was the first to move; she reached over and slide both of her hands down Brooke's back into the top of her shorts and then slide them down. Brooke swayed her ass a little. It took only a few seconds and her shorts were on the floor. She was stood in her walking boots and nothing else. Then Mikayla undid her own skirt and that too was soon on the floor.

"That's better...much better. Now... Brooke.... you were going to show us something?" Brooke stared at Wallace, then looked at Mikayla. She smiled and leaned in, kissed her again. "Kneel down and make me cum." Slowly Brooke moved onto her knees. Mikayla stroked her hair and then pulled her head towards her shaved mound. Within moments, Brooke was looking up at Mikayla as she worked her mouth and tongue at Mikayla's pussy. Rosewood refocused he camera. For him this was definitely the best yet... by a very long way. And he was going to enjoy fucking these two.
Each of the guys were already horny as hell. They did however have to follow the rules laid down by Judge Jessup. The filming of the girls was so Jessup could see how well new girls would do while having sex. What Brooke & Mikayla were going through now, happened to many others before them. If Wallace and his men caught a single female. She'd be fucked by each man. Later Jessup would set up some girl on girl action to see how well she did. There was no need for that now. Rosewell was getting all the action on his camera. Wallace leaned forward telling Mikayla to lay down and spread her legs wide. " We wanna see Brooke work her magic. " Wallace barked out the order like a director on a porno set. Mikayla held Brooke's head tightly against her pussy while she laid down. Her legs spreading wide while Rosewell focused in for a close up. The camera zoomed in on Brooke's face. It picked up how her tongue danced over and around Mikayla's clit. Mikayla's head dropped backwards on the floor. She was moaning & groaning. The pleasure was building up inside of Mikayla. " That's it Brooke!..........Make me cum!...........Just like that day we partied with Professor McWilliams. " Kim as Mikayla was talking about the night they shared with Tom & McWilliams in that hotel suite. " You remember how well Professor McWilliams fucked you?........How you enjoyed the way he used you? " Mikayla's words were meant for the guys listening as much as they were for Evie. This would make the sheriff & his men think they had a couple of real sluts on their hands. Mikayla's breathing soon started to get heavy. In minutes she screamed out Brooke's name while holding her friend's head tightly against her pussy. Kim always enjoyed cumming on Evie's face and in her mouth. Kim who had done hundreds of porn movies as Jenna Love. Laid back as a smile came over her face. Her eyes slowly closed. Evie had a very skilled tongue. She was just as good at licking pussy as she was sucking a cock. Mikayla opened her eyes to see Sheriff Wallace and his men standing around them. The men were already getting undressed. Mikayla spoke up about her friend Brooke loving a hard cock after eating pussy. " You'll see she's a willing little whore now. " Mikayla added as the men finished up stripping and join the girls on the mattress.

Alvarez loved hearing what Mikayla said about Brooke. He'd been wanting this honey since he first laid eyes on her. Alvarez reached down, grabbed a handful of Brooke's hair and pulled her to her knees. " Come on honey!.........Let's see if what Mikayla says about you is true. " Alvarez grinned down on Brooke as he spoke. Rosewell had moved over and joined Mikayla. Sheriff Wallace, now naked stood just in front and between where his men were starting to get it on with the girls. He'd watch the action for a few moments before he'd join in with Tiny. The men would double team this little rich cunt. Wallace smiled when he heard Alvarez slap Brooke acrossed the face and told her to keep her eyes looking up at him.
Evie was surprised when she heard Kim telling Wallace how she loved having hard cock after eating pussy. She through a questioning look at her, which of course didn't look at all out of place. It looked as if Brooke was simply saying 'what the hell did you tell them that for?' She wasnt going to deny the truth of what Kim said though. Her talking about McWilliams, about that weekend, had got her wound up and her body was aching a little for some attention from the men around her. But she was still looking at Kim... at Mikayla when she was suddenly grabbed by Alvarez. She squealed and almosttoppled over as she strugggled to move on her knees quickly enough. Alvarez tipped her head back and looked down at her. His cock was right in front of her. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes as the hard meat slipped into her mouth.

She quickly realized her mistake as she felt the slap across her face. Her eyes opened wide as her cheek stung. Alvarez groaned as he sank his dick into her mouth. "Fuck... if your daddy could see you now... she what a dirty little whore you are... that's wide... take your hand away... just use your mouth." Brooke looked up as Alvarez started to fuck her mouth steadily, the wet noises of his cock at the back of her throat echoing around the room a little.

"Here bitch... if you want something to do with your hands." Wallace stepped to her side, reached down and took hold of her hand and brought it to his hard cock. She immediately started stroking it, feeling it hard and thick and long in her hand.

"Come on bitch. Don't make me do all the work." Alvarez grabbed hold of her hair again and moved her head back and forth and then suddenly thrust forward whilst pulling her head firmly on to him. His cock sand ball deep into her throat. He held her there, felt her choking... but still he held her... seconds ticked by...saliva started to drip from her open mouth as she choked, tears running down her cheeks. Finally he pulled her off, laughing. Brooke was panting, gasping hard. Alvarez laughed. "You like that don't you honey." He tipped her head back again and leaned forward. "Ask to suck my cock... let me hear you ask for it." Catching her breath, swallowing, Brooke looked up.

"Please may I ... may I suck your cock again."

"Open wide." Brooke did as she was told. Alvarez spat into her mouth, once, twice, and then stood up and forced his cock back deep again.

"Oh the judge is gonna be real pleased with you honey... real pleased. You might be the best yet." Wallace said as he waited. A few moments longer and Alvarez pulled Brooke off his cock and moved her head towards Wallace. Brooke's mouth wasn't empty for long.

A few feet away, Rosewell getting ready to fuck Mikayla. "Your right about your friend being willing. She is a hungry fucking whore." Alvarez was already moving around behind Brooke. Wallace pulled her off and was about to move to his knees before he changed his mind. "Don't move bitch." He walked over to his desk and pulled his chair out. He wheeled it across the room and set it next to the mattress immediately in front of Brooke. He sat down, reached out and grabbed hold of her head and pulled her down onto him again. "That's better." Brooke was then practically on her hands and knees and perfectly positioned for Alvarez. He ran his hand between her legs, roughly rubbing her pussy.

"She's fucking dripping wet." Wallace looked down at her. "Are you in need of a cock honey... coz you're about to get one." He pulled her head off of him. "Are you ready... does my little rich bitch want a thick hard cock to fuck you." When she didn't answer him immediately, he slapped her face. "Are you ready?"

"Yes... please... I... I want to get fucked.... i want a cock inside me" Even Wallace was surprised by what her heard. They were all surprised and Alvarez was more than willing to accommodate her. He moved around, positioned himself and then slammed his cock deep into her tight wet cunt. Brooke squealed, the sound muffled by the cock in her throat. Wallace and Alvarez laughed out loud.

"Oh she fucking likes that alright."
Wallace was wishing that they had busted these girls a few days ago. They would have been hits at Judge Jessup's re election party. Wallace looked over seeing that Rosewell was getting his dick sucked by Mikayla. Kim being the old pro in the porn business knew what to do. She worked over Rosewell like no one else had before. Wallace looked back at Brooke who was doing equally a good job on his cock. Evie may not have the porn background, but she worked a dick like a pro. The common about Brooke made Mikayla look towards where her friend was now getting double teamed. Mikayla removed Rosewell's cock from her mouth long enough to say that Brooke had been a spoiled bitch when they first met. This was in keeping with Brooke's rich girl image. Mikayla claimed to have brought Brooke's inner slut out of her. Hearing Mikayla's words made Wallace think. It was obvious that Brooke could be hesitant at the beginning. While this would be fun for some, it could lead to a customer damaging their goods. Only Wallace, Jessup, Alvarez, or Rosewell could hurt one of the girls. These men could do so without leaving lasting marks. Wallace decided that for certain customers, Mikayla & Brooke would work as a team. " You'll be making us a lot of money baby.......You and your friend over there. " Wallace said while stroking his hand over Brooke's head. Alvarez was slamming her pussy hard. His thrusts were making Brooke deep throat Wallace each time. Brooke's chin was meeting the sheriff's balls. Wallace didn't have to work. He just sat there and enjoyed the action.
Brooke...Evie was as ever in these situations lost in what she was doing. She sucked and slurped and choked on Wallace's cock as she enjoyed ever stroke of Alvarez's cock driving into her. She heard Kim's voice talking about her as a slut. She remembered the various times with Jenna in the movies and at the parties. She remembered the times with Tom...with McWilliams. Evie was enjoying the cock driving into her; she was enjoying the cock pushing into her mouth

"She doesn't ...look like the spoilt ... little rich bitch now... She looks and sounds a fucking whore" Alvarez said. His groans were becoming louder, his grunts quicker particularly when he felt her cunt squeezing around him. It didn't take long before he was unloading inside her. Then Wallace knew it was his turn, but he was comfortable and had no intention of getting up.

"Come on bitch. Get up. My turn." Holding her hair he pulled her off her knees before letting her go and allowing her to stand up. He then gabbed hold of her hips and turned her round.

"Look over there honey. Look at the camera. Let the lens see this tight body. That's right.... Now come here." He pulled her back. She straddled him, inched backwards and then felt Wallace pulling her down. He guided his cock into her. Both of then groaned. "Now fuck yourself on my cock...ride me bitch... Let the camera see you bouncing on my cock." Brooke began to move, steadily to start with but then quicker. Her tits bounced as she rode up and down on his cock, squeezing herself around it, enjoying it, savouring it.
While Evie as Brooke was taking on Wallace. Alvarez went over to where Rosewell was fucking Mikayla. He told Mikayla to clean his cock which Kim did without question. This was like reliving her days as a porn star. It did remind her of a scene she and another girl once did. It was a movie about two girls who are traveling and get busted with pot. Like Evie & Kim, the two girls were soon involved with pleasing the cops who busted them. Unlike Evie & Kim, the two girls weren't undercover cops. It wasn't long before Alvarez was hard and ready for more. He & Rosewell then double teamed Mikayla. Alvarez fucked her ass while Rosewell fucked her pussy. This was nothing new for Kim. She rather enjoyed having two cocks fucking her in this manner. From their past party's, Kim knew that Evie also enjoyed being fucked this way. Right now, Kim could see that Evie was really getting into Wallace's big fat cock. The sounds Evie was making were brought on by pure pleasure. Kim silently said to Evie, "You go girl." These men were obviously crooked, but there was no reason why Evie & Kim couldn't enjoy the fuck feast. They were undercover and it was expected that sex would be part of their work. As always, Tom would understand since he felt Evie's sexual appetite made her even better undercover. No one would very expect a cop to let themselves be used in a sexual way. At the start of this case, like in others. Tom pulled Evie aside and told her to do whatever she had too.

Wallace sat there while Brooke's hot body was moving up and down on his cock. She was in full view of the camera. It caught every move Brooke made. " Perhaps we should send a copy of this to your rich daddy?.........I'm sure he'd love to see his darling little girl acting like such a dirty little slut. " Wallace said while laughing. He then snaked his right hand around Brooke's body. It then dropped down between her legs. Wallace quickly found Brooke's swollen clit. His thick fingers started teasing it while he told her to cum with him. Evie's tight cunt was bring Wallace closer and closer to his climax. He decided that it would be fun if he made her cum at the same time. Kim looked on as Evie continued to fuck Wallace. The sight of her closest friend fucking Wallace with such passion made her orgasm. Evie was without a doubt the best undercover cop the LAPD had.
Rosewell laughed at the idea of letting her daddy see Brooke fucking Wallace.

"I bet his cock would get real hard." Wallace joined in the laughing. He grabbed Brooke's hair and pulled her head bak a little. "Maybe that's right honey... Daddy finding out what his little girl is... Getting hard seeing what his little girl does."

"He...he already thinks...I'm a...slut...hates how....I dress...hates my...boyfriends...says I ...have too many." Brooke spoke in a broken sentence as she rode Wallace's thick hard cock, her own hands caressing over her tits and abdomen. It felt good... And she wasn't thinking about the camera particularly. As Wallace wrapped his arm around her, she moved hers out of the way, resting her hands on the strong solid forearms. As his fingers found her lit, she squealed. Her back arched and she writhed a little more excitedly in his lap.

"That's it honey... Fuck me good.... Look at the camera honey...keep looking at it...keep riding my dick and cum for me bitch." Brooke did as she was told, his fingers and cock driving her wild. Suddenly she squealed and her body shook as the climax racked through her. A second later Wallace exploded inside her. The two of them were locked together, groaning and grunting. When he had satisfied himself, he pushed Brooke off him with enough force to put her down onto the mattress. He looked at Mikalya and waved a finger at her.

"Come clean your friend off my cock." He looked back to Brooke and pointed to his friends. "You go do the same for my men." The two girls passed each other and were soon cleaning cocks with their mouths.
Once Brooke & Mikayla cleaned the cocks of Wallace and his men. They were allowed to dress and returned to their cell. The two undercover officers would have to sleep together on the same cot in each other's arms. After morning came, breakfast was delivered by Rosewell who told them that they'd be facing Judge Jessup at the courthouse later that morning. Rosewell gave them a laugh as he walked away. He knew that they'd soon be heading for the county prison farm. Life there was hard on the inmates. Harder then anything Evie faced the last time she went undercover in a prison. The girls would get a private meeting with Judge Jessup at his home just outside of Downieville. This would take place after he'd had the chance to view their movie and they had some time behind bars. Sheriff Wallace started his day by going over wanted posters looking for someone who looked like the big man at the diner. He found nothing, yet still had that feeling he'd seen him somewhere. Wallace felt that this man must have been through town once before. It seemed like the best reason why he was so familiar.

Tom & James returned to their camp site after leaving the town. They got the impression that getting information wouldn't be easy. Very few people spoke with them even when they openly greeted them. Tom felt their best chance at the diner was a young woman named Jill Saunders who worked there as a waitress. She seemed to take a liking to James while they were there last night. Tom & James would continue their search for people who could give out information when they returned to Downieville later that day for supplies. During the night, Tom & James talked about Evie & Kim. They both felt that the girls were most likely in custody by now. Tom expected that Evie would be a target for sex and he expected her to give up her body in order to complete their mission. He figured that Evie would be timid st first, but Tom knew how Evie's body worked. Tom knew that her walls would break down and she'd willingly give in. He was sure that Evie was getting pleasure from the sex even if she disliked the men giving it to her.
Evie and Kim slept lightly. The cot wasnt the most comfortable and they were constantly in view of Alvarez or Rosewell. Wallace had left after he had gotten his satisfaction from the girls. Evie was a little surprised that they were left alone for the night but perhaps after they'd done the video for Jessup they were instructions not to touch the merchandise. In the morning, they got to take a wash under the watchful, leering eye of Rosewell and then they both ate breakfast sitting on the cot. When Walkace came in, he looked them over, grinned and told them that he hoped they'd slept well and commented that they'd both kept him company all night in his dreams.

It was Rosewell who came to get them to go to the court. He walked into the cell and cuffed each of them, hands in front. Then he stood back and looked them both up and down for a moment.

"Oh the judge is gonna love you two."

"We haven't done anything wrong. This is ridiculous." Brooke said. Rosewell took his step forward. "You're whores. And this town don't like whores. And we found more than 8oz of coke in your possession. I'd say you'd done plenty wrong. Now move." Brooke and Kim both walked out to the car. They were driven the short distance to the courthouse, taken in a side door and then then led through the corridors until the were brought through into the court itself. The room was predominantly dark wood... Chairs, benches, the jury box, where the judge sat, panels in the walls. Dark reddish wood, a rich red carpet. The judges chair was well worn oxblood red leather. The lawyers chairs were the same although not as grand. The room was empty as they were led to a ale in front of the judge's bench. Rosewell pointed at where they needed to sit.

And so they waited in silence for the judge.
The door opened behind the Judge's bench. Sheriff Wallace stepped into the courtroom. He called out that everyone should rise. As the word left his mouth, Judge Paul Jessup walked in. He climbed up behind his bench and sat down in his seat. The gavel banged loudly as Jessup called the court to order. Besides Evie & Kim, the only other people in the courtroom were Wallace, Jessup, Rosewell and Alvarez. Judge Jessup opened a file laying in front of him. He adjusted his glasses a little then gave out a few humms. Jessup opened a second file after the first and read over that one. This was nothing more then an open and shut case. Jessup & Wallace both came to Downievelle at the same time. Back in their younger days, these men were small time crooks. They had been lucky enough to not get busted for the things they did. However, the two men always wanted more. They found their gold mine after reaching Downievelle. It wasn't hard to muscle their way into power and a few pay offs to the right people kept them in power.

Jessup was the oldest of the group. He was in his late 50's, standing 5'7" and weighting 205 lbs. Jessup was more soft around the middle then the others. Although Alvarez certainly wasn't fit by LAPD standards. Jessup had very little dark hair left. Most of his hair was gray by now. Jessup wasn't the most attractive man in the world. But even an unattractive man with power could still nail hot women. Jessup called upon Sheriff Wallace to testify first. Wallace told how his men received a report of a wild party in the room Brooke & Mikayla rented. Sheriff Wallace showed Jessup a piece of paper which was the police report. Wallace said the motel manager was the one who made the complaint. This of course was a lie, but no one in this courtroom other then Brooke & Mikayla cared about the truth. Wallace went on to say how Deputy Rosewell found cocaine in one of the suitcases. Wallace added that Deputy Rosewell was verbally and physically attacked by Mikayla Mendez. It was also stated that Wallace had to used force to stop her attack.

Mikayla jumped to her feet and yelled out that everything the sheriff said was a lie! Jessup pounded his gavel and told Mikayla to sit down and shut the hell up! After the sheriff was done telling his lies, Deputy Rosewell took the stand and spun a tall tail. He told the same story that Wallace had just said. Next up was Alvarez who also said the same as Rosewell & Wallace. It was like these men were reading their words from cue cards. Jessup then asked if the girls had anything to say in their defense? In all honesty it didn't matter what Brooke & Mikayla said. They were already looked upon as being guilty. It would seem in this courtroom, people were guilty from the start. In any normal courtroom people were innocent until proven guilty of a crime.
Both girls objected where they could; it wasn't that they thought their objections would be taken notice of but they had to make a show of it. Sitting there meekly and accepting what was being said would not have been what any of the girls before would have done and for Evie and Kim they had to avoid arousing any suspicions. They were both pretty sure of the outcome so everything was for show. BUt then this was every bit the show trial... ticking boxes ... making things look good.... or at least sufficient to get the girls where the cops and the judge wanted them. WHen the verdict was handed down, it was certainly not unexpected and of course it was exactly what Kim and Evie needed to happen. What was going to happen next however was not quite so certain. Prison yes... but what exactly did that mean? How was the farm linked into all of this? No doubt there would both find out soon. The smug look on every face around the room gave them both an indication that it wasn't going to be good.
As the trail went on, the video of what happened at the jail was shown. Not everything, but enough for Jessup to see these girls in action. Evie watched herself fucking Wallace. Everyone heard her begging for cocks like a dirty whore. A charge of prostitution was slapped on both Brooke & Mikayla just because Judge Jessup wanted it there. Kim leaned over and whispered to Evie that this was a kangaroo court. A place that made a mockery out of justice. Jessup brought the court to order. He told Brooke & Mikayla to rise which they did. Jessup sentenced them to 10 years at the county prison farm. He then told Deputies Alvarez & Rosewell to take the girls away. They would transport them to the farm which was only a few miles east of Downieville. Brooke & Mikayla were led away and out of the courtroom. Wallace handed Jessup the copy of the movie which was shown a short time ago. Jessup smiled, he would have a pleasant time view this in full detail later. The two men talked about what Jessup was planning. He had another party in the works. This one was for some rich business men which Jessup wanted to impress. Some were coming in from outside the country. Jessup was looking at starting a bottling plant which would sell mountain spring water. This water would really be coming from a tap and not a mountain spring. Jessup would be supplying girls from the prison for this party. There was a damn good chance that Brooke & Mikayla's named would be on that list.

The Sierra County prison farm was large. It's fields surrounded the main part of the prison. The prison had three chain linked fences around it to keep the ladies inside. Jessup paid the guards who were all female well enough to keep them happy. The prison had 8 guard towers with at least two guards manning them at all times. The main building featured the offices, the prison infirmary, the dinning area and supply rooms. It was at the front of four other builds which looked like army barracks. These four buildings were where the prisoners stayed. Currently there were 12 women in building A, B and C. Building D where Brooke & Mikayla would call home had only 6 other women. Each building had bunks where the women would sleep. These bunks were stacked one on another so two women could share an area. Breakfast was served at 5 am. The women were expected to be in the fields by 6 am. Some would be taken to where the animals were kept. Their job was to take care of the animals. Little of what was grown here, or raised here was used in the prison. Most of it went was sold to other places. Jessup used the money to pay his people and the rest went into his pocket. Only the worst of the crops and the leftovers from the meat sales were used at the prison. The prisoners all knew that the food here wasn't fit for humans to eat. Many got sick and some even died. Yet they still ate the food since it was all they had.

Alvarez & Rosewell dropped the girls off at the main building. A mean looking Sergeant met them at the front doors. She hustled them inside where they were told to strip and hit the showers. A couple of other female guards kept watch while the girls showered. It was then off to the supply area where they were issued clothing. Brooke & Mikayla were then marched to Building D. Most of the women were out in the fields. Only a few who were on cleaning duty were around.
As the video played, Evie felt somewhat distant from it; she remembered 'being there' but there was also something unreal about it; something which made it feel that she was watching someone else. She had felt similar at the post-movie party at Mason's place; her movie playing on the TV screens which were all over the place in his house. That seemed like a lifetime ago. How many times had she been fucked since then in the name of the job? Kim's whisper about the Kangaroo court brought her back to the moment; Evie gave a slight nod. Kangaroo court or not though, neither of them expected a 10 year sentence. The surprise which both of them showed - jumping up and both volcalizing that disbelief - was entirely genuine. They were still calling out about what a disgrace it was, and how it was completely wrong, and immoral and unjust when Alvarez and Rosewell took hold of them... Alvarez taking Evie and Rosewell taking Kim, both of them half dragging the women out of the courtroom. Both of them were manhandled into the back of a police cruiser with the deputies climbing in the front.

It only took about 20 minutes for the car to pull up at the prison. As they were aided out of the car, both girls looked around, tried to get a quick and very basic lay of the land. They could see very little of the place in truth and their attention was quickly diverted to the Sergeant who was waiting for them at the door of the main building. At this point they said nothing. Neither of them were playing the crying border-line hysterical female; instead they played the quiet, stunned, in-shock type. Doing as they were told. Looking somewhat stunned and surprised. Saying nothing. Once they were showered and changed into blue pants and white t-shirts, they were handed a basic 'pack' of supplies; a towel, a washcloth, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste. The walked quietly to their new home conscious that they were being watched almost the entire way there. New blood... fresh meat. Probably both.
A young woman walked out from the restrooms/shower area of building D. She was pretty, around 20 years of age with auburn hair tied back in a pony tail. She was pushing a mop & bucket, but stopped after seeing the new people. The girl was surprised by the sight of two new inmates. She left the mop & bucket along the wall before walking towards Brooke & Mikayla. " Uhmmm.......Hi.......I'm Renee......Renee Holden. " Renee introduced herself while holding out her right hand. " Welcome to Hell.....Or the nearest thing on Earth. " Renee added while trying to smile. But her smile faded quickly since she was speaking the truth. Renee figured that these two were like many here. Young women who were picked up on false charges. Rammed through this county's so called justice system and dropped here. After getting introductions out of the way. The girls got down to talking over their new home. Renee told the newcomers that this prison was run by Captain Lana Kohler. Her right hand is Sergeant Diane Henley who Brooke & Mikayla saw coming in. Renee sighed while shaking her head before telling Brooke & Mikayla that this place was the worlds biggest whorehouse. She said that Judge Jessup uses the inmates as private whores for his parties. Renee talked about the party last night for a group of wealthy businessmen Jessup was trying to get money from. She had been at that party last night.

Renee was a college girl who just happened to break down in this town. She was on her way from her hometown of Elko, Nevada to San Francisco where she would have attended college. Renee never made it out of town. She was brought up on drug & prostitution charges and sent here. Renee told how she was forced into sex with Sheriff Wallace and his men. She also said how Judge Jessup forced her into sex. That was all in the first few days. It wasn't long before Jessup was pimping her out at his parties. Renee said she'd been here over a year now. There was no escape. Prisoners get shot for trying to escape. Some have starved themselves to death. They are allowed to die. Renee said that everything looks legit to the outside world because Jessup, Wallace and their people keep things looking and acting normal. " No one ever get's out of this place........They'll keep us here until we can't earn any money for them......Once we're to old or so sick we can't work.......They'll just kill us.......I've seen them execute inmates.......A new girl was shot last week because she became ill and couldn't work. " Renee walked over to a window which looked out over the farm. She pointed to an area which was barren. Renee said that a large number of women were buried there. She said that most families of those here don't know about this place. They're led to believe that their daughters have runaway, or that they are missing. Renee admitted to hearing rumors that a few families wrote to the Governor for action. But she then said that it was doubtful anyone would come to help them. A few minutes later, the main door opened and the 5 other woman started walking in. They were dirty and sweaty from working the fields. A dark haired girl named Leann stopped after seeing the newbies. Leann was tough looking. her shirt had been tied up just under her breasts. It sweet was glistening off of her bronzed colored skin. " Well......It looks like we got a couple of new skanks! " Leann rested her arm on her bunk while staring at Brooke & Mikayla.
Evie and Kim both turned as someone walked out of the bathroom. Both of them relaxed a little and smiled as she introduced herself. They did likewise and there was a somewhat stilted exchange of handshakes. She walked over to a small cupboard that was at one end of the room; inside were plastic bottles of water. She pulled out three returned to where Evie and Kim were stood. She told them it was just tap water... "Nothing fancy. But about the freshest thing you'll find around here." The three of them sat themselves down on nearby beds and Renee told them about where they had ended up. Every so often, Evie and Kim exchanged a knowing look; everything fitted with what the Governor had told Tom. The deaths were an unexpected twist, but then no-one could be allowed to leave. Everything made sense. Now they just had to get enough evidence to close it down.

Then the outside door opened. One woman followed by another, and another, and two more filed in. They were all engaged in their own conversations, conversations which came to a stop when they saw the newcomers. Evie couldn't help but smirk a little at being called a skank. The speaker seemed to have the attitude which suggested that she was in charge. Evie looked at Kim. In that simple exchange, Evie effectively asked Kim if she wanted to take her own. Kim's silent response was for Evie to go ahead. Certainly neither one of them was going to finish up under foot here. Neither wanted to be in charge, but they weren't going to let anyone walk all over them. Evie stood up and smiled.

"Hey. My name's Brooke. This is Mikayla." She saw Leann look her up and down. Brooke held out her hand. Leann looked at it, looked back up and then around to the girls who were behind her. Evie had been here before, but this time was going to be different. When Leann didn't take her hand, Brooke smirked, shrugged and waved her hand a little before withdrawing it. Brooke smiled.

"Look. I'm not here to threaten you or whatever it is you have going on with your little friends. But I'm not going to let you walk all over me either. So... you want to do this... " Brooke stood up a little straighter and prepared herself. She guessed that if anything was going to happen it was Leann who would want to assert herself. If she took Leann down quickly without any fuss it would make those behind her nervous. If they all moved together, then Evie might have a little difficulty but she knew Kim would step in and the two of them would take out the five no problem. Brooke lifted her hand and waved Leann forward with a couple of flicks of her fingers. "... let's get it done and then we can start planning on how the fuck we get out of here."
Leann was surprised when Brooke stood up and started talking back. She hadn't been looking for a fight. Leann was being bitchy to the newcomers because she was currently one of the longest serving inmates. Life inside this hell hole had hardened Leann to the point where manners were lost. Leann however wouldn't back down from a fight ether. She glared at Brooke for a long moment. Just as Leann was making a move to strike Brooke, another girl from behind grabbed her hand. This girl had dirty blonde hair. She was about the same height as Evie, but leaner. It was easy to see that a good meal was hard to find in this place. " Don't be such a stupid cunt Leann! " The blonde said in disgust. She then looked at Brooke. " Honey......The only way out of here is death......You and your friend are sex slaves now. " Her response was straight forward and very true. She introduced herself as Sally Mae, who just happened to be a local girl. " And this little ray of sunshine is Leann.......Please forgive her lack of manners......Leann has been here almost 8 years........There's very few here who've been her longer then she has. " Sally Mae said while letting go of Leann, then reaching out to take Brooke's hand.

Over the next 15 minutes or so, Sally told how she came here. Sally was a local girl who got on the wrong side of Deputy Alvarez. 2 years ago, Alvarez decided he wanted Sally. She however didn't want him and refused to have sex with him.. This didn't matter to Alvarez. It did however piss him off. Sally like another girl before her was raped in full view of many who lived in Downieville. Alvarez then busted her for prostitution. Sally was sent here to keep her family quiet. Her sister Cindy works at the same coffee shop/diner that Evie & Kim visited. In fact, Sally's sister had taken a liking to James when he & Tom showed up. Leann listened as Sally told her story. She had heard it more times then she could remember, but it reminded her that they were all in the same boat. Leann told Brooke that she was sorry for acting like a major bitch. She leaned her head against a bunk and sighed. Leann said that she was from San Diego. She was driving near the town of Downieville when her car blew a tire. Leann waited and waited until a cop car came upon her. She thought everything would be alright. Leann told how Wallace forced her into sex in the backseat of her own car. After which he claimed to have found drugs. " The son of a bitch raped me!........Then planted drugs in my car! " Leann's voice was filled with anger as she balled up her fist and slammed it off the metal edge of the bunk. She went on to say how she fought Wallace and his men which only brought Jessup down harder on her. Leann looked at Brooke and said she was given 25 years in this hell.

Tom & James drove into town that morning. They had no idea where Evie & Kim were. Both believed that the girls were most likely at the prison farm by now. Neither of the men could dream of the hell their follow officers, family, friends and lover had been put in. The guys set about buying supplies for their stay. Once in town, Tom suggested that they stop by that diner so James could work on getting closer to that waitress named Cindy. James agreed that they could stop there for lunch before heading back. It did seem like the best way to find an allie in town. Tom knew that if they could find one person who could give them details, this case would crack wide open. They needed witnesses who would stand up against Jessup & Wallace. Tell everyone the real story that was being hidden under this town's sleepy peaceful life. Still Tom knew that it wouldn't be easy to find people willing to stick their neck's out for strangers. Tom & James came out from the store. They placed boxes and bags filled with food into the jeep. Tom noticed two deputies watching them. Earlier that morning, Wallace told Alvarez & Rosewell to watch these guys carefully. The deputies followed the strangers around town and finally ended up at the diner just after 1 pm. Alvarez radioed to the sheriff everything that was going on. Wallace came up with an idea. He told Alvarez to get some of the locals to run those two out of town. Alvarez knew that normally the locals were friendly with out of towners. However, to keep their women safe, they'd do whatever Sheriff Wallace wanted.
Evie steadied herself... ready for the first assault... She was reasonably confident that whether the woman decided to lash out with hands or feet she would be able to parry her assault and then immediately go on the attack herself. As it happened none of it was necessary. As the blonde grabbed hold of the brunette's arm, Evie slowly let our the breath she was holding and relaxed... just a little. Evie could see Kim's stance ease at the same time. As Sally Mae introduced herself and then Leann, Evie nodded a silent hello. Then she introduced herself and Mikayla. The atmosphere in the room seemed to soften a little and most of the girls who had walked in and who were stood behind Sally Mae and Leann moved away to their own beds and sat down. But everyone was watching Sally Mae, listening to what she was saying, remembering their own tales. Sally Mae and Leann sat down on the bed next to where Evie and Kim were; they all sat down facing each other. When Sally Mae was done Leann told her tale. At the end Evie smiled. She held out her hand.

"I guess if I'd been here for 8 years, I'm sure I'd have my moments too. I'm sorry." Evie wanted to tell them that they were there to help; tell them that with a little luck, pretty soon they would all be getting out of that hell. But she knew she couldn't. Any one of the girls could use the information to buy their own way out... and who could blame them for that. No. At the moment, Evie and Kim needed to stay in their roles. Leann looked down at the hand that was offered to her, hesitated for a moment and then took it, shaking it. She smiled, nodded. "So how come you two are here?" Kim told them the events of the events since they had gotten into the town. Evie piped in every now and then, adding a little detail here and there.

"I guess its the same story as you guys... just a few variations here and there. So... what happens now. Do we all stay here until a dinner rings or something?"
Sally Mae filled Brooke & Mikayla in on how things ran here. She explained that what those in power here called dinner would be served soon. Sally called it shit which was being kind. She said that it wasn't good enough to even be called slop. 5 day old leftovers from some dive would be better then what the prisoners were fed. Leann tapped Sally on the shoulder and said they should hit the showers. Sally just nodded and told Brooke & Mikayla they'd be back. She then added that they could always join the fun in the shower? Sally said that with a smile. It was one of the very few smiles that came from her. The girls who had worked outside started stripping off their clothing. There was no need for shyness here. Sally stood naked in front of Brooke. She reached down placing her hand gently under Brooke's chin. " If you two join us......I'll make sure you both enjoy your shower. " Sally gave Brooke a wink before letting go of her chin. She then walked away swinging her hips from side to side. Kim watched as Sally walked away. She then looked at Evie and asked if they should go?

Tom & James had just loaded the jeep with supplies and made it the diner. Outside waiting for them was four men. These men were locals who were sent to run them off by Sheriff Wallace. One of the men told Tom & James that life would be safer for them if they left town and didn't come back. Tom & James just looked at each other for a moment. James spoke up saying that they liked it around here and that they may even stay longer then first planned. " Look!......Asshole!......We don't like strangers hanging around!.......You two had better get out now before you get hurt! " While the man spoke, he used his finger to poke James in the chest. " That was damn unfriendly. " Tom said while looking at James. In turn James replied that it was unfriendly. He then grabbed the man's hand and twisted his wrist until the man dropped to his knees groaning from the pain. A second man threw a punch at James, but his blow was blocked by Tom. The fight was on after James let the first man go. Soon bodies were flying all over the place. Alvarez who was watching from just down the street shook his head. The fight was over when the four men who were sent by Wallace now laid groaning on the ground. Tom & James stood above them looking down. They shook hands and jumped into the jeep. Alvarez couldn't believe how easily these two just beat four other guys, but he saw it with his own eyes. Tom & James entered the diner as people inside were just sitting back down. They had watched the fight which happened just outside. Cindy came up bring a pot of coffee with her. She smiled at James while filling his cup. Cindy remarked about how brave James looked. Tom looked up at Cindy and asked how he looked? She slightly turned her head and said. " Oh......You were okay. " Cindy quickly returned her gaze towards James. Once Cindy left James who looked very happy with himself just laughed. " I was brave looking and you were okay. " James said, he was very pleased with himself. Tom felt out of place. This hadn't happened to him before. Normally the woman were hitting on Tom. Perhaps he was just getting to old for that? Tom told James that now was a good time to ask Cindy out. She seemed like their best bet to find someone from this town who could help them with information. Plus it seemed like Cindy had the hots for James. So it shouldn't be to hard for James to get info out of her.
Evie looked up at Kim and then at the back of Sally as she walked through to the showers. "Nothing to say we can't have a little fun and it would make it look like we were being friendly." Kim said softly. She reached out her hand. "Come on... you can make a new friend." Evie smirked a little and then stood up. Both of them got undressed and they walked through with the rest of the girls. As they walked over to where Sally Mae was stood under the shower of hot water, already soaping her own body, Sally Mae smiled. "Jessup is definitely going to want to introduce you two to his friends; you're gonna be in big demand at his little parties, I guarantee it." As Brooke moved under the shower head next to Sally Mae and Mikayla next to Leann, Sally Mae reached out and began to draw the soap over Brooke's body. After the events of the previous evening, her touch felt good and it didn't take long before the women were making out. The showers didn't last long though and in truth they ended a little too quickly for Evie. Maybe that was exactly what Sally Mae had intended.

Twenty minutes later, the girls all headed out to a separate building. A long single-storey building set to one side, separate from the main blocks. As they approached, the smell of food became obvious. It wasn't possible to determine exactly what the smell was. Sally Mae warned them not to get their hopes up. The room inside was nothing really except tables and chairs but for two long benches set at one end. Great steaming vats were set on them and there were women behind already serving some of the girls who had arrived before them. They fell into a queue, picking up a tray and then a bowl as they moved along. When they finally got to being served, Evie looked in horror at the lumpy liquid that was spooned into her dish. She looked at the woman serving it who just looked back blankly. Sally Mae was immediately in front of her. She picked up a chunk of stale bread and dropped it on Evie's tray. "I did warn you." They walked to a table. Sally Mae, Evie, Kim and Leann. Evie sat down and looked at Kim who had the same distasteful look on her face.

"This... what is it?"

"Its a vegetable broth... if you're unlucky, then somewhere in there you might find something that looks like meat... leave that on your plate." Kim picked up her spoon and tentatively dipped it in her bowl and then tasted it. She put the spoon down quickly.

"Listen. You need to get used to it. Otherwise you're gonna starve. Tomorrow they'll start you working... probably in the fields with us. In the next couple of days, the judge 'll be here and then you're gonna have a hard night on your back and your knees... It might not have a lot of nutrition it, but its gone some." Evie picked up her spoon and forced herself to start eating. Kim did likewise. Silently, Evie hoped that it wasn't going to take Tom and James that long to find their way in.

Particularly following Cindy's clear attraction to James, the two men decided to stay and have dinner. James smiled through most of it with Cindy definitely favouring him; a bigger portion of meatloaf, a bigger piece of pie. The more it happened the more James sat smugly opposite Tom. "Don't worry old man." He leaned forward a little and spoke softly as Cindy walked away having filled James' coffee mug for the fourth time whilst completely ignoring Tom's empty one. "My sister is still completely besotted with you for some reason." Tom glared back. "Your sister has taste. And I promise you, that 'old' crack will be avenged... one day." James laughed again and sat back. He saw Cindy at the till and decided he had an opportunity maybe. "Hold on a minute." James eased himself out of the booth and went up to the counter. Tom watched him as he went. He saw him reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet and then engaging in what was obviously a light conversation with Cindy as he settled their bill. A few minutes later, James came back to the table.

"Why don't you take the truck back to the camp site. I'm going to walk Candy home and then I'll make my own way back to base.... Sooner or later." Tom looked back across at Candy and then at James. He shook his head and as James sat back down to wait until Candy finished her shift, Tom stood up. Silently, his look told James to be careful. James nodded. "See you later, old man." Tom left smiling, shaking his head.

It was the early hours by the time James made it back to the camp site. Tom was still waiting up, trying to read but in truth he was worried about his team. This wasn't his usual role - sitting around with the rest of them out doing the work. James hadn't managed to get much so far, but he was meeting Cindy again tomorrow. He knew there was a sister who had disappeared. He knew that a lot of the town were not fans of the local law enforcement but they were scared. Hopefully, he would find out some more tomorrow.

The next day worked out exactly as Sally Mae had promised. Brooke and Mikayla were sent into the fields to work with the rest of the girls from their block. It was still warm and it was hard work. Somehow though the girls were all managing to keep a spirit between them; they actually managed to have a laugh from time to time. Evie wondered how much this spirit was keeping them alive. The finished the day, went back to the block, showered, went for dinner and then it wasn't long before it was lights out. In some ways, Evie was grateful that she was so tired. But if this was the routine... day after day after day... Evie wasn't sure she would last 8 months let along 8 years.
3 long and very hot days had passed since Evie & Kim started working in the fields. It was clear that most of the good food was being shipped out and not used at the prison. Sally had told them that Jessup was lining his pockets with the money he made from the food grown at the prison farm. Jessup was living in high style while the prisoners lived in condition only seen in third world countries. The only chance for real food was at Jessup's parties. Word had gone around that another party was in the works. It would take place a few days from now. Sally figured that Brooke & Mikayla would be joining Leann, Renee, a couple of others and herself. On the day of these parties, the girls who were hand picked from the pictures taken of them after entering the prison would be given slutty clothes to wear. They'd get showered and have the chance to get made up. The girls would be taken to Jessup's house in a prison van. Once there the girls were expected to put out for whoever was attending Jessup's function. Things started to become worse when Kim got sick. Kim had a fever and couldn't keep anything down. Sally although not a doctor believed Mikayla had food poisoning. While the prison had a so called hospital, it had no doctor. There was a guard who had been trained in first aid. Sally told Brooke that there was little hope Mikayla would live. When Brooke went to Sergeant Henley and said Mikayla needed a real doctor. Brooke's request was met with a nightstick to her stomach. The sergeant looked at Mikayla announced that she was faking and ordered her back to work. Gathering what strength she had left. Kim did as she was told. Brooke and the other girls helped out Mikayla when they could. But it was clear that she wouldn't live to see Jessup's party.

During that same time, James was making headway with Cindy. He learned more about her sister named Sally and how she ended up in prison. Tom & James were starting to get a better picture of this town. The fourth day had started and Kim's condition was getting worse. Sadly for Evie there was no way she could get near a phone to use that emergency number. Tom & James had gone to town for breakfast that morning. While passing the town's only gas station, they spotted a black limo. This was an odd sight for this town. Tom decided that he & James should keep an eye on it. They parked just down the street and watched. James almost jumped out of the jeep when he saw Terry Russo coming out of the station's restroom. The limo pulled out once Terry Russo was back inside. It headed out of town with Tom & James on their tails. It didn't take long to find out that the limo was going to Jessup's house. Cindy had told James where Jessup lived. Tom & James followed the limo until it pulled into the driveway which led to Jessup's place. They stashed the jeep and moved in on foot. Tom & James watched as Tim & Terry Russo walked into Jessup's large home. In time Sheriff Wallace and his men arrived.
Evie came back seeing Henley, walking but only just. If she didn’t have a broken rib she was sure it was cracked. But right now that was the least of her worries. Kim was dying and there was nothing she could do about it. James and Tom were a few miles away but she had no way of getting word to them and she had nothing in the cellblock which was going to help her. Water was it and flushing as much of it as possible through Kim’s system was the only plan she had, even though Kim was struggling to keep much of it down. She stepped back into the block, her left arm wrapped around her own middle. Sally came over to her as soon as she walked in, the question of whether she had gotten anywhere evident on her face. Evie shook her head and then winced. A look of concern appeared on Sally’s face.

“I’m fine. Henley’s refusal was… a little more on the physical side rather than just the verbal. How is she?”

“No change.”

Evie walked over to where Kim was lying. “Hey.” She eased herself down onto the chair next to her bed. “How you doing?” She picked up a bottle of water that was set on the side. “You think you can try some more of this?” Kim shook her head a little. She looked grey, washed out covered in a light perspiration. She was exhausted from the poisoning and her body’s efforts to fight off whatever it was that had invaded her system. Evie told Kim what Henley had said. Kim smiled weakly. “Guess I’d better… get to… work then huh?” Evie turned to the rest of the girls and told them to go on. No need that they all finish up late. “I’ll stay with Mikayla. Help her out there.” One by one the girls filed out of the block, leaving Kim and Evie on their own. Evie looked at Kim.

“Maybe I should just tell them who we are. We might be able to get you some help then?”

“Yeah… and maybe… that’ll just give… them the excuse to… kill us quick. You can’t … tell them. You have to… to get everyone… else out of… here.”

“I’m not going to do it by letting you…”

“Yeah… you are. And don’t tell me… that you wouldn’t be…. saying exactly the same… if you were lying here.” Evie stared at her. She was probably right. “Kim. We’re on our own. I can’t get to a phone. I can’t call Tom or James…”

“Then we’re just gonna… have to wait ….until they work things…. out and get themselves out here… Now help me up.”

It was another long warm day. Evie didn’t do much; she spent most of her time with Kim, making sure that she was at least staying upright. The other girls covered as much as they could, and in truth the guards weren’t that observant. As long as crops were being harvested, sorted, processed, they were happy. Evie couldn’t help but whether the conditions on some of the better plantations 150 years ago. When the day finally ended, Evie finished up practically carrying Kim back to the block and getting her back into bed. The girls got some cool water, and Evie managed to wipe down her arms and neck and face. If Tom didn’t turn up soon then she had know choice but to risk giving up their cover. What was their cover really doing now anyway? They’d just finished up being taken out of the game. Put into the same position that they people they were trying to find and rescue were in. Evie sat down next to Kim again. Kim was barely conscious and Evie was exhausted and her ribs ached. She had to think of something.


Jessup’s house was pretty impressive. It must have covered a good few acres and was itself set in a few more acres, surrounded by trees and high stonewalls. There was a long drive way with tall black metal gates at the end. Tom and James watched the gates open and then close behind the limo. They watched the two brothers climb out and head for the main doors, disappearing inside. Tom decided that he didn’t want to lose the Ruso boys. He pulled out the cellphone hidden under the passenger seat just in case anyone decided to give the car not much more than a superficial search. Tom punched a few numbers and got hold of CHP. He identified himself and then passed on the details, the address and asking for backup. Finishing the call, he told James that it might be a while before CHP get out here.

“Lets just see what happens. There’s been no emergency call from Evie or Kim so they must be coping at least.”

“We hope. I’d love to know what’s going on in there. What would a judge and a sheriff be doing passing the time with two mid level hoods from the City?” James wasn’t really expecting an answer; it was a rhetorical question and one that Tom wished he knew the answer to.


Inside the house, Jessup and Wallace welcomed Terry and Tim. They shared some dinner and some of the finest scotch that Jessup could find. After dinner over the scotch and Cuban cigars, Jessup started to talk about the deal he wanted to do. He talked about the party he was about to have and he invited both men. Both of them were keen and even more so when Jessup said that they could pick their company… that he had what he called his own stable of very willing girls. Jessup gave Wallace the signal and Wallace brought the photographs; photographs taken of each of the girls as they were admitted to the prison. Terry and Tim worked through them, one page at a time, each page hold four pictures. And then they came to pictures they recognized but not a whores. No. Cops. Jessup and Wallace were both dumbstruck and ultimately were more concerned with their own troubles and the potential of what they might be about to lose, rather than the fact that the Ruso brothers were on their way out of town. When they had left, Jessup was in a fury. He berated Wallace and Alvarez, cursing them both for bringing those two whores into the middle of their operation. And then he decided that there was only one option. Ultimately he told them that they needed to clean up their mess. He wanted the two cops at the prison dead. Before the night was through. They both left the house quickly, neither of them noticing what should have been a familiar jeep parked on the opposite side of the road as they pulled out of the drive.


Tom and James sat in the car for about an hour before they saw the Russo brothers exiting the house in something of a hurry.

“Well that was quicker than I expected.” James said

“Yeah. And they don’t look happy.” Tom watched as the two men got back into the limo and the car quickly exited, the gate only just opening in time for them. The tyres squealed a little as it turned out of the drive, onto the main road and then sped away. But the attention of both men was quickly drawn back to house. Now two more men came out of the main door. Now it was Wallace and Alvarez who exited and climbed into their own car. They followed the same route as the limo until they reached the end of the road and then they turned left, whilst the limo had turned right. Tom shook his head. He reached out and patted James on the arm.

“Come on. Let’s go and pay the judge a visit. I think it’s about time we started to find out what’s going on here. CHP can’t be that far away now.“


It wasn't quite lights out but dusk had almost set in. Suddenly there was a lot of noise. Evie looked up from Kim's bedside and the rest of the girls were suddenly restless. The outside lights had all been put on and the grounds immediately around the prison buildings were all fully lit. A police siren could be heard in the distance getting ever closer.

"What the hell...?" Evie asked to no-one in particular. Sally shook her head.

"Someone is about to get raided." She saw the look on Evie's face, the question. "Something's happened. They think someone is breaking ... has broken the rules... has something they shouldn't... Last time we had this, we'd strung up a still... we were each keeping a handful of potatoes everyday... its amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it." Evie was only partly listening. Somehow she knew they were coming for her and Kim.

"There coming here. There coming for me and Mikayla." She exchanged looks, her mind racing. There was no need for her to keep their cover now. One way or another it was about to come to an end; the only question was who was coming to end it? And how?

"Listen to me. I'm a cop." At that moment every head in the room turned to look at her. "We both are. Your families... they're worried... some of them had contacted the Governor. He brought us in... my team. That's either the other half of the team coming to get us out... to get us all out... or... or its Jessup and Wallace coming for me and Mikayla. Kim. I'm Detective Evie Taylor." The room was silent and the police sirens were getting louder.

"You're a cop?" Leann stepped forwards, towards Evie. Evie nodded and stared back. "You put yourself in here... to get us out?" Evie nodded again. "Look, if this is Wallace, there's no need for you guys to get caught up in this." Leann was still staring back at her and then she smiled. "Im glad Sally stopped me from throwing a punch at you." She looked around the room. "We pretty much stand together in here. It's the only way anybody survives. We'll take on whatever comes through that door."
The Russo Brothers never expected to find the pictures of cops inside Jessup's book of whores. But on the last page the faces of Evie & Kim stared at them. Terry Russo would never forget Evie's face. How could anyone forget the woman who almost ripped his arm off? Back when Evie was still working the streets in uniform, she busted Terry Russo. He made the mistake of trying to get rough with her. Evie didn't have the MMA training in those days, but she could still handle any street thug. " What kinda game are you trying to pull here Jessup!? " Terry yelled out as he tossed the book back at Jessup. The Russo's were thinking now that Jessup was trying to set them up. Tim pointed out that the girls on the last page were cops! And not just any cops, but members of the MCU. The letters MCU struck terror deep with in the Russo's. Neither man spoke again. They just ran like their lives depended on it. Jessup was left in shock. He couldn't believe Wallace was so careless to let a couple of cops slip through. The room was silent after the Russo fled. Wallace broke the silence when he snapped his fingers. " I know who that big guy is! " Wallace said which brought all eyes on him. " His name is Reed.......He's a cop from Los Angeles. " Jessup slammed his fist down hard on the table and screamed out he didn't care! " LA cops can't hurt us! " Jessup yelled back. Wallace then told Jessup that these weren't normal LA cops. They had the same powers as the CHP. Jessup thought for a moment. If these cops had the powers of the CHP, then they must be working for the Governor. Jessup remembered a few weeks ago when those state investigators came to town. They had to throw a muzzle over the whole town to make sure no one talked. It was obvious now that someone said something.

" I want you and Alvarez to go clean up your mess!.......Take care of those bitches at the prison!......When their friends come looking for them I want them to find corpses! " Jessup screamed out his orders to Wallace. The Sheriff and Alvarez left for the prison while Jessup & Rosewell would start packing. Jessup knew they could no longer stay here. It wasn't safe, not with the cops hanging around. They'd have to leave and find some other small town to terrorize. Jessup told Rosewell to grab all the cash & jewels. Rosewell grabbed a black leather bag from a closet and started to fill it with money & jewels from the Judge's wall safe. Jessup was emptying out his desk drawers. He was planning to torch his house which would destroy any evidence against him. This plan was brought to a halt when Tom & James entered the room. Tom yelled for Jessup & Rosewell to through up their hands! Deputy Rosewell decided against that and reached for his weapon. Tom saw the deputy's pistol being pulled. Without moving his eyes, Tom swung his Desert Eagle around. Aimed at Rosewell and fired. The billet from Tom's pistol struck Rosewell's gun ripping from his hand. Tom returned his aim at Jessup.

James moved up to where the deputy stood now holding his hand. " You don't know how lucky you are.......Normally he just shoots people....Not their weapons. " James said to the stunned deputy. He spun Rosewell around and slapped the cuffs on him. James looked down into the bag which Rosewell dropped on the floor. He commented on there being at least a million dollars worth of jewels in that case. It was all high end stuff, nothing cheap. Tom guessed that the judge and his people were into other things they didn't know about yet. He walked up to the smug looking judge and pushed him face down on the desk. Tom asked where Wallace and the other goon were going? Jessup told Tom he could go to hell! Tom pressed the barrel of his Desert Eagle against Jessup face. " Since you'll be going there first you can save me a spot! " Tom snarled out as he pulled back the hammer on his weapon. The click made James take a step towards Tom. He was worried that Tom would over step that line. Jessup however wanted to live. He told Tom that Wallace & Alvarez were heading for the prison to take care of the cops there. Tom let Jessup up off the desk as CHP officers came into the room. Jessup & Rosewell were turned over to the CHP. Tom told the sergeant who was in charge of the scene that he & James were taking his car. He also told him about the two undercover officers at the prison and that they needed backup. Tom & James pulled out from Jessup's house with lights and siren going. The sergeant radioed for more units to head for the county prison.

Wallace & Alvarez arrived at the prison. The guards at the gate them through. The sheriff's car went around the main building and parked near Building D. The two men climbed from their car and walked towards the building. One of the girls inside building D had placed a chair under the door handle. This kept Wallace & Alvarez from getting inside right away. Alvarez however kicked the door open. He then strolled inside with a cocky look on his face. Wallace followed just behind his burly deputy. The two men stopped in their tracks after seeing a group of women standing between them and where the two cops were. Wallace ordered the women to stand aside! The women didn't move. Suddenly Wallace pulled his pistol and shot at the floor. He expected that this would make these bitches run. But each woman stood her ground. Renee said that if Wallace wanted Brooke & Mikayla. They had to go through them first. Wallace then shot Renee. She fell to the floor, but instead of running, the other women attacked. They grabbed stools, hair brushes, brooms, whatever they could. Another gun shot rang out and another girl named Dee Dee dropped to the floor. The sound of sirens again filled the air. Wallace & Alvarez looked at each other after the remaining girls backed off. These sirens were meant for Wallace & Alvarez and everyone knew it this time.

Wallace & Alvarez left Building D heading for their car. They stopped long enough to watch a black n white CHP cruiser smash through the front gate. Six more CHP cars came screaming in behind the first. Tom & James leaped from the first car almost before it stopped. " DROP IT WALLACE! " Tom yelled out and to James's surprise, Wallace did drop his weapon. CHP officers rushed up and placed Wallace & Alvarez under arrest. Tom & James rushed into building D. Their eyes first saw the two women laying on the floor not far from the door. It didn't take much searching to find Evie. James yelled for the CHP officers to get some ambulances here on the double! Tom ran over to where Evie stood. He wrapped his arms around her and asked if she was alright. It was clear that Evie was in some pain from a rib injury, but Kim was really in a bad state. Tom using his cell phone called the CHP dispatcher for a helicopter.
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