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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Just as Evie was leaving Tom's office, his phone rang. It was Nell Jones the Intelligence Analyst with the NCIS Field office in Los Angeles. She had some important news for Tom. After Travis & his men had been taken into custody. Everything they had was gone over with a fine toothed comb. James had the LAPD crime lab go over the suspects cell phones. One number came up which the LAPD couldn't identify. James decided to ask the NCIS team for a favor. He sent the number over to their office so Neil & Eric could have a go at it. The phone wasn't registered to anyone, but the phone was tractable. Neil & Eric pinged the phone and got it's location. Tom was told that whoever owned the phone had it on. Neil then told Tom the phone was located at the KABC television station. While Neil was speaking, Ton thumb through the reports from the last few days. He found the report which James wrote about the number. The number in question was found on Travis's cell phone and the phone which was taken from Billy Mathews. The call to Billy's phone came just minutes before the MCU arrived at his apartment. It was pretty obvious that someone at KABC called Billy to warn him about the cops.

Tom asked Neil to send that number to his cell phone. He thanked her for the help before hanging up. Tom yelled out for Evie as he stood up. He grabbed his coat and bolted from his office. " Come on.....We're taking a ride. " Tom said as he head straight for the door. Moments later, Tom & Evie were in the unmarked police car heading for KABC. Tom told Evie what Neil had told him. " Someone at KABC was helping Travis......We find that phone and we'll find whoever was helping Travis. " Soon Ton brought his car to a stop in front of the KABC station. " This is L 90.......Show us code 6 at the KABC Studio.......And roll two back up units to this location. " Tom said into the police radio mic before getting out of the car. He told Evie that once they were inside. They could track the phone to it's location. Once there they would just call that number and see who answers. Tom & Evie walked into the station. They were stopped briefly by security, but after flashing their badges, they were aloud to proceed. Using Tom's phone, they tracked the other phone into the news room. Tom & Evie stood near the main doors looking at over a sea of desks. A dozen or so reports were there working at computers, or just talking with other staff members. Tom then dialed the number. He & Evie looked around the room after a cell phone started going off. Almost at the same time they spotted a man with his back to them lift a cell phone to his ear. " This is McBride. " Is what came from the speaker of Tom's cell phone. " Mister McBride......This is Lieutenant Reed of the MCU.......Please raise your hands because you are under arrest. " McBride dropped his phone like it was on fire. He slowly turned until his eyes caught sight of Tom & Evie standing at the door. McBride inched his hand into a desk drawer and pulled out a pistol. He then raised the weapon and fired twice. Tom & Evie took cover from the shots. McBride took off running for a fire exit. " He's running!.....Cut him off! " Tom said to Evie as he stood up and gave chase. McBride went through the fire door and started towards an outside exit. He turned long enough to fire a couple more shots at Tom who just came through the same door. Tom returned fire as McBride reached the outer door. Just outside was the rear parking lot where McBride kept his car. He was hoping for a quick getaway.
Evie pulled her weapon out of the bottom drawer in her desk and pulled her jacket off the back of the chair. She followed Tom quickly down the stairs and into the car. At least he was out of the office although he didn't have much choice unless he was prepared to let Evie go chase down a lead on her own. She listened while Tom explained what Nell told him. Nodded. They both knew that McBride worked at KABC but neither mentioned his name.

A few minutes later she followed Tom into the building and up the stairs. She looked around the newsroom as Tom dialled the number, heard McBride's voice on the phone at about the same time as she saw him. When Tom called at her to cut him off, Evie followed Tom's orders and headed off at a run back out of the room. She was thinking as she ran; she didn't know the building and once McBride was out of sight she had no idea where he might be going and so little idea about where she needed to run to "cut him off". He'd disappeared out of the newsroom using a fire escape. Chances are that would lead to a fire door which led outside. She headed back out of the front door, turned left and headed for the side alley. She was lucky...there was nothing but luck in the fact that as she entered the alley, a door burst open and McBride almost fell through. Evie raised the Glock, pointed it at McBride and smiled. She had no doubt that Tom was going to be steps behind him. McBride came to a halt as he saw Evie and Evie just shook her head, silently telling him that he had nowhere to go.
Just as Evie had expected, Tom was right behind McBride. He appeared as McBride was realizing there'd be no escape. McBride dropped his weapon to ground. Tom grabbed a hold of his shirt and pushed McBride against the wall of the building next door. " Okay McBride........Hands on the wall......Feet back and spread'em. Tom then searched McBride for other weapons. He found none and stepped back. Tom then asked Evie to do the honors. " Book'em Evie. " Tom was smiling as he spoke. It had been the first time he'd smiled in days. Tom had wanted Evie to cuff McBride and read him his rights. She had suffered much because of McBride's news reports. Over the years a number of police officers had felt McBride's sting. None more so then Tom Reed & the Taylor family. They had become McBride's favorite targets which Evie found out after joining the police force. Tom was nothing more then a gun gunslinger who's parentage was questionable at best. McBride enjoy painting Tom as a cold blooded killer who notched his pistol as if he lived in the old west. The Taylor family was treated no better and in most cases they were treated worse. Jack was painted as some type of kingpin cop who was looking to line his pockets. Steve & James were flunkies who's job was to see their family made money by strong arming poor innocent crooks. Tom was added into the mix as the Taylor family's hired gun. Once Evie was in the picture, McBride put his sights on her.

Evie had been on the streets for less then a year when McBride found out who she was. That didn't stop him from beginning his own crusade against her. McBride painted the LAPD as Jack's personal criminal army and Evie become queen of the whores. Using carefully chosen words, McBride painted Evie as the biggest whore in the city. Using her body and good looks to further her career. He'd dance around calling Evie such names, but after hearing his reports. There was no mistaking that McBride believed Evie was a total slut. Spreading her legs for any high ranking officer who would help advance her through the ranks. While there had been times when Evie allowed criminals to use her. She did this undercover and for the good of the case. Evie certainly enjoyed how those men treated her. However, none of those men would have touched her if she had been working undercover to bring them down. Early on, Tom protected Evie's reputation when she was having sex. He'd always leave out certain details. The night they were out to catch the Boulevard Killer. Tom told Evie to stay undercover no matter what. He knew it was possible that the killer could be watching. Had Evie turned down an offer of sex. The killer would have seen this and then figured out Evie was a cop. This led to Evie having sex with Lewis in the alley for money. Since the MCU was formed, it was expected that members of the team would have to break some laws to get what they needed. Everyone on the team was protected by special order 36 signed by the Governor. This order was an immunity for prosecution. Now if Evie, or Kim went undercover as prostitutes again. They could work freely to gather evidence & information.

This arrest was just what Tom need to get his blood pumping again. He stood back and let Evie have some fun. Evie certainly seemed to enjoy this arrest. It was probably her most satisfying arrest in recent years if not her entire career. It was a case of sweet revenge for all those years of painting Evie as the new Whore of Babylon. McBride who was handed off to uniformed officers after being cuffed. Had hoped to one day bed Evie just to find out if all those rumors he paid for were true. McBride wasn't blind. He knew Evie was a good looking woman with a great body. McBride would have taken a lot of pleasure from using that body. He would still have his dreams. As McBride was being led away, Tom put and arm around Evie. They headed back into the tv station to retrieve the cell phone from McBride's desk. Tom said that they had a lot to talk about. He suggested that after writing up their reports, they head back to the boat for an intimate evening. It would be a chance to clear the air and share a bottle of Evie's favorite wine.
Evie pulled her cuffs out of her back pocket as she moved in place of Tom. She was glad to see him smile and in some respects if this particular arrest didn’t having him smiling then nothing would. Evie reached up, cuffed McBride’s left wrist and then brought it down and behind his back. Then she reached for his right and brought that down too.

‘I’m going to be real gentle with you Mr. McBride. We don’t want you feeling like you’re being mistreated at all do we? And we need you to be looking your best to go in front of all your associates who are almost certainly going to be waiting when we arrive at the police station. No way are we going to be able to keep this arrest quiet.” She pulled him off the wall and turned him around and started walking him to the front where the car was parked.

“Just think. For the first time in your career, there are going to be dozens of cops who will be really pleased to see you and really happy to talk to the press. I know how much you approve of that kind of openness.”

The two of them headed back to the station. On the way, Evie called her Dad and let him know who was on the way in and why. Jack then made sure that there was a large welcoming reception headed up by himself, Steve, James, and every news organization Jack could contact in the time it took for them to arrive. When Evie and Tom had put McBride through booking and seen him securely placed in a cell, they both did the paperwork they needed to do and then headed back to the boat in their own cars. Evie had left about thirty minutes ahead of Tom and she called in at their favorite Chinese place on the way picking up a range of cartons of food. When she got home, the laid the table, set the still hot cartons of food out and then she went and took a quick shower. As she came back up the stairs, barefoot, wearing a VS vest and a pair of PJ bottoms, and walked onto the main deck as Tom was talking his jacket off and looking into the cartons. Evie didn’t say anything. She walked up to Tom and smiled and then maneuvered him into the chair. As he sat down, she sat astride him in his lap. Still saying nothing she leaned in and kissed him softly on the mouth, her hand softly caressing at his neck and cheek. And then from where she was sat, she reached over to the table and picked up a carton a food and a pair of chopsticks. She opened the carton and expertly brought a piece of Kung Pow chicken out of the carton and offered it to Tom, holding it just in front of his mouth. Once he had taken it from the chopsticks, she brought out a second piece out and took it herself chewing on it slowly, watching Tom, waiting for him to be ready for the next. One piece after another, she fed him and in between she took her own.
The two ate in silence just enjoying the food and each other’s company. After about twenty minutes, Evie put the second carton back down on the table. Then she leaned in once again and kissed Tom on the mouth.

“Hungry for anything else?”

Tom smiled and then suddenly stood up, lifting Evie up as he did. Shortly after than they were down stairs in bed.
Tom had plenty of time to think while Evie was feeding him and herself. Everything she had done showed Tom how foolish he had been. Deep down his was ashamed to every think that Evie didn't want him. She wasn't one to hide her feelings. Had Evie not wanted Tom any longer, she would have told him. Evie certainly showed Tom how much she wanted him. During dinner, while she was feeding Tom. Evie would grind herself on his lap. She knew how to push Tom's buttons. By the time dinner was over. Tom was hungry for a lot more, but his hunger wouldn't be satisfied until they were down below. He carried Evie into the boat and down to their bedroom. Evie wrapped her legs around Tom during the trip. They kissed each step of the way. The kissing stopped when they reached the bedroom. Within seconds Tom & Evie were naked and laying in bed. Their night of lust & passion started softly with kissing as they fondled each other. It didn't take long before Tom was fucking Evie just the way she liked. They fucked like wild dogs all night long. Evie was Tom's bitch. She would always be that and she'd always be in heat for him. They fucked for hours, doing one position after another. Tom slammed Evie's cunt without mercy. He then fucked her tight ass. After dumping his load in her ass, Evie willing clean her man's cock. 10 minutes later, after a short smoke break, they started fucking all over again.

Hours later, Evie was laying in Tom's arms. It was here that he confessed the doubts he had. Evie assured Tom that the team needed him. They worked so well together because Tom had hand picked them. They all knew each other so it only stood to reason that they'd work well. Tom knew all of this. It was just that he sat so long behind his desk. His mind had time to think up crazy stuff which wasn't true. Once Tom's doubts were put to rest, he reminded Evie of a few things. Tom told Evie that she always had a place by his side. Her place was just as important as Alyssa's place was. Tom didn't want Evie to ever think she was in the way. Because she wasn't. In their own way, Tom, Evie & Alyssa were a small family which was part of a larger one. He also reminded her that this boat was her home now. It was every bit her's as it was his. By the end of the evening, Tom & Evie felt better about everything. They had cleared the air between them and Tom felt great again. McBride's arrest was just what Tom needed to get his fire started again.

The next day Tom returned to hid duties and to the streets. News of McBride's arrest the night before was everywhere. Steve had McBride's mugshot blown up and framed with the words "Canceled by the MCU" acrossed the bottom. This picture was hanging in the MCU squad room by the time Tom & Evie arrived that morning. During the day many officers who felt McBride's sting, stopped by to thank the members of the MCU. One visitor that day was Captain MacDonald. He not only came to thanks the MCU team, but to remind Tom & Evie they still had their uniformed duty still to do. Mac gave them the choice of doing another night time Halloween patrol, or they could have a day time patrol. Tom & Evie looked at each other for a moment. As they looked back at Mac, the couple spoke with one voice when they said day time. Tom & Evie never spoke openly about the ghost at the end of their shift last year. It would be their secret. Mac told Tom & Evie that they could do their shift on Friday morning. After that, they would be on vacation. That's just what Tom wanted to hear. Once Friday's work day was over. Tom & Evie would pack their bags and head for Hawaii.

For the rest of the week, Tom & Evie finished up any out standing paperwork. James & Kim would handle anything that popped up while Tom & Evie were away. Jack & Steve would fill in if extra help was needed. Friday finally came. Tom & Evie arrived at the Central Station carrying their uniforms in suit bags. They parted each entering the separate locker rooms. After dressing, they joined back up in the hall. Tom & Evie walked down to the briefing room where the shifts get their daily information before hitting the streets. As Evie walked along the hallway towards the briefing room. Whistles and wolf calls could be heard. It was a well known fact that Evie made the standard blue uniform look damn good. The fabric hugged her body in all the right places. The usual teasing started when they entered the briefing room. This always happened when detectives wore their blues and joined the beat cops for a day. Once the briefing was over, Tom told Evie to sign out a shotgun while he signed out a car. Tom went the garage duty officer and signed out their unit for the day. He picked up the log book, keys and two books of tickets, One for him and one for Evie. Soon Evie joined Tom carrying the 12 gauge and a box's of shells. They entered the garage and headed for their unit. While walking acrossed the garages, one of the mechanics yelled out. " Hey baby!?......Do fries come with that shake!? "

Tom reached the car placing the books down. He turned towards Evie giving her a grin. She stopped to make a comment before joining Tom at the car. He reminded her how she made that uniform look good. They did the safety check & put everything way before Tom tossed Evie the keys. " Alright partner......Let's roll. " Tom said before grabbing the mic. " This is 1 Adam 30......Starting day watch.....Clear. " Tom hung the mic back up as Evie pulled out of the garage.
Evie never understood the logic of a day back in uniform. Why did someone think that detectives didn't remember what it was like on the streets? And if they had, why would anyone think that a day back in uniform would make them remember? Why did someone think it made them better cops? Evie thought it was a con; son easy way to put a handful of cops back on the street in their blues without having to pay for new cops. Despite what she thought though, she treated it seriously. There was a respect for the uniform and for those who wore it. She tucked her dark blue shirt into the top of her pants and then secured her belt over the top. She slotted the Glock into the belt. Not where she preferred it but having it placed there didn't diminish her speed. She straightened her name badge, picked up her cap and then headed out to face the barrage of sexist comment. There was nothing she could do about it and she had learnt almost from her first day in the force that objecting to it made it worse. It was a simple fact of life that women either got used to or they left. After that she sat through the briefing with the uniform officers having their fun throughout. Evie forced the smile to stay on her face but it all just made her wonder even more what the point of these days were.

After the briefing she followed Tom!/ instructions and checked out the shotgun. The comment made on her return to the car reminded her of one of the first things a detective had said to her on maybe her second or third say as a detective... Just over a year ago. Something's were never going to change. Five minutes later she pulled the car out of the garage.
The department always said the reason for having their detectives dawn their old uniforms and hit the streets, was so the detectives wouldn't forget where they came from. It also gave wondering eyes the chance to see if those detectives still had their full uniforms. Years ago, it was decided to run a check on uniforms which detectives no longer wore. During that check it was found many were missing items such as proper shoes, hats, belts, name tags, nightsticks and even shits & pants. From that point on the department said that all detectives, no matter their rank would serve one day back in uniform. That's how it all started. Tom knew that now it was just a chance to get more people out on patrol without hiring new people. Evie pretty much had it pegged right. Everyday the am & pm shifts would get a few people added on to help with the work load. Tom saw it as their duty to help out. Plus it was only one day out of the year. And it wasn't so bad being back on the streets doing a patrol. It was better then being stuck behind a desk all day long.

It was a slow start to the day. About an hour into their patrol, Tom asked Evie to pull over and they'd get some coffee at the food stand ahead. Tom of course added that he'd buy. Evie pulled over a few feet beyond the food stand. This stand was a run by a man named Harry. It was a favorite stop for many people walking through the area. Harry's food stand was stationed just south of MacArthur Park Lake. A long the south west side of the park it's self on South Alvarado Street. " Hey! Lieutenant Reed and Sergeant Taylor........I see it's uniform day again. " Harry greeted Tom & Evie as they walked up. Tom just laughed as he laid a $5 down and asked for a couple coffees to go. Harry just started to pour the coffee when an older woman came running acrossed the park. " OFFICERS!!.....OFFICERS!! " The woman screamed out while waving her hands in the air. Tom turned as the woman reached them. She was frantic and hard to understand. Tom calmed the woman down so she could tell them what was going on. The lady said a couple of teenagers, a boy & girl. Were riding in a boat on the lake. The boat tipped over and the teens went in, but they didn't come back up. Tom told Evie to head for the lake. He was going to call dispatch for paramedics then join her. Tom ran for the car. He reached in telling dispatch that they needed paramedics and an ambulance at their location for a possibly drowning. Once the dispatcher rogered his call, Tom headed towards the lake at a full run.
Evie pulled the car into the curb and then walked with Tom over to the stand where Harry having already seen them was already pouring steaming coffee for them. There seemed to be few cops who didn't know Harry's...cops eventually got to know most of the good stands in the City as it was where they typically got their lunch and then coffees throughout the day. It had been one of Evie's training officer's favourite so much so that she almost expected to see John Cooper standing there. mcArthur Park itself was also very well known yo most LA cops. Drugs, gangs, fake IDs for sale... A near riot in 2007 which had not made the cops look good. Various attempts over the decades to clean the place up had not been entirely successful but it was so much better than it had been.

Evie was about to pick up her drink when the older woman called out and then approached them. Evie and Tom were both patient as the woman tried to get out what she wanted to say. As she mentioned the lake and the boat, Evie casually looked over her shoulder towards the lake and then back. When finally the report was done Evie turned and started to run before Tom had finished instructing her. As she got to the edge of the lake she unclipped her belt and kicked off her shoes and then as quick as she could she waded into the water and then began to swim across to where the boat had gone over and was floating upturned on the top. Looking around she could see nothing, no evidence of anything except the upturned boat. She took a deep breath. Exhaled. Then a second. Exhaled. Then a third which she held before diving under the water.
The two teens after being thrown into the water had gotten tangled in the weeds growing from the bottom. This is where Evie would find them. By the time Tom arrived at the lake, Evie had already gone under. Tom removed his belt & shoes then joined her. As Tom swam out to the overturned boat, Evie appeared with the girl. Tom took the girl from Evie and headed for land. After reaching the shore, Tom carried the girl up and laid her down. Evie had gone back under to get the boy. Tom checked for a pulse, the girl had none. He started CPR just as the first rescue unit arrived. The paramedics rushed over freeing Tom from his work. Evie was bring in the second victim which Tom helped to bring on shore. They then started CPR on the teen boy until a second paramedic squad arrived on scene. Tom & Evie were sitting on a concrete landing as the paramedics did their jobs. Soon both teens were coughing and breathing on their own. Tom looked over at Evie with a smile. He brushed back some of her water hair which was hanging over her face. " Hell of a way to start the day. " Tom gave Evie a wink before rising to his feet. Harry appeared with the coffee, handing Tom & Evie their cups. People who gathered around to watch what was going on started to applaud the officers. It was a simple gesture, but one which was much appreciated. Tom reached down, picked up his belt and shoes. He suggested that they head for the boat and change into their extra uniforms. After getting dry clothing, they would return to patrol duty.
Evie wasn't a big fan of swimming. She could swim. She could swim very well. But she wasn't a fan. Running on a beach. Working out in a gym. The MMA. Definitely more her preference. Perhaps it was summer vacations being thrown in lakes and pools by bigger brothers. Perhaps it was near drownings as games got a little out of hand. But those same events had made being a strong swimmer something of a necessity. Evie reached the girl fairly quickly and pulled her free in equal haste. As she headed back to the surface her mind was already on needing to get back to get the guy. Handing the girl over gave her the chance to take a few well needed deep breaths before going back under for the second teenager. In truth, from something which looked a tragedy, it was quickly a good news story. Both victims were pulled out and almost immediately professional help was there. The paramedics then equally quickly got both breathing again, loaded into the ambulance and on their way to be formally checked out at a nearby ER. In all probability, both would be released later that day or in the morning if a cautious ER doc wanted to make sure there were no side effects.

Evie smiled and shrugged at Tom's comments and then took the still hot coffee from Harry with a 'Thanks'. They stood, looking somewhat ridiculous, clothes dripping, soaked to the skin except for shoes which were about to be soaked as soon as they slipped their socked feet back into them.

"If we get in the car, we're going to be sitting in damp seats all day. Tom walked back to the car and popped the trunk. Seconds later he emerged with two police issue rain coats. He opened the passenger door and laid the coat inside down on the seat so that the waterproofed exterior was what he would sit on. Evie smiled and took the second coat as he held it out.

"Good thinking Batman!"

A few minutes later, Evie was driving back to king harbour, increasingly keen to get out of the wet clothes.
MacArthur park was in Tom & Evie's patrol area for the day. The rescue of the two teens wouldn't be the last time they'd be stopping there. After returning to the boat where wet uniforms were changed for dryer ones. Tom & Evie went back out on patrol. It seemed like the day would be a long one. Other units were getting calls while Tom & Evie continued to drive around. They took the time to talk about what sights they wanted to see while on vacation in Hawaii. It would be the first time either had visited the Islands. Tom wanted to see Pearl Harbor. His Grandfather served aboard the USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) as a young Lieutenant fresh out of the Naval Academy. Tyler Thomas Reed was there on December 7th 1941 when America was thrust into World War II. None of this was new to Evie. She had been around the Reed family long enough to know of their history. The two traded comments on sights to see until the dispatcher called out their unit number. " 1 Adam 30........1 Adam 30......A 415.......Domestic disturbance.......1..3..2..0 Magnolia Avenue.....1 Adam 30 handle code 2. " Tom rogered the called while Evie started towards that address. The 415 calls can sometimes be the most dangerous calls police officers answer. You never know whats going to happen. Neighbors met Tom & Evie as they pulled up. Yelling could be heard coming from a tan & brown house. Inside a man & woman were screaming at each other. The next door neighbors said that the fighting had been going on for almost two hours. Tom thanked them and said they would handle it. He stepped out from the car onto the sidewalk. Tom reached down pulling his nightstick from the rake on the inside door of the car. He slipped the nightstick into his belt while waiting for Evie to join him. They walked together towards the house. Tom opened the gate just as a bowling ball crashed threw the front window. Tom & Evie dropped down pulling their weapons. The yelling started again. Tom & Evie placed their pistols back into the holsters before walking up onto the porch. Evie opened the screen door while Tom used his fist to pound on the inside door. " Open the door!.......LAPD! " The sound made by Tom's fist and his voice caused the yelling inside to stop. A man appeared at the door asking what the trouble was? Tom gave Evie that you've got to be kidding me look. The man standing there had a black eye and yet acted like nothing was happening. " My partner and I would like to talk with you about the noise. " The man looked from Tom to Evie then gave a sigh. He moved away from the door letting them in.
Evie was looking forward to Hawaii. She hadn't told Tom but she had already booked the hotel. With Alyssa paying rent and Tom refusing nothing for Evie staying with him now on the boat, Evie had decided to spend some of the money she was saving. She had booked them both into the Royal Hawaiian on Oahu.. ocean view room. She was looking forward to just the two of them spending some time together. Seeing the sights for sure, but spending time just having fun and having nothing to do with police work. Chin had told her a few places they needed to check out and had made her promise that she would call him as soon as they had settled themselves in the hotel. He would make sure that they were properly looked after. She told him about Tom wanting to surf but how it wasn't really her thing. If the beach was good to run on then she would be happy. He told her that she should check out the Koko Head stairs, said he was sure that McGarrett would take her up there if she wanted some exercise, although the last person he took up there had nearly broken her ankle. Sam had sent her a text telling her that she needed to check out another set of stairs. "Haiku Stairs? Does that sound about right? Said its a pretty good workout." she had said to Chin who had just started laughing in response.

"Is you friend Sam insane?" Evie had hesitated for a moment and then shrugged. "He's a Navy a seal so... pretty much yeah. Why?"

"A Seal huh? Yeah... McGarrett is probably the only person I know who would think that the Haiku Stairs was a good workout. It was installed in the 40s by the Navy... I guess that's why Seals have such an affinity towards it. Koko Head stairs is about 1100 steps. Haiku isn't called the Stairway to Heaven for nothing. Just short of 4000." Evie had laughed and decided that that might be a little too much. Sitting in the car now talking through the conversation with Tom, she thought maybe she could have a look at it anyway. "Otherwise, Sam will never let me forget it."

On hearing the radio call, Evie turned the car around and headed to the location. Domestic disturbances were a fact of life for uniform cops but no-one liked them. Cops got pulled into the middle of a dispute where there was rarely an innocent victim; where there was rarely a right and a wrong. The biggest dressing down she had ever gotton from her training officer, John Cooper, had been because she had made assumptions when they had been called to a domestic. She had assumed that the wife was probably the victim; she hadn't really been watching and taking proper notice when that had been exactly what Cooper had told her to do. When she hadn't been paying attention, the woman she was supposed to have been watching picked up a steam pot of soup off the stove and thrown it at her husband, catching Cooper at little too at the same time. he had really laid into her and it was probably the lowest moment in her entire time in uniform; it was the first time she really doubted herself - so much so that she never mentioned it to anyone. If her Dad or Steve or James ever heard about it, they had never said anything. It was a lesson she had had to learn on her own. And so now, she assumed nothing as she got out of the car.

As Tom opened the gate at the end of the short path, it was the sound of breaking glass which got their attention first. Instinctively, they both dropped and pulled their weapons. But when they saw the bowling ball, and the only sound was the continuing screaming in the house, they eased themselves back up. They looked at each other. Evie shook her head. They reached the door and after Tom's call, it didn't take long for it to be opened. The two of them walked in with the man. He was maybe in his mid to late 40s, and the woman inside looked maybe a little younger but not much. After the man had let them both in and led them into the main room, Evie asked if him if she could have a glass of water. He looked a little surprised for a moment but then nodded and headed into the kitchen, with Evie following. It meant that the two protagonists were separated and had a little time to calm down. Whilst Evie went to get her glass of water with the man, Tom stayed and started talking to the woman.

The man fetched a glass from the cupboard and then after letting the tap run for a little, he filled the glass and then handed it to Evie. She thanked him and drank about half of it. As she did so, she noticed the man checking her out, giving her a not so quick look up and down. He said nothing and Evie just thanked him when she was done. The man introduced himself as Will Fletcher. He was 46 years old and he and his wife - Wendy - had been married for 12 years. He told her how he used to work in the docks but that he had an accident about 8 years ago and that meant he couldn't do much anymore. He tried to get jobs... he wanted to work... really he did.... but the pain in his leg and his back... and then get let go... He told her that his wife worked as a secretary to a realtor downtown. She worked hard.

"Sometimes... sometimes... she just gets a little upset... It's nothing really. I'm sorry about the noise."

"Did she hit you?" Evie pointed loosely in the direction of his ever blackening eye. He reached up and fingered it tentatively.

"It's nothing. Really. She.. just..." Evie had heard it before. That it was a man making excuses for hie wife made it a little unusual but it was pretty much the same story. More often that not in domestic disturbances, the victim always makes excuses for the purpose committing the assault.

"Look... if you want the cops to do anything here, then you're gonna have to make a complaint. You're gonna have to be willing to say she assaulted you and then you're gonna have to be willing to go to court and still say she assaulted you." Evie shook her head a little, feeling a little sorry for the man standing in front of her. She knew the chances of that were slim. "But if you don't want to do that, then maybe you should get some help... both of you... proper counselling."

"Yeah. Maybe."

At that moment, Tom appeared in the doorway. Evie looked at him and nodded. Both of them silently telling the other than they was nothing really for them to do here. The two of them headed to the doorway with the man following, apologising again.

"Just... think about what I said okay." Will nodded and smiled and then watched as Tom and Evie walked out and down the pathway. He watched Evie move through the gate, walk over to the car, climb in. He waved as she looked back to him stood in the doorway. She smiled. Nodded.

"I have a feeling this isn't going to be the last time the cops get called here." she said to Tom as they pulled away.
Wendy watched as Will took Evie into the kitchen. She was sure why he went there with the pretty officer and it really wasn't about getting her water. Wendy could already picture in her mind an image of Will jerking himself off later while thinking about the female cop. Her attention was brought back to the situation at hand when Tom started asking questions. Wendy didn't hide her feelings of anger towards her husband. She called him a lazy bum who was worthless. Wendy continued to tell how Will had a wandering eye and was no doubt thinking about the female officer. Tom looked around seeing signs that this couple had once been happy. Their wedding photo was proudly displayed above the fireplace. Pictures on the wall showed the couple back when things were good. Tom believed that with help these two could find that happiness again. Once Wendy was done running her husband down, Tom reminded her that domestic violence was a felony in California. He said judges didn't go easy on those who beat their spouses. Tom gave Wendy a list of numbers where the couple could find the help they needed. He talked with Wendy over the next 5 minutes calming her down. Tom pointed out how happy the couple once was and they could get that back. " It's never too late to find those good times again. " Tom added while Wendy sat down on the couch. She agreed that it was possible and they would try. Tom then went to the kitchen where Evie stood talking with Will. They exchanged looks before Evie rejoined him. Before leaving Tom told both Will & Wendy that help was out there. They just needed to seek it out. Tom & Evie left the house and returned to their unit. After getting inside, Evie remarked that her feeling was the police would be here again. Even with help, it would take this couple a long time before they found their happiness again. Evie was right. This wouldn't be the last time police were called to that address. This wasn't even the first time, but the third time in the last week.

Tom & Evie returned to their patrol. It was only a few minutes later that they got a 211 call. A silent alarm came in from grocery store on South Union Avenue. Lights & siren led the way until Tom & Evie were only a few blocks away. Tom shut them off before reaching the store. Evie pulled the car into the parking lot of Larry's Market. There was a small group of people were hiding behind a nearby car. Tom & Evie made their way over to these people after leaving their car. A lady said how a man in his late 20's came into the store with a shotgun. He took the store manager and two employees hostage. She said that the man took them into the back where the manager's office was. He wanted the manager to open the safe. The lady added that the customers escaped outside. Tom told Evie to put out a broadcast on what they had. He wanted her to request units cut off both ends of Union and to have one out behind the market. Tom waited for Evie to return. Once she rejoined him, they made their way though the parking lot to the store, After reaching the door, Tom took the left position while Evie took the right. Tom reached out opening one of the doors. He covered Evie while she slipped inside. Tom then followed until they reached the checkout area. They dropped down after hearing yelling coming from the back. Tom motioned for them to move on towards the back. They moved quietly along the center aisle keeping their weapons ready. Upon reaching the rear of the store, they stopped. Tom didn't like how it was laid out back here. There was no place they could get the drop on the suspect. Tom noticed that the door leading into the back was in line with the first aisle. It was a gamble, but Tom was sure that the suspect would take his hostages up that first aisle. Tom motioned for Evie to return to the front. They quickly headed back up the way they came. Once there Tom explained his plan. He would hide at the checkout area. Evie would stay in the center aisle. She would keep herself low until the suspect appeared. After spotting the suspect, Evie would tackle him while Tom got the hostages away.

Just then the rear metal swinging doors slammed hard. The suspect & the hostages were coming back up towards the front. As Tom had thought, they were using the first aisle. A large mirror hanging on the wall showed Tom that the suspect was behind the small group of hostages. Tom flashed Evie the number four with his fingers. She would now know that the suspect would be the last to pass the aisle where she was laying in wait. Tom ducked down at the checkout area. He took up a position to get between the suspect and the hostages. It was all just a matter of timing now. Evie was ready to deliver a tackle which would knock the suspect out of his shoes.
"Busy day" as Evie hit the accelerator and headed for South Union Avenue. The silent approach meant that maybe the guys inside would still believe that their actions remained undetected. The information which the witness gave them was pretty good and the fact that there was only one suspect meant that with a little luck they could take this guy out without anyone getting hurt. Evie went back to the patrol car and reported back in and then returned to Tom, before following him across the lot. Both of them keeping low as they moved towards the rear door. Tom opened the door quietly. No squeaking hinges. She eased in placing each foot carefully on the floor. Tom led the way, first to the check outs and then to the rear of the store then back again. When Tom explained what he'd seen, what plan he had, Evie just nodded. She took a breath and slipped the block back into the holster. She moved into position and crouching low, she waited. Her heart pounding. Then Evie heard them heading out... heard the panicked whimpers and the footsteps. She looked over at Tom and saw him signal. She nodded back. Took another breath. Exhaled. Moved herself into position so that she was on the balls of her feet, ready to move. She had about 5 feet to cover - she gave herself room to get some forward movement before she would come into contact with the gunman. If he was a big man, then chances are it was that momentum that was going to knock him off his feet. Then the first hostage appeared... walked past. The second. The third. Evie moved up. She saw the barrel of the shotgun first and that provide her with the signal to move.

She moved forward and up and the same time. She took two stride and then launched herself. She felt the sensation of floating.. flying through the air but then braced herself for the impact. She hit the man at hip level, the two of them moving... Evie straight ahead, the man sideways. Evie was vaguely aware of grunts, screams, Tom's voice. She heard the shotgun clatter to the floor, braced again for the second impact of them both hitting the floor. It didn't take long. Almost as soon as they landed Evie reached for the shotgun. The man took a few seconds before he realised what had hit him, who had hit him. As Evie moved away looking to get the shotgun out of reach, he grabbed hold of her and pulled her back. The two of them rolled on the floor, fumbling and grabbing and groping. The man finished up sitting astride Evie struggling to get hold of her hands. He had her left wrist held tight but before he got hold of her right, she balled her fist and through a punch hard enough to knock him sideways. She turned over, used the few seconds to move away. As she did so she reached for the Glock and turned just in time to see the man about to grab her again. Lying on her back, looking up, a two handed grip on her own weapon.

"Dont. Even. Think about it." She was breathing hard, staring straight at the man who was very much thinking about it. Weighing up his chances. He started to smile and his body relaxed a little as he sat back on his ankles and raised his hands slowly up to shoulder height. Evie moved herself further away, keeping the gun firmly fixed on him. She eased herself up into a sitting position and then cautiously onto her knees and then her feet. She looked down.

"Put your hands behind your head?" Slowly the man did as he was told, still grinning. He'd thought this was going to be a pretty easy job and now here he was arrested by some bitch of a cop. And then a slightly puzzled look came on his face; his eyes shifted to the name tag just above her left tit and his smile broadened.

"I know you. You're the cop that reporter kept going on about. Fucked your way through the department. They find out about it and put your back in uniform or what?" Evie said nothing. In some ways she was surprised that no-one had ever recognised her from those reports before.

"Get up. Move over to the wall."

"That picture he kept using of you... that one in the swimsuit... on the beach..." the man whistled as he eased himself up off the floor.

"Turnaround... walk to the wall. Now." The man hesitated for a moment, looking her up and down very slowly, before he turned around and walked to the wall. "I'm gonna think about you every day I'm inside baby. Dreaming about you and me..." Evie moved closer, cautious, expectant. She holstered the Glock and took out her cuffs. A few seconds later, she pulled him off the wall. "Well other than in your dreams, this is as close as you and me are ever gonna get." She walked him outside just as Tom was about to head back in.
When Evie tackled the suspect, Tom hustled the hostages outside. The backup units Tom had requested were already in place. Tom moved the hostages well away from the store. He then jumped into the patrol car and brought it closer to the front doors. Tom was just heading back into the store as Evie appeared. She had a shotgun in one hand and the suspect in the other. Tom took the man from Evie and placed him in the back of their car. Once the suspect was secure, Tom called dispatch and the backup units telling them that the scene was code 4. The suspect was in custody. Tom checked on Evie while she was placing the shotgun in the truck. She told Tom that everything was fine. The suspect put up a struggle, but he was really no match for Evie. Tom climbed into the back with the suspect while Evie jumped in the front. They headed back to the station where the suspect was booked. He never spoke a word expect for saying that he understood his rights after Tom read them. The man was busy with thoughts of Evie and the fun he could have with her. Even during booking the man never spoke. He remained calm with a sly smile on his face. This man had been giving a real treat. He had the chance to roll around with Evie on the floor. His hands had touched her tits during the struggle. He groped Evie's perfect ass at one point. Getting busted was a small price to pay for the chance of having his body so close to a slutty cop. This man would have such wonderful, sinful dreams of making Evie beg for his cock.

Tom & Evie returned to patrol shortly after the suspect was locked away. They decided to do a walk through of the park. It was always good to let the public see the officers walking around the park at time instead of just driving by. After parking the car, Tom & Evie headed off into the park. They were about 10 minutes into their walk when a man jumped out from behind some bushes. He was wearing an overcoat. The man pulled open his overcoat and exposed himself to Tom & Evie. The man was naked under his coat which brought laughter from Tom. The man looked from Tom who was laughing to Evie. He had a hurt look on his face. The man was insulated that Tom was laughing. He really hadn't planned on jumping out in front of two cops. The man just saw two people from his hiding place behind the bushes. He had hoped that it would be two women.
As Evie drove the car back she could see the nan in the rear view mirror. He barely took his eyes off her the whole way back to the station. She had no doubt that he was already imagining the two of them together and there was nothing she could do about that. It wasn't the first time and probably wasn't going to be the last. She remembered McWilliams telling her that probably every man who watched her at the MMA probably was imagining fucking her...some of the women too. He'd said the same at the Ball. Evie tried to push the thoughts out of her head. Back at the station they went through the bookings and secured the guy in the cells before going back out.

The walk was nice. At this time of year not too hot and the trees had already turned but not yet she'd all their leaves. When the man jumped out, Evie couldn't help but squeal a little in surprise but then she too couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Really?" She looked at the man, at the still laughing Tom and then back to the man. "Do you really want me to arrest you?" The man was still standing with his coat open. Evie stepped forward. "Cover yourself up and go home. If I see you back here again, then we will take you in." The man gave a nervous smile. "I might come back specially if you're going to take me"

"Oh for God sake. go home" . Before anyone could say anything else, they was a scream..,a cry...

"Help. Stop him. He's got my purse!" Evie and Tom turned and started running. Initially they ran together and then Evie saw what she thought was the opportunity to intercept. She suddenly veered off left, across a piece of open ground and into a small group of trees that the purse snatcher seemed to be heading for. The man kept running with Tom hot on his heels...kept running in the direction Evie expected. The two were going to come together and once again Evie found herself launching herself through the air, taking down a suspect and rolling around in the dirt with them. This time Tom came up and grabbed hold of the man hauling him up and slamming him against a tree. By the time Evie got up, he was cuffed
The flasher disappeared when the screaming started. It wasn't meant for him, but something else. He really didn't care what the screams were about. This was all just a trill for him and the trill was lost. Images of a female cop giving him pleasure would fill his mind later on. It would seem that the armed robbery suspect wouldn't be the only one dreaming of Evie on this night. Images of Evie dropping to her knees and begging the flasher to fuck her right there in the park would fill this trill seekers mind. There were those who had such dirty thoughts about female police officers. A man like the flasher could use the image of Evie in many ways. He could really see her ripping open her shirt and exposing her tits. The man could see Evie rubbing her face against his cock. Licking & sucking it while begging to be fucked like a filthy little whore. Yes, the images of Evie would be quite busy tonight.

After the screaming started, Tom & Evie took off together. Tom kept on running even when Evie broke off. He had no worries of what she was planning. Tom had full faith in Evie and in her skills as a police officer. Evie was much quicker between the two of them. Tom had been on the academy track team during his time there, but that was many years ago. His style of running was more like a marathon run then a sprinter. Not that Evie was a sprinter. She was however smaller and lighter then Tom. Thus she was able to get more speed quickly. As the purse snatcher ran away from the screaming woman. Tom quickly got on his tail. He was chasing the man towards the trees. Guiding him much like a sheep dog would chase sheep to a certain area. As the man came upon the trees and it seemed like his escape was certain. Evie came flying from out of nowhere and hit the man like a guided missile. There was no chance of a fight with this man. Tom was right there and yanked the suspect to his feet. The man soon found himself pressed against a nearby tree. Tom searched him, then cuffed him.

Tom brushed some dirt from Evie's uniform. He said she had done a great job. Her tackles today would certainly put her at the top of the list for a linebacker if the National Football League ever decided to put a new team in Los Angeles. The suspect shook his head and said he had never been hit so hard. He demanded to know what the cops were feeding their women. Tom just smile and told him raw meat. He added that it makes their women meaner. Tom led the suspect back to the car while Evie handed over the stolen purse to it's owner. Evie took down the woman's statement, name, address and phone number. This would all be used in her complaint against the suspect. Tom & Evie returned to the station. They booked their second suspect of the day and returned to patrol duty. Tom noticed that it was already after lunch. He told Evie to pick a place that they could eat at. Tom reached for the mic and requested a code 7 from dispatch. Code 7 was used by officers when asking for time off to eat. The dispatcher told the to remain on duty on handle a call. She then told them to check out a 415 domestic disturbance at 1230 Magnolia Avenue and to handle the call code 3. Tom looked over at Evie shaking his head. It was the Fletcher's again.

Evie pulled the car over in front of the Fletcher home. Long before anyone could get of of the car, yelling could be heard. Tom stepped out grabbing his nightstick from the holder on the door. He waited for Evie to join him on the sidewalk. And as before, they walked threw the gate and onto the porch. Evie opened the screen door while Tom pounded his fist hard on the inside wooden door. " OPEN THE DOOR!.....IT'S THE POLICE!! " Tom yelled out which like before stopped the yelling. This time Wendy came to the door looking very pissed off. She looked at Tom, then her eyes shifted over to Evie. She glared at Evie for a few seconds. " You had to bring her!?.......I couldn't get just two male cops!? " Wendy huffed out no wishing to hide her anger. " Look lady!.......Just open the door! " Tom huffed back, Wendy then slowly opened the door. Upon entering the house for the second time. Tom & Evie were greeted with the sight of broken furniture, broken dinner plates and Will sitting in a chair looking defeated. Tom asked what the hell happened? Wendy pointed at Evie and said Will would rather have a woman like her. The soft, pretty type Wendy added. It was clear that Wendy didn't know Evie at all. Yes, Evie was pretty. But she was hardly the soft type. Tom looked at Evie using his eyes to ask which one she wanted to speak with this time?
Evie looked surprised at Wendy's comments. What the hell had she done? Evie started to feel a little more sorry for Will. If Wendy got on his case as quick as she appeared to have gotten on hers then his life must be pretty wretched. She followed Tom inside and stood next to him, looking around the room at the broken furniture and then at Will who looked equally broken. She heard Tom ask what happened and then heard Wendy's pointed response. Evie sighed and looked at the angry bitter woman in front of her. There was nothing soft about her. Nothing which gave a sign of compassion or understanding.

"Hey." Evie took a step forward. "What the hell are you doing lady? What is this?" She wasn't shouting. Her questions were born of exasperation rather than anything else. "The man married you. At some point you must have seen something in each other that you both liked." She looked from one to another. "If that's gone for either one of you..." She looked at Wendy. "If you can't see anything good..,anything that you still love in him...then do us all a favour and walk away. One of you needs to walk away if there's nothing left. But you assaulting your husband..."

"I didn't..,"

"Yes you did! We all know what happened." Evie took another step forward. "You're a bully and for whatever reason, you hit the man you married and I'm guessing that black eye isn't the first time. Is it any surprise that he might want someone else? If you don't like him any more then leave. Get a divorce."

"Why the hell should I walk away. I paid for all of this stuff."

"All of this broken stuff? Fine! Then tell him to leave. Tell him you want a divorce. And if you don't, then STOP WHAT YOURE DOING." Evie pronounced the last few years very pointedly. She turned to Will.

"You need to think about what you want too. If you want to stay, then stop using what happened at the docks as an excuse. You're not an invalid. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. But if she's had enough... Walk away. Walk away and find something better than this." She turned back to Wendy.

"Talk. Do t shout. Don't throw things. Don't hit him. If you can't do that, walk. If we get called back here, I'm gonna arrest the pair of you on charges of disturbing the peace. At the very least, you can spend the night apart in the delis."

With that she stepped back and her and Tom left. Tom looked at her as they walked back to the car,

"I know. I know. Not going to have made a difference at all." She shrugged a little and the groaned as she felt her shoulder complaining. It had hit two relatively solid objects today already.
After Evie started talking, Tom stayed silent. He decided to see if Evie could reach Wendy on some level. Tom listened as Evie spoke her mind. He watched Will & Wendy for signs that what was being said was leaking in. Will seemed to get the message, but he wasn't the problem here. It was Wendy who was doing most of the yelling and all of the hitting. It's pretty bad when a man loses his self worth and he doesn't have a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. Tom could relate to Will on a small level. He to felt unneeded & unwanted by his team & lover. Tom felt let depression get the better of him. This was all in Tom's mind however. Will's trouble was that what was happening wasn't in his mind. He like Tom was deeply depressed. Tom needed to get back into the game and he needed to talk things out with Evie. Those things happened for Tom. Now he was back to his old self. Will was a different story. Wendy seemed unwilling to help her man out. Her mind seemed to be closed off. She deeply mistrusted Evie just because she was a woman. It was easy to piece together how the fight restarted. Wendy was no doubt harping on Will about being alone with Evie in the kitchen. He may have even admitted to checking out Evie's body. This along with Wendy's jealousy of other women caused her to lash out once again.

Tom & Evie went back out on patrol. There was a feeling between them that this may be finally over. But both also felt that this wouldn't be their last call to the Fletcher home. Evie's shoulder trouble didn't go unnoticed. Tom asked if she was okay? Evie just smiled and said she would live. Tom was sure that a few days laying on a beach in Hawaii would help with Evie's ailment. They could both do with some time away from being cops. Tom grabbed the radio mic, cleared them from their call and requested a code 7. This time the dispatcher gave them an okay for lunch. Tom looked over at Evie and asked where she wanted to eat? He'd leave it up to her to decide on lunch. They could order pizza for dinner later on. This was their last night in LA. By tomorrow they'd be catching a flight to Hawaii for some fun under the sun.
Evie drove to Charlie's - a popular haunt for cops at lunch time. When she was on probation with John Cooper they were here maybe three times a week. Evie had a chicken salad whilst Tom had a burger. They sat on a table outside and talked about the Fletcher's and about Hawaii. Tom told Evie that he'd make sure that he'd work all the aches and pains out of Evie's body suggesting that maybe they wouldn't even leave the hotel room for a couple of days. But then he also was going to get her on the beach and on a surf board. Evie liked the sound of what Tom was saying. As they were finishing up, Webb and Pierce suddenly appeared and sat down with them, pierce opposite Evie with Webb sitting down next to her. They had a little fun at the fact that both of them were in uniform and then talked through their respective days. When Tom got up and went to the bathroom Webb's hand moved onto Evie's leg under the table and squeezed it as he commented on how good she looked in the blue.

"Yeah...but not as good as you look out of it huh?" Pierce said grinning, remembering their night together. Evie also remembered and she squirmed a little on the bench as Webb's hand moved higher.

"So when are we gonna get together again then baby? You can't deny you had fun."

Evie forced a smile onto her face as she looked from one to the other. "That doesn't mean that it wasn't a mistake. And it's never gonna happen again." She saw Tom heading back over and stood up. "But keep dreaming boys." As Tom arrived, the smile turned genuine. 'Ready." The two of them headed out leaving Webb and Pierce watching Evie's ass as she walked away.

Tom and Evie were back to talking about Hawaii as they drove back to the park and pulled into the car park, ready to walk a different route. They had been walking and talking for about 10 minutes when they heard a scream.

"Not again" Evie said as they looked around. A couple of hundred meters away, two men were assaulting a woman. She was fighting against them but they were easily overpowering her. Tom called out and both he and Evie started to run again. The two men stopped, looked stunned by the quickly approaching cops, frozen to the spot until Tom and Evie took them down
The day was slowly moving towards it's end. In a few hours the patrol shift would be over. Tom & Evie would be on vacation and by the next morning they'd be heading for Hawaii. It was just a matter of getting the day over with. Another walk through the park was decided upon while Tom & Evie ate their lunch. The park was strangely peaceful at this time. Almost to peaceful one could say. While Tom & Evie were strolling along a path, a woman's scream was heard. That was followed by more screams and pleas for help. Two men were roughing up a woman. Tom & Evie started running towards this apparent assault. Showing great speed, the two officers covered the distance very quickly. One man, the taller of the two was carrying a knife. Tom speared this man taking him to the ground. The second man was a bit shorter then first man. This was Evie's target. Tom & the first man rolled on the ground for a moment until Tom broke free. He jumped to his feet and delivered a kick which knocked the knife free. Tom was ready to pound the man with his fist when the woman yelled out stop!

Suddenly another voice was heard. A man's voice yelling cut! A man appeared with papers in his hand. He looked at Tom saying he wasn't on their pay roll. This man yelled for someone named Burt. Another man appeared wearing what looked like an LAPD uniform, but it was slightly different. The biggest difference was the badge. It looked nothing like an LAPD Badge. The with the papers then asked Tom who the hell he was. Tom started looking around and noticed a camera crew hidden by a row of bushes. It suddenly became clear that some filming was being down and Tom & Evie jumped into the scene. Tom apologized for interrupting the shooting. He said they had no idea someone was filming and the woman's screams sounded very real. The director accepted Tom's explanation and they shook hands. He then turned and spotted Evie. His eyes snaked up and all over her body. A smiled appeared on his face as he walked over to where Evie stood. " Hey baby.......Have you ever thought about being in pictures? " The director asked. This man wasn't unknown to Evie. She would remember him from being the director of the porn movie she did as Tori James. " You got some kinda body on you. " The man's name was Gary. He was moving around Evie checking her out while speaking. " You could make a lot more money in movies with a body like that.......I could make you a star baby. " While Gary was buttering up Evie, Tom just folded his arms acrossed his chest. He knew Evie would shoot this man down. It was just a matter of how Evie did it. " I'd like to get some bikini shots of you........And some nudes........You could go places baby and I can take you there. " Gary added. Since Mason Hill was locked away in prison, Gary lost his major backer. Then Jenna Love disappeared along with the newcomer Tori James. It was believed at the time that Tori was the next big thing in porn. Everything changed after that. Gary was now a struggling director doing "B" movies and very low budget pornos. Getting someone with Evie's looks is just what he needed. It was obvious she could be a take charge type of person. She was a cop after all. She also had the girl next door looks. The all American sweetheart who could be sweet & innocent.
Evie looked at the man who was slowly walking around her making no effort to hide his checking her out...positively advertising the fact. Initially Evie felt a rush of panic spread through her when she saw him. It was only when he clearly didn't recognise her that she remembered Tori had looked very different. Evie looked slowly across at Tom who seemed to be amused by what was happening. Then she looked back at Gary.

"Really? You can do that? You can make me famous? Should we do it now? Right here?" Evie opened the top button of her blue shirt. Gary was suddenly surprised and started to stammer a little.

" mean... Not here...we need to..."

"Are you stupid or what? You really think I'm going to let you take some sleazy photos of me. I wouldn't let you take a picture of me fully dressed let alone in a bikini or nude. And trust me when I say there is nowhere that you could take me that I want to go. So... You got papers to allow you to do some filming here. Get it done and move on."
Tom quietly snickered at how Evie handled Gary. She played him and he bought it. Gary's reaction when Evie seemed to be undoing her shirt was priceless. There was a sudden rush of victory on his face. That was replaced by fear when he thought Evie would strip right in the park. The look again changed when Evie finally shot him down. Gary couldn't talk Evie into taking off her clothing. Talking wasn't how you got Evie to do things she didn't want to do. Evie was the type of woman who responded to actions and not words. Not unless those words were used with rough, bold actions. Gary wasn't lucky enough to know how to trip Evie's trigger. He was totally clueless. Just as he was clueless at knowing he was standing just feet from Tori James. Gary clapped his hands and get everyone back to their places. Tom & Evie walked away as the filming started again. While continuing on their walk, Tom commented on Evie blowing her big chance at becoming a star. Tom knew that Gary's plan for making Evie a star was only in porn movies. Watching Evie getting fucked by another man wasn't anything new to Tom. He had seen Evie & McWilliams going at it. Plus Tom was there on the set when most of Evie's porn movie was shot. Tom really enjoyed watching Evie get taken. It was a trill to see his girlfriend preforming for another man. Tom then suggested that they make their own porn movie. They could invite McWilliams & Kim to take part in it. The movie could be something they could watch in the future when they settled down. Such a movie would also make a great gift for McWilliams. It would always be a great reminder of those wonderful days when McWilliams fucked Evie.

They finished their walk through the park and returned to the car. After getting back inside, Tom & Evie hit the streets. Tom looked at his watch and smiled. Their shift would be coming to an end soon. Thoughts of Hawaii and those great beaches and waves filled his mind. Tom had put a lot of work into getting his surfboard ready. Back when Tom & Evie spent the day at the beach. Tom brushed off the rust by catching some waves. It had always been a dream to surf in Hawaii. Tom was finally going to see his dream come true. The dispatcher's voice calling their unit number brought Tom back to the here and now. " 1 Adam 30.......1 Adam 30........415.........Domestic disturbance......1...3...2...0....Magnolia Avenue.......1 Adam 30 handle code 2. " Tom reached for the mic and rogered the call. " It's the Fletcher's again. " Tom said with tone of great disgust in his voice. This had to stop. The police couldn't be referees for this husband & wife all the time. Since this was the third trip to the Fletcher home, the ride didn't seem to take long. Evie pulled up in front of the house. Like before Tom stepped from the car grabbing his nightstick. He slipped into his belt and turned towards the house. Just then two shots rang out. Tom returned to the car grabbing the radio mic. " This is 1 Adam 30.......We have shots fired at 1....3....2....0.....Magnolia........Requesting backup! " Tom tossed the mic back into the car. He grabbed the shotgun from under the front seat. Tom & Evie headed for the home as their backup was responding.
Evie's mind thought back to times with McWilliams and Kim and she couldn't help but smile a little as they walked along. But then she looked at Tom.

"Why would we want to sit and watch a movie rather than...just do it for real?

Twenty minutes later, they were in the car and the call came in that in truth they were probably both expecting. Maybe not today, but they both knew that they earlier second visit was not the last time that the cops would be called to Magnolia Avenue. Evie pulled car up outside the house and got out of the car. As she walked around the hood the shots ran out. Evie climbed out of the car expecting to arrest one or other for breach of the peace or to arrest Wendy for assault. When the shooting started everything changed. She bolted to the house, drawing her weapon as she did conscious of Tom a few paces behind her. She pulled open the screen door and kicked open the main door. When no new shots were fired they both moved cautiously inside. In the living room, the first person she saw was Will, sitting in a chair, staring into space wide eyed. Then she spotted the gun in his hand. And then she spotted the legs of a body on the floor. Wendy's legs. Not moving. She aimed her gun at Will and edged her way the couch. It was obvious that Wendy was dead. Two large red blood stains covered the front of her shirt in the middle of her chest. Eyes open. Seeing nothing. Evie looked back at Will.

"Mr Fletcher." Evie spoke quietly. "Put the gun down" he looked round at her, obviously shell shocked.

"Put the gun down" Evie repeated as she inched closer

"I wasn't going to let her hit me again. She had no right to keep doing that."

"I know. But... Put the gun down Will."

"They're gonna put me in jail for murder aren't they?" He suddenly looked lost. Evie wanted to tell him no, but she knew enough not to trust the DA or a jury to do the right thing.

"I don't know Will. But I'll help where I can. I'll get you a lawyer. One who understands. Just put the gun down and I'll help you through this." Evie knew a few good defence lawyers who might do a pro noon case for her and if they wouldn't she Deeks would know someone good. Will looked down to the gun in his hand. He hesitated for a moment then turned it and offered the handle to her. Evie reached out and took it. A few minutes later they were walking out of the house, leading a cuffed Will to the car as the back up called for the crime scene techs.
As Tom & Evie moved into the Fletcher home. The but of the shotgun Tom was carrying was held tightly against his shoulder. It was ready to fire if Tom pulled the trigger. Tom was going to order Will to drop the weapon. But Evie started to speak first. Tom decided to let Evie take the lead on this. Will didn't seem to be a threat to anyone at this point. He seemed to be a man who acted out of desperation rather then malice. It was easy to see that Evie was reaching Will on some level. Her voice was soothing to his ears. After Will turned over the pistol, Tom moved up lowering the shotgun. They helped Will to his feet. Evie was very gentle with Will. She cuffed him while Tom read his rights. Soon they walked with Will from the house to their car. Evie put Will in the back while Tom talked with the backup officers. Two more units were called to help lock the house down. The neighbors were already gathering around the house. Evie climbed into the back joining Will. Once more units arrived, Tom climbed into the front and drove back to the station. Tom took care of booking Will while Evie did as she promised. She found someone to help Will.

Evie returned with the news that she found someone who would take Will's case. Tom had already started on their reports for the day. Evie soon joined him after getting them some coffee. Once the reports were all filled out, the log book was signed, the shotgun & unit were turned in. Tom & Evie were finished with their day. They changed from their uniforms to their street clothes. After stopping at the MCU squad room to check their mail. Tom & Evie headed home. They made a stop to grab a six pack of beer before going home. After arriving at the boat, Tom called for pizza. The rest of their night would be spent packing for Hawaii, then relaxing with their beer & pizza. Tom & Evie were up bright and early the next morning. Alyssa had arrived at the boat to drive them to the airport. After her car was packed, they all left for LAX. Jack, Steve, James & Kim were waiting there to send Tom & Evie off with wishes for a great vacation. Before Tom & Evie left to board their plane, Alyssa handed Evie a bag. She told Evie it was something to wear on the beach. Alyssa had bought Evie a sexy string bikini that would show off a great deal of her body. With that, Tom & Evie waved to their friends & family before heading for the departure area. They were flying Hawaiian Airlines from LAX to Honolulu. Tom was a big believer that police officer carrying their weapons at all times. He made sure both his Desert Eagle & Evie's Glock were packed for the trip. Both were also carrying their LAPD/MCU Badges. The security at LAX knew Tom & Evie so there was no need to show their ID's. However upon landing in Hawaii, Tom & Evie would identify themselves as police officers. The Hawaiian Airlines flight was soon taxing down the runway and lifted into the air. In minutes the plane was over the water and leaving LA behind.
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