Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

It had been quite a haul for the MCU & the Narcotics Division. It turned out that the cocaine wasn't the only thing being smuggled into the country. In a large create not far away from the ones marked "toys" were 20 young Chinese women. These women were being brought into America to work as prostitutes for the Red Dragon Tong. The Red Dragon Tong is a large Chinese criminal organization, one of the most powerful & deadly groups in the world. One of the leaders of this group in China was the Chinese man standing between Tom & Jack. When Jack said that the man looked familiar too him, he was right. This man was none other then General Chan Liu, a high ranking member of the People's Army. Liu was so feared by his own Government, they let him take total control over the Henan province in northern China. Liu set himself up as a Warlord ruling over the land and it's people. " Looks like that tip paid off.......We caught ourselves a big fish here. " Jack was pleased as punch while Tom slipped the handcuffs around Chan's wrists. " You'll all die at my feet for this! " Chan growled out as Evie brought Tony back to where everyone else was standing. Tony was holding his chest while swearing up a storm about police brutality. He was claiming to be an innocent bystander and that Evie abused him with a board. At that moment, the cell phone that Evie had taken out of Tony's pocket during her search went off. He had just received a text message which read. " You should have paid me. " This message was sent by Osiris as slap in Tony's face. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the phone. Tony clammed up at that point, he wasn't going to say anything more. Once the drugs and the women were safely in police hands, the area was reopened. Everyone returned to the station for a fresh round of filling out paperwork.

During the firefight, only 3 police officers were wounded. None of the officers was hurt to badly and none were killed. Three of General Liu's men were killed, seven more were wounded. Six of Tony's men were wounded while eight of his men died. None of the young women were hurt. They were taken into custody until they could be handed off to the United States Immigration Service. It had been a great bust for the LAPD and certainly made the new MCU look like a unit worth having. The limelight was shared with Jack, Steve and the rest of the Narcotics Division, Tom made sure of that. Pictures of the MCU Team along with Jack & Steve appeared on the front page of all the major papers in Los Angeles that evening. A bust of this size deserved a celebration, but it was decided to wait until Friday night so everyone could really enjoy themselves. The next day, praise was heaped onto the MCU Team. The Governor, the Mayor of Los Angeles, the Police Commissioner and the Chief made sure that each member of the MCU was thanked. Even Osiris was pleased with how everything turned out. The MCU had helped Osiris by taking out Tony Romano. Osiris was even now starting to take control over the Los Angeles underworld. In time, Osiris would become the boss of bosses in the large US City. Also that day, Mr. Wizard started his assault on the databases of law enforcement agencies acrossed the country. He dug deep stealing the files on undercover operation going on and any witnesses who were being protected against crime bosses.

Osiris had his meet as planned with the crime bosses from around the country. They had all heard the news of what happened to Tony Romano that day before. It was clear that Osiris could hurt them if he wanted to. This fact made each of the crime bosses take Osiris's offer to aide them. Osiris's plan was working perfectly. He couldn't have been happier at this point in time. During the rest of the week, Osiris had online meetings with each of the crime bosses in private. These one on one meetings is where Osiris told the boss who in their organisation was working for law enforcement. Each of the bosses were stunned to find out that a trusted Lieutenant was really an undercover cop or agent. Osiris told each of them that his special team led by Mr. Lazarus would take out each of these moles. Over the next few days, the bodies of undercover cops and agents started to be found. It wasn't long before the FBI, the US Marshals and police departments all over the country started to pull their people out from those underworld organisations they had been placed in.

It was now two weeks before Christmas. The body count of dead police officers and agents had risen to 18 acrossed the country. This was all Osiris's handy work. 8 people in the witness protection program were also executed by Mr. Lazarus and his team of trained killers. It was clear that Osiris was working from somewhere in Los Angeles, so all eyes turned towards the LAPD's MCU. They had been pushed into the spotlight and everyone was hoping that they could catch Osiris. As the new week started, Tom had a early Christmas gift for each member of his team. He presented each one with a new badge. It looked like their old LAPD Badges, but instead of having Los Angeles Police write on the badge, it read L.A.P.D - M.C.U. During the previous week, Tom & Evie finally took the big step and slept together. Their affection for each other was kept in check during working hours, most of the time. But once off duty, it was clear that they had become a couple. Tongues were wagging about Evie sleeping with her boss, but there was no department rule against that. This was expected and not a shock when people started talking. Tom & Evie began to spend one night at her apartment, then they would stay at Tom's boat. Each night they would switch, but left two nights in the week where they would sleep alone in their own places.

Tom received a call from Tia about Mason's lap top. She didn't want to tell Tom what she found over the phone. Tia wanted to tell Tom about this in person. Tom agreed and added that he would bring his team with him. He wanted everyone to be on the same page when it came to information on this case. Tom hung up the phone, grabbed his coat and walked out to the squad room. " Tia has some information from Mason Hill's lap top........She wants us to meet at my father's house where she'll fill us in. " Tom announced to his team while slipping on his coat.
Evie wasn’t a fan of ‘limelight’. She never really understood the idea that the police needed good publicity. Sure she could understand that if the police were respected, well liked, then engagement with the community when it came to catching bad guys would be much easier. But they way that senior police officers needed to court the press? There was always something particularly distasteful about it. If crime figures were down and if the police played by the rules, then you really shouldn’t need to do anything else to make the public happy. So after the success at the docks, she had reluctantly taken her place in front of the press pack – in part dragged there by her Dad – and she plastered on the fake smile. She didn’t play the political games though; she left that to Jack and to Tom. Her run in with Finn after only a few weeks in Robbery Homicide had been enough to keep her away from the brass. She also found the convenient anonymous tip a little too convenient. It didn’t make sense to her. Tom and Steve had just told her not to worry about it; sure, there might be something behind it, but they had still done good. Evie couldn’t help wondering though whether any ‘bad’ that might follow was going to significantly outweigh the ‘good’ they were all being praised for now. When undercover cops started dying though, no-one joined the dots. No-one saw any link between the events at Pier 19 and what would ultimately transpire in the weeks to come.

The Friday night celebration at Malone’s had been different though. She hadn’t needed any persuasion for that. In fact it had become somewhat of a habit and she liked it for that reason alone. Her Dad, Tom, her brothers, and her all united by the job that they did. Family. Friends. They really didn’t need a reason to come together at the end of a long week, but if there was something to celebrate then no-one would object. And it was after this particular celebration that Tom had stayed at Evie’s for the first time. In Evie’s bed. All night. And they quickly fell into a routine. It had almost happened by accident but there had been nothing uncomfortable or complicated about it. And the following morning, after that first night, there had been no regrets, no guilt, no recriminations. It was almost as if nothing had happened in the sense that it didn’t seem to change anything about their working relationship. Work was exactly the same. They only change was that on some nights during the week, they went home together... either to Evie’s place or to Tom’s and then they drove in together the following morning. Steve and James had, when they had found out, independently said exactly the same thing. “Well it’s about time!” neither of them seemed in the slightest concerned or upset or in any way phased by the situation. The one who was perhaps the most animated about it was Jack. But animated in a good way. He had kept commenting about the idea that his one-time partner could finished up being his son-in-law and as much as both Tom and Evie told him he was getting a little ahead of himself, Jack still found the idea highly amusing.

On this particular morning shortly before Christmas, Tom had driven them both into work after they had spent the night on the boat. Them walking in together was no longer an issue for discussion or comment, or even a disparaging look. Most people had completely forgotten about it. They had been in the MCU only for perhaps 30 minutes before the call from Tia came in and five minutes after it had ended, the team were in Tom’s car heading towards Rick’s.
Tia had a careful eye watching the front gate security camera. Once she saw Tom's car pull off of the street, the gates opened. Tom drove the car up to the front of the house and parked. Everyone climbed from the car and were greeted at the front door by Sasha another member of the security team. Once everyone was inside Rick Reed's mansion, they were joined by Becca who was the last member of the security team. The two women walked with Tom & his team down into the basement of the large house where the security room was. Both women didn't hide the fact that they were checking James out. He was quite a catch and it was obvious that he wasn't attached. Upon reaching the security room where Tia was waiting, Sasha & Becca left Tom & his team. Tom opened the door then stepped inside. Evie, James and Kim followed with Kim closing the door behind her.

Tia spun around her chair around greeting everyone will a cheery hello. Since Tia already knew Evie and had already met Kim, James was the only one introduced too her. Tia shook James's hand then spun back around and started punching keys when Tom asked what she had found. She brought up Mason Hill's bank account records. Tia pointed out that Mason had made a money transfer of $50 Million Dollars from his main bank in Los Angeles to a private Swiss Bank account on the day he was arrested. Tia then brought up the details of the private account. It didn't tell who own the account, but it did show 10 more $50 million dollar transfers during the past week. The dates of those money transfers were the same as the dates where the undercover cops and federal agents were murdered. This fact was pointed out by James. There was little doubt that Osiris was breaking into law enforcement computers at will. Sadly, Tia couldn't tell that Osiris was getting these large sums of money, but it did fit what Mason had done and what Kim had over heard. Tia was able to trace where the transfers came from, which was helpful. Just then a box appeared on the large computer screen hanging on the wall. It showed another money transfer coming in. Upon refreshing the page, Tia showed everyone the new transfer.

" If we go after the people who are sending Osiris this money.......It could led us right to him. " Tom turned his head slightly and spoke to his team. " Will it be hard to find where the money came from? " Kim asked as she studied the computer screen. Tia just smiled and said nope. She hit the print and the nearby printer started up. Soon a page came out with the names of the people who transferred the money into the private Swiss account. James took the paper from the printer and checked over the names. His eyes lit up like Christmas lights. " WOW!......These are some of the biggest names in organized crime. " James handed the paper too Evie. She & Kim scanned over the names before handing it off to Tom. " Anthony Rabito from Boston.......Joseph Cammarano, Sr from New York.......Vincent Badalamenti from Chicago.....It reeds like a who's who of the criminal underworld. " Tom said as his eyes looked over the paper. " Osiris......Lord of the underworld.......He's setting himself up as some kinda ultimate Godfather. " Everyone looked at Kim as she spoke, then James spoke up. " Every crime family under one leader.......And with Osiris crippling law enforcement......Who could stop them from doing what they wanted to do? "
Evie couldn't help noticing the way in which the women checked out her brother. She smiled to herself and shook her head a little. She made a mental note. Definitely something to pick up with him later... Ideally when Steve and their Dad were also around. But for now he said nothing. She followed Tom and stepped into the security room and then listened to what Tia had to say.

"I don't get it?" Evie said. "Osiris wants to make himself Lord of the Underworld... Fine. That each of these crime bosses wants to find out if there's someone undercover in their organisation and then is willing to pay $50 million to get rid of them... Seems a high price but I can just about take that. And..." turning to James, "...if the dates are right like you say, that would certainly seem to be a coincidence otherwise. But why would guys like Rabito and Baladamenti willingly let Osiris effectively take over their operations. And pay $50 mil for the privilege?"
As Evie was sharing her thoughts with everyone, the door quietly opened and Rick Reed stepped into the security room. The room fell silent after Evie was done speaking, but it didn't stay that way. " In business as in the criminal world.......One moves a step at a time. " Rick moved into the room as heads turned towards him. He was followed closely be Natasha on his right and Morgan on his left. " When taking over a business or a crime family.......You must show your value.......Then you gain their trust by giving them something they don't have or in this case.....Taking out enemies who are on the inside. " Rick continued as he walked up and stood beside Evie. " Once you've gain their trust and shown your worth.....You're a made man.......Then you can take down those at the top and take over......If you have the power and Osiris seems to have the power. " Rick then leaned over a bit towards Evie. " I do have some experience in these fields. " Rick said in a teasing way. He walked over to where Tom was standing. Rick held out his hand for the paper which Tom had. Tom handed over the paper and Rick read over the names.

" If I were going to set myself up as an ultimate Godfather......I'd been doing just as this Osiris is doing. " Rick went on to say that Osiris was most likely some underling from one of the families. He must have planned this plot out for years. " Probably from behind bars where he severed time instead of his boss. " Rick added as he slowly read over the list of names. " The $50 million a year is a drop in the bucket to these people Evie......They can earn that on one deal.......These people deal in the 100's of millions. " Rick then told how Osiris was building a war chest with the money he's getting from the families. He would need a lot of cash to toss around after overthrowing the main bosses. The underlings don't really care who's on top, as long as they get paid. Rick looked at his son and said that these families were paying for their own destruction. " Oh......Natasha......Share with Tom and his friends what you found. " Rick spoke out then the beautiful red head walked over and stood beside where Tia was sitting. " Evie.....Your brother James was right......Osiris is behind the killings of Government Agents and undercover police acrossed the country......I have friends in high places and they have confirmed that Osiris broke into their computers took files on undercover operation and used the information to carry out these killings. " Natasha then looked around the room. She said that Osiris also broke into the computers of the U.S. Marshals Office and took files on witnesses who were being kept safe from these crime families. These witnesses would have been used against these families in court. " Three people under witness protection have already been killed by a hit squad.......No doubt Osiris's trained goon squad. "
Evie hadn't heard Rick come in. When she was finished thinking out loud and was met with a wall of silence, she looked around the people on front of her. "What?" And then she heard Rick. She didn't need to turn around; she smiled to herself and shook her head a little. As she felt him move in beside her, as she smelled the familiar scent of his cologne, she looked around and up to him and then keptt watching him as he moved around the room. The family connection between Rick and Tom was fairly obvious when the two of them stood side by side.

"I didn't think criminals trusted each other... ever... no honor among thieves or anything like it." She shrugged. "You said it yourself, these families are paying for their own destruction." She thought for a moment as Natasha explained about the hacking and accessing of files.

"So we can identify every file they broke into. Presumably someone is already moving those people in witness protection who are still alive and I hope to God that every law enforcement agency is pulling their undercover guys out if they haven't already. But once that's done... don't we just wait for Osiris to take all of the heads of the crime families out before we go after him. Isn't he going to do half our job for us?"
Rick remarked that businesses don't trust each other and still hostile take over happen all the time, this was no different. These families are run in the same way that most large corporation are run. Natasha assured Evie that the Government Agencies and police departments were taking action to move those witnesses still alive out of harms way. But in a world run by computers, could those witnesses stay safe for long? Evie's remarks about waiting for Osiris to take over stunned Tom. Everyone, even criminals deserve protection under the law. " Evie.....They maybe criminals but they still deserve protection by the law......If Osiris is allowed to kill these people then what good are we? " Tom asked then he added that as police officers, they need to protect everyone, even the criminals. Rick said that each person on the list was a murderer or had innocent blood on their hands in one way or another. But that didn't mean that the police should turn a blind eye to the fact that these people would be targets of assassination one day. " What's our first move? " Kim jumped in with her question. " We should go after one of the names on that list.....Take down one of the big bosses and show the others that Osiris can't protect them from the police. " Tom spoke out which made James nod his head. " That would certainly show Osiris as being weak in their eyes........Their trust would be shaken in him and it could make them think twice about dealing with him. " James was speaking from years of experience working on the streets and dealing with the lower level thugs which make up these larger gangs. " Yes.....But that could also make Osiris see how dangerous we are and he could turn his attention towards us. " Kim was just playing devils advocate here when she spoke. Everyone knew the dangers that came with carrying a badge. As a police officer you are expected to place your life on the line to save the innocent, or even those who weren't so innocent.

Tom looked at the list of names that his father was holding. He started to nod his head then said that they would go after Carlos Vega, the boss of the criminal underworld in San Diego. Rick smiled then asked for Tia to bring up the private file on Carlos Vega. " Carlos was and always has been a bitter enemy of mine......I've got a file on him which will help you bring him down. " Rick Reed always kept tabs on those who crossed paths with him. As a one time crime lord, it was good business to know what your enemies was up too. Tia brought up the file which showed all the businesses Vega owned and which ones were really covers for his criminal operations. " Vega owns a chain of laundry mats which double as gambling dens.......He has an ice cream shop were he sells drugs over the counter........Vega has a long hall trucking business that brings illegal weapons over the border from Mexico......Take your pick? " Tom was pleased with this information. His father's background would be a great help in this case. " Evie.......I know you've always wanted to visit San Diego.......And I know you're a huge Padres and Chargers fan.......So lets all go and see the sites in San Diego. " Tom was of course teasing Evie. At no time did she ever talking about wanting to visit San Diego and as far as James knew, Evie wasn't a fan of either the Padres or the Chargers. Tia printed out the information on Vega's businesses and what they really were. She handed the list too Tom and said that she would be standing by waiting to hear from them.
Evie stared at Tom as confused about his statement as she could see James was.

"Why does it need the four of us to trek down to San Diego?" She reached out and took the piece of paper from Rick. "If these... citizens... " she fought to hide the sarcasm in her voice. "... need protection under the law, then fine, lets look to take one of them down to make our point to Osiris, but surely you don't want to leave the rest of them... and all the others not on this list ... at. If these were truly innocent potential targets we would tell them all. So if we want to make sure they all stay safe then someone hold start calling them shouldn't they?"
Tom explained that if they all go, they can hit more then one places at a time. He also said that he was planning on sharing the information they had found with other departments and agencies around the country. This way they could work on the people in their areas. Rick added that he would send all the information he had on those other crime lords to the police department in their area. This would help them plan their own raids and would help to put many of these underworld bosses out of business. Tom would be fair about this, if James, Evie and Kim didn't want to go, then they could stay behind. " Anyone who wants to stay here in L.A. can do so......I'm going down to San Diego. " Tom announced then he looked at Kim and asked if she was going or staying?. " I'll go. " Kim said as she looked at Evie. Tom then asked whether or not Evie & James were going?

Rick said that these people were criminals and it was doubtful that they would trust the law without something to back up what was being said about Osiris. He added that right now, Osiris was holding all the cards. These people have trust in Osiris and to shake that trust you must show Osiris as being weak in their eyes. Rick was hoping that this would ease whatever fears Evie was having. " Remember....Value and trust are the keys to Osiris's plans.....If he doesn't have those.....He plan fails. " Rick looked at both Evie & James and like everyone else waited for their answer.
James was almost a quick as Kim in agreeing to go. Evie looked around the room. Suddenly she couldn't help feel as though she had become an outsider... no longer part of the team on this... certainly not on the same page. The questions she asked clearly didnt seem to sit well with the others and particularly with Tom. That he would question her understanding of what it was to be a police officer and that any of them might think her too scared for whatever the fight to come might be...? She swallowed the hurt and shrugged.

"If you want your team in San Diego, Lieutenant, then I guess that's where we're going. Who am I to question it?" She pulled out her cell phone and as she turned and headed out of the room, she had already gotten through to American Airlines to book the flights for the four of them.
Tom walked out just behind Evie while everyone else hung around. He stopped Evie not far from the outside of the security door then waited for her to complete the phone call. Tom told Evie that he had full confidence in her and her abilities. He then admitted that this case had him worried. He laughed and said even down right scared. Tom had never seen a criminal who could do what Osiris was doing. Osiris wasn't crazy like Simon Randal, he was a different kind of criminal. A criminal who was using computers against those who need them. Osiris turn a tool of everyday life into a weapon which he used like a master. Tom opened his feelings for Evie too see. This was a side too Tom that most people wouldn't never see. Evie was one of those special people that Tom would let see the hidden side.

Tom pulled Evie into a kiss which grew deeper. James walked out of the security room ahead of everyone else. " You two should get a room. " James remarked as he passed by Tom & Evie. " They'll get one.....In San Diego. " Kim spoke as she walked a few feet behind James. She gave Evie's ass a playful slap as she passed. " Save something for the honeymoon. " Kim added then Rick walked up to where Tom & Evie stood. He placed his arms over their shoulders and wished them both luck. Rick added that when they were ready, the wedding was on him.
Evie stared at Tom as she finished the call. Stared at him as he indicated how Osiris had him worried. that they were reliant on computers couldnt be denied, but then for a moment she wondered about using them against him. If they now knew how he was using their own files and technology...? She said nothing though. Twice bitten and all. She said nothing when he pulled her into the kiss... Did he really have confidence in her abilities as a cop? She didnt push him away though, at least not until she heard James' comment, when she broke the kiss, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Her embarrassment deepened with Kim's addition and then Rick suddenly offering to pay for a wedding?! She stepped back, red faced, self conscious. She took a deep breath.

"Flights are booked for 9.00am. LAX to San Diego with American. Check in at 08.00. i'll sort out the accommodation from the office."

Maybe if she didn't say anything, pretended nothing had happened, it might at least mean that James wouldnt take pleasure in telling Steve and Jack and almost certainly embellishing things as he went.
Later that night at Evie's apartment, Tom & Evie had finished a wonderful meal of chicken & pasta that she had made. They were now sitting together on the couch enjoying an after dinner beer. Tom was thinking of the best way they could catch Osiris. Hitting the crime bosses was a start and Tom got the ball rolling after he got back to the office. He made phone calls and had Tia send the needed files to police agencies like the Five-0 team in Hawaii. Tomorrow Tom's team would be in San Diego and going after Carlos Vega. Taking down Vega was the first big step and with the help of other departments, they could hurt Osiris even more. Tom had Evie wrapped in one arm as he leaned back against the couch. Her back was against the right side if his chest It was nice being this close to Evie. Something that Tom had wanted for a very long time.
Evie leaned back against Tom, eyes closed, relaxed but still trying to get the events from Rick's house out of her head. The TV was on in the background although neither of them was particularly watching it. Had he taken her onto the team because of their personal relationship or did he genuinely see her as a half decent cop worthy of being part of the MCU? Was he really concerned about this case and what Osiris might do or was that just something he said to try and make her feel better because of their personal relationship? If Rick thought that she was too scared to do her job, did he? Did James?

"Enough" she told herself mentally. "You are going to send yourself crazy if you keep going like this... not to mention fucking paranoid. Just let it go. Move on. Concentrate on the case and not on what any of them might have meant or what they might have been thinking. The case. Osiris using computers... if every move he made depended upon information he got from the police and federal computers, then surely there had to be a way of turning those same computers against him. If there was though, wouldn't Tia have suggested it? She was the expert after all. Maybe you should say something? That really worked so well earlier on though didn't it?" She continued to have the silent conversation in her own head, trying to work out how they might use the computers and whether she should say anything now or leave it for another time.

She eased herself out of the couch, saying nothing to Tom, and headed for the kitchen. She picked out two more cold beers from the fridge and returned to the lounge. She sat down on the coffee table just in front of the couch. She handed Tom the beer who took it and then looked at her, the question obvious on his face.

"Its probably nothing... probably stupid. Why cant we... plant something in our computers... something false... something that Osiris will still pick up on... still follow... with us right behind him. Make up some fictional insider... or... what did Kim say about getting him to come for us? A fictional insider with a name which the files say is one of us... a cover name that one of us are using? Something... anything to draw him out." She sat on the coffee table, only moving to lift her cold bottle to her mouth and take another drink.
Tom lifted his head from the back of the couch when Evie got up and moved to the kitchen. He smiled at the way her ass moved when she walked. Things had changed quite a bit between them since stopped being partners. They were still working together, but their private lives had become more intimate. Evie returned with two fresh beers and returned to sitting beside Tom. He started to slowly drink the new beer when Evie started to speak about Osiris and his uses of computers. Tom listened closely to everything that Evie said. It made sense and seemed to be well thought out. " That sounds like a great plan.......We could set a trap for his hit team and hopefully take them out. " Tom leaned forward placing his beer down on the table. " That would certainly hurt him......It will probably take some time to set this trap up......You should call Tia and get her working on this right away. " Tom leaned back against the couch. He was proud of Evie for coming up with this idea. It came at the right time and would help in striking at Osiris.

" We'll check in with Kim's Uncle after we get settled in San Diego......We'll need the backup from SDPD and their SWAT Units. " Tom said after Evie had finished talking with Tia on her cell phone. He pulled Evie close too him and kissed her on the forehead. " I love you baby. " Tom's voice was soft as he spoke. He then lowered his head and planted a kiss on Evie's lips. Tom's left hand came up and being to fondle Evie's right breast. Their kiss growing deeper as each second passed.
As Tom pulled Evie towards him, she pushed everything about the day out of her head. Instead she just let herself linger in each moment of the here and now. And Tom did feel good. She couldn't help but think it would be so much easier if they didn't work together. She never could understand the fact that it was perfectly okay for her boss to fuck her but not her partner. She kissed him back and moaned softly.

"We have an early start in the morning you know....hmmm.... And you need to get home to pack a bag before we get to te airport."
Tom placed a finger against Evie's lip to quiet her. " We can stop at my place before going to the airport.....We can even shower together in the morning to save time. " Tom removed his finger from Evie's lips, his hands were by now removing her top. It had been a long day for them both and they needed to relax. What better way to relax then to fuck each other little a couple of rabbits in heat? Evie had long since taken her bra off. She was comfortable dresses since being home for a while. Tom lowered his head down to Evie's breasts. His tongue began to tease at her nipples making each of them hard. His strong hands squeezed at her breasts. Tom then started to suck on her harden nipples. His cock was already hard as rock inside of his pants. Tom moved forward pushing Evie to where she was now laying on the couch.
Evie lifted her arms as Tom lifted the t-shirt up and over her head and then she gave little resistance as he pushed her back into the couch. She smiled and closed her eyes. She moaned softly as Tom's mouth gave her nipples some attention and when he moved his hands to the top of her pants, she lifted her ass off the couch and allowed him to slip them off of her legs. Only then did he pull away from her. He slipped his own shirt over his head and took of his pants. He moved to sit back down again.

"What... are you stopping there?" Evie asked him playfully. He smiled, removed his underwear and then sat back down on the couch. Evie moved slowly onto her knees on the couch and then across , moving to staddle him, facing him. With her hands on his shoulders, sitting in his lap, she started to kiss him again; short soft kisses as she moaned softly, feeling his cock hard beneath her.
Tom's eyes followed along as Evie's naked body moved to where she straddled him. Their lips again locked into a sweet kiss. Tom's hands started on Evie's legs, then slowly they stroked up over her flesh. His fingers danced over her legs, moved up onto Evie's sides, then on to her bare back. His arms snaked around pulling Evie closer which made their kiss even deeper. Tom's tongue slipped into Evie's open mouth, their tongues started to dance with each other. His hands slipped down over Evie's back until he had her ass checks in his hands. Tom squeezed both checks then pulled them apart. His hard cock began rubbing against Evie's pussy while he worked his lower body back and fourth beneath her.
Evie smiled and sighed and moaned softly as she felt Tom's hands on her body. She released into him, forgetting about everything outside of this particular moment. With her eyes softly closed, she savoured the kiss as she felt Tom lift her a little and then felt his cock sliding slowly inside her. Nothing was rushed. They took their time. Evie sighed again as she felt him sinking into her and as she settled softly into his lap once again. After a few moment she began to move slowly, easing her hips back...and forward...and back again. Forward and back. She rode Tom's cock, slowly, rhythmically. Squeezing herself around him. Releasing. Squeezing again as she moved back and forth. Fucking him slowly. Patiently. Everything was slow and deliberate. Tom's hands held her firmly but moved with her body, although her body didn't move far from his.
Like Evie, Tom also let everything about their day slip away. Getting lost in the sweet passion they were sharing was necessary in order to relax. By the time they reached the airport in the morning, it would be business as usual. But for now, the two former partners enjoyed the closeness if each others naked body. Tom let out a deep long moan when Evie lowered herself on upon his thick meat. Her pussy was so wonderfully warm & wet. Evie had amazing muscle control in her pussy. Tom begin working over Evie's hard nipples with his mouth, taking turns sucking and licking them. His hands stayed behind Evie squeezing at her athletic ass cheeks while she slowly rode his cock. They were starting out slowly, but Tom knew that it would end up with him fucking Evie like she wanted. Evie enjoyed the hard side of sex and Tom gladly gave her what she craved. Here alone together, Evie was Tom's little whore.

Tom started to slap Evie's ass cheeks telling her to work that dirty cunt. " How does it feel to fuck your boss!? " Tom asked as his hand smacked acrossed the bare flesh of Evie's backside. " Do you feel like a cheap whore!? " His words were again followed by another slap of his strong hand. This was all part of how they sexually played with each other.
Evie smiled when Tom asked her whether she fely like a cheap whore, and leaned back a little, holding on to Tom's shoulders as she did so.

"Not yet!" she said playfully. In response, Tom said nothing, smiled and then stood up, picking Evie up with him as if she weighed nothing - which of course she didn't. Evie could never be called fat but she was no anorexic stick-insect either. Evie squealed in surprised and hung on a little tighter, Tom's cock still buried inside her, as he walked through to the bedroom. In truth of course, it was no surprise. This was where they were bound to finish up sooner or later; it was just the suddenness of Tom's movement that had made her squeal.

Once in the bedroom, Tom kicked the door closed as he walked through and then walked over to the bed. He took a moment and Evie supposed he was deciding what to do. In the end, he simply tossed her onto the bed and followed quickly behind her. For a moment, they were a tangle of arms and legs, but Tom moved her limbs as he came across any that were in his way, and within a few moment, his hard cock was pushing back inside her once again. They would fuck each other and then quietly fall asleep, tired... spent... recuperating before the new day.
When morning came, Tom & Evie rose then took a long run together. They returned, showered together and messed around a bit more before eating breakfast and getting dressed for work. Tom drove them to LAX
where they met James & Kim. James looked a bit shell shocked as he stood holding a small bag. As it turned out, James had accepted a ride from Kim that very morning. She picked him up at his place in her Black 1970 Plymouth Barracuda. James wasn't a big fan of Evie's driving and now he thought that his sister & Kim must have been race car drivers in some past life. Tom just laughed when James told of his near death experience. Kim just rolled her eyes and said it wasn't that bad.

The foursome boarded their plane and were soon heading south to San Diego. Kim had a window seat during the flight and wondered too herself why they just didn't drive? San Diego was only about 125 miles from Los Angeles, give or take a few miles. She thought that perhaps Evie was saving up frequent flyer miles, but she wasn't sure. The flight from L.A. landed on time. Tom rented a car at the airport, then he drove everyone into the city. They made a stop at the Central Police Headquarters of the SDPD where they met with Kim's uncle. Tom explained why they were in town and how they would need the San Diego Police for backup. Lieutenant Gonzalez made a few phone calls. One to his Captain and the other to the Chief of Police. It was agreed that the SDPD would help out in any way they could on this case. Tom then set up a meeting with all of the SDPD SWAT Commanders who would be helping out with the raids. This meeting would happen later in the afternoon, for now Tom and his people needed to get rooms for the night. Kim's uncle told them where to find a nice motel not far from the station.

Tom quickly found the motel that Kim's uncle suggested. James & Kim each got their own rooms while Tom & Evie shared a room. Tom wanted to avoid an argument with Evie about how it would look for them to share a room. He just reminded her that they were no longer partners. They could date each other openly and honestly he didn't care what anyone thought. Evie was his woman and he was damn proud to have her. Once everyone was settled into their rooms. They all returned to the SDPD Central Station for the meeting with the SWAT Commanders.
As James relayed the 'horrors' - at least as he saw it - of his trip to the airport, to start with Evie just started at him and the smile was just in her eyes, but every now and then she couldn't help but giggle and once Kim started interrupting regularly to deny most of what he was saying, and it became something of an argument - but a comical one - by the end of the story, Evie was laughing out loud.

"She drives worse than you do."

"Hey... there's nothing wrong with my driving. Just because you drive like some old woman." Having checked in their bags, Tom had turned around and was walking towards the security check and the other three followed, the 'conversation' still playing out all the way through until they sat down on the other side of security with large coffees in front of them. The rest of the flight was uneventful. Evie knew that they could have driven it; it wasn't that far. But why bother with the hassle. It would have taken then longer to drive it than to fly it ... and even longer if James had been allowed to drive any of it.

They went through the formalities the following day but they seemed to be welcomed pretty warmly; they might well have been given powers by the Governor that other officers would have relished, but pissing off the locals was not a good idea. As far as Evie was concerned, 'super-powers' or not, working with local law enforcement was always going to be the preferred way.

The following morning, they got up, breakfasted at the hotel and then headed to SDPD headquarters. As the SWAT commanders gathered, Evie did a few checks through the phone book.

"So... what are we going for first... laundromats, ice cream palours, trucking businesses. There are fifteen laundromats across the wider downtown area. And unfortunately, more than 100 ice cream places. Now doesn't that say something about the American lifestyle. There are hundreds of trucking companies but rule out the rental ones and we could probably cut that down to a few dozen." She looked up at the other three. "Where do you want to start?"
Rick Reed's files on Carlos Vega were the answer to Evie's question on where to start. Tom had left the files for Kim's Uncle to read over during the night. He was impressed with the information that had been gathered. Lieutenant Gonzalez had no idea that anyone had gotten into Vega's empire and slipped away with his day to day underworld business dealings. There was enough info here that the warrants were easy to get. Now all they needed to do was to find the illegal products at the different scenes and they would have Vega but the short hairs. Tom laid out how the raids would go down. His MCU Team would have to break up on this one. Evie & Kim would lead an SDPD SWAT Team in a raid of an ice cream shop called Brewster's Frozen Delights. Tom told Evie & Kim to check everything. The information in the files stated that heroin was being sold over the counter and was hidden inside of the large containers of ice cream. This meant that Evie & Kim would have to dig through the ice cream to find the drugs.

Tom then turned to James. He told James that he was leading a SDPD SWAT Team on a raid of the laundromat known as Wash & Go. The files said that the illegal gambling operation was in the basement. There would be a door in the rear of the laundromat which read stockroom. There would be a row of coat hooks along the wall on the left side. Pulling on the third coat hook would open a hidden door where stairs would then lead down to the gambling parlor. Tom told James to arrest everyone in that basement, no matter who they were. Tom told everyone that Lieutenant Gonzales & the San Diego PD would raiding an illegal chop shop that Vega was running. He had people stealing cars, those cars were then broken down and sold in Auto Part Stores owned by Vega.

Tom then informed everyone that he would be leading a SWAT Team in a raid against Cal Tran Trucking which was Vega's long haul trucking company. These raids had to take place all at the same time. If they tried to raid each of Vega's businesses one by one. Vega's people would hear of the raids once they had started and by the time the police arrived at the second place, everything would be gone. Tom then told everyone that all the raids would take place one hour from now. Each team would leave the police station and head for their target location. Once everyone was in place, they would send Tom a text message saying so. Tom would then send a text message to everyone tell them to move on their targets. Each team received their warrants and they headed out for their targeted locations.
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