Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Tyler Webb was a 12 year veteran of the LAPD. He stood 5"8, with short brown hair and weighted 165 lbs. Derek Pierce had been on the force for 9 years. He stood 6'"2, with black curly hair and weighed 195 lbs. They were known as a salt & pepper team since Webb was white and Pierce was black. Both men were friends with McCaffrey, but Webb was closer too him. Webb had got a special drug from McCaffrey a while back and he had used it successfully. This drug made it easier to get women in bed. It made them crave sex, they need it badly and didn't care who it was they fucked. This same drug had been used on Evie once before at the Snowman's club. Webb was planning on spiking Evie's last drink of the night with it. He knew that once the drug was inside Evie's body, she'd be begging Webb & Pierce to fuck her. Webb & Pierce would finally get their chance with the department's own wanton little sex kitten. This wasn't going to be any wham bam thank you ma'am, fuck'em them live'em. They were planning on using Evie all night long.

Part of the deal made between the LAPD and the Governor's Office for his granting those special arrest powers to the new MCU, was that they would travel when needed to other police department around the state and aid them in tough cases. Once Tom had all the details, he left the Captain's Office and headed back down too his desk. He was now a Lieutenant, but his new command wouldn't start until Monday. Upon arriving in the Robbery/Homicide Squad room, Tom found a young woman sitting at his desk. One of the night shift detectives explained that the young woman wanted too see Sergeant Reed. Tom chuckled since word of his promotion hadn't got out. He walked up to his desk and introduced himself to the young woman. She said her name was Amanda Winters and she admitted to being a prostitute. Amanda then explained why she had come. Her story started out with her and a friend named Lynn Charles being hired to work a party a week ago. This party was held in Beverly Hills and it was a rich's sex party.

Amanda told how after the party was over, the same man who hired them offered them more money if they could come to a special gathering the following week. The two women agreed since the price was right and they would get picked up in a limo. The day of the gathering, Amanda & Lynn were picked up by the man who hired them in a limo. He had them put blindfolds on because the gathering place was a secret. The limo ride took the better part of an hour. Amanda & Lynn found themselves out in the desert. She said that there was a huge fire ring in the ground and two trailers. Amanda & Lynn were each taken to a different trailer where they were told to wait. It grew dark and Amanda was getting nervous. She heard weird sounds coming from outside. These sounds were being made by people who were chanting. Amanda peeked outside a small window and saw that there was a fire in the ring. Next to the fire, an alter had been setup, it wasn't there before. Amanda could see people walking around the fire dressed in robes. Most were wearing black, but a few had red one's on. She then saw two people dragging Lynn out to the fire. Lynn appeared to have been drugged since she looked lifeless and was being dragged with out a fight. Amanda watched as they stripped Lynn of her clothing, then placed her on top of the alter.

Amanda panicked, she knew that she couldn't get out through the windows, the glass panes were slanted and way too strong. She quickly found out that the door was locked from the outside. Amanda told Tom that she went to the back bedroom of the trailer and escaped through a vent in the roof. She escaped into the desert and was picked up a few hours ago by a truck driver who was heading for Los Angeles. Amanda said that she had heard on the streets that Tom & Evie were trustworthy cops. Tom explained that he didn't do missing persons. Amanda said that Lynn wasn't miss, she knew her friend was dead. Tom took down Amanda's information and said that he would look into for her. Amanda left and Tom turned towards his computer. He thought for a moment, the robes, the alter, it all sounded familiar too him. He punched a few keys then 10 unsolved murders in the last 2 years came up. Each of the victims had been used in some kind of Satanic Rituals. The story Amanda just told Tom fit with what had been filed in other reports up and down the state of California. Tom placed a call to a friend of his who worked in the Highway Patrol. He asked about bodies being found, the answer was no. Tom then asked if his friend would keep in touch about any that are found. He looked at his watch, it was 20 after 6. Tom switched off his computer then left the squad room.

5 minutes after leaving the station, Tom pulled up out front of Malone's. Tom got out of his car and walked inside. As he expected, the Taylor Family was sitting at the bar and Evie had saved a place for him. Tom walked up as Steve started on him about not having his cape with him. James then pointed at the tv saying that McBride's news story about Tom and the bus full of Nuns just ended. Jack waved his hand at the tv and said that Tom learned that from him. A loud groan rose up from the Taylor's as their father started into the story of how he jumped on top of a moving bus back in 2004 and saved a group of school kids. The groan was because Steve, James and Evie heard that story a hundred times after it happened. James then asked why Tom was so late? Tom reached into his coat and pulled out his new badge and ID. He laid it on the bar for all the Taylor's too see.
Evie smiled behind her drink as Steve took the piss out of Reed and then groaned in unison with her brothers as her dad started to tell the so well-known tale; so much so that once again in unison the three of them spoke the last few lines of the old man's story. It didn't seem to put Jack off at all. He continued regardless and didn't look embarrassed in the slightest.

Tom's promotion gave them three reasons to celebrate, and celebrate they did. The bar was busy and everyone mingled. Every time she turned around, someone seemed to be putting a drink in her hand and both James and Reed were experiencing the same thing. It was a good night and even the multiple repeats of McBride's bulletin became a great cause of celebration. Plenty of beers were downed; Rusty bought in two dozen pizzas of various types and the party went for a few hours before anyone left. From around 11pm though, people began to drift away. First the guys who had the Saturday shift then one of those with partners and kids. By midnight, the Taylor's minus Jack were at a table towards the back of the bar. Webb and Pierce were propped up on their elbows, leaning against the bar and watching Evie and there was a couple of non-cops who had just called in looking for a drink and found themselves in the middle of something loud and funny. Reed had left with Jack after Jack had persuaded his old partner and now fellow Lieutenant to join him in sharing a very nice 12year old malt whisky at home. Reed's car was left out front. Nobody was stupidly drunk but none of them could really drive. Steve and James decided they'd get a cab together and James would crash at Steve's. As Evie eased out of her seat intending to get a cab on her own, Webb suggested she have one more with them and then she could share a cab with him and Pierce. Evie hesitated for a moment but decided that she probably had to given them a chance. She nodded, said goodnight to her brothers and then walked across to where Webb and Pierce were stood.
After laying his new badge on the bar for all the Taylor's too see, he said that this is what you get for saving a bus filled with Nuns. The Taylor's all looked stunned for a moment. Evie and her family started to laugh since they could tell that Tom was bullshitting them. It was clearly written on his face as he gave them a smile. Tom then told them the real reason why he had been in the Captain's Office for so long. He said that starting Monday morning he wouldn't be in Robbery/Homicide anymore, he was taking command of a new special task force called the Major Crimes Unit. Tom laid out the details for his closest friends while tucking his badge & ID back into his coat. He patted Evie on her back and said that he enjoyed being partners with her. Tom wasn't expecting Evie to join him on the MCU, but he did say that the opens were going to those who volunteer. From everyone who came too him Monday morning, Tom would pick those he wanted on the team. This would give Evie & James something to think about during the weekend. Both had just lost their partners. James's partner had retired a few day ago and Tom was promoted. James had been wanting a change from being a Vice cop and joining Tom's Major Crime Unit would certainly bring that.

The party at Malone's started to die down, but it was hardly over. Tom & Jack went to Jack's place to kill off a bottle of 12 year old Glenfiddich single malt scotch whiskey. They would spend the night talking about the past and the future. James was already thinking about joining the MCU before he & Steve left. Malone's was pretty slow by now since only the two non cops were there along with Webb, Pierce and Evie. Rusty poured out there glasses of whiskey that Webb had ordered. He then went to the register and started count the night's take. This left Webb, Pierce and Evie alone at the far end of the bar. Pierce kept Evie's attention from her drink long enough for Webb to add the drug too her drink. The drug was in liquid form, it was clear and left no odors or after taste. This drug came in small bottles of which Webb placed the whole bottle. Evie's drink was only spiked with half a bottle when she was at Club Vibe. There was no way of knowing just how horny and playful she would become now that a full bottle was used.

Webb then raised his glass into the air and toasted Evie. " Lets raise our glasses to a damn fine homicide detective named Evie Taylor! " Webb spoke in a bold tone as Pierce lifted his glass into the air. " To Evie.......May you always get what you want. " Pierce spoke, both men downed their drinks in one gulp. Pierce then pulled out his cell phone and called for a cab. For Webb & Pierce, the party wouldn't start until Evie got warmed up and they were at her place.
As Evie approached the two men she couldn't help but notice the way they looked at her. Whilst they seemed to be talking differently than they had with her before, those looks were the same. But they did seem to be trying to be nice to her she reasoned to herself and it was one drink and she hadnt been aware of any lewd suggestion or wandering hand all evening. As she came to stand between them, Rusty was placing the three glasses on the bar.

"It's been a good night don't you think. You. James. Reed. All in the same day." Pierce was smiling as Evie turned to look at him and smiled back, nodding. Distracted she didn't see what Webb did. "And Tom even got McBride's attention so he left you alone this evening." Evie laughed.

"He did, but I don't imagine McBride will be distracted for too long."

"Here you go." Webb interrupted as he held out two of the three glasses. Evie turned around, smiled, and took one whilst Pierce reached out a took the other. Webb picked up and raised his own glass, placing his free hand gently on Evie's back as he made the toast. Evie blushed a litle and smiled and as both men watched she knocked back the scotch. Both men smiled, threw a quick knowing look at each other and then knocked back their own drinks. As they did so, the McBride piece on Tom's arrest cme back on the TV.

"Speak of the devil... No-one believes what he's saying you know?" Webb spoke to Evie referring to the previous evenings report, his hand still on her back. "Everyone that matters knows your record. Knows that that shield..." He pointed vaguely in the direction of Evie's hip even though her badge wasn't on display. "... Is about you and not your old man." Webb rubbed his hand a little up and down her back. Evie turned and looked at him. For a moment Webb saw a puzzled look on her face. Evie was starting to feel a little different... But it was not an unfamiliar feeling. She smiled as she realised what Webb said. "Erm... Thanks. That's... That's good to hear."

"McBride's an asshole. Digging around in people's past... Who was it again for you...some jock you dated at college..."

"I didn't even date him" Evie turned to Pierce, interrupting him.

"Right... Why let the truth get in the way... You didn't date him and McBride makes it look like you were practically married to him... And digging up those photos..."

"Yeah, but they were nice photos Pierce... They made Evie look pretty good..." Evie couldn't help but smile and she blushed a litle again. Webb's hand moved down a little resting in the small of Evie's back. He'd never seen the drug work before and he wasn't sure how fast it would get into her system. He was half expecting her to pull away or slap him at any moment. But she didn't.

"Fuck yeah." Pierce replied. "That blue swin suit one..." He leaned in a little, taking a quick glance towards Rusty at the far end of the bar. He still had his back to them. "That was sweet..." He reached out a hand and slipped it inside Evie's jacket, placing it on her ribs and sliding it down slowly over her waist and onto her hip. "... It showed off everyone of these curves." Evie giggled and squirmed a little playfully. She didn't know why; he just couldn't help it and Pierce's hand felt good. Big. Strong. As did Webb's which she felt move again onto her ass.

"I bet there are lots of other photos that make our brass cupcake look even better. Is that right Evie?" Webb whispered in her ear, but loud enough for Pierce to hear. Evie turned to look at Webb, a smile playing around her mouth. "Maybe a couple" she whispered back as she remembered a group of them out on the beach one night after a birthday party and the guys persuading the girls to go topless. Someone had had a camera. Then there had been a frat party where they had finished up playing strip poker. Evie did better than most but still finished up in her underwear. Webb and Pierce both smiled.

"I bet there is." Webb laughed. "Lots of parties huh... Do you like to party Evie?" Evie nodded. "Yeah. Of course you do." His hand squeezed her ass. At that moment, there was the sound of a car horn.

"That's our cab." Pierce stood up and led the way out of the bar, calling goodnight to Rusty. Webb manoeuvred Evie so that she followed Pierce and he followed Evie. Outside Pierce walked around to the far side of the cab and climbed in whilst Webb opened the door, let Evie get in and then followed her. Evie was then sat on the rear seat squeezed a little between them. Evie didn't mind. At that moment she liked the feel of them both next to her

"Where are we going then cupcake?" Evie looked at Webb, then at the driver and she rattled off her address. Pierce smiled.

"Yeah. We're gonna have a party aren't we Evie. Our own private party." He reached out his hand and placed it on Evie's leg, wishing that she wasn't wearing pants but knowing that she wasn't going to be for much longer. Evie looked at him, looked at his hand as it squeezed her thigh, looked back up, smiled, nodded.

"You know ... McCaffrey told us about the party he had with you?" Evie looked quickly round at Webb. Part of her knew she wanted to be annoyed that he knew, that McCaffrey had told them. But he didn't feel annoyed and her memories of club vibe and then once she had taken him home quickly pushed out all other thoughts. Webb lifted a hand, drew the back of his fingers down her cheek, before cupping it and drawing his thumb softly over her lower lip. "He told us what you much you wanted him...wanted all of many was it again." The question was or Pierce.

" some hooker at the club."

"That's right...four guys...a woman..." Evie said nothing; she simply looked at Webb and remembered. Her mouth opened a little and Webb slipped his thumb inside. "But he said you begged him...again and again. Evie sucked softly on Webb's thumb as it danced with her tongue. Evie didn't notice but the cab driver was starting to spend more of his time looking in his rear view mirror.

Pierce moved around a little in his seat and then leaned in to Evie and spoke in her ear.

"He told us just what you like. Just how much you need it. You need it right now don't you Evie?" He placed his hand on her ribs again but this time moved up, quickly reaching her left tit, cupping it, squeezing it. Evie nodded and moaned softly.

"Of course she needs it. Because she's every bit the fucking whore that Mac said she was, aren't you?" Evie nodded and moaned again. She didn't know how or why, but she couldn't deny the truth of what Webb was saying. Her body was aching to be fucked and the ache was growing deeper.
Even though the cabbie had his eyes focused on what was happening in the back seat, he did get everyone to the address Evie had given him. The yellow cab came to a stop, Webb got out then he helped Evie from the car. He pulled her into his arms and locked her lips into a deep kiss. Pierce paid the cab driver then he climbed out. He walked up behind Evie, his large hands quickly found her ass. Pierce squeezed Evie's cheeks while Webb & Evie kissed like lovers. It was then suggested that they go inside by Pierce. Webb broke the kiss and laughed. " Yeah.......We want to party with Evie in private. " The two men walked with their arms around Evie's body, Pierce was on her left while Webb was on her right. They all walked into the apartment building then straight to Evie's apartment. Once inside with the door closed, Webb told Evie put on some music and do a strip tease for them. This wouldn't really be any kind of tease since the two men would be fucking Evie in a short while.

Webb & Pierce quickly removed their coats tossing them on a nearby chair. They removed their pistols and holsters along with their shirts and pants. By now the two detectives were down to their underwear and sitting beside each other on Evie's couch. They watched as she had removed her gun, holster and badge then moved acrossed the floor to switch on some music. Evie kept her clothes on, at least until the music started. Her body began to sway with the tune and she slowly started removing her clothing. This drug did bring out what Evie normally keeps well hidden. The playful little sex kitten of the LAPD had shown her true colors and both Webb & Pierce were wanting more. " Yeah do it baby........Get nasty! " Pierce said which only seemed to make Evie dance sexier then before.
Webb held out his hand hitch Evie took as she climbed out of the cab. Almost as soon as she was out he pulled her forward and she fell into him, which was exactly what he wanted. He still had hold of her hand but this was now held behind her up between her shoulder blades. He wasn't hurting her but his grip was firm. Evie moaned as Webb kissed her hard and she immediately began to kiss him back not giving any mind to the fact that she was in the middle of the street.

At Pierce's suggestion the kiss was broken and the three of them moved indoors. Evie liked walking with them, between two men who were clearly in control and who seemed willing to give her what she wanted...what she needed.

As she entered her apartment and started to take off her jacket, on hearing Webb's suggestion, she looked at him and smiled. She kicked off her shoes and walked over to the stereo. She hit play on the compilation CD that was already in the player. Def Leppard and 'Only The Good Die Young' was the first song, followed by Alice Cooper's 'Poison'. By the time she was half way through the second, she removed her last item of clothes and her strip had almost become a lap dance.
This was certainly a side too Evie that nether Webb, nor Pierce had ever seen before. They did enjoy how Evie's body moved while she danced for them and removed her clothing. Evie's music only added to their enjoyment, she moved like she had done this before too the same music. During Evie's strip, Webb & Pierce removed their underwear. They sat there staring at Evie with cocks in hand. Their fist slowly pumping up and down while their cocks grew. Pierce had a nice long black dick in fist. Webb's cock wasn't as long, but it certainly was just as thick if not a bit wider. The two detectives made lude comments about Evie's body while she danced. Normally, such comments would have set Evie off, but this was the free and very easy Evie. She enjoyed them talking about her ass, tits and how hot her pussy looked when she bent over in front of them.

Webb & Pierce groped at Evie's body when she came over to the couch. She was almost of top of them as the second song came to an end. " We got all the hard cock you'll need baby.......All you gotta do is beg for it. " Webb's voice was soft yet firm in tone. He reached out and stroked his hand playful over Evie's ass. " Yeah baby.......Tell us just want a nasty whore you really are.......Tells us how you've been dreaming of us double teaming you. " Pierce added as his free hand glided over Evie's tits. He stopped then pulled and twisted the nipple on Evie's right breast.
The CD continued with more metal tracks and Evie knew the ones which would follow ... Smoke on the Water... Sweet Child of Mine... Highway to Hell. One guy she had dated in college had really been into bands like ACDC and Metalica; if they went out it played in his car; if they stayed in he had it playing in her room as well as hs own. They had dated from most of their final year and had broken up amicably once they graduated and through that time she had actually come to appreciate it more than she ever thought she would at the start of their relationship.

As Alice Cooper gave way to Guns N Roses, Evie stood dancing between them, her arms loosely above her head, the full length of her lithe toned curved body displayed for them in a way they had only dreamed about. She knew what she was doing and somewhere inside her head she knew that this was wrong; that it was a mistake. But she wanted to do it so much. She wanted to do it for them and the way they talked about her...about her body and what they were going to do made her want to do it even more.

She looked down at Webb, her body still moving with the music, as he told her all she had to do was beg. McCaffrey had made her beg...first at the club then here. She remembered stripping for him as soon as she was brought through the door and then he'd fucked her in every room. He'd made her crawl on her hands and knees from one room to another and then beg him to fuck her again and again. And she remembered how much she wanted him... Almost as much as she wanted these two guys right now. Her gaze shifted to Pierce as he told her what else she needed to say. Their hands on her body felt so good. She nodded slowly.

"I..I am a whore...a nasty dirty fucking whore... I need your cocks inside me so bad... McCaffrey sat there and he told me... He promised he was going to invite you here... He promised that the three of you would use me harder than anyone ever had. He told me ... how you knew how to treat real whores. He made me... Want you so much."

Webb started to laugh. He looked at Pierce.

"I told you McCaffrey wasn't bullshittin' us. Push the right buttons and she's a pure wanton desperate slut." He looked back up to Evie.

"Well cupcake... Mac was right. We do know how you need to be treated. We know exactly how a cunt like you needs to be used."
Evie had total command of the room when she spoke. Even over the metal music playing in the background. Her words sounded like they came from the heart and there for, true. These words would only reinforce what Webb & Pierce thought about Evie. They knew that she was a whore who used her body to get what she wanted out of the department. They couldn't blame her though, Evie's body was smoking hot and they would have done the same in her place. This side of Evie, Webb & Pierce wished they could see all the time. They both thought it was a shame that she was such a tight ass while at work. Evie was always a by the book cop. The guys thought that she should lighten up a little and not be a walking freezer all the time. They knew that there was more to life then following each of the departments regulations as if they were handed down by God.

Pierce was really enjoying Evie's music, he loved the hard rock also. Webb on the other hand was more into country music. He really didn't care for Evie's music, but he didn't come here to listen to what she liked. He came to Evie's apartment along with his partner too fuck her. Webb rose too his feet, standing just behind Evie. Pierce watched his partner stand and did the same. Both men were standing, Pierce was in front of Evie while Webb stood behind her. Webb was close enough that his cock brushed up against Evie's ass when she moved to the music. Pierce was a few steps beyond Evie. From where he stood, Evie could see his big black snake sticking straight out at her. Webb grabbed a hold of Evie's arms. " Lets not disappoint our little police whore......Lets fuck her now! " Webb said as Pierce grinned. Evie's upper body was pushed forward while her hips were pulled back. Webb did this making sure that Evie's face was down near Pierce's cock. " Why don't you show Ty just how much a whore like you enjoys a big black cock. " Webb's voice carried a wicked tone as he rubbed his cock against Evie's dripping pussy. Pierce reached down grabbing a handful of Evie's hair and held her at his cock.
Evie watched as both men stood up. Breathing a little harder than normal, feeling her sense of excited anticipationrising, she half turned her head as Webb moved behind her, then hesitated for a moment as she lost sight of him other than in her peripheral vision before she turned her head to see Pierce immediately in front of her, his cock within her reach if she just stretched out her hand. She went to do just that but then she felt hands around her wrists, her arms being pulled back whilst at the same time she was being bent forward.

Within seconds of her thinking about stretching out her hand to stroke Pierce 's thick hard cock, it was within inches of her mouth. Then she felt Pierce's hand grabbing hold of her hair. She gasped, moaned and almost immediately, the moan was muffled by a black dick filling her mouth. She began to suck hungrily, letting Pierce move her head as he wished. And then she felt herself being impaled.

"Nothing better than a good old fashioned spit-roast. A nice juicy whore stuffed at both ends." Webb said. "Are you enjoying all this meat, cupcake? We should have done this that first day you walked into the squad room. Put you in your fucking place huh?"
Webb's comment about Evie's first day was true. He said too Pierce just after Evie walked into the squad room that she sure looked as if she needed a good hard fuck. The two detectives would have fucked Evie that day, hell they would fucked Evie on any day. Webb's thick cock sank deep into Evie's well soaked cunt. He wasted no time in being the pounding of Evie. Webb kept a firm hold on Evie's hips while he slammed into her. Pierce held Evie by the hair, this gave him a nice view of his black dick sliding in and out of her mouth. " We're gonna make each other feel real good baby......You'll never forget about this party. " Pierce was grinning as he spoke too Evie. His hips were by now thrusting deeply into Evie's mouth. His meaty cock slipping easily down her throat. " Hey man.......White....Black.....This little whore just loves cock......To bad we didn't have another chick here.......Evie may enjoy a little fish taco along with all this beef she getting. " Webb laughed out loud at his partners little joke. He then slapped Evie on the left ass check. " How about that Evie?......You'd like a side pussy to go with all this cock.....Wouldn't you? " Webb & Pierce were clearly enjoying themselves. They were going to make the most of this night.
Evie was effectively bounced between them, each one moving so as to push her against the other just at the time when the other was pushing forward. She felt Webb tight inside her and she squeezed herself around him even more, her grunts and squeals muffled by the cock that was stretching her mouth and making her drool. Her tits swung beneath her as both men clearly started to enjoy themselves.

And all the time Evie knew this shouldn't be happening but she didn't want them to stop. She loved how they felt. Loved what they were doing and she only wanted more. Just like she had when McCaffrey bought her back from the club that night. She had never wanted to be fucked more than she had done that night...before or since. Until now. When they mentioned another woman, her mind drifted to the women she had been with in the last six months. Truth was at that moment she didn't care as long as Webb and pierce kept using her.

"What did Mac call that woman he said was at the club first time he fucked this little bitch? Remember how he said they'd made each other cum...right there in front of everyone?" Pierce asked as he gripped Evie's hair tighter and pushed his cock deeper into her throat holding it there and feeling her choke as Webb kept fucking her.

"Mary.... Margaret... No...Martha... Was...was that it cupcake? Was it Martha who...made you beg Mac to fuck you before you fucked each other." Webb was breathing hard...fucking and smacking Evie's ass making the cheeks jiggle and burn.
The two men continued to pound Evie from both ends. They were pretty sure that this would be their only shot at her since it was doubtful that she would ever let herself be alone with them again, or even speak with them for that matter. But they still would like to do more with Evie. If Webb had been thinking ahead of time, he could have found a girl who would have joined them. He & Pierce could have hired a hooker, or there was this hot little number who worked in patrol. They knew that she was really into girls and would have gladly joined in on a foursome with Evie. But sadly Webb hadn't thought about that until now and he was kicking himself over it.

They kept fucking Evie like that for another 15 minutes before changing. Webb moved around in front of Evie while Pierce slid his long cock deep into her pussy. " Here baby.......Taste yourself on my cock......Taste how sweet your cunt juice is. " Webb as Pierce had done before had Evie by her hair. His shining cock was mere inches from Evie's lips. Pierce didn't wait long before his huge cock was beating Evie's pussy without mercy.
Pierce was obviously thinking on similar lines.

"When we were at the Shooting competition this year... The one where you showed off your other talents cupcake..." He smacked Evie's ass hard as he pushed his cock into her dripping tight cunt and groaned, distracted for a moment from what he was going to say. "Fuck... You're a tight little whore aren't you? Does that feel good?" Evie squealed a little at the slap as she fed hungrily on Webb's dick. He pulled her head off him for a moment and tipped her head back to get her to look up at him.

"Pierce asked you a question cupcake. Does it feel good?" Evie looked up, mouth open, saliva covering her chin, gasping, moaning. She nodded as much as Webb's grip on her hair would allow. "Y...yes,..oh god yes... " Both men laughed as Webb pushed her head back down, her open mouth quickly refilled and as Pierce with drew a little and then pushed hard and deep, making Evie groan again.

"What were you saying about the competition?"

"That Patrol Officer.... who was stood with us for a while....hmmmm fuck... That's it cupcake... Squeeze that cunt... "

"Anita Hill" Webb answered quickly with a hint of regret in his voice.

"That's the one." He leaned forward a little as he gripped Evie's hips tighter. "She could rarely keep her eyes off you. Told everyone there how she'd love to teach you a few things and put you in your proper place."

"And this is your proper place isn't it cupcake? Servicing cocks. This is what you really crave." Webb pushed his cock deep and held her head firm against his groin.

"Of course it is." Pierce said. 'And imagine if McBride could see this now. How much do you think he'd pay to sit in that chair and get this on film?"

"Yeah... Right before he took his own turn at you huh... It's obvious he wants to screw you in more ways than one." Webb laughed as he with drew his cock, leaving Evie gasping for breath and imagining those very things.
" What would Anita Do? " Was the question of the moment. Webb & Pierce would surly like too know. They could only guess as to how Anita would put Evie in her place. Again Webb was kicking himself for not planning this out better. He had totally forgotten about Anita and what she said at the shooting competition. Anita was a lot like Webb & Pierce. She enjoyed using female officers as sex toys just like the guys did. Evie had always been on her list of bitches to break. But she never had the chance to even meet Evie. Anita enjoyed those tight ass by the book cunts. She was the type who would use the book to paddle their asses and make them beg for more.

The guys continued mauling Evie's ass & mouth. Since it was Friday night, they could and would fuck Evie all night long. The two detectives were looking for their fair share of Evie. This could have happened a while back if Evie had given them a chance on Halloween night. But Evie denied them and they had to use other means in order to get what they wanted from her.
"I need a drink." Webb said as he withdrew his cock from her mouth. "You don't mind do you cupcake?" he wasn't really asking her permission as he waked into the kitchen and fetched two bottles of beer from the refridgerator. While he was gone, Pierce moved Evie toward the desk pushed her down over it and kicked her heels.

"Come on now... you know how to spread them. Just like you get the perps to do every day." As Evie moved her left foot further away from her right, Pierce stroked the tip of his cock along the length of her pussy and then forced it back into her tight cunt once again and started to fuck her a little harder than he had before, now she was spread over the heavy desk.

Webb decided to do a little exploring on his way back. He checked each of the rooms until he found the main bedroom. He wandered around, opening the closet and then a drawer. He smiled, reaching in and picking up a pair of ivory satin panties. And then his smile broaded even more. A minute later he walked back into the lounge and over to where Pierce was. He handed him a bottle.

"Look what I found." He showed Pierce the 8 inch pink ribbed vibrator with the tip gently curving. He brought it down in front of Evie so she could see it. She said nothing, just continued to groan as Pierce fucked her. Zach had bought it for her before they had gone to Mexico. He had even used it on her a few times.

"I wonder what we can do with this?"

"I bet Anita would know... don't you have her number man?" Pierce suggested
Webb handed Pierce the other beer while he showed off Evie's toy. Pierce laughed and slapped Evie's ass. He said that proves she's a hidden whore. Only a whore who hides who she truly is would have something like that. Webb couldn't help but wonder just what other secrets Evie kept hidden around her apartment. He wondered whether Evie had naked pictures or a sex tape that showed off her skills. It was possible that someone had done some filming while down in Mexico and had captured Evie's party. Webb's attention was drawn back to his partner when he asked if he had Anita's number? Webb said that he needed to check his cell phone, but he was sure that it was there somewhere. It took Webb a few moments, but he found Anita's number and placed a call too her. As luck would have it, Anita was at home and not far away from Evie's apartment. Webb told Anita all about what was happening at Evie's apartment. He then asked if she wasn't busy, she should come over and join in. Anita laughed and said that she was never too busy when it came to using a department whore.

Webb closed his phone and told Pierce that Anita was on her way and she would be here in about 10 minutes. Perfectly on time, a knock came at the door. Webb walked over and opened the door while Pierce kept fucking Evie. Anita stood on the other side of the door leaning against the jam with a cocky smile on her face. She was a female version of McCaffrey expect Anita was hot looking. Webb welcomed Anita to the party then he closed the door after she slowly walked in.
Anita walked in and smiled.

"You son of a bitch Webb. You decided to have a little party here with McCaffrey's whore and you didn't invite me from the start. Tut tut." She gave Webb a quick kiss on the mouth as she slipped her jacket off and dropped it on the small table near the door. Then she took his bottle off him and walked over to where Pierce was.

"Hey cupcake... Say hello to Sergeant Anita Hill." Pierce grabbed hold of the top of her arms and pulled her up off the desk and turned around, his cock still buried inside her. He held her up, displayed for Anita. Antia took her time looking Evie up and down. Then she stepped up to her, took a swig from her bottle and then lifted her free hand to Evie's chin.

"Hello Evie... sorry... they call you cupcake don't they? McCaffrey called you a whore... and here you are... proving him right. You look like you're enjoying yourself... are you?" Evie stared at her. Anita was maybe a little taller than Evie - maybe 5'9 - and certainly had a bigger frame which probably made her stronger. But she was still fit woman.

"Answer the sergeant cupcake." Webb said reappearing from the kitchen where he'd fetched a fresh bottle.


Anita suddenly slapped Evie across the cheek. "Yes what?"

"Y... yes A.. Anita" Again she was slapped

"Try again"

"Yes Sergeant." Anita smiled. "That's better" She took hold of Evie's chin again and stepped closer. The she leaned in a kissed her on the mouth, hard, her tongue pushing deep almost immediately. And much to both Webb and Pierce's enjoyment, Evie began to kiss her back immediately.
Anita broke the kiss, pulling away just slightly. " I've been waiting for a moment like this for a long time. " Anita said as she grinned at Evie. " I've been waiting a shot at you since the day you came to the Central Station. " Anita took a drink of beer, but she didn't swallow. She moved her head back too Evie's and placed another kiss upon her lips. She then allowed the beer to flow from her mouth into Evie's. Once Evie swallowed the beer, Anita again pulled back. " You know some of the guys at the station believe you fucked your way into becoming a detective......They say you fucked Chief Beck an eat out Commissioner Fernandez's pussy......From what I'm seeing here......I tend to believe those stories. " Anita's face held a smirk as she spoke. " Tonight you're gonna get more cock and you'll eat out my pussy.......I'll teach you how to be a proper whore before this night is over. " Anita spoke softly, but loud enough for Webb & Pierce too hear her. The guys certainly enjoyed what Anita had too say and they were looking forward too seeing her in action. This party had been underway for sometime now, but really it was just getting started.
Evie kissed her back hungrily for a second time, drinking down the beer from Anita's mouth and grunting and Pierce thrust his hips up once.... twice... three times before withdrawing. But her kept hold of her upper arms as Anita continued to talk to her.

"Doesn't that sound good cupcake? You're going to service cock and pussy all night long...." Anita watched and her smile broadened as she saw Evie nod and heard her respond.

"Yes Sergeant."

"Yes Sergeant" she laughed mockingly as she stroked her hasnd down Evie's neck, down onto her left tit. "Let her go Pierce. She doesn't deserve anything else at the moment.... get on your knees, cupcake." As Evie did what she was told, Anita turned away and started to get undressed. As she did so she noticed the pink vibrator. She picked it up and laughed. "Oh dear... no no no... I think we can do a lot better than that." She walked over to her bag and pulled out a thick hard black rubber double ended dildo. It was about 30 inches in length.

"We'll have much more fun with this one, I promise." Evie stared at it, wide eyed. Still she knew she should put a stop to this, tell these people that they needed to leave, but of course the drug coursing through her meant that she didn't want them to leave. She wanted them to stay and wanted everything they were promising... and more.
Anita slowly stroked her hand up and down over the huge dildo as she moved back to where Evie was. Webb went into the kitchen and got another three bottles of beer. He didn't get one for Evie since Anita was being so nice and sharing hers. Webb came back and placed Anita's second beer on a nearby table. He gave Pierce the other bottle then both men looked on and waited too see what Anita had planned. Anita leaned down holding the dildo in front of Evie's face. " Now doesn't this look like it's more fun than that little toy? " Anita placed the head of the large fake cock at Evie's mouth. She let it slowly drift acrossed Evie's bottom lip. " A whore like you needs something this big.......You certainly can't enjoy something so small as that pink one. " Anita had taken control over how this party was going. She lowered herself down to the floor joining Evie. " We can become very good friends here tonight.....You and I......Since your partner has moved on.......Maybe you'd like to get back on the streets in uniform......We could become partners and ride in the same patrol......I could fuck you in the dirtiest alleys......In the nastiest restrooms.........Perhaps at the bus or train stations? " Anita was enjoying how much control she had over Evie. This night was going to be a fun one for her.
As Anita brought the dildo to rest lightly against her lower lip, Evie's mouth opened a little. She looked up as Anita looked down at her. Saw the smile playing around her mouth. Suddenly she was wondering how she had gotten to this point. She'd been at the bar...with family...friends...colleagues. She looked to see Webb coming back in from the kitchen, beers in hand, looking back at her, grinning. She watched as he handed one of the bottles to Pierce. How had she come to want these guys so badly. Did it matter? She did want them and here they were... this woman. She looked back up. Her tongue brushed over the tip of the cock. Evie's eyes followed Anita as she brought herself to the floor immediately in front of her.

What she was suggesting sounded familiar. Someone had said...promised her this before...someone... McCaffrey. She had wanted him to... That night at the club. That had been a good night too. Evie felt Anita slipping the dildo between her lips, her mouth opened a little wider and, as Anita eased it slightly back and forth, Evie began to suck on the head.
Anita's smile grew acrossed her face when Evie's lips closed around the dildo's head. She slowly started to slide the fake rubber cock in and out of Evie's mouth. Webb & Pierce looked on drinking their beers while stroking their cocks. They wanted to keep them nice and hard for the moment when they would jump back into the action. But for now they were happy to standby and watch just what Anita had planned for Evie. Anita pushed the black rubber cock a little deeper into Evie's mouth with each forward push. " You are a talented little cock sucker.......I'll bet all the boys loved you in school and college. " Anita's left hand gently glided over the back of Evie's head. Her hand made up and down strokes almost as if she was petting Evie's head. Anita's eyes watched Evie closely. She wanted too see just how much of the huge cock Evie could take in at one time.

Friday night's party was certainly turning out to be something that Evie hadn't planned on doing. But in other parts of Los Angeles, Friday night was the time to finish up on future plans. In downtown the man known as Osiris walked into a large room where a lone man sat at a computer station atop a platform. " When will you be ready to start our operation Mr. Wizard? " Osiris asked as he climbed the four steps which led up too where the lone man sat. " I'll have everything up and running by Monday morning as planned......We'll be able to run our test then I'll start hacking the required web sites. " Mr. Wizard replied as he continued to work on his control center. This room was very much like the same room that Rick Reed had in his home. A futuristic setup which would make the NASA control room look like something from the 1960's. Osiris was pleased. By Monday evening he would be speaking with the heads of all the major crime organization acrossed the country. He would then offer a special service at a special price. With Mr. Wizard's computer skills, Osiris would have much to offer these crooked men. " It's a good thing that Mason Hill came too his senses and gave us the funding we needed to start this. " Mr. Wizard said as he turned towards Osiris who was now standing behind him. " It was.......But he was a fool to hold out and it cost him......We could have found the moles inside of his operation and dealt with them........Still.....I'll have to find away to thank him even though he's sitting in prison right now. " Osiris wasn't sure at this moment how he would thank Mason Hill. But in time the moment would come when Osiris would get his chance and Evie would be the thank you gift.

In another part of the city, a group of game players were working hard on completing their own plans for the up coming Monday. Jake Grimes 21, Sally Tillman 20 and Ronald Jay " R.J. " Jackson 21 had grown tired of just playing video games. They had wanted to really live them out and over the past month, they had been doing so. They were all fans of a popular game call Street Crime. In this game the players took up the roles of crooks and would work from level to level stealing. It all started with petty crimes, but quickly the players would work up to more violent crimes. In one level, a team must work together and take down an armored car. The three friends had started pulling small jobs in the real world and where ready to pull off the armored car heist. They were even now working on getting their body armor ready. They had the best bullet proof vests money could buy, but they would be adding extra protection by using trauma plates. They were doubling up on these plates and sewing them right into the under sides of their vest. By the time the three friends were done, they would have outfits which would cover them almost from head to toe in bullet proof armor. The final stage of their planning would be on Sunday when they would go over each part of their plot. By the time Monday would come, the friends would be ready for their heist of a life time.
The night was a long one. Anita took her time with Evie, not the Evie complained at all. Had Evie been thinking she would have seen the similarities between what happened in her apartment this night and what had happened all those months ago at the fancy 'party' she had attended with Jenny. The famous clients of Lewis. Two the woman, with the woman seeming to take charge. Of Evie at least. Webb and Pierce simply seemed content from time to time to let Anita have Evie to herself. At other times, one or both of them would join in. The three of them all had one of the best nights they could remember filling each and very one of Evie's hole numerous times over.

Evie woke up to strong sunlight streaming through her bedroom windows, she was lying face down in the bed as she became conscious. She pushed herself up and immediately regretted it, groaning loudly. Her body ached. Her head ached more. Slowly she eased herself up so that she was sitting in the end of her bed. She was naked. Her hair was damped. She remembered being in the shower. She remembered being in the shower with someone. With ... Webb... Pierce... Both of them. She swallowed hard and ran her fingers through her hair. What the hell had she done? Memories from the previous night began to piece themselves together. The three of them. The four of them. Anita. She groaned again. She didn't understand it but she knew that she had wanted everything that had happened. She pushed herself off the bed, pulled on a t-shirt and some underwear and then went into the kitchen. There was no mess. Everything was exactly as it should have been. She went into the kitchen and downed a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator, immediately followed by another. That was certainly one hell of a way to celebrate the end of her probation!
Evie wasn't the only one who woke with a headache on Saturday. After a long night of drinking, both Tom & Jack were suffering as well. Tom had crashed on Jack's couch and had slept until almost 11 am. Neither man wanted any food upon waking, but they did enjoy some hot, black coffee. Tom left his old partner's home around 1 pm and returned to Malone's where his car was still parked. At this time, Tom wanted only to take a shower and relax, but he had a few things to do. Tom got some boxes from Rusty then he headed for the station. His plan was to clear out his old desk in Robbery/Homicide and set up his new one in the MCU Squad Room. Tom quickly cleared out the drawers and started on the top of his desk when he came acrossed the report he took last night. Amanda's story was an odd one, but it did fit other reports Tom had seen. He opened the file and read over the description of the man who had hired Amanda and her missing friend. His eyes passed over the address she had given where the first party had taken place. Tom would check out the house just too see who lived there. Perhaps this man owned the house? Tom wasn't sure, but he was sure that there was a connection between them somehow. He stashed the file into the box, then Tom turned on his computer. He cleared all of his personal stuff, then he sent current open cases too those in Robbery/Homicide who would continue in his place. Tom found the open file he made on Lucy Jennings. He had planned on checking up on her, but didn't get the chance. Tom looked at the only report the department had on Lucy and found it to be a white wash. There was no coroner's report, there was no crime scene report, just a report stating that Lucy had been killed by a hit and run driver. The report said that Lucy died on Friday night June 21st 1996. Tom felt a need to find out why this case was closed without the proper reports in place. He would continue with this case as Time allowed.

Tom closed out of his computer, then he shut it down. He said his goodbyes to those who worked the Saturday day shift and left. Tom walked out of the squad room and headed down the hall to his new squad room. The workmen were already getting the place ready for those who would join Tom on this new team. On the front door to the squad room they had placed the words Major Crimes Unit. Tom walked inside looking around the room. He walked over to his private office were his name and rank was displayed on the door. Tom spent about an hour getting his office set up as he wanted it. He had a window just behind his desk which gave him a view of the buildings near to Parker Center. It was just after 4 pm when Tom left the Central Station. He was feeling much better now then he had when he first woke up. Tom decided to swing up and check out that house in Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills was outside of the LAPD jurisdiction, it had it's own police department. Normally this would mean that Tom was over stepping his bounds, but that never stopped him before and Tom had those new powers thanks to the Governor. Tom pulled up to the front gate and used the phone to ask if he could see the owner. He was granted his request and soon Tom found himself walking into the huge beautiful home. It turned out that the house belonged too United States Senator Robert “Bob” Ryan. Senator Ryan was a one time member of the Los Angeles City Council and then became a State Senator before becoming one of the Senator's who represent California in Washington D.C. Senator Ryan & his wife Linda met with Tom after he was shown in. Tom showed them his badge and ID as they walked into a sitting room. The conversation started out politely at first, but when Tom brought up that he was looking into a reported sex party and the disappearance of one of the women at that party, the conversation turned sour. The Senator's wife seem bitter while she put on a happy face and said that no party took place in her house. Tom pressed the issue until Senator Ryan asked him to leave, which he did. Just after Tom had left, Linda smacked her husband. " I told you that tramp would be trouble!.......Now she gone and told the LAPD!........Get Marcus on her trail!.......Have him kill that whore! " Senator Ryan just nodded his head at his wife. He walked over to the phone and called his right hand man Marcus Delong.

Tom left Senator Ryan's house and headed back to L.A. He drove to address that Amanda had given him. but she wasn't there. Tom returned too his car and headed for his boat. " This is L 90.......Clear all channels for a Bolo. " Tom said into his police radio microphone as he drove. He used the term bolo which stood for " Be On the Look Out " and his new unit designation. Now that Tom was a commanding officer, his old designation of William 56 was gone and replaced by Lincoln 90, or L 90. The dispatcher cleared all LAPD channels for Tom's bolo. " L 90 to all units.......Be on the look out for Amanda Winters......Prostitute.......Age 23........White female.......Height 5'7" weight 130 lbs blonde hair and blue eyes........Any unit coming in contact with her notify me right away through dispatch......L 90 clear. " Tom was sure that someone in the Ryan home was hiding something. He just wasn't sure what or even why. But he was sure that Amanda was a link and he wanted to find her. Tom arrived at his boat, showered then he grabbed a beer and propped up his legs.

Tom spent time on Sunday painting as he often did. Others used their Sunday in more sinister ways. Jake, Sally and R.J. used their to go over how the armored heist would go down. They knew that this armored car started making it's rounds at 7 am. Every Monday they would make stops at five banks of the same banking chain. The guards would pick up money from four other Citizens Bank in the chain and deliver the money to the main Citizens Bank in downtown L.A. The banks would have a lot money deposits made over the weekend from businesses. These deposits would then be sent downtown too their large main bank. Jake and his friends would hit the armored car at the fourth bank. This would make sure that the armored car had all the deposits from the banks. R.J. had followed the armored car and timed it over the last two weeks. He knew that they would be at the North Hollywood Citizens Bank at 10:45 am. They would then hit the car just as the guards were coming out with the bags of money and checks. Their plan was to steal the entire truck and dump it after removing the money.

Monday morning soon came. Tom was up out of bed and into work early that day. He had a new team to build and he was expecting those volunteers to be showing up. There was already a number of requests on his desk when Tom came in. Tom felt that this wouldn't be easy. He only had a few open spots on his team and those spots needed to be filled by those Tom felt would work well in a small group. None of the people that left requests on Tom's desk would fit what he wanted. Tom knew that the right people would come into the office and ask about the job, not leave a note in the hopes of getting a comfortable job. This job was going to be hard and travel was going to be a part of that. They could be asked to travel to another city at anytime and those members needed to be ready to go. Tom sat back into his chair and sipped on his freshly brewed mug of coffee. He would wait and see who showed up before making up his mind.
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