Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie made herself some lunch - she quickly realized she was starving. She watched some TV. She tried to put the events of the previous evening out of her mind and thought instead about what was next in her career. Mid afternoon, she decided to clear her head and go out for a run. her typicaly morning route was a lot busier than usual; middle of the afternoon... Saturday... There were plenty of families down at the beach getting the last of the sun before winter hit. The run still did the job and when she arrived back at the apartment, she felt good. And even better after a shower. Around 5 she gave James a call and he invited her over for pizza, beer and a movie and told her that the spare room was there for her if she wanted to stay over. It sounded good, so she packed an overnight bag and drove across town.

Within a matter of seconds of her walking through the door, a cold beer was pushed into her hand and 10 minutes later, Steve joined the 'party'. James had called him as soon as he had put the phone down after speaking with his sister and told him what they were doing. It had been a long time since the three siblings had had an evening in front of the TV. Truth was they were more than siblings; they were friends and they liked each others company. It helped of course that they had more in common than just blood and a lot of their conversation naturally involved bitching about work. This evening the conversation avoided that subject - at least to start with - and instead finished up in a half argument over who sports writers were suggesting that the Raiders were likely to sign. Evie's mocking of the plans resulted in an equally vehement mocking in return at what the Yankees were doing. The fact that the Dodgers had been outperformed by the Yankees, the As, the Angels and San Francisco was a source of endless amusement.

After a few bottles, some great pizza, they finally decided on a movie, but they didn't really watch that much of it. The conversation eventually shifted towards the MCU. James said he was thinking about volunteering for it, that he figured maybe Tom would give him a shot. Steve said he was pretty happy where he was. Evie really didn't know. Robbery Homicide had been good to her, but with Tom going... new partner... was the devil you knew really better. The talked, sipped beer, ate increasingly cold pizza. And by the end of the night Evie still hadn't decided. On Sunday morning, they had another late breakfast and it was early evening by the time she got home. Maybe by the time she walked into the office in the morning she would have decided what she wanted to do.
In between 2 mugs of coffee, Tom met with 10 people who wanted in on the new MCU. They were all good cops, but most had the attitude that this new division was going to be a cake walk. The MCU was special and needed the best people possible. Tom wanted people who could think on their feet and act quickly when the time came to do so. He wanted people who were mentally tough and knew how to handle themselves. Deep down, Tom wanted people whom he could trust with his life. Tom was friends with many in the department and had great respect for a great number. But the list of those whom he deeply trusted was small. It was just a little before 9 am when a familiar face wandered into the MCU Squad Room. Tom had been looking out his window at the city, then turned and saw Kim Gonzales standing at his office door. The door was open, Kim stood just inside smiling. She had on blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt and she was carrying a light jacket. Kim's badge was on her belt which was holding up her jeans, her Glock hanging on her left hip. Tom greeted her with a hand shake and hug. He asked how everything was going at the academy? Kim said that she was done, she aced all of her tests and they sent her here to report for work. Kim explained that she went to the Chief's office for information on where she would be working and he sent her down too see Tom.

Tom stood for a moment. Kim was still very green even though she had more time in the department then some of those who had been here earlier. Still, Kim was mentally tough. She had to be since she had worked undercover for so long. If Kim hadn't taken that undercover job, she would have graduated the year before Evie had. Tom had already worked with Kim and it was clear that she could handle herself. Rick Reed always told his son, " Go with what your gut tells you. " Right now Tom's gut was telling him that she was a good choice. Tom held out his hand and welcomed Kim to the team. Kim looked around and asked who else was on the team. Tom just sighed and said, " Just the two of us.....So far. " Tom sat down behind his desk while Kim took a seat on the couch which was sitting against the wall which faced the squad room. She wouldn't be able too see anyone coming in, but Tom would.
James walked into his own squad room, picked up a steaming mug of fresh coffee and then logged onto his own computer. It was early and there was no-one in . The ADA had called him on Sunday evening and James had promised him that he would have three witness statements across to him by the time the ADA was arriving at his desk. James kept his promises when it came to ADAs - well the good ones at least - and they knew it which meant that they usually looked after him in court. Lawyers needed good cops; the worst nightmare for an ADA was having a defense lawyer blowing apart the whole case because of bad police work. The last thing a cop needed was an ADA who sought to blame the cops every time a case failed. So James pulled the statements and sent them via email. By the time he was done, most of the team were in and most were talking about the MCU... should they... shouldn't they. One or two went down and came back after what didn't seem like very long. They hadn't said much. "I'll let you know." was all that Reed had said.

James had spent a good part of Sunday evening coming to his decision, rethinking it, and then coming back to the same place. A change might be interesting and the MCU certainly sounded like it might be something a little different. But when James walked out of the squad room, he didn't head for the MCU. He headed for Robbery Homicide. Evie was at her desk, working through the reports that had come in over the weekend.

"Hey." Evie looked up. "Morning." She sat back in the chair. "Did he blow you out already then?"

"I haven't been yet?"

"What? I thought you would have been first in the queue. Seems to be all anyone is talking about though." She gave a vague indication towards the others in the room.

"Yeah... same with my lot. What about then? SHall we go and see what the man's looking for then or what?"

"What? Both of us? On the same team?" She shook her head a little. "I'm not sure Reed will be looking for two Taylors."

"Well we won't know if we don't go and see." James reached out and grabbed the back of the collar of Evie's jacket and pulled. "Come on."

"hey... okay... okay..." She was half pulled, half climbed out of her seat and James, satisfied that she was getting up, let her go. Evie pulled her jacket down and straightened out her collar as the two of them walked out of the squad room and headed for the MCU. As they walked in, James let out a low whistle surprised at the hi-tech which seem to have been set up in the room very quickly. Reed and Kim both turn in response.

"Have you found your dream team then?" James asked as he and Evie walked over to the computer table in the centre of the room.
Earlier that morning, Jake, Sally and R.J. packed their gear and weapons into a car which R.J. had stolen over the weekend. They would use this car to shadow the armored car until the time came to strike. Jake & R.J. sat in the front while Sally sat in the backseat as they tailed the armored car from one location to another. Unlike Jake & R.J., Sally came from a well to do family. Her father was a plastic surgeon and the family had a beautiful home in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Sally grew up hating the fact that she came from wealth. Her ideals were more along the lines of a radical extremist. Sally saw wealth as being bad and the root of everything that was wrong with the world. But this didn't stop Sally from using some of that money to buy the weapons and the ammo her & her friends would use. Sally held in her hands a AK-74 assault rifle which was loaded with armor-piercing rounds held inside of a high capacity drum magazine. R.J. had an HK-97 assault rifle at his side, Jake had an UZI sitting on the seat between him and R.J. Each of the heavy weapons were loaded with armor-piercing rounds like Sally's weapon was. Everything was going as planned, the armored car was right on time to each of it's stops. Despite the state of California passing laws restricting certain types of firearms and magazines, this didn't stop the threesome from getting what they wanted anyway. They simple took a trip to Mexico and bought what they needed then smuggled everything home.

Tom was showing Kim around the MCU Squad Room and where her desk would be when James & Evie appeared. They both turned their heads looking at James when he spoke. Tom replied that he had Kim so far, but he wanted at least two others on the team. Kim leaned against her desk looking James over. It was easy too see that he and Evie were brother & sister. It was also easy too see that Evie wasn't the only one in her family who was hot. Kim found James to be quite handsome. She listened as Tom spoke with James & Evie. Tom had greeted them both with hand shakes then asked if they were just visiting, or if they had come looking to join the team? Since the brother & sister had walked into the room, Tom was hoping that they were looking for something new career wise.
Evie couldnt help but notice how Kim was checking out James. It was by no means something that she was knew to; both her brothers were good looking, fit men and they had been all through school. There had been more than one occasion where girls had become friends of Evie for no other reason than they thought either Steve or James might notice them. And it was true to say that her brothers would have had to have been blind not to have noticed some of them. But that was as far as it had ever gone. Evie would deny of course that she was ever smitten by any of their friends despite the fact that quite a few of them had been very good looking. Her denials were typically accompanied by howls of mocking laughter from her brothers.

She smiled and nodded a 'hello' to Kim as Kim realized that Evie had noticed her. She blushed a little and shrugged as if to say "well, what do you expect?". THen Evie realized that James was talking to her.

"What do you think Evie... if the old man needs some professional help, might be difficult for us to turn him down?" James asked, although it was as much a teasing comment to Reed as it was a question to his sister.

"I guess we could do him a favour... in the spirit of friendship."

Both of them looked back to Reed. "What do you say Lieutenant?" James asked.
Kim quietly chuckled when James referred to Tom as " The old man." She enjoyed seeing how they teased each other. They were after all friends who were as close as family. Kim never had that when she was undercover. Tammy was the only person who knew who Kim really was. But Tammy wasn't a cop and being a cop was like having another family. This was the kind of comradery that Kim had missed out on. Her undercover work made it impossible to have any friends in the police department. This was the reason why she felt so close too Evie. Only a handful of people in the department knew of Kim's undercover work and Evie was one of them. Evie experienced the life Kim had been leading for herself. Kim heard Tom welcome James & Evie on the team. She pushed up from leaning against the desk and was introduced too James." Sergeant James Taylor......This is Officer Kimberly Gonzales. " They shook hands and smiled at each other. The team was now set and it was just what Tom had wanted deep down. He had transfer papers already written up. All he need to do was add in James & Evie's names and they were set. He told them to go back to their old divisions, hand these transfer papers in for their former Lieutenants to sign and report back with their belongings. Tom pointed out some empty boxes sitting in the corner. They would help James & Evie in clearing out their old desks. Tom told them to hurry back. He was going to treat his new team to breakfast on the boss.
"Nothing like being prepared." She said to Tom as she took the papers. Then she turned to James. "We are obviously just far too predictable." The two of them headed out of the MCU and towards their own squads.

"We're not making a mistake are we?" James didn't need to ask the question; his puzzled expression was enough to tell Evie that he wasn't following. "You and me. On the same team? You dont think we'll finish up fighting all the time?" James shook his head.

"Nah...." at the same time wrapped his arm loosely around his sister's neck, bringing his forearm underneath her chin and pulling her into a fake choke hold. "You just to remember that I'm always right and you do what I say and we'll be fine." Evie laughed a little and playfully punched James in the stomach. He let go and groaned as he came to a stop at the door for Robbery Homicide.

"See you back there shortly." Evie nodded then disappeared into the office. An hour later she walked back into the MCU to see James already unpacking with Tom and Kim stood nearby.
The news of Tom's promotion and of his taking command of a new division spread quickly. It was no surprise to Lieutenant Lesley Tamura of Robbery/Homicide that she would be losing Evie. She had expected Evie to join her former partner in the new MCU. James's Lieutenant in Vice had the same feeling. He knew that James had grown tried of doing the same old Vice work on the streets. So he wasn't shocked when James came into his office and dropped off the transfer request. He thanked James for all his hard work and wished him well, as did Lesley with Evie. Soon the MCU Team was together. Kim had no former desk to clear out, she came right over from the academy. But she watched as James & Evie unpacked the boxes they had taken and made their desks look like their old ones. Once everything was looking lived in, Tom came out of his office and told everyone that breakfast was waiting. The four walked out of the MCU Squad Room and down the hall. There was a swagger in their steps as they walked together. A look of pride showing clearly on their faces as they walked out of the Central Station to where Tom's car was parked out front.

A short drive and a few city blocks later, the new team was sitting in a diner which was just down the street from Malone's. Everyone ordered what they wanted then they began talking about their new jobs. Tom announced to everyone that at this moment, they were now earning $2,500 dollars more each year. This was a special pay raise for those who became part of the MCU. Tom then toasted his new team with coffee. While Tom & his crew were enjoying their breakfast, not everyone was happy about this new outfit or about Tom's promotion. The city papers all had front page stories announcing the news of Tom's promotion and his new command. In a rundown apartment building on the other side of town, former Lieutenant Finn was fuming over the news. " DAMN HIM!.......DAMN HIM TO HELL!! " Finn cursed out as he crumbled the paper up and tossed it against the far wall. " I had everything!.....I had my rank!.......A great apartment!......Now I live in this shit hole! " Finn walked to the dirty window and looked out over the slum that had become his home. " Reed and that dirty cunt set me up!.......She needs to pay also!.......I could have made life easy for her!.......But she betrayed me!......I'll have her if I have to rape her!......She'll be mine!.....Then I'll kill her! " Finn's anger was growing, then a man wearing bandages around his head & face came up from behind him and placed a hand on Finn's shoulder. " They will pay my friend.........In time they will pay.......But for now we must lay low until I've healed......Then we can seek our rightful vengeance upon them......They will feel our pain my friend. " The man's voice was gravelly and weak as he spoke.

North Hollywood.........Citizens Bank branch office.......10:40 am. The armored car had just pulled up in front of the bank. Two of the three guards exited from the truck and walked into the bank. This left the third man who was the driver outside in the truck. Jake pulled the stolen car off the road just a few spaces beyond the truck. He, R.J. and Sally were now getting ready to strike. They were already dressed except for their masks and black military style helmets they had bought. These helmets would help to protect their heads during the heist. At the same moment, two LAPD Motorcycle Police Officers drove passed the car. One noticed Sally in the backseat holding an automatic weapon in her hands. They quickly turned around and stopped a half a block down. " This 1 Mary 10........Possible 211 about to go down at the Citizens Bank North Hollywood......32451 Sunset Boulevard. " One of the officers said into his police radio microphone. He & his partner dismounted their bikes and waited for backup.

The two guards who walked into the bank just minutes ago, had come out carrying heavy bags filled with money and checks. Sally jumped out of the backseat and opened fire on them. She killed the guard who was walking in the front. The second man dropped his bags and pulled his weapon, but he to was shot down. The two police officers pulled their pistols and opened fire. R.J. jumped from the car as did Jake. They started firing at the two police officers. The driver of the armored car hit the alarm button inside of his truck. Against his orders, he jumped out and opened fire on the three firing at the police. The two police officers were hitting their targets, but no one was going down. Sally unleashed a hail of bullets which killed one of the two officers.

Tom & his team had just finished eating when they heard the dispatcher announcing to all units about the robbery. He had brought a hand held police radio into the diner. Their joyful moods quickly turned upon hearing the news. " This is Squad MCU.......Show us responding to the 211 call and show L 90 taking command on tac 2! " Tom spoke out his orders into the radio as he and the others ran for his car. He tossed the keys too James and climbed into the passenger side.
Evie looked around the table as she drank her coffee listening to the light convernsation between the other three. It was a strange breakfast. Three of the four of them knew each other and knew each other well, but only two of them had worked together as partners. It was going to take time to build a genuine team of four. Evie and Tom had an established working relationship; they knew each other and how each other thought and that meant that usually they could predict how each would respond to a particular event; predict and move ahead of. There was always the odd surprise here and there; this wasn't exactly a life long partnership at the moment, but it had been a while. Of course they had worked with James before and of course they knew him... knew who is was... the kind of cop he was and the kind of man he was. But that was a long way from being partners. And even Evie's knowledge of the man her brother was didn't mean that she knew him as a partner. Kim... Kim was of course the most 'outside' of the four. There was no family relationship, no family, no experience of any of them beyond that relatively brief engagement which was her final undercover job. She knew Reed but had never worked with him... certainly nothing which would constitute any kind of partnership. Similarly with Evie. Maybe she did know Evie more; maybe the two women were not necessarily that different at least in some things. But truth was, to all intents and purposes, Kim was a rookie. Straight out of the Academy. She had never had a partner, never trusted anyone to that extent on a daily basis and never had anyone trust and rely on her. It would take some time for them to 'click' into some kind of routine and Evie wondered how Reed would partner them up.

Suddenly the radio cracked into life and the atmosphere changed. They left the restaurant quickly with Kim and Evie slipping into the rear seat whilst the guys got in the front with James driving. When they arrived at the bank, it was as if all hell had broken lose. Bullets were flying everywhere and it was very quickly obvious that whilst the half the LAPD were there closing down every road for a three block radius around the bank, their amoury simply wasn't strong enough. The perps had flak jackets on and were in armour plated vehicles. Nothing that the police on the scene had was enough to penetrate and so everyone was firing and no ground was being gained by either side.

"We need SWAT here now" Evie called as she crouched down behind the open rear door of the car. The other three were in a similar position; weapons out but knowing that even if they could hit any one of the robbers, the bullets would effectively just bounce off.
The three suspects never had the chance to flee the scene. Arriving police cars made escape impossible at that time. Jake and his friends retreated towards the armored car which provided then with some cover. They were well armed and had plenty of ammo in their car. Sally had bought almost 6000 rounds of ammo for their weapons. Most of which was armor-piercing. These deadly projectiles made it hard to find cover. Even by hind parked cars the bullets punched their way through. Upon arriving at the scene, Tom used a button inside his car and opened the truck. Once Kim was out, she grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun and took a spot beside Evie. Tom listened to Evie request and agreed. SWAT however didn't need to be called, they were already on their way. Tom pulled his Desert Eagle from inside of his coat and took aim at the nearest suspect. He pulled the trigger twice sending two deadly missiles at Sally. She was hit by both and staggered a bit, but she didn't go down. Tom had the most powerful hand gun on the street right now and even this powerful weapon was little more then a toy against these people. Officers were dropping fast from the deadly fire being out out by the suspects. These suspects looked big and bulky. They moved very slowly since they had some stuff covering their bodies. Tom was hoping that SWAT could handle this, but he came up with a plan B.

Tom pulled out his cell phone and placed a call to his father. Rick Reed's Security Force had an arsenal which would give any gun lover a hard on. One of the weapons was a M82A1A 50 Caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle. This weapon is used by Military Units from different countries and can penetrate light armored vehicles like the one being used by the suspects for cover. The SWAT Unit arrived being lead by Lieutenant Banks. He meet with Tom first as his team deployed. They had to save downed officers who had been cut off by the suspects while trying to take them down at the same time. Jake and his friends did a good job on their own armored outfits. The M-16 and the AR-15 being used by the police units were having trouble getting through the extra plate protection.

Jake yelled out for his friends to get into the truck. He ran around to the front and jumped in. R.J. & Sally grabbed the bags of money laying on the ground and jumped into the back. Police bullets were still coming at them, but nothing seemed likely to stop them from getting away. Suddenly a black Ferrari 458 appeared sliding around the far street corner and came to a screeching halt. The armored car slowly began to pull away from the scene as a female Asian woman sprang from the car carrying a large black case. She ran up to where Tom and the others were behind cover. Tom greeted the woman by the name Kelly and asked if she had what he wanted. She smiled and opened the box showing off this powerful rifle. Tom called for Air 10, one of the police helicopters to land in a nearby parking lot and pick up James. Then Tom had to ask Evie to do something very dangerous. He asked her & Kim to take a black n white and try to slow the suspects down before they got to far into a nearby residential area. Tom told them both to be very careful before they left. He then went over a plan with James. This plan called for James to use the sniper rifle from the helicopter. He would get in front of the fleeing truck and destroy the engine. The weapon had a 10 round magazine and Sally had brought armor-piercing rounds. Once the truck was stopped, James would fire a round into the cab of the truck and into the back of the truck. This would let those inside know that the police had a weapon that could get to them. Tom, Lieutenant Banks and the SWAT team jumped into their vehicles and joined in on the chase.
Evie looked towards the truck starting to pull out, then to the already bullet-hole ridden black and white, then to Kim. The two women looked at each other for a moment and then Evie looked back to Reed. She holstered her own pretty useless weapon and moved up into the car trying to keep as low as she could until the last minute. Kim did the same. Evie fired up the ignition and put the car into gear. She looked across to Kim.

"Here goes nothing. Keep your head down, otherwise ... you might lose it on your first dull day on the job."

She eased the car forward. The truck was beginning to pick up speed. Evie took a breath and floored the accelerator. It took a moment for the car to respond and then suddenly the turbo kicked in and the car powered forward, catching the rear of the truck. Then Evie took a sudden left turn, the wheels screeching on the road. Two blocks later she turned sharp right and then after another two blocks she swung the car hard right again, pulling directly in front of the truck. The truck swerved hard to avoid the rear of the patrol car. Both vehicles fish-tailed once, then twice and then fell broadly into line with each other. Evie took a quick look behing her. Now it was going to get interesting. As she looked back forward the first rain of bullets began to ping of the trunk of the car and the rear windscreen shattered. Both women instinctively ducked. Evie felt the thud of a bullet hit the back of the seat and then almost immediately felt the burn as the bullet grazed her upper left arm, cutting through the fabric of her jacket an her flesh. It was nothing more than a superficial wound but it hurt like hell and she soon felt the warmth of her blood as it began to run down her arm. She turned the car sharp left... then right... then left again, making them a moving target.

"Look" Kim was pointing up and to the left. A black police chopper eased into view and moved smoothly around so that they were looking sideways on. Evie could make out James sitting in an open doorway, rifle in hand. She shook her head a little.

"This is fucking crazy."

She tried to keep her eyes on the road... On the truck behind her which she could see periodically as it moved in and out of view in one or other of her wing mirrors... On her brother half in and half out of the chopper. She flinched again as another hail of bullets rattled the rear of the car, but part of her much preferred that than the hail being directed towards the helicopter. Of course that was wishful thinking. Suddenly the helicopter lurched up and back as a handful of bullets sparked of the fuselage, but -perhaps because of the distance involved, they didn't seem to do any major damage. The helicopter settled bak in front of them again but further away, making them safer, but making the shot harder for James. She saw him raise the rifle. Taking aim. She moved the car left once gain, watched her right wing mirror to see the truck move across behind her. And then he heard the crack of the rifle. Then a second crack. She heard both shekels rip through the bodywork of the truck, heard the change in pitch and tone from the Diesel engine that was behind them. It didn't take long before she was aware tat the nose was becoming quieter...the truck was dropping back. Evie slammed the brakes on and at the same time turned the wheel hard left, spinning the car 180 degrees and bringing it to a halt. At the same time, the 50 calibre exploded again. This time Evie saw the shells ripping into the cab... Then the rear cabin. But for the thud...thud...thud....of the propellers in the air, there was a quiet stillness before Evie saw one and gun, followed by another being thrown from the cab. She opened her own door, wincing a little as she felt the sting in her upper arm. Kim eased herself slowly out of the other side. Both women had their guns drawn pointed directly at the cab.

"Get out. Slowly. Hands on your head."
Three patrol cars used by Lieutenant Banks and his SWAT Team pulled up behind the truck. They along with Tom leaped from their cars and surrounded the rear area of the truck. The driver slowly climbed from the cab and placed his hands onto his head. He looked out at the two female police officers approaching him. Kim held her shotgun high as Evie took the suspect into custody. Tom pounded on the rear doors of the armored car and ordered the two inside out. The doors slowly opened, one figure appeared and then a second with their hands raised. Tom yanked the masks off of both suspect. Sally just glared at him, the hate in her eyes was easy too see. Tom sent a couple of SWAT officers to cover Evie. He needed Kim in the back to search the female. The heavy armored outfits were removed from the suspects. They were then cuffed and placed into the backs of black n whites for a trip down town. It could have been much worse then it turned out. 14 police officers were wounded, along with 7 citizens. One guard and one police officer lost their lives in the incident.

While all eyes were looking at the action going on in North Hollywood. Mr Wizard was busy in downtown Los Angeles. He was getting ready for the big test that would tell if he could take control of computers all over the city. If this test went as he thought, Mr. Wizard would be able to carry out Osiris's plan. Tom, James, Evie & Kim returned to the station. They maybe part of a new team, but that didn't mean they didn't have to fill out reports anymore. Tom made sure that each of his team knew that they had done a great job. The actions of James & Evie were key to stopping the suspects before they got away. Tom thanked them for joining the team. They were just the officers he wanted and needed on the MCU. The MCU Team members went to work writing up their reports on the shootout. They were almost done with those reports when each of their computers went down. 30 seconds later, a bright yellow smiley face appeared on their screens. The words " This is only the Beginning " appeared just below the smiley face. Then without warning, the lights in the building went out. The entire Central Station had lost power and telephones. Tom jumped from his chair and looked out his window. The stop lights were all dead. This never happened before even during a power outage. Tom pulled out his cell phone from his pants pockets. It showed no signal on the screen. He walked out into the squad room too see if everyone was having this trouble.

Mr. Wizard was pleased, as was Osiris. The test went just as Mr. Wizard had hoped. He had broken into Water & Power, the LAPD's mainframe and all the computers controlling cell towers in the area. Osiris had Mr. Wizard leave this message on all computers at those place they had control of. " The time of Law & Order is over. You are all powerless to stop me. The only law will be my law. Osiris." Only two people in the MCU Squad Room that would know this name were Evie & Kim. They had both heard the name while at Mason Hill's house. Evie when she was caught by Hill & men. Kim heard the name while she was spying on Mason when he was in his study. The power came back on, the cell phones got service and the computers came on with Osiris's message showing on the screens.
Only when the four of them got back to the MCU office did Evie get around to taking her jacket off and examining her arm. Kim tried to insist that she went to the hospital and get some stitches. Evie brushed the suggestion off whilst James simply went and fetched a first aid kit.

"I wouldn't bother wasting our breath. She's too much like her father and her pain in the ass older brother. She'd need to be half dead before voluntarily walking in that place." James opened up the kit, cleaned up the would and wrapped it in a piece of gauze and a light bandage. "That should do you. Keep it covered. Clean."

"You're a loss to the nursing profession, brother." Evie flexed the muscle a little and rubbed it cautiously. "Thanks."

For the next hour or so they sat drinking coffee and working diligently on their paperwork. Only the appearance of the smiley made Evie stop, sit back and stare at te screen. When Osiris' name appeared she looked at Kim, met her return stare, but they said nothing.
The room was dead silent as everyone stared at the computer screens. Tom hovered just behind Evie looking down at her computer. His eyes glued to the message left behind after the power & computers came back on. " Osiris!? " Tom was puzzled by the use of this name. He looked over to James who looked as puzzled as Tom was. Tom's eyes then shifted his head right were Kim was sitting. She was looking at Evie who was looking back at her. Kim may not have spoken a word, but her eyes told that she knew of this name. " Kim?.......Evie?........What does this mean? " Tom was sure that someone here knew about this Osiris. He moved away from behind Evie and took a spot between her & Kim. A few seconds passed as Kim continued too look at Evie. Kim then spoke up after looking back at her computer screen. She explained about being at a party in Mason Hill's house not long ago. Tom & Evie knew right away what party Kim was talking about since they were there. James was the only one who wouldn't know because he couldn't know that Evie had been there. Kim said that she was spying on Mason when he was in his study. She told how Mason was speaking with a man over his computer who called himself Osiris. This Osiris said that for a fee, he could find any mole inside of Mason's origination. Osiris had said that he could break into the computers of law enforcement and steal their files. Kim then said that the fee Osiris wanted was $50 Million Dollars a year. She finished up by saying that she never saw this man's face. Kim saw the computer screen from where she stood, but the man's face was pixelated.

Tom listened closely as Kim told them what she was and heard. After hearing about the party, Tom knew that he couldn't openly ask Evie what she knew. Her undercover work on the Mason Hill/Clayton Snow case had to be kept a secret. Evie's family didn't need to know that she had made a porn movie. This movie had become a hit since it was Jenna Love's last movie and Tori had simply disappeared. " Okay........James.....Call the LAPD Tech Support and see what they have to say about the computers..........Kim call Water & Power........Find out what their story is for the power loss. " Tom spoke as he looked at each person. He then looked at Evie. Tom wanted to say something about the look Evie had in her eyes after hearing Kim's story. No doubt it brought back some memories of what she did and went through while being undercover herself. But instead of doing that, he gave her something to do. " Evie.........Call UCLA.......USC........And every museum in town.......Find a egyptologist......We need to know why this man is using the name Osiris......Perhaps there's a link there. " Tom then gave Evie a smile as he walked passed her and patted her shoulder gently. He went back into his office and sat down behind his desk. The same message from Osiris was on his computer screen. Tom leaned back into his chair and wondered what Osiris's game was all about?
There really wasn't anything else that Evie could add to what Kim had told James. Silently she hoped Reed would remember that James didn't know where she had been and she breathed out a soft sigh of relief when he moved behind her and into his own office without asking her anything.

She picked up the phone and started making some calls, taking notes from the conversations she had with various experts in Egyptology who were to be found around the City. James and Kim were doing their own 'cold calling' and making their own notes in similar fashion. About half an hour later Reed came back to them for a report.

"How much information do you want? Osiris. God of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead. Merciful judge of the dead in the afterlife but also of the underworld agency that granted all life. Mythological father of the God Horus. Killed by his brother Seth, who wanted his throne. His mother Isis puts the pieces of his body back together again with only the phallus missing. So she fashions a golden phallus then briefly brings him back to life using a spell from her father. He is alive for long enough to impregnate his mother... Isis ... Horus is then both his son and his brother. Now there is a screwed up family!"
Tom sat down on the edge of Evie's desk while she spoke. Her story of Horus was fascinating, but that part didn't help. Although, Tom was a bit turned on when Evie spoke the word phallus. There was just something a little dirty in her voice when she spoke it out loud. Perhaps it was just Tom and the fact that he & Evie hadn't taken that step to sleep together. Part of what Evie said near the beginning did catch his attention. It was the part where she called Osiris a God of the underworld. This word was also used by criminals when speaking of the world they lived and worked in. Tom's own father was called an underworld boss. " God of the underworld. " Tom said out loud then Kim's voice made her look towards her. Kim just hung up the phone with the city's water & power company. She stood up from her seat and walked over to where Evie's desk sets. " Water & Power was hacked.......Someone broke through all their fire walls like they weren't even there........They took control of WP's computers and just shut everything down........The people at Water & Power have no idea how this even happened.........They say no one should be able to do what happen......But someone did. " Kim gave her report then she looked at Tom.

So far from what Tom was hearing this Osiris knew how to use a computer, or had someone working for him that did. It was time to use those new powers given to the members of the MCU by the Governor. They could travel anywhere in the state and still the team could make arrests or do investigation. " Evie........You & Kim go check out Mason Hill's former house in San Fernando........See if anything was missed by the Sheriff's department during their investigation.......If you find anything....Let me know right away. " Tom had looked over at James who was still speaking with the LAPD Tech people when he teamed Evie & Kim up. He wasn't worried about setting them up as partners. Evie was a good cop and she could certainly handle working with a rookie. Anyway as detective, Evie held the same rank as a uniformed training officer.
The house looked exactly as it had the first and last time she had seen it. From the outside, no-one would know that the place had been raided and no-one would know what had gone on in the place beforehand. Kim and Evie said nothing as they walked up the front pathway. One thing that was different was that there was no welcoming committee; no smartly dressed bouncers-come-armed-security on the door to prevent any kind of unauthorized absence. For a while of course they had been replaced with police officers but they were long gone. After the arrests, the place had been searched with a fine tooth comb. Both women knew that the chances of finding anything were slim but both knew that there were times when this type of double check was necessary. God forbid that they didn't make the check, assuming that if there had been anything worthwhile it would have already been found and they would already know about, only to then find out later that something as simple as this could have saved them days... weeks of investigating. They all knew that the chances were slim but it needed to be done.

Kim led the way straight from the front door to the room Mason had set up as a study. Between them, the searched the desk and the cabinets, closets and shelves. There was nothing obvious. Nothing which gave any indication that it related to Osiris. The lap-top was gone, probably taken by some police tech... a forensic computer scientist... That was perhaps one source of information which if it had generated anything would have come back to them by now.

"There's nothing here." Evie said. Kim agreed. "Come on, let's get back."
Tom went back to his office just after Evie & Kim left for Mason Hill's house. He was sitting in his chair thinking when James came in. James told Tom that the LAPD tech people didn't know how it happened, but someone hacked into the computer system. It was pretty much the same story that Kim got from Water & Power. Except for the fact that important files had been taken from the LAPD Database. The tech people needed too figure out what was taken, but they were pretty sure it was all classified stuff. This was becoming even more troubling. Any person who could break into a well protected database and steal files was very dangerous. This Osiris was showing a lot of control over a society which relies on it's computers. Los Angeles was no different then every city acrossed the country. They all needed their computers which allow the people who live in those cities to live a comfortable life. Take away computers and you take away power, water, heat and electricity. This man was nothing short of a terrorist. It remained to be seen just what he wanted in return for not shutting everything down.

Kim followed just behind Evie as they walked out of Mason's study. She had been nagged with a memory, but it just wasn't clear. Kim had heard that Mason had a hiding place in his house for important things. It was doubtful that he would give up this hiding place. Kim stopped just outside the door leading into the study. " No!........There must be something here. " Kim said to Evie as she spun around looking back into the study. She then told Evie about the hiding place she had heard of. Kim said that it must be either in the study or in Mason's bedroom. Those were the only places where Mason would have kept hidden items. " We should look around again........Move stuff.......Check books and pictures.......There must be a hidden panel or false wall or something around here. Kim said as she walked back into the study and slowly looked around the room.
Evie headed back to the desk and sat down in the chair. She smoothed her hands over the highly polished top as she looked across it and then down the pedestal of drawers on each side. She systematically opened each drawer working her way first down the left side and then the right. Meanwhile Kim was at the shelves again working systematically, checking each one thoroughly.

The drawers were ostensibly empty; perhaps the odd bit of paper but most of it had Ben taken away. The top two drawers on each side were the same size, the bottom one was approximately twice as deep. Evie opened it...empty... Closed it and then stared at it for a moment. She opened it again. Still the same but there was something not quite right. She ran her fingers around the edges of the inside of the door. It felt exactly as it should. And then it dawned on her.

"Kim. Look at ths." She waited until Kim joined her. "The drawer is smaller on the inside than it looks on the outside." Kim looked at it more closely and then ran her own fingers around the inside. She stopped. Fumbled a little and then something clicked. A panel in the base clicked open revealing a hidden base, and a 13 inch notebook computer hidden away. She eased it out. Evie smiled.

"I guess we'd better get this back to base...see what it might give us if anything."
Kim turned her head when Evie called out too her. She spun around on her heels, then walked over to the desk. Kim leaned down looking inside the drawer, then her eyes shifted to the outside. It wasn't easy to spot, but there was a slight difference in the depth. Kim doubted that anyone would have looked that closely if they didn't know about the hiding place. " You have amazing eyes. " Kim said as the notebook computer was placed on the desk. She nodded her head when Evie said that they should get back to the station. " Hopefully we've found our first clue. " Kim picked up the notebook and tucked it under her left arm. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Tom. Kim told Tom what they found and that they were on their way back to the station. Tom told Kim to have Evie drive too his father's house in Brentwood. He explained that the computers at the station were unreliable since Osiris hacked into them. Tom wanted that computer and any information on it kept safe. He told Kim to meet with Tia and give her the computer. Tom would call ahead to make sure that Tia would be ready when the arrived. This would also give Evie & Kim the chance to meet Tia who be joining the team as their computer expert. Tom had decided that the team would still work from the station. But since the computers at the station were hacked with ease. Tom felt that they should use the computers at his father's house for security reasons. All the team would need to do was send Tia everything they find. Give her all the information on the case as it continued to open and Tia would keep it safe.

After Tom had made that call too Tia, he opened the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out a file. James was still in his office and sitting on the couch facing Tom. This file was the one Tom had put together on Amanda Winters. Tom asked James if he knew this girl as he handed over the file too him. It was a good bet that James would know of this girl since he worked Vice for so long. The file contained the report Amanda gave on her missing friend Lynn Charles who was also a prostitute. The file also had all those deaths of working girls from San Francisco to San Diego. Among them were the deaths of missing high school girls all of whom were killed as part of some Satanic Rituals. Tom explained about the party in Beverly Hills and how the house belonged too United States Senator Robert “Bob” Ryan. He told James that he didn't believe the story that Senator Ryan & his wife gave him. Tom wanted James's help on finding Amanda. He asked James to make some phone calls in his spare time and see if he could track her down.
Evie climbed into the driver's seat as Kim sat herself in the passenger side. She placed the notebook on her lap and opened it up. The screen immediately came to life and prompted a password entry.

"Any ideas?" she asked as Evie pulled out of the driveway. Evie looked at her; there were probably a few that the two of them could put forward as suggestions.

"Maybe we should wait. Just in case the wrong answer finishes up wiping the hard drive or something like that. Rick's expert might be able to get around it or at least might know how many chances we have."

Twenty minutes later, she pulled up in front of Rick's place. Tia was waiting at the front door, having seen the car turn into the drive way on the security camera.

James too the file from Tom and started to look through it.

"Yeah. I know her. Nice kid. Unfortunately not an unfamiliar story amongst the girls who work on the streets... or the guys for that matter. Part-time junkie for a mother. Married some jerk who decided that he wanted a piece of Amanda too. When he wasn't beating her up, he was forcing himself into her bed. She ran away a few times and social services always took her back to dear mommy. She finally walked as soon as she was 16. And she used the only thing she had to make the money to live. Not a bad kid.... just dealt a bad deal. Lynne was a little different. Good family... just not that interested in their daughter. Lynne looked for that attention elsewhere and she got it. Parents disowned her about five six years ago and they've never had any contact since." He sat back and turned over the pages in the file.

"Missing hookers don't usually raise any red flags. One kid from the right side of town with the right reputation goes missing and we call in the FBI. Do you know how many missing hookers it takes before someone even realizes there is a problem? Pretty explosive mix here though... sex... satan... and a US Senator." He closed the file and stood up.

"I know some people though. If Amanda is out there to be found, then I can call a few of them. If they don't know, then this girl is well and truly lost."
Tia knew Evie's car very well. Evie had often visited Rick at his home during the time that they were friends with benefits. Evie was introduced to each member of the femme fatales who served as Rick's security force when she first started seeing him. The short dark haired beauty watched as Evie's vintage mustang came to a stop just outside the front doors. Kim was amazed at the size of house that Tom's father lived in. She had no idea that Tom's father was so rich. " This place is bigger then my high school. " Kim said as she climbed out of Evie's car. " Is the bosses father the President of a country or something? " Kim asked Evie who quickly joined her on the passenger side of the car. Having not served on the force until now, Kim didn't know about Rick Reed or the past he once lead. She couldn't help but wonder about Rick Reed and why he was so rich?

Tom was grateful for whatever help James could give on this case. The file that James had wasn't an official MCU case. It was a missing persons case with ties to other missing persons cases and unsolved murders up & down the state. Tom & James would work on this case during their free time, but they weren't the only ones looking for Amanda. Even now, Marcus Delong was working the streets looking for her. Amanda was only the second girl to have ever escape from the ritual site in the desert. Everyone had thought that Amanda wouldn't make it out of the desert alive, but she had. Now that they knew Amanda was alive, she had to die. Her execution needed to be carried out and soon since Amanda had spoken with the police. It was now a race against time too see who would find Amanda first.

In an office building in down town Los Angeles. Osiris & Mr. Wizard were having their first face to face meeting with the most powerful people in the criminal underworld. This meeting was being down like a conference call over the computer. The 14 biggest crime bosses acrossed the country were all in small boxes on the large computer screen that Osiris & Mr. Wizard were looking up at. These 12 faces controlled most of the major criminal activity in America. Each of them was based in a different large US city. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, Houston, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Honolulu. There were of course other big bosses in other cities acrossed the US. But these were the most powerful and pretty much had control of other large US cities already. One of those sitting at a desk in Los Angeles staring at a pixelated picture on his computer screen was "Little" Tony Romano. "Little" Tony had taken over for his father, “Big” Tony Romano after he was sent to a Federal Penitentiary. "Big" Tony was sent to jail after the Justice Department received information from a concerned citizen which helped to nail Tony for his crimes. This concerned citizen turned out to be Richard Reed. "Big" Tony tried to muscle Rick Reed out of business and Rick muscled back. Rick Reed would do whatever was needed to get rid of his enemies, even making sure that the police had evidence to put them behind bars. Once "Big" Tony was out of he way, "Little" Tony stepped in, but "Little" Tony wasn't the man his father was. "Little" Tony ended up losing a large part of his father's empire to Mason Hill. Now that Mason Hill was behind bars, "Little" Tony finally took back what he had lost.

Osiris explained how for a fee, he and his people would find any and all moles inside the criminal organisations of those who were watching on their computer screens. This fee would be $50 Million Dollars each year and would be paid to a Swiss Bank Account. Many laughed at having to pay someone they hadn't met so much money and "Little" Tony was the most vocal of them. He screamed out that he had trusted Mason Hill and Hill had muscled him almost out of business. Tony said that Mason Hill make him look like a fool in his father's eyes and he wouldn't let that happen again. Tony then shut down his web cam and the view from Los Angeles went black on the screen. Osiris couldn't let Tony get away with speaking with him like that. He needed to teach "Little" Tony a lesson and show the others that he could hurt them or help them. Osiris told the others that they would meet again tomorrow at the same time. He also told them to watch the next day's morning news closely. They would see that Osiris could be a friend or a deadly enemy. All the small boxes went black, then Osiris asked Mr. Wizard what they had on "Little" Tony. " He has a pretty big deal going down at 4:30 today. " Mr. Wizard said as he turned around to face Osiris. " There's a large shipment of cocaine coming into L.A. today......It's being unloaded from a Chinese freighter down at Pier 19........Little Tony and his people will be there to pick the shipment and pay for it.......The street value is easily worth over $50 million dollars. " Osiris laughed then he told Mr. Wizard to pass on the information to the LAPD. " Pass the tip onto that new task force the news has been crowing about all day.......The MCU.....Let them deal with Little Tony. " Osiris turned and walked away leaving Mr.Wizard to call the police.
Tia led Evie and Kim into the Security Office in the basement of the Reed mansion. Top of the line high tech equipment covered the walls and the table tops which went around three of the four walls. The one wall directly opposite the door was simply a wall of TV screens, some of them flicking images and rotating angles. It seemed that every part of grounds were covered, every external door way and quite a lot of the internal ones all seemed to have cameras focused on them or at least covering them.

AS they walked into the room. Evie was aware of a man stood in front of the wall of screens. He had his back to the door but Evie knew immediately who it was and she smiled as she stepped into the room. As she approached the man, she lifted her hand, placed it on his back and rubbed it a little affectionately between the shoulder blades.

"How are you Rick?" Rick turned around and smiled, and then leaned forward and kissed Evie on the cheek.

"Better for seeing you." He looked at Kim. "And you have a new partner. A damn sight better looking that my son." Evie just smiled as Rick held out his hand and Kim reciprocated.

"Rick... Kim... Kim... Rick." the two shook hands and politely said hello. "Rick is ... was... a... person of interest for the LAPD a few years ago. His business arrangements had a tendency to make the men in blue a little nervous. Fortunately for him, no-one on the force ever had enough to make him any more than that. And he moved into new lines of business before anyone changed that. Now... now he has access to certain resources which the PD doesn't... and we are truly grateful for that." Before Rick had the chance to say anything, Tia looked up, having examined the lap top.

"It's going to take a little while. I don't want to lose anything so better to take our time and do it right than rush things." Evie, Rick and Tia talked a little longer about how long... aabout how Tia would call... before Evie and Kim said their farewells and headed back to the station.

Meanwhile, James had been back at the MCU making calls. He wasn't really getting anything in return but at the very least he was letting his contacts know that he was after information on Amanda or Lynne. As he put the phone down after his last call and began to get out of his chair for a fresh cup of coffee, his phone rang. He sat back down and picked it up quickly expecting it to be one of his people getting back to him already. Instead it was a voice he didn't recognize. There were no pleasantries, no hello or how are you. There was just a message.

"There's a $50million drug shipment arriving about now at Pier 19 on a chinese freighter. Maybe you should get down there and keep it off our streets and away from our kids." The caller hung up. James hesistated for a moment, allowing the message to register and then he called out to Tom who was sitting in his office, at the same time as he started dialling the internal number for his big brother.
Tom had been busy talking on the phone with one of his own street contacts T-Bone when James called out his name. He looked up at James who was very animated in his movements while speaking on the phone. Tom hung up his phone as he stood up and walked out of his office. James was doing his best to explain what was going on to both Tom & Steve. Tom went back into his office and grabbed his coat. By the time he returned to the squad room, James was ready to go. Steve, Jack and some of the other detectives from their Narcotics Division were also on the move. Tom & James left the station using the front doors. The car Tom used was always parked right out front. Tom started the powerful crown Vic and pulled out into traffic when James was belted in. They passed right in front of the Central Station parking garage just as Jack, Steve and their detectives were pulling out. Tom looked at his watch, it was almost 15 after 4 pm. He grabbed for the microphone of his police radio. " 1 L 90 to 1 William 71." Tom called out hoping that Evie & Kim were in the car and headed for the station. Soon Kim's voice came over the radio replying to Tom's radio call. " Meet us one block west of Pier 19 down at the docks........Something big is going down......We need you there. " Once Kim rogered the call, Tom called dispatch to have them get SWAT on the road for backup.

Jack had enough dealings with the Chinese drug lords to know that this could blow up into a major fire fight. The detectives would gather a block west of Pier 19 and go in slowly. They just couldn't go in there like gangbusters and arrest everybody. They needed to make sure that this was for real. Tom had a SWAT Unit covering the north end and another one covering the south end of the docks. Jack & Tom then had everyone wait while they went ahead to check out the scene. The two Lieutenants and former partners got close enough to spot "Little" Tony Romano talking with a Chinese man dressed in a fine suit. They watched as the Chinese man pulled a pink & white teddy bear from a create marked "toys." " The Chinese man looks familiar. " Jack whispered to Tom as they looked on. They watched as the Chinese man ripped the head of the teddy from it's body and pulled out a large bag of a white powder. One of Tony's men checked the white powder and nodded his head. A black SUV appeared and backed up to where those men were standing. " This is the pay off. " Tom said as he pulled his pistol from his coat. Jack took his handheld police radio and called for everyone to move in! He pulled out his own weapon and the two former partners moved towards where the deal was going down.

" LAPD!........EVERYONE RAISE YOUR HANDS!! " Tom yelled out as he and Jack moved up to a position which was only 30 feet from where the large creates marked "toys" were sitting. "Little" Tony looked dumbfounded upon hearing the cops were there. The Chinese man ordered his men to fire at the police, which they did with AK-71's. Police sirens filled the air as Tom & Jack returned fire while taking cover. " Hey Jack!.......Just like old times! " Tom yelled out which made Jack shake his head. " Yeah!.......But we're older now! " Jack yelled back as Pier 19 became a battleground. The Chinese man had 15 men with him. Tony had brought the same number of men and they were all armed with semi automatic weapons. Tony's men started shooting at the police as the Chinese were backing up heading for the freighter. The SWAT Units came in to help with the fight, but "Little" Tony had grabbed four bears and stuffed them into a large black bag. He then stated to run away from the scene.
Almost as soon as Tom had finished, Evie hit a hard left, tyres squealing as the car made a 90 degree turn to head away from the station house and towards the docks instead. By the time the car was approaching the area west of Pier 19, Evie wasn't the only one arriving and there was already half a dozen vehicles parked up. Evie got out of the car, just as Kim did and the two of them headed over to where Tom was stood with James, Steve and her Dad. They nodded 'hello' to each other and then Evie noticed the questioning looks from Steve and Jack as they looked at Kim. Evie introduced her to both of them, but the introductions were brief. All of them realized that anything else could wait. The guys then resumed their discussion about the placement of men and of tactics, taking into account the limited amount of knowledge they had about the set up. This was an extremely last minute tip-off and the idea that there could be some kind of set-up... an opportunity for some part of the City underworld to take out a large portion of the LAPD in one go. But what else could they do? If this really was a huge drug import, they couldn't be seen to have done nothing.

Steve, James, Kim and Evie and other police officers loitered partially hidden behind the warehousing which surrounded Pier 19, waiting for some kind of word from Jack or Tom, all of them checking and loading their weapons. When the word came, they all moved in, advancing towards what was going down at the end of the pier was also providing cover to each other and to Jack and Tom up ahead of them. When Tom eventually yelled out for the surrender, the response was not unexpected. The hail of gun fire, shouts, ricochetting bullets, splintering wooden crates and shattering glass all served to create a scene of chaos.

Evie was reloading have already emptied an entire clip in the direction of the perpetrators when she saw someone starting to run. She called over to Kim, told her to stay there but give her some cover. Without waiting for an answer, Evie ducked behind the side of a building and headed off away from the firefight but on a intercept course with the man who was running. She ran hard. She needed to get to the point that their respective paths would meet before him... with enough time to spare to prepare. As she came to the corner of a warehouse, she holstered her weapon and looked around, She found a loose piece of timber, felt its weight in her hand, made a decision that it would do and then positioned herself on the corner. She waited. She heard the footsteps. She waited. Then at the last moment, she stepped out and swung. The solid piece of timber hit the runner across the top of his chest. The man almost bounced backwards, feet lifting off the ground, and him landing hard flat on his back. As soon as contact had been made, Evie let go of the wood, pulled out her weapon and then took a position standing immediately over the man on the floor, but far enough away not to get knocked off balance by him. Looking down, breathing hard, the man squirming and groaning on the ground, Evie smiled to herself.

"Get up. You're under arrest but dont worry, I'll let you keep your teddybears for now."

Five minutes later, the gun fire had stopped and Evie rejoined her colleagues... with Tony Romano a few paces in front of her... disarmed... cuffed... under arrest.
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