Whispers in the Dark (valkeryiefirestorm & Krys Snape)

"Can you please tell Krys to come home next time you see her, tell her I feel terrible and would like to talk to her about it" ,Narcissa asked. She looked at Bellona and smiled "I love you sweetheart and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, not that Krys would ever hurt you but like I said she's a dark person and she's had a chip on her shoulder ever since you're parents and her father died, she can be dangerous".
"Alright thank you" ,Narcissa said in response.

Krys had fallen asleep rather quickly, she began to have violent nightmares that caused her to toss and turn and talk in her sleep, she was screaming for her father.
Krys couldn't hear Bellona over the screams that were coming from her own mouth, tears were running down her face and she was covered in cold sweat. She sat straight up and pointed her wand in front of her casting a spell that blew up one of the vases that was on the fireplace. She took a few deep breaths then looked to the side of her, "Merlin I am so sorry Bellona I hope I didn't frighten you".
"its okay" she got her own wand and pointed at the vase "repairo" the vase repaired she smiled "krys sissy want you to come back" she said her wand still out but by her side
"Why does she want me to come back I thought she was pissed at me" ,Krys asked in response. She stood up and walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of cold water and opened it to take a few sips.
"Alright I knew she would come around eventually, shall we"? Krys said holding out her arm offering to apparate with her. She already had her things in her hand, ready to go back.
Krys walked into the kitchen and looked at Narcissa who was sitting at the table, "Hello Narcissa" ,she said quietly. Narcissa looked at Krys, "Listen Krys, I'm sorry for the way I acted it's not your fault and Bellona had a right to know who her father was, it's just seeing your face has brought back so many memories I made an excuse to snap at you and it wasn't right" ,Narcissa stated. Krys walked over to Narcissa and knelt down next to her, "You know I could never stay mad at you Cissy and you have to admit not all of our memories were bad ones" ,Krys stated. She stroked the side of Narcissa's face softly and looked into her eyes, Narcissa smiled and bit her lip staring back into Krys' eyes. "You're right not all of them were bad in fact some of them were wonderful" ,Narcissa replied. After a few minutes both Krys and Narcissa remembered Bellona was in the room with them, Krys stood up quickly and Narcissa turned away and took a sip from her tea. "It's good to have you back Krys" ,Narcissa stated quickly to try and cover up the awkwardness.
Krys smiled and walked over to a chair and pulled it out for Bellona then sat down herself. "So anything exciting happen while I was gone"?
Bellona jumped up when a our crash sounded up from her room "alcove! Leave that dragon alone!" She yelled running up the stairs she opened her door and smacked alcove on the head lightly when she saw she had the hatchling cornered and scared.
Krys watched as Bellona jumped up and ran to help the dragon out, She followed the girl to see if she could help she knew how tough snakes could be when riled up and she didn't want the dragon getting eaten.
The dragon doda to her "its okay baby" she said to the dragon she looked at alcove and spoke in parseltounge "alcove you know better he is a baby and in my care as well I still life you alcove nothing can replace you my freind" she said bending down to eye level of alcove "please stop tormenting the dragon he's only wanting to be freinds with you" she continued and sighed as alcove went to her bed and curled up
Krys listened as Bellona spoke to the snake, when she finished Krys smiled. "I guess you've got this under control then, I came to try and help just in case" ,Krys told her. "I'll leave you be then".
Krys left the room and headed back to the kitchen and sat down at the table. She had the elf grab her a drink and leaned back relaxing in the chair.
About five minutes later bellona went back to the kitchen with the hatchling on her shoulder. She sat down the hatchling flapped its wing and jumped onto the table. It went over to cissy it looked at her and crooked its head like a dog questioning something.
Krys looked over at Bellona when she sat down and laughed at the dragon when it looked at Narcissa, "I think he likes you" ,she said before taking a sip from her glass.
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