Whispers in the Dark (valkeryiefirestorm & Krys Snape)

Bellona smiled when alcove flared his hood at the elf "calm now dearie ypu don't need to be wound up by a house elf" she said to alcove who calmed down
Krys laughed then took a sip of her drink, "So Draco do you have a girlfriend"? Krys asked. "I'm married and have a son" ,Draco told Krys. "Oh nice very nice I assume your son's at school, where's your wife"? "She's working right now" ,Draco said in response. "Does she have any friends"? Krys asked with a smirk that made Draco laugh, "None that would go for an escaped murderer" ,he joked.
Bellona stood up and stretched "well I will see you guys later I need to get some sleep before work tommorrow night cousin and krys nice meeting you." She said and went to the upstairs of malfoy manor. Her room was ok the top level, the attic was her room she like it that way. She opened her room and shut the door.
When Bellona left the room Krys looked at Draco, "Do you think she'd be interested in a job offer" ,Krys asked. Draco's eyes widened, "What do you mean job offer"? He asked. "Don't play dumb Draco you know what I mean, I know you'd be interested right"? Krys said in response. "Of course I'd be interested but Bellona is so young I don't think she should be involved with that stuff" ,Draco said. "Bullshit Draco we were still in school when we became death eaters, she's perfectly capable and considering who her parents are she has the credentials so to speak, I'm gonna go talk to her before she goes to bed" ,Krys said as she stood up. Before Draco had the chance to argue Krys was already halfway to Bellona's room. When she got up to the attic she knocked on the door then waited for a response.
(just to let you know she has no idea who her father is)

Bellona answered in a night dress "krys what's wrong?" She asked and stepped aside for her to come in. Alcove was already on bellonas queen size bed curled up, beside the bed was a night stand. In a silver frame there was a photo of a twirling bellatrix with a baby in her arms, bellatrix seemed happy in the photo.
(Ah ok Krys should know though seeing she was around them when they were alive if you want)

"Nothing's wrong just came up here to talk to you" ,Krys said in response as she stepped into the girl's room. "I'm going to cut right to the chase here, I am planning on rebuilding the dark army and I want you in it, What do you say"?
(sure and of you want sue can tell her)

Bellona grinned the same grin of bellatrix, Tue same grin as voldemort. "my mother would be proud if I joined so yes " she said
An evil smirk came across her face when Bellona said yes, she placed a hand on the side of the girl's face and looked into her eyes. "You look so much like her and you have the ambition of your father, he was a great man you know" ,Krys stated. "Do you know who your father is, have they told you"?
"Well I'm going to tell you" ,Krys removed her hand from the girl's face and sat down on her bed. "You don't mind do you"? Krys asked. She then looked at the girl, "Your father was the dark lord himself of course, although you definitely take after your mother more". Krys fidgeted with her ring again then lifted her hand. "Do you know what this is? It's a horcrux your father taught me how to make it before he died, Nagini was a horcrux as well and when she was killed that's when Voldemort fell".
Bellona blinked and grab nto the back of a chair "voldemort is my father? Are you suere about this" she asked krys "then that's why mother wanted me to have naginis baby" she sat down on the chair
"Yes he is and yes that is why you were given Nagini's baby" ,Krys said in response. "You were born to be a death eater and when the dark army rises again you'll be be my right hand just as your mother was for Voldemort, that's if you want it of course".
"I knew you would and I promise to keep you safe" ,Krys told her. She smiled then stood up from the bed and faced Bellona, "Get some sleep I think I've bothered you enough".
"No problem you deserve to know" ,Krys said in response. She said goodnight to the snake then looked back at Bellona, "If you ever need anything let me know, both of your parents were good to me so I am here for you no matter what it is you need" ,Krys told her before turning to leave the room.
She nodded and got under her covers with alcove layed next.to her she pulled the covers to and let alcove rest his head on her chest. She smiles amd closed her eyes she placed her wand on her nightstand, her wand was unusual she had both magical elements of both her parents wands in hers.
Krys made her way into her room after noticing Draco had went to bed. She changed into some pajamas then went to sleep. The next morning she went downstairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast. It seemed as if Lucius and Draco had already left for the day and Narcissa was either in her room or had left as well.
Krys sat down at the kitchen table and waited for her breakfast to come, when it did she began eating. Narcissa walked into the kitchen a few moments later and sat down next to Krys, "Good morning Krys" ,she said right before she ordered the elf to make her food as well.
Bellona came down and told the elf to make her breakfast as well "cissy how come you lied to me?" She asked a stern look on her face the same look on her face voldemort would get when he was stern with his deatheaters.
Narcissa looked at Krys who just shrugged her shoulders, "You didn't tell her did you"? Narcissa asked harshly. "She has every right to know Cissy how long did you think you could keep it from her"?
"dont yell at her cissy she was brave enough to tell me I looked to you as a mother cissy and I find this that you ooed to me, I can understand with draco but not with you" bellona said to her
"Get out of my house Krys" ,Narcissa stated. "You had no right to tell her anything whether she had a right to know or not". Krys stood up and looked at Narcissa, "That's the way it's going to be then eh? Fine I'll find another place to go then". Krys stormed out of the kitchen then into her room, she waved her wand to pack all her things then she condensed everything so that it would fit into a backpack. She then made her way downstairs and back into the kitchen, she walked up to Bellona and looked her straight in the eyes, "I'll come back for you if you wish me to, you and Draco" ,Krys stated. "You will not now GO"! Narcissa yelled.
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