Whispers in the Dark (valkeryiefirestorm & Krys Snape)

"yeah I have no idea where it come from though" she said as the dragon crawled up her ARM and onto her shoulder. Alcove slithered down the stairs and into bellonas lap "youre doing being a ass?" She asks her snake. Alcove flicks his tounge at her "good boy" she says and pat his head
Krys laughed at the comment made to the snake, she took a sip from her glass and set it back down on the table. "So what's everyone got planned for the rest of the day"?
"hopefully cause I plan on keeping this one know tell me if this is weird or not but this one came from the dragon in moms vault" she said
"That's the thing he was sent to me in a package by owl and there was no way to track to see where it had come from" she looked at the dragon then back at krys "of had a note stating that this was the egg, the only egg of moms dragon"
"That's odd" ,Krys said with a look of concern on her face. "Hmm maybe we should investigate things further and find out where it came from just in case".
"thats the thing I have done that and the trail lead no where....its fine with me" sue looked at the hatchling and scratched under his chin "i don't matter where you come from your just a cutie little boy arent you?" She said to him the dragon hiccuped. Bellona smiled
Bellona yawned "well I'm going to get some sleep for alittle nbit then. E back up before the sun settles" she said and stood and went to her room with the hatchlinv on het wouldst and alcove moving behindher
Krys watched as the girl left then turned back to Narcissa, "So are you with me Narcissa"? She asked. Narcissa gave her a look then took a sip from her glass, "You know I will help you and you know my family will as well" ,Narcissa replied. Krys smiled then took a sip from her glass.
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