Whispers in the Dark (valkeryiefirestorm & Krys Snape)

"Oh....well I don't expect you to make the same ones, that would be too obvious people would figure it out" ,Krys told her. "No I want you to pick a completely different set of things to make into horcruxes".
"I've already made a few for myself, I honestly don't know how many you'll need but you should make more then your father did" ,Krys told her.
"and how do you make them?" She asked and twitched a bit and reached into her pocket pulling out a hatchling dragon. She smiled and rubbed its chin
"Well you have to kill someone to tear your soul apart then you put a part of your soul into the object you want it in, like your dragon there" ,Krys told her.
"Yes you'll have to kill to make a horcrux" ,Krys answered. She took a sip from her glass then set it back down, "That's why I asked if you were able to kill".
She nodded "want do you think Chase? You want to carry a bit of my soul" she asked the dragon. The dragon purred "i guess that's a yes" sue said
"Alright then we'll make one but not yet we have to wait until I gain more people behind me, we don't want to be hunted for killing someone without some back up and me ,you, and Draco just aren't enough" ,Krys said in response.
She nodded "well I better get going or cissy will worry" she said "ill coke back later krys" she said and appeared to the malfoy manor "im home cissy" she yelled out
Narcissa was sitting in the kitchen crying when Bellona came home, she felt bad about what had happened earlier and felt as if she over reacted.
Narcissa looked up at Bellona, "I-I shouldn't have kicked Krys out, she saved Draco and I right before she was taken by the aurors in fact that's why she was caught and I just threw her back out to them without hesitation" ,she stated. "And now I have no idea where she is or if she's ok".
"How would you have gotten an owl that quick"? Narcissa asked curiously, seeing as Krys had only left that morning and Bellona was at work.
"Oh so she's just told you everything then" ,Narcissa sighed. "I can't really blame her we should have told you it wasn't right to hide it".
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