The Academy of Sexual Education (Open)

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Sandy comes out of her dorm room wearing a tight tiger printed tank top with jean short shorts and sliver leather boots that go up to her knees. she walks the halls with her books slung over her back.

Mickey did not have class right now so she was sleeping in after having a great night with sandy.
"It is actually. Trying to understand how the body works," she giggles, covering her mouth. Her other three books were attraction, anatomy, and appealing appearance. She eyed him lazily, closing her book. "It's necessary to know all. I was catching up." Her tone is soft as she speaks.
He smiled as she confirmed his comment. "Always good to catch up" he said. "Do you like to study in here often? Or just happened to do so this time?" he asked with a smile. He saw the other books, noting their topics and giving him an idea of what else she studied.
"Only today," she smiles and looks down. She gestures to the large desks. "It's a group sex room so, for once it's empty." She laughs and covers her mouth, giggling into her hand.
Kiragura found his way onto the Campus, it was his first day at this kind of school, so he was shy, "Hello?! Is anyone here..." he walked around the Campus grounds yet saw nobody so continued to walk hoping someone would stumble across him, or vis versa
Sandy saw Kiragura and she roamed the halls and stopped and smirked the guy was handsome . she walked right up to him and said "yep Iam here if that suits your fancy you can talk to me if not i can try to help you out anyway find someone that will suit your fancy".
Tanner had just came out from his dorm, his guitar safe inside in it's case. Instead he had his mp3 player on high. He was then singing along "Sexting by Blood on the Dance floor" while dancing to the music, lost in it. I wanna fuck you hard I wanna feel you deep I wanna rock your body I wanna taste your sweet...
Dementia said:
"Only today," she smiles and looks down. She gestures to the large desks. "It's a group sex room so, for once it's empty." She laughs and covers her mouth, giggling into her hand.

He chuckles at her comment, "Definitely a first" he said. "It's better empty I think, well with just us two of course" he said with a smile. He wondered what she was thinking at that moment.
Sandy smiled and said "yea you did but your hot yourself so what can i help you with".

Mickey woke up to the sound of music and followed it to Tanners dorm room and said "hello there handsome nice voice you got there i bet you make it big in the singing career".
Tanner jumpped when he noticed one of the teachers, Mickey he had to admit, though gay she was probably the only female he would have sex with. Taking his earplugs off he blushed a but. "Thanks"
mickey smiled at him and said 'your welcome handsome can i come in or do you want to be alone";?
Mickey walked in and sat down next to Tanner and said ";go ahead play more sweety i love to hear you play and sing maybe i could sing along with you be fun".
"Uh, okay." Tanner plugged in the mp3 into his laptop and opened up Itunes once it loaded. "pick a song you would like to sing along with"
Sandy took a step closer and said ";really now anything at all huh hmm would you like to explore my body" she said bluntly.

Mickey found a song called call me rude boy by Rihanna and said "how about that one".
Tanner flopped through his mp3 and clicked on "rude boy" and turned up the volume. As the music played, he tapped his foot to the beat and sang along when the vocals came up.
Mickey let out her own vocals join in on the fun. she sang pretty but while she was singing she was moving closer to him
Andrew walked slowly down the hall. He wore grey sweatpants and a black muscle shirt. He ran his hands through his hair to spike it and akept moving. I need to get some today He thought.
Tanner continued to sing Rude Boy with Mickey until the next song came in auto-matically. "I get him hard show him what I've got. Can't read my can't read my no he can't read my pokerface! He has got to love nobody" he sang out when the chorus came, jumping out of his seat and dancing about without a care in the world
Mickey listen to him sing this time then she joined him in the dance taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck.

Sandy smirked and took a step closer saying ";well show me a good place to explore me";.
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