The Academy of Sexual Education (Open)

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Genesis looked up closing her notepad. She smiled delighted that the professor notice her.
"Yes I was. I know who you are. You actually subbed for one of my classes last semester." she said Her smile still in place. It was one of those smiles that showed in her eyes as well. "My name is Genesis." she said her accent hanging on to her words she then extend her hand for him to shake.
Dante took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he turned it over and kissed it. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am sorry I don't recognize you. I feel terrible for not remembering such a beautiful girl such as you," he said and laughed. "Mind if I sit with you?" he asked. He still had time before he had to teach a class. He figured it would be a good idea to get back in touch with a student... and perhaps a bit more. "What are you writing in your notepad. Is it private?" he asked and laughed.
She shook her head not blaming him for forgetting. He saw hundreds of students in a single day. Genesis simply nodded and scooted over a bit for him to seat. She smiled softly at the kiss he had given to her hand. Looking down to the notebook she placed it into her bag. "Yes it is."She said with a soft smile "Are you on your way to a class?"She asked "I'd hate to make you late."She added her bright green eyes glowing softly under her brown hair.
Dante sat down. "Oh no, I have some time before my next class. I won't be late," he said. Her eyes were beautiful and, as cliche as it sounded, almost hypnotic. "So, where are you from? What are you studying?" he asked. he figured he might as well get done with the basic questions now to get a sense of who she was. He already liked her though. She was very sweet and very beautiful.
Genesis smiled as he set down next to her. "Oh I'm from Texas."she said rolling her eyes slightly at her accent. It was the one thing she couldn't stand about her self. Some people found it cute others thought it made her different, but to herself she just sounded annoying and ridiculous. "Oh I'm studying psychology."She said with a nod. "This is my last year here though. If my Daddy found out I went here."She said shaking her head and laughing lightly turning to look at the Professor. "What do you teach again?"She asked.
Dante laughed when he noticed her eyes roll. "Don't worry about your accent. Its fine, and kind of hot," he said. He was taken aback when she told him her major. "Wow, psychology huh? At this academy? Interesting," he said. "I honestly didn't even know that major was here," he said and shrugged. He was almost embarrassed to answer her question! "Well, I teach sexual techniques and how to last longer during sex," he said and laughed. "I also am trying t get permission to teach archaeology, which was my major before... a situation," he said.
"Thanks."She smiled softly when he didn't mind her accent. Nodding as he spoke. "Well I was hoping to figure the reason as to why people have sex. Like for pleasure, purely reproduction, learning even. Maybe I should take your class"She pondered looking him over with hungry eyes. I wonder how long he can last she thought then giggled at her unspoken words. "Really? so you went out and dug up mummies and found dinosaurs bones?"She asked "Sounds exciting!"She said having leaned closer to him.
He laughed. "Not exactly. Problem was I never finished my undergrad in it. There was an incident and I had to drop out of school. But don't worry!" he said and smiled. "Yeah you can take any of my classes if you'd like." Dante saw she was leaning closer. "Would you like to talk more in my office? I can give you a little more information if you'd like," he said and winked. He could tell she was interested in him, and he was certainly interested in her!
She gathered her things. "I'd love to talk more."She said with a smile "Though what about your class?"She asked placing her bag on to her shoulder and looked him over knowing there would be very little talking once they arrived at his office and the door was closed.
"I still have some time. And trust me, the faculty is very understanding about things like this," he said with a wink. He really liked this girl, and was happy she was coming to his office. He could see it in her eyes that she was also pretty excited. He figured this would still be one of the best opportunities to greet and help the students.
It didn't take long before they reached his office. "Well, here we are," he said and unlocked the door, letting her step in, and then closing it behind them. His room was fairly bare. It had a few archaeological artifacts and books, a few sexual books, and a few pornography films. It appears that they all featured Dante. "Would you like anything to drink?" he asked and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.
Gensis turned placed her bag in a corner. She walked over to the book shelf running her fingers of the spines of the books and over some of the objects. She turned to look at him when he asked if she wanted a drink. She smiled seeing the two glasses in one hand a bottle of whiskey in the other. She smiled. "Oh your playing to my heart." she said and the smiled lightly in embarrassment. Aside from Whiskey her favorite drink was Burbon and after that Tequila. She was a southern girl through and through.
He set the glasses down, added some ice, and poured in some of the whiskey. "Personally, I'm a beer man. I've tried tons of them from all over the world. However, there is nothing more relaxing than whiskey. Would you like anything mixed with that?" he asked and put the bottle away. He preferred his whiskey straight, but on occasion would mix Coke with it. "I don't have much, but I think you can make do," he said and laughed as he drank some of his.
Tanner walked down the hallways with his ipod on and playing his guitar while singing along to Savior by Black Veil Brides. Not taking notice of anything around him Saviour! Will be there When you are feeling alone, ohhh A saviour, for all that you do So you live freely without their harm. But then he stopped when he thought about Dante who is straight as an arrow, never to be bent, and will only see him as nothing but a student. He shook himself not to show any sadness and continued the song, tears forming in his eyes.
( I will. )

Xaliya manages to slip into an empty classroom, setting her books down. She was studying before the next test. It was lunch time. She fed on her delicious catnip and chips as she flipped through books. Of course, she was waiting on a certain teacher. She didn't need to study, but fuck her way to passing. She continued to look at the words on the page, recognizing most but not the ones she needed to remember.
Leo walked into the room, seeing the girl studying by herself. "Hey there" he said, walking over to her. "You know there's no class till 5 right?" he asked with a chuckle. He noticed how she was dressed, eyeing her cleavage as she say there. He wondered if she was new, since he hadn't seen her in that class before.
She looks up, her eyes involuntarily moving to his crotch then his face. "I thought I might study before hand," she looks over him again. "And you are?" Her divine D-cup breasts rest against her chest, the shirt offering no help to conceal them. Her skirt didn't cover but maybe halfway up her thigh, baby doll skin underneath.
He smiled, "I'm Leo" he said, taking a seat next to her. "Are you new here? Or have I always missed out on seeing such a beautiful girl?" he asked with a grin. He eyed her over again, she certaintly was a looker, a near flawless body and a pretty face too.
"I've been here for quite awhile," she answers, tilting her head. She watches his eyes go over her happily, leaning over her desk. "Nice to meet you, Leo," she smiles. "I'm Xaliya." She offers a hand, setting her studies aside.
He smiles, "Nice to meet you too Xaliya, unique name for a lovely lady" he said, shaking her hand. "I can't believe I missed seeing a beauty like you all this time!" he said with a chuckle. "What are you studying here?" he asked curiously. His eyes glancing over her every so often.
"Currently? Physics," she gestures toward the thick book. His compliments make her blush as he speaks. "I do not adore the subject one bit," she grumbles, shaking her head. She despised all schoolwork, wishing for it to be finished but she needed the intelligence.
He chuckled, "Physics? You do know what kind of school this is right?" he said. "Unless it's like the physics of sex or something" he added. It was a school for sexual education after all, he was studying erotica, as a hopeful writer

wildkat said:
(should i bring in sandy and mickey)

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