The Academy of Sexual Education (Open)

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"No not at all, harder the better." she grinned and kissed him roughly before digging into his jeans. She was a bit turned on as his penis shot up in his underpants. "Well hello." she giggled, and slid down his boxers thin material. His member was thick and hard; ready to receive her. Kumi started to tease him, her soft hands gliding up and down the long shaft. "Big penis, feels good for someone else to touch it right?" she asked with a flirty smile and a wink. Teasing him a bit more, she got onto her knees in front of his chair and let her tongue flicker on the small hole of his dick. Kumi licked her lips and swirled her tongue around his head. It was tender yet very hard, and she started to take it in. "Mmm." she started, looking up to see his reaction.
He was speechless as she was putting his penis into her mouth. "That feels good." He watches her do her work. and rubs her boobs still as she gave him the blowjob. He begins to feel hot sweat coming off his body because of the hot room. "Kumi.... Har...Harder please" he force her. He begins to lick her boobs and suck on the nipples.
The girl moaned softly as he teased her breasts, but then she sharply looked up. "Stop, just let me." she smiled warmly and stuck more of his shaft inher mouth. She started to suck on it with an affectionate bat of her eyashes. Kumi eventually let her tongue swirl down his entire dick, the head hitting the back of her throat. She squeezed his balls and rubbed them through her fingers. With an upward glance she sucked even harder as he had asked. Her lips kissed the base of his penis, the member swelling still. It was throbbing with lust as she licked and kissed his shaft. She started to suck faster, her cheeks filling with cock. Kumi sucked harshly on his head, licking the precum from his entrance.
He begins to enjoy it. He continues to lick and suck on her nipples as he lay her down into the floor. He spreads her legs wide apart and rubs around that pussy of hers. He rubs slightly light at the beginning. He continues to rub her pussy with one hand and continues to rubs and and suck her nipples and boobs with the other hand. "This feels.... great.." he said nervously.
Kumi is frustrated, he wasn't listening to her at all. She stood up; and crossed her arms. "Why can't you just listen?" she said irritated. The girl tugged on her clothes and sighed. She picked up her bag and opened the door. "Maybe later." she grumbled and left him naked in the art class. She didn't want him to be so forward and just take over, he was supposed to be a virgin. Virigns weren't as straightforward. Kumi walked down the hall slowly, as of he would burst through the door to say sorry.
The girl simply shook her was and stomped off down the tiles. She was glad he was embarrassed. Kumi hadn't been so confused ever. She escaped the school through a side door with a busted fire alarm. She breathed in a large gulp of cold air and passed down the sidewalk. As she arrived at her room; the door was already wide open. "The hell...?"

Tristan looked back at the girl, obviously just as surprised as she was. This room had always been his; and as a returning student he thought he would get it back. "Uhmm, hello. I'm Tristan; returning student." he said easily; and he watched the purple haired girl stressfully push past him. He grunted as he was forcefully made back, and he held back to urge to smack her. All he clothes he had arranged on the bed were thrown off in a second; and she crawled into it. Tristin gladly picked them back up and threw them on the bed beside it. "Your name if I may ask?" he said carefully, and she glared at him. "Kumi; shut the fuck up."
With his clothes on and his cameras gathered, he grinned to himself. The footage he had gotten from the art room and Ms. Mickey was good. Very good. He could just imagine how many copies he'd be able to sell. Oh, there was nothing quite like the feeling of a fat wallet in one's pocket. He felt warmth spread through him as he jogged up the stairs, dashing to his room, passing Kumi's on the way. He needed to get this burned onto cd's. He had orders to fill, and of course, the lust of lonely boys and girls to sate.

"Heh, let's see how many people I can make happy today no?" he mumbled to himself, opening the door to his room and plopping down in front of his laptop. In a flash, the drawer of his night table were open, revealing a cord. Trenton's smile grew wider as he plugged the camera in to the computer, popping a CD into the drive. Once the stuff downloaded, he shot off a few emails to friends and then started the burning process. "Time to get rich."
Kumi frowned at the boy; who stood there like an idiot. "Why would I care who you are. This is my room; deal with it bitch." she said grumpily, and glared at him. After stripping into her shirt and panties, she cuddled a pillow and fell into a soft sleep.

Tristan rolled his eyes and watched her change; growing a bit ariused by the fact she was so open to be naked around others. He wondered what everyone was doing and decided it wouldn't hurt to visits a few old friends. With a ip of his blonde hair; he escaped he room and sprawled into The office. "Danna, Westley!" he grinned; slipping past he studen barrier and hugging two attendance workers. He was very open to hem because everytime he was tardy hey just ignored it unlike they did with everyone else. Tristan almost crumpled she be saw the Counsuler...she was gorgeous. And perfect and curved. Must be new; had to be. He wondered about where his old friend were. And suddenly a wave of loneliness swept over him.
Andrew followed Mickey to the bath in her dorm grinning. He couldn't wait for what would be next. And with Mickey he had no clue.
Tristan let the room feeling a need of release, so he found himself in the hallways. The boy saw the girl named sandy and a teacher in her; going at it like nobody's business. Tristan walked around them slowly, making sure to get a rather pleasant view. "Holy shit." he mumbled and pushed past the library doors. It was a large and open room; very modern with shiny computer for anyone's taking. The librarian was off and the doors were shut tight with a quiet lock behind him. Tristan faxed at the screen..clicking and with a ht on the enter key he was on email. "A new notification eh?" he grinned; it meant his 'supplier of sorts' made a new cd of porn. "My god it's Mickey!" he almost squealed happily as he purchased the video online and prepared for the buffering. A ding told him it was ready to watch. "Sweet Ms. Mickey..if only you are here to fufill this day." he laughs with a zip of his pants and hand on his smooth shaft.

As soon as the boy was gone; Kumi sat up to the sound of someone passing the door. It was none other than Trenton! She gazed lustfully and shot out of bed. The girl slapped on new makeup and clothes- including a neon pink thong, no bra, a tight fitting orange shirt with a low cut vneck and jean shorts. Her 'downstairs' was ready for his cameras. Only if he was of course. Kumi slipped into his room and sneaked towards him; covering his eyes with her small hands. Her breasts pushed against his neck and she arched what he was doing. "Burning Mickey huh?" she said with a little laughter. Kumi was one to watch porn, even as a girl. She blushed as she stepped back; full realizing she was in his room. The girl was very interested and couldn't help but wait to start 'working' with him.
Trenton chuckled, watching the sales skyrocket. A little pop-up window indicated that one of his most dedicated buyers was keeping up his streak. Good, he liked keeping them hooked. For some reason, he felt as though he was put on this earth to satisfy other people's lust while also filling his wallet and bank accounts. When he felt hands cover his eyes and breasts press against his back, he tensed. That is, until he heard a familiar voice. His newest possible star had arrived. Slowly he stood up, turning around and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling 'certain parts' flush against his body. "Well, hello there hun. Ready to get down to business?" He chuckled, motioning to his bed. "Tell me, what do you wanna start off with? Any particular kinks in mind?"
"Nah, you got anything in mind?" she said bash fully with a grin. Kumi had her hands lower than usual, stuck to the back of his pants and she reached up and kissed his lips softly. The girl looked around; and started to push him onto the mattress. Surely, they would be having a good time but how was it all possible with cameras around? The thought made her nervous and a little blush grew on her cheeks. "I guess it depends on what you want then to see." she said with a seductive smirk and a bat of her long eyelashes. Her hands tossed through his hair and she pressed her glossy lips together. Kumi straddled him and pushed his shirt up, her hands gingerly gliding over his perfect abdominals and chest. "So? Role play, anal, oral, vaginal, hardcore, teasing, whatever is good. As log as your the dick I'm taking." she winked and smiled smugly. The purple haired girl left his shirt at his neck with his arms raised up, as she started to go down on him.. Kissing his neck and slowly making her way down his collarbone; tracing every muscle.
Krystyn spots the school so she quickly swerves into the parking lot and drives down it until she finds an empty spot. Once she does she parks in the small space and turns the gear to park. She then takes the key out of the car and opens the door, stepping out. She closes the door and clicks lock on her keys before holding her head up high and walking swiftly toward the school. Once she finds the entrance she heads in and walks down the halls with confidence darting off her being. She walks with a bounce in her step, eager to find the secrets of the school. She lets out a small "Oomf" as she trips over her own two feet and drops her shoulder bag with her. She mutters before gradually standing back up and bending down to retake her bag.
Andrew was walking across campus when he saw a girl trip and drop her bag, he looked her over. She was very attractive, "May as well make a move..." He walked over, he then took her bag and handed it to her before she could pick it up, "Are you alright?"
Her blue eyes hold confusion once her fingers come in contact with the floor and not her bag. She restraightens herself so that she's standing again. She glances at the new voice that speaks to her and actually annoys her a bit. She snatches her bag from him while faking a smile. "Thank you but I think I'm capable of picking up my own bag. I mean I was just about to.." she laughs and shakes her head. "Yes I am more than alright, thank you though. That was very kind of you," she smiles genuinely now, wanting to have someone on her side in the wild school.
Andrew nodded slowly as she spoke. He knew that her first smile was fake, just to spare him from her anger. He knew that she was angry that he'd made her the damsel in distress on such a simple task. "I'm truely sorry to interfere." He looked her over, very hot. Andrew could feel that her second smile wasn't so acted, he smiled back, "I didn't mean to iritate you, just to help..." He was already taken by her. She could ave said anything, but her smile took every thought out of his head.
Her fingers twirl one of her multi colored strands of hair as she looks him over with her current half lidded eyes, trying to look seductive just to mess with him. Her tongue runs over her bottom lip right where her small black lip ring is placed. Her teeth then nibble at her bottom lip on the opposite side of the piercing. "Maybe I'll see you around hot stuff," She giggles from teasing him then walks to the side of him. The fingers on her left hand brushing against his shoulder as she walks by. Her hips sway to a random beat that's moving through her mind, while she let's her ass pop out as she moves swiftly down the hall. How is it that a scene chick might have made a jock fall for her?

Krystyn continues to walk around the school, just exploring. She stops at a door and heads in, hoping to find an office lady. When she does locate the woman behind a desk she waits her turn in line then says her name and waits. The lady prints something out and hands her the piece of paper with her dorm number and classes. She leaves the office deciding to find her dorm.

((PM me if you'd like to share a dorm room with her))
Andrew watched her twirl her finger through her hair. He starred as she grazed her bottom lip with her tongue then bit her lip. Enjoying everything about the seductive voice she used to flirt with him. Andrew the felt her touch and began to melt, what he should have done was grabbed her beyond beautiful ass right then and there. He should havve asked her to skip class today and do something more fun. But he'd missed his chance. He'd get her later. He promised himself.
Simply~ said:
"Nah, you got anything in mind?" she said bash fully with a grin. Kumi had her hands lower than usual, stuck to the back of his pants and she reached up and kissed his lips softly. The girl looked around; and started to push him onto the mattress. Surely, they would be having a good time but how was it all possible with cameras around? The thought made her nervous and a little blush grew on her cheeks. "I guess it depends on what you want then to see." she said with a seductive smirk and a bat of her long eyelashes. Her hands tossed through his hair and she pressed her glossy lips together. Kumi straddled him and pushed his shirt up, her hands gingerly gliding over his perfect abdominals and chest. "So? Role play, anal, oral, vaginal, hardcore, teasing, whatever is good. As log as your the dick I'm taking." she winked and smiled smugly. The purple haired girl left his shirt at his neck with his arms raised up, as she started to go down on him.. Kissing his neck and slowly making her way down his collarbone; tracing every muscle.
Dante wandered around campus. He saw new faces and greeted those who said hello. He had been loving his time here, but was starting to feel like he needed to give more private lessons. Why not? They were certainly fun. He saw students getting together and laughed. He wondered which would use his techniques and styles, and how successful they would be. And if they were not.. he would just have to give an example to their girls. Dante sat on a bench and opened his book. He began to read and people watch for a while. It was calming, but he couldn't help but hear soft moans from some rooms. He shrugged and laughed.
Ally was in the library on one of it's computers. She was on itunes just looking at the newest music out and what not. She didn't really take much notice as the boy walked in until she heard some sounds. She squinted a bit... that sounded like. She looked back over her shoulder at the boy and saw him jerking himself off. She couldn't hold back a chuckle, here he was in a school for sexual education and surely there was girl's who'd give him a go and instead he was jerking off to some pawn. She arched her head a bit and turned her body so she could get a better veiw... oh it was ms mickey. She for a moment examined the boy, "ooh a crush?" she chuckled.
Genesis yawned slightly. She had just finished unpacking and was looking for something or someone to do. She had settled for sitting in the courtyard. She had a notepad in her lap,blue pen in hand and earphones. She had Kendrick Lamar blasting through her green beat headphones. She looked up seeing Dante wandering about. She gave a soft smile watching him before she waved knowing he probably didn't notice her. She then looked back down at her notepad scribbled a few more ideas she wanted to turn into a story.
Dante looked up and saw a girl he had never seen before wave in his direction. He looked around to see if she was waving at anyone else, but no one noticed. As he looked back, he saw she was looking down at some notebook. Dante became more and more curious about this girl. He stood up from his bench and walked over. It was a short walk, and he made sure to put on a good smile to be polite, in case she wasn't actually waving at him. "Hello there," he said as he stood by her. "I'm Dante Rossi. I'm a professor here. I couldn't help but notice you waving. Was that at me?" he asked and prepared for the answer.
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