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This or That?

Romantic camping trip.

When doing yard work, do you call it "mowing the lawn" or "cutting the grass"? And no I'm not using them as euphemisms for personal grooming habits.
^ Nice avatar. ^

White (bratwurst).

You have the option to take a weekday off. Do you (A) take Wednesday off, thereby dividing the week into two much-easier-to-manage parts, or (B) a Monday or Friday to get a "long week-end"?
I would much prefer a long weekend, (especially if I got to spend it with someone who loved whips and handcuffs as much as I do!) ;)

Sharing a big tub of buttered popcorn at the movies? or, each of you having your own container?
Let's go with outside over a rain-barrel. (I don't want no fuckin' on the table I eat on...) :p

Would you rather do the maid? or a nurse? LOL
An egg. I'd rather be eaten than whacked!

Which is more important to you: How someone dresses? Or how they carry themselves?
... And you'd rather be laid than played with!

Their personal carriage; a sloppy dresser can be sartorially shaped-up, but a person's general demeanor goes to the core.

You're in Kansas City, and need to go to Saint-Louis. Train or 'plane?
Plane. The few times I've ridden in a train, I wasn't all that impressed.

M&M's: Peanut? or "The Plain, the plain!" :p
*Snickers...LOL* Well now, being as I'm a cowgirl, how can I NOT choose the coarse-ground Wranglers? :p

Nachos: Beef or chicken?
I'm into the bad boys...being a goody two shoes myself I think it would balance me out.

Boxers or Briefs? Guys which do you wear, girls which would your prefer your man to wear?

Which appeals to you most?


Left or right?
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