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This or That?

*Gigglesnorts @ tuna taco.....ONLY a guy would think of that!*

Doubleheader in the bedroom.... (What?)

Becomes more quickly aroused by the backside view or the frontside view?
Front side view. Nothing sexier than a man's.....chest. ;)

On top of the covers? or under the covers?
Ladies Home Journal

Making love with the sound of rain and thunder just outside your bedroom window? or

Wild monkey sex while listening to the song "Fuck You Like An Animal" by Nine Inch Nails?

(I hope this isn't a PG-13 thread...)
Rain and thunder (hard rain splatting on the air-conditioner housing adds a nice touch).

The first climax of a triple-header, when it's real easy and feels like ground zero at a thermo-nuke detonation, or the third, when you have to work your ass off for a little ripple of pleasure - but you GET THERE?
The first climax of a triple-header... :p

The scent of a nice cologne? or the smell of natural pheromones to get you aroused?
Ahhh...warm summer rain. Nothing sexier than wet skin, unless it's wet skin rubbing up against more wet skin!

Big booty? or big boobs?
Well. I am (as previously noted) an unabashed and unrepentant tit-man. But when a friend, talking about a woman's body, says "She had an ass that would stop time!" I know EXACTLY what he means!

Sweet roll or a fried corn muffin for breakfast?
What happened to biscuits or toast? :( Ohh, alright...I'll choose one, but...I'm not thrilled with my choices...fried corn muffin.

Chocolate or sausage gravy?
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