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Jugger x Shani

He shook his head and laughed. "Over half of the human race is condemned to burn in hell. What makes you any different? You just offered your body to me for money. It may have been for a good cause...lust and greed are a sin, and you would have been sent to hell anyway." He laughed. "You should be thanking me...I just saved you a few more years, if not decades or centuries, before you'd go to hell. You'd best enjoy what you have now...Whats done is done. So...What are you going to do now, hm?" His devious grin never left his face.
"I know w'at my sins are, I don't need you to tell me, at least for those I could repent for, but wit' this if I die I don't have a jugdement I'll just be sent to burn for eternity..." She stated, harshly."Why would anyone what to live that long, it goes against nature. I won't enjoy this not one bit, I'm cursed for w'o knows when...W'at am I going to do...nothing lay here and die 'opefully, the only thin' I 'ave left is me 'ouse, where my mother is dying, she ain't gonna get better...But i won't 'ave the 'ouse for long..can't afford it now.." She snapped weakly.
Nathan frowned. A house huh? That might be interesting. The town was...populated enough, despite its attack by the plague. He smirked and walked over to her, lifting her up and looking into her eyes, though his eye trick would not work on the dead. "Look...The...Underlying reason I did this...Was because...I was not going to pay you with the money alone. I was going to give myself to you...To become yours. I just did not want us to be together as human and vampire, to watch you age and slowly die while I remain young forever. I want to be with you longer..." He smiled gently and put a hand on her cheek. "And you never know. Vampires, not all of them...are not all necessarily as evil as they sound. If you play your cards right, if you act pure even as a vampire and remain justified...Your chances of passing to heaven will be one hundred percent. Your human tales of us only come from when we were all feral and unable to become as civilized as humans, but that has changed within the last few decades."
She was basically limp, her heart was beating slowly, her warm body was growing colder. She listened to his words of why else he bit her. "Why? There's nothing interesting about me, I was once noble...but I'm not anymore, my looks aren't what they once were, Why choose a tavern wench, that you met for not even an 'our to be tied to?" She asked not understanding this at all. When his hand went to her cheek, she brought her hand slowly up to it laying hers ontop of his. "I can tell, granted you seemed a gentleman...but were a monster...never would I know so untill now." she stated. Her heart then stated to beat extremely fast, as if on adrenaline and her breathing picked up. Her body was dying, "It hurts..." she said as a few tears fell from her eyes and her body shook.
"Shh...shh..." He said gently. "I chose you because I could sense that spark within you...That your personality...It was so uplifting to me..." He was just lying, trying to make up excuses on the spot that sounded legit enough to be believed. "I will prove to you that you've caught my eye and that I wanted to be with you..." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her passionately as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body against his as he kissed her. Soon he pulled away and smiled to her. "If you will let me...I will help distract you from the pain while your body begins to adjust..."
She was cluching at his shirt, trying to hold onto something. At the moment she could tell his lie, she was in pain as her body died. She had believed his lies Her eyes widened slightly as he kissed herthen relaxed closing her eyes as they kissed, he kissed her so passionately. Her arms gently and weakly wrapped around his neck as he hugged her and kissed her. She breathed deeply as he broke the kiss, she tried to smile but was in so much pain. "...please..." she said in basically a soft whisper her voice seeming unable to go any louder.
He nodded to her as he began to slowly undo her bottoms and drop them, leaving her shirt on as he pressed her against the wall once more and began to slowly rub his fingers up and down the outside of her pussy. He kissed up and down the side of the neck he had bit down on and soon one finger began to slowly push itself into her, wanting her to get ready before he'd move onto something a little more thicker to put into her. "Any better so far...? Hm?"
Once her skirt, stocking, and underwearhad been removed the next thing she knew she was back on the wall, with her corset on still. That side of her neck was still plusing as he kissed her neck up and down again. Feeling him at he pussy rubbing it. Satine gasped very softly as he pushed into her. "Slightly," she still felt so much pain.
"Your body will numb it out soon enough...but I will distract you from the pain much earlier..." He soon pulled his finger out of her and reached down to start removing his pants, lowering them enough to have his erect cock out and prodding her. He continued to kiss up and down her neck before he silenced her by pressing his lips to hers and slowly began to start pushing his cock into her pussy.
She'd be numb sooon at least so he says. She staid against the wall as he undid his pants. feeling him press up against her made her arch her back slightly,. When his lips met hers and they kissed, she moaned into it softly as he oushed into her tight pussy.
Once he was inside of her, he looked into her eyes and put his nose to her and slowly made the bridge of his nose slowly cradle hers until his forehead was against hers, looking into her eyes as he lifted one of her legs and began to thrust into her, having her still against the wall. "Don't be afraid to whine out due to pain...If it will help...then let it be so..."
Satine stared back into his eyes, sighing softly as he caressed her nose with his own having there forheads meet. As he lifted her leg up she whinced her body hurt every part of her was sore. "Okay," she said as he began to thrust she whined slightly trying to get used to his shape. her arms wrapped around his neck, for added support.
Nathan slowly thrust into her at first, wanting to make it seem even more like he had actually cared for her. But he'd just make her his servant for when the world, destroyed by a plague he started, would be near brink to the extinction of humans, and humans would be taken by vampires and himself and bred to be used as food and they'd force them to breed so that humans stayed at just the right population while vampires stayed the same in population unless killed by fire, sunlight, and anything else. She was just another pawn.

Continuing to thrust into her, he began to kiss her forehead as his hand kept her leg up and another hand went to slip into her top and start massaging her bare breast.
Satine moaned out in both pleasure and pain, she couldn't believe all of this was even happening. Her body dying and she was having sex with a stranger, who was a vampire because that was so normal...

She moaned as he continued to thurst into her,and as his hand slipped into her corset, massaging her soft breasts. She knew not what his plans were, she knew nothing of him besides that he was a vampire and his name was Nathan.
Nathan would continue to thrust into her, and in his mental state, he was bored. He did not come here to see them make love for the first time, though it was enlightening and uplifting to see a 'passionate' moment in their early lives together, even if the passion was a lie at first apparently. He zoned out until he noticed that all was done and he had came inside of Satine and had her on the ground. "Do not worry...You will not be pregnant. We are dead and unable to birth." He said with a smile. "You must be tired, however...please...take me to your home so that I may lull you to sleep and teach you the ways of the vampire."
Satine continued to moan and whine in both pain and pleasure. Satine came with him, once he was out she had sank to the floor. Satine looked up to him, "I...can never...have a child?" She asked, granted her tired and drained face didn't change but you could see it in her eyes and on the inside she was devastated. She felt less of a woman, she now new what a baren woman felt like. In this day and age giving birth was the main thing a woman could do what they were good for besides taking care of the house, while the men worked. Satine did want children this vampire thing got even better as it went on. Satine pulled her skirt, tights and underwear back on. She nodded, she slowly stood up, and started to walk out of the alley, her horses and her carriage were just across the cobble stone street. "This way..." She stated stumbling slightly as she walked towards it. they were all set up and ready to go, she took the riens and once he was in snapped it to make the horses go. They were heading out of town a bit, then going up a large mountain like hill. Seeing the large estate as they rode up. She stopped at the stable and undid the horses, "Here we are."
Nathan whistled as he was impressed at the house. She truly was ex-noble and royal. Her house was a mansion. He walked with her inside and smiled as he looked around. "It seems here. Have you no servants or people working under you just for a place to stay in exchange for service?" He said in confusion as he walked through the house and soon turned to look to her. "And what of your mother? Where is she? Heh...If you wish...I could also turn her as turn her into one of us so she gets better. Though...It would depend on her condition, for if she is terribly sick then it may not end so well."
She smiled at his whistle, then frowned at his statement. "No..not anymore...they all feared the plague...those who didn't die anyway...they fled, they all fled...Some parts of this old 'ouse are much cleaner, it's 'ard to do everything alone...carring for the 'orses, cleaning the house, working, tending the lawn, and taking care of my mother..." she explained life really wasn't easy for her anymore, it kept getting harder if anything. Satine was leaning on the walls using them as a guide, "She's up her room" She replied. Her eyes brightened slightly, then dimmed again, she couldn't let her mother be cursed her soul belonged to God, plus she had been sick for so long, it was probably too late. satine hit into a table, grabbing the candlabra lighting it on fire. Moving to the stairs, She walked up and went inside her mothers room leaving the door open. "Mama...Mama I'm 'ome," she spoke softly, putting the candles on the deask by the bed. 'Satine?' "Yes Mama? I'm here." she took her mother's hand, and held it. "Mama your hands are warm.." 'No satine your hands are as ice, why are you so cold?' "I forgot my cloak, Mama." 'You'll catch your death baby,' "I know Mama..." and she did just not how it should've been. 'Satine...' "Yes Mama?" 'Satine I love you so much...I want you to be you've always been...I won't see you marry, nor will I ever meet my grandchildren...I will be gone, but I will always be with you in here' She pointed to Satine's heart. 'I will watch you from heaven...and you will go through life and die an old woman warm in her bed...God will call you when he's ready to take you...' she continued. Satine still able to cry started to."Mama...don't talk like're gonna make can't can't leave me alone..." Her body was shaking, she then climbed into the bed holding her frail mother grant Satine was frail now. "You can't die Mama you're all I 'ave left..." she stated craddling her mother. she felt her mother go limp and her last breathe was gone, her heart was no longer beating, satine sat there and cried, still holding her.
Nathan was in the doorway and watched this entire scene. Something about this touched him for some reason...but he did not know what. He assumed it had something to do with a memory before this, but he did not know what memory that was. He walked over to Satine and put a hand on her and frowned. "I am sorry for your loss...Satine..." He said as he picked her up to hold her in his arms as he would let her cry in his chest or shoulder if she wanted to. "Since I am here...I will give your mother a proper burial wherever you want..." He did not know what to say and he did not know why he felt so saddened at the loss of such a human and the scene that played out before him. 'Why did I feel bad for her that day? I don't understand why...' Nathan thought in his head as he watched the scene continue to play out.
Satine jumped tears flowing from her eyes, she looked at him. As he picked her up taking her away from her death mother, She cried into him as he held her. "Okay...Thank you...I'm sure she wanted to be buried next to my father...we have a cemetary out back....decades of family memebers are buried back there." She stated still holding onto him, though she wasn't happy with him for what he had done to her but he was the only one there, and she was glad sshe wasn't alone.
Nathan nodded and walked her out of the room, closing the door behind him so that she did not have to see her dead mother again until the burial. He sighed to her and hugged her close once more before having her show him out back, where he began to dig the grave with his bare hands. It was easy for him due to his strength being able to dig into the ground much easier and soon it was ready. He looked up to Satine and hugged her once more. "I will be here for you. You will not be alone. I promise."

'Funny...I don't remember that cemetery being out in the back of the house currently...' Nathan thought in his head as he continued to watch.
Satine walked with him out of the room it was too much for her. She cuddled into him, as he hugged her again. She wiped her tears away, and though exhausted still brought him out to her family cemetery. Going to her fathers grave picking a spot next to it for her mother. She watched as he dug her grave, she saw as he looked to her then cuddled back into him as he hugged her. Satine heard him and she cling to those words, though he was there she felt so alone. The tombstones were advanced for that time period, they had paid lot's of money for indiviual beautful tombstones, Satine and her mother both had one figuring they would also die from the plague. She'd show him that once they bured her mother.
Nathan held her tightly before letting her go. "You should go inside and wait for me to bury your mother...unless you feel you need to be here for when it happens..." He said gently before walking out toward the house, going back inside to the body of the death mother and sighed. This was his fault. The plague was created by him and now he was regretting it...But why? Just cause of some dumb girl? He shook his head and took the mother outside to her grave, laid her flat and crossed her arms over her chest before he began to bury her peacefully until the grave was filled with the dirt that was taken out of it.
She stayed in his arms, until he let her go. She nodded her head she went to follow him inside then remember the grave marker. She went to the storge shed, the handyman's shed, with tools and such, he would be doing all of this if he hadn't died. She opened the door and pushed the tombstone out the door so he would see it, she didn't care if he saw hers or not, just as long as her mother's grave was marked. She then went inside and waited for him to finish burying her mother.
When he came back to Satine, he walked over to her and sat next to her, holding her against him with a sigh as he sat there in silence with her, letting her cry or weep or do whatever she needed to do as they sat on the couch together in a silent house. He looked to her and frowned after some minutes and looked her in the eyes. "I said this before and I will say it again...I promise I will be here with you...I won't leave you alone...alright?"
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