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Jugger x Shani

(Gonna skip to them arriving home if thats okay.)

Once they were in the air, Nathan began to direct her toward where it was that they needed to fly to and it took much less the travel time by flying than it did by walking. They got there within three hours and when they landed, Nathan dropped down and landed on all fours before looking up to see some servants stare at him before they tended to their daily chores. Nathan looked up to Aurora and smirked. "Come down! Let us show you to your room...Or rather, find Darian. He will show you to your room. I must find my love." He said before running into the house to head to Satine's room. They had arrived in time, as the sun was barely coming up now and Nathan joined Satine in her dark, protected room. "Hello my love...I have returned..."
Aurora followed his directions, and got him home within three hours.She came down and landed putting her broom away. "Darian was the ione who went with the girl right?" She was making sure she knew that it was him. She watched as he ran off to find his beloved. She went into the house looking around aas everyone stared at her wondering who she was. Magenta was eating when she looked up she saw her, she glared, she didn't like her. Magenta then smelt her, he had fucked her not too long ago couple of hours. She rolled her eyes and comtinued to eat.Aurora saw her, she walked over, "Hey do you know where I can find Darian? He's probably sitting outside of Katrina's cage, he's not allowed in with her both being Cat creatures. Through that door." Magenta pointed out. "Thanks..." Aurora went to find him.

Satine had stayed in bed healing her body, she hadn't moved much only staying in her room, hoping Nathan would return and the puppet would be dead. Satine was half asleep when she heard his voice, she looked older, losing so much blood, not having the energry to really drink anything, but she was trying. Her eyes slowly opened and looked to him, she smiled softly. "Nathan...? You've come home..." She stated as she reached her hand out to him, to touch him to make sure he was really there.
"Yes my love...I am home." He said as he held her hand as it was on his face and smiled to her. "He's gone...the puppet is dead." He said as he laid next to her and pulled her into him. "I promised that I'd be back and that you'd be safe...I am now here for you...I promise you this." He kissed her lips gently, not caring that she looked older. Once she would begin to drink blood at a healthy pace once more, she'd regain her youth.

Darian was downstairs and looking at Katrina as she was in the cage. He wanted to be in there with her, but knew that he could not for he could get her pregnant if they were to have sex. He didn't and yet he did expect her to try and push the matter onto him even if he just went in there just to sit with her. When he heard Aurora come down, he glared at her. "Yes? What do you want?" It would take some time before they'd get used to their old enemy being in the same house as them.
Satine felt him he was really there with her he did it. She smiled brightly and cuddled into him."You kept your promise..." She kissed him back softly. Placing her hand on his cheek. "He's really're sure?" She questioned wanting to make sure that he was gone and wuld never hurt her or anyone ever again.

Katina was awake and looking back at him. She was happy they were home, she had been lonely without Darian and Magenta around. She wanted to at least hug him, and cuddle with him, but she was in heat and anything could happen. At least her cycle was almost over, a few more days of this. Katrina heard a noise and looked over to see some woman there. Aurora looked at bother the girl in the cage and Darian, "What's his face told me to find you, to show me to my room..." She stated she didn't know his name and wasn't used to saying Master. "Whose this?" Trina asked curiously.
Nathan nodded to her. "It is done...I have done as I promised and he is dead. I watched as he was burn and torn apart by myself and Darian...I am quite certain he is forever gone."

"...Someone Master Stone picked up along the way." He said as he stood up and looked to Katrina. "I will be back. I must show her to one of the empty guest rooms." He smiled to her gently before turning to walk past Aurora. "Come on. Don't slow me down." He said as he walked her upstairs and toward the servant quarters and walked her down one of the more luxurious looking halls, assuming she was one of Nathan's few personal sex slaves. He showed her to an empty one and nodded to her. "This one will be your room. If the master has not already told you your chores, then you are free to do as you please until you are given a schedule."
"Good...I love much Nathan." She stated softly. She smiled, "That means both of you shall live, as well as I..." She stated with relief, she didn't care so much about herself, but the othe two she loved Nathan more then anything, Darian was like a close friend or distant relative, she still loved him but not the same way she loved Nathan. "Is Darian still mad at me?" She asked him, knowing he was before he had left, she was only pushing him away to save him. "How is Magenta?" She asked Since she went with them and helped and lead them to the puppet.

Katrina smiled at him, "I see, Okay I'll be here..." She stated watching him leave. Aurora heard him and followed right behind. She took in the house, looking at everything. Once at the room she walked into it, and looked around she faced Darian, listening to his words. "Thanks..." She stated.
"I do not believe he is angry though I could care less. As for Magenta...I have given her her freedom, as promised. I do not expect her to stay for long. And I will not hold her to leaving or staying." He said as he looked to Satine and smiled. "All that matters is that I have you and I care for no other within this household."

"You could cheer up more. You are like a dying animal. Ungrateful and silent, just living to live until you die. Take some happiness in this somehow." He said to her with a frown and turned to leave her, returning to Katrina. He did not care. He opened the cage and went inside, closed it, and laid with her, laying down beside her and holding her close but he would not have sex with her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as he buried his face in her hair, thinking that she smelled so nice.
"You might not care...but I do...You did?...I want to talk with her later...I think..We should keep her around if she wants to stay, weather a servant or not. She knows no other life...and she helped, by finding the where he was finding...What do you think? Besides that you don't care?" She asked she like the girl, plus her blood was the quickest to cure injuries and alments of vampires. "I love you Nathan I know I keep saying it but I can't help it.

Aurora looked at him curiously while still keeping the other look on her face. She took in the information he ranted off to her about herself. She watched as he left, once he was gone, she spoke. "You don't know me, nor do you know what I've been through, if you did you'd understand." She said quietly talking to herself.

Katrina was still laying in bed, waiting for him to return. "Darian you're not supposed to be in here..." She stated as he came in and cuddled with her. she didn't stop him though and she cuddled into him as he pulled her close smelling her hair.
Nathan nodded. "I know you love me. But whatever Magenta wants to do is her decision and not ours. I would rather not...enslave her once more." He shook his head and smiled when she said she loved him again. "I love you too Satine...More than you know."

"I don't care if I'm not allowed in here...I have self restraint and am stronger than you, even as a human. I can push you off if you try anything. I will make certain not to mate with you while you have to spend time in here." He held her closer to him. "I survived all of this to be with you and I damn sure will be with you...I won't let some cage get in my way. I want to be with the woman I love."
"I no I just wanna give her the option, and if you are okay with it...You don't have to re-enslave her, she could just live here, of her free will if she wants, and she'll still have food, shelter and protection.." Satine stated, She didn't want the girl to go, "You know you kinda sound like a father...It's cute." She stated in return to him saying it was Magenta's choice not theirs. "I know my love...You cried for me, you haven't completely dried up yet...I'm sorry for whatever I said before you left...I wasn't in my head..."

"Yes...maybe your full horomones haven't kicked in yet then...You have restraint now, but most are drawn to the heat going into lust, which in turn ends in mating. Maybe it just hasn't set in yet...Alright then I'm glad you're here, with me, imissed youI love you too." She smiled brightly.
"A father? Me? No." He said as he shook his head. "I am not a father in the least. I just believe that Magenta has earned her right to freedom and I do not care for what she does. She may stay if she wishes...though things between us may not change. I may still have my way with her, simply because it is of my nature." He said with a small snicker. "Though you will always be my only and true love." He said to Satine with a kiss to her lips.

Darian nodded. "I have only turned into a werecat no less than three days ago...Perhaps my hormones will not kick in for a while. But I will more than likely know when they do. Until then..." He smiled and cuddled with her. "You are mine and I am yours. Let us stay in our human forms so that the bed has more room for us."
"I'm just saying you sound like one dear, not that you are or ever will be...That's fine dear, I don't care, that you have relations with her so long as you come back to me...and that you live me. I don't care what you do." She stated, so long as she had his heart he'd have her's. Satine kissed him back. She took hold of his hand interlacing their  fingers. 

"True...I don't exactly know how it all works. Never turned anyone before. I'm sure you will know, when it happens, before I do."She stated nuzzling into him.   "yes that's normally how it works, okay, I had no intentions of turning anyway. 
Darian smiled. "Good." He pulled her close to him and closed his eyes, falling asleep next to her almost immediately due to him being awake most of the time for the past two days and without any shut eye whatsoever. He slept heavily next to her.

(Sorry for a short post. :[ )
Katrina heard him settle down and she followed soon after, falling asleep in his arms, she had missed him when he had been away.

Satine broke the kiss, "Nathan I'm sure it's daylight, let's get some rest, okay?" she asked softly.

(it's okay mine Is short too)
Nathan nodded to her as he fell asleep next to her. When he would awaken, it would be before Satine would be awake and nightfall would rise once more. He stood up and stretched, walking out in search of either Magenta or Aurora, moreover Aurora so that he could give her her chores...knowing that she'd be lazing her around if he did not give her anything to do and all servants had to work when they were enslaved.
Satine drifted off to sleep, safe in his arms. Satine was still asleep into the night.

Magenta was packing her things though she didn't know where she would go or what she would do now, but figuring she would have to leave so she was getting ready just in case.

Aurora on the other hand was unpacking her things getting situated. Her potions in a cabinet and her clothes in the closet. Making it look and feel as if she was in her tower again.
Nathan soon visited Magenta's room and saw that she was packing. He shook his head and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a kiss. When he removed his lips from hers, he shook his head again. "You do not have to leave...You may stay if you free as I said you would be. It is up to you...Magenta. It...would pain me to see someone that shared a bond like ours just leave. The choice is yours."
Magenta tensed as she felt someone's arms wrap around her. Then seeing it was Nathan, she kissed him as he kissed her. She looked at him curiously as he shook his head. "I can stay? Really..?" she asked making sure she heard him right. "I'd love to stay...this is my home." she smiled snuggling into him.
"Then you will stay." He said as he hugged her tightly. "You are one of the few non vampires I have respect for. It would be a shame to see you go off and die in a world you know nothing about. Stay with me in this household and I will provide you all that you need." He let her go. "Now may follow me if you wish, but I must find the witch to give her the daily schedule she will have from now on." Nathan turned to leave, going out toward the room he expected Darian to have given Aurora. When he arrived, he approached her. "How are you settling in?"
She smiled brightly, "Thank you." Magenta hugged him just as tight extremely happy that he was allowing her to stay, where she had been for several years. She knew nothing else but being a servant, being taken away as a pup so to speak. By his words and actions she sensed that the Master had some sort of feeling towards her, which also made he happy. "There vorld is too different from ours, I doubt I'd ever be able to adapt, out there..vhere they are 'normal.' I vill long as you vill let me." She replied nuzzling him slightly before she let go of him, as he let go of her. Magenta nodded she had nothing else to do really so she went along with him granted she didn't like the witch.

Aurora was still arraging her things all by magic putting things on seleves, dressers, closets, and cabinet. She heard his voice, and put down the thing she had been moving. "Alright...just rearranging my things..." She stated. she didn't really do much of anything trying to settle in. Magenta stayed close by but not too much, following him in.
Nathan nodded when he saw her. "Okay. Well I have your chores that you must do for your life here." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper that had several chores that she needed to do at specific times, each chore having a half hour between each interval, NAthan having expected how long a certain chore would take. For instance, washing all the dishes in the house, he expected to take from 11:55 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. and the next chore would not happen until 1:15 P.M.

"I hope you will take care when doing these chores. You will need to adjust to work in the day and night on alternating days."
She nodded when he explained the chore list. "Alright...I understand." she stated. She reached for the list and read it over. The typical chores were there mopping sweeping dusting ect... Then her main evening chore was to have sex with the Master evenever he wanted. She shook it off for a minute. "Is there a schedule for which days I'll be working night or day?" she questioned
"You just have to look at the times. I put P.M. and A.M. on there for a reason. I don't mind if you...screw up the first week cause I know you'll adjust but you'll need to learn how to set your own schedule. I give everyone one day off a year so Sunday is your day." He nodded to her and looked to Magenta. "Help her out if you see her struggling. As for now..." He smiled and took her hand, slowly walking Magenta out and back toward her room.
"I see them now... " she said she hadn't seen the time changes before. "Sunday is my day off." she said to herself. Magenta just looked to him, when he asked her to help the witch out, she didn't want to help her at all for what she had done. But she'd do it anyway if she saw her stuggling. Magenta smiled holding on to his hand walking out Aurora thought it odd because he had said he hated everything besides vampires, and yet he's holding hands with a werewolf. Magenta walked with him hand in hand she was happy she could stay and be there with him, and everyone.
He led her back to his room and smiled. "Do you remember that day..." He closed the door behind him and moved to her, pulling her into a hug to have her head rest against his chest. "The day I tortured you by teasing you sexually, and purposely leaving that cage door open so you could see me with Satine? How I lied and said that I cared for you? It is not a lie anymore. Next to Satine...You are now someone truly important to me, for I am in your eternal debt for aiding me and killing that monstrosity. You were a large help and we would not have been able to find him without your assistance."
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