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Jugger x Shani

'The hell is wrong with this girl...?' Nathan though as he looked at her and shook his head. The flames from the fire had only scorched him and it was nothing permanent. His clothes were just scorched and his face covered in soot. "Then I guess I will continue! This'll be fun!" He chimed out as he began to rush toward Aurora, his claws extended and his fangs out as he smirked and began to slash at the witch, aiming toward her throat to go for a quick kill.
Aurora looked at him with interest, Seeing as the fire had hit him, and that his clothes were scorched. "I've never played with a vampire before," She stated smiling brightly. She watched as he ran towards her she put her arm out to block him, recieving a slice on her arm. She quickly throw both arms out and channeled a gust of wind to knock him back, unsure at how far he would travel.
Nathan held his ground against the wind but soon the force was too much for him and he was sent flying off the ground and into the wall, getting impaled on one of the torches within the room that dimly lit it. He snicked as he looked at his body and slowly slipped himself off before falling to the ground with a thud. Slowly standing, he looked at the witch the blood lust in his eyes. "I will protect her. I'm gonna make sure that puppet is dead and does not do anything to my family!" He yelled out as he began to seep out a vampiric aura about him, deadly and vicious and it would seem like his very body was changing into something that was told of only in medieval storybooks of vampires. Large curled horns appeared on his head, his fangs grew double their size and protruded from his mouth, his body got larger and was toned with more muscles and his skin went from pale to grayish black. His eyes turned a solid white and bat wings with holes in them sprouted from him. "Are you ready to die?" His voice had its own echo to it.
Aurora cackled, she wasn't trying to kill yet she was mearly playing, she liked to play with her victims before a kill. She saw him get impaled, not her orginal plan, but it was entertaining. 'Why is he snickering?' She thought as she watched him slip off of the torch. She watched and studied him with interest, After watching him seeing this aura surround him and his body change, she became frightened. Aurora hadn't signed up for this, He was turing into a more demon-like form and it sacred her. "Oh Shit..." her eyes had widened and she wasn't sure what to do, never coming in contact with such a creature before. 'I may die but I will fight to the death, trying.' Aurora sent an electric current toward him, aiming for his heart.
The vampire held his hand out and absorbed the lighting, not saying anything and his movement, as large as he was, even as he walked, was silent as the shadows. The only sound emanating from him was from his very aura, the sounds of the tortured souls of centuries cried out for pain and mercy as he approached the girl, not slowing down at all, even if he was walking slowly toward her. His face was blank and his eyes were still all white, making it seem as if he were in a trance and not able to know what was happening to him. Suddenly after he was a few feet from her, he smirked and spoke, his voice still having an echo to it. "I...Have shown you exactly what a Vampire from the Origin Era looks like..." He continued to walk on toward her. "I rarely go into this death-bringing form...So I will give you one...last...." He reached out toward her and suddenly, his legs not even moving, his body shot toward her and grabbed her neck. "time...Tell me where the puppet is...and I will spare your life and cause you to live under me in a life of servitude...It is not a bad life...But I can make it a hell for you if you do not do as I say. Now..." He seemed to roar this at her, the shout seeming to have its own power as it pushed against her head. "WHERE IS THE PUPPET!?"
Aurora watched in disbelief as her lighten was just absorbed into his hand. As he walked towards her she started walking backwards to start to get away. The sounds of the trapped souls echoed in her ears. As he spoke and walked she made her way back further, until her back hit the wall, not realizing how she got back to the wall. Her heart was pumping fast and her breathing quickened, she was terrified, never seeing such an old vampire. She screamed as he grabbed her neck her body was shaking. "One of three places, upstairs in the last room on the left, Down in the dungeon, or in the toy chest." SHe stated it was true of what she said, She wasn't exactly sure where he was but the three were his favorite spots.
"Then you will simply come with me for when I find him." He said as he slowly began to turn normal, his grip still on her neck as he pulled her back and slammed her into the wall. "You run on me...I promise you...I'll find you and send you to meet Satan himself. Now then...Show me to this toy chest. Now." He said viciously as he pointed away, wanting her to lead him. "I mean it...When it comes to my lover...I don't play games."
She sighed her heart still pounding thinking he would kill her any way. "Ow," She grunted as he smashed her into the wall it hurt. Aurora started to lead the way to the toy chest, it was in her room, She lead him to it. "There it is, she pointed to it."
Nathan peered down into the toy chest and glared as he looked to the witch. "Set it on fire. The puppet is wood. It will burn. If he is in there, we'll just burn him out." He said as he stepped back and looked to the witch. "Set. It. On...Fire."

(Sorry for a short reply. :[ )
(That's okay mine was short too. Sorry that this is short.)

Her eyes widend when he said to burn it, that was her toy chest from her childhood, she loved that old trunk. She swallowed and pointed at it sending flames from her hands to the chest. She waited to see if the puppet came out.
The toy chest was set aflame and it would be a while before the puppet's hand shot out and grabbed Aurora and slowly began to pull her toward the fire. "BURN THE WITCH" He chimed out as he seemed to have inhuman strength as he pulled her. Nathan rushed over and swiped at his arm, cutting it off and then he used that arm to start beating the puppet as it tried to get out of the fire. Darian had arrived, having heard the puppet and howled as he rushed over and put his hand in the chest to hold the puppet. "This is too easy!" Darian roared out as he held the puppet down into the fire until he felt something pierce him, a string. Nathan glared and grabbed the string and pulled it through Darian to get it out and then proceeded to tear it up. "Start putting more fire in the chest!"
Aurora screamed as the puppet grabbed her and pulled her to the chest, chanting, 'Burn the witch.' Once Nathan cut her loose, she rubbed her arm. Aurora watched as they fought the puppet, then seeing the werewolf come back in, Magenta stayed away from the puppet knowing the boys had it. Aurora threw more fire into the chest, a long flame getting him to catch flame.
The puppet soon burst from the chest and seemed to enlarge as his string began to shoot out and start lashing out at them. Darian had managed to grab all the ones that were lashing out at them and Nathan seemed to start cutting at it, ordering the witch to burn him more. "Hurry up! You will die with me and hell and you really will be burned!" He roared as he continued to cut at the puppet who seemed to be unfazed by him, but was getting pained from the witch.
Aurora looked to the puppet in terrror, as he burst from the chest. SHe heards Nathan's words and began to shoot more fire at the puppet her dear little friend, it was the only friend she had every really known, so it hurt her to kill him, but she didn't want to die either.
The puppet was not going after Aurora but he still began to attack Nathan and Darian until finally he let out a yell before exploding into bits of fiery ash. HE was now gone. "Finally...This asshole is done for..." Nathan murmured as he fell back and looked to Darian. "Take Magenta home." He looked to Aurora. "You will travel with me. Come. Gather your things and let us go."
She looked at him with sorrow in her eyes, she was so sorry that she let her friend die and she was the main cause of it. when he exploded a bit of him landed in her hand before it crumbled to ash. Her face was cold, and looked unfeeling. She saved her life and sold it for servitued. Aurora walked out of the room jynxing her bag. The bag was basically endless, she could fit any and everything in there, she also put an organization charm on it so the stuff once inside would be in a certain place. She shrunk and gathered her objects putting everything, clothing, to potions her books, her caldrin. When she went back to Nathan, the others were not there.

"Master...vhere are you going to go? I vanna travel vith you...I don't trust her." She stated before she went off with Darian, to return home.
"I've almost missed your beautiful accent whenever you've used your W's, Magenta." Nathan said with a small smile as he put his hand on her head and petted her. "Go with Darian...she will not be a problem for me." He said before watching her go off. He turned to look at Aurora and walked over to her. "You seem...displeased about something?" He said with a sneer. "Care to tell me whats wrong? You get to move into a great mansion with others instead of living out here all by yourself in the snow."
"I never thought you like my accent..That's vhy I tried to cover it up..." She smiled and blushed, softly. She closed her eyes as he pet her. With that she was on her way home, as he said for her to go.

"It's nothing really...People have never been kind...there's a reason why I live alone in the frozen tundra...Plus I've never been found of change, and this is a big one..." She replied She had lived in a normal enviroment once, happy and free with her family, after what happened to her and her family she stayed away, with only a puppet for a friend.
"Well then. Get used to living alongside myself and the rest of the servants. Though...Don't you dare hurt Satine. I know not if you are as evil as that puppet...but know that if you touch Satine, the beast you saw before will come out. And don't you dare speak of this to Satine. She does not know of my true origin, she believes I am just another vampire. Do you understand me?" He said before crossing his arms. "Now then...Let us go."
Aurora just listened to his words, 'easy for you to say.' she thought. She continued to listen, to him. Aurora tensed when he said that demon would return if she touched his precious Satine. "I understand...but secrect to be hiding from" She asked she also wasn't sure whether lover was the right term but it sounded nicer than mate. "How do you want to travel? On foot, in the air, or..well maybe not that one if I knew where I was going I'd say we could teleport?" She questioned unsure of his plan.
"Simply teleport us to the nearest town you know of." Nathan replied as he walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Contact or something right? To bring others with you? Take us to the nearest town. From there, I'll guide you back home...probably steal a car...or we could fly, like you said." Nathan said as he waited for her to teleport. "Well?"
Aurora sighed softly, knowing his hand was on her, She teleported them to a dark alley. She wrapped her cloak around herself, hardly letting the people see her. Not because she wasn't pretty, for indeed she was, but she didn't want people to see her or to know about her. "Here we are. What do you mean to bring others with me?" She questioned why would she bring someone with her to be a servant?
"You misunderstand what I mean. But forget about it..." He said as he saw that they were in a dark alley and smirked. He took her shoulder and pulled her back to him and began to fondle her after removing the cloak from her. "I've been wanting to do this to your body since I saw you..." He said with a laugh. "Be one of my few sex servants and I will grant you privileges the others do not..." He said with a smirk as he continued to kiss up and down her neck as his hands fondled her breasts. "What do you say, witch? Want to know what it feels like to have someone such as I to your sexual disposal?"
She nodded to the first part of her misunderstanding what he had said, oh well. As he pulled her back she grunted softly, then when he started to fondle her, her eyes widened and she gasped, electricity running through her fingers ready to strike at him. "What are you doing?" She whispered harshly, granted it felt good. The current stopped as he gave her a propision. She sighed as he kissed up and down her neck. "What kind of privileges?" She asked even if he wasn't sure at that moment and would explain later. "Alright...Deal.." She agreed to being a sex slave to him. Aurora was attracted to the power he had.
"You'll do less chores. You'll have me to have sex with...You'll get this cock whenever I deem you are worthy to take it..." He said with a smirk as he grazed his fangs up and down her neck. "You'll just have to put up with a bad attitude of mine...You are mostly human...And I detest things that are not vampire and I believe anything else is inferior to me...though that will not stop me from having my way with them...Now then...Are you ready for paradise?"
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