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Jugger x Shani

Aurora could live with that less chores, and the most tedious sounding thing she would have to do was to have sex. She shuddered slightly as she felt his fangs on her neck. "Understood...yes ready when you are." She replied. So he hated everything, besides vampires but there seemed a conection between him and the mutt.
He smirked and decided to tease her by tearing her clothes off, leaving her naked and in strips of rags on her now. He smirked as he pressed her against the wall, his mouth on her lips as he began to finger her with two fingers, those fingers alternating between which was coming in and which was coming out. His thumb playing with her clit as he continued to kiss her, wanting to see just how far he could get with a witch.
She had liked the outfit she was wearing, but she could always put it back together. She gasped and arched her back the wall was cold. She kissed him, as he kissed her she sighed into it as his fingers entered her. As he teased her she was becoming wetter, playing with her clit fingering her at the same time.
He soon pulled away and smirked as he looked at her. "Tell me what you want me to do to you...We're already out here in a dark alley next to a bustling street...Anyone who would look over here could just see us having some fun...How do you want to present your body? How do you want to experience paradise? More bluntly...How do you want me to fuck. You. Crazy?" He said, trying to be seductive.
Her breath had become slightly heavy as he played with her, she then looked at him as he pulled away from her. "So long as they don't venture down here then there's nothing to worry about..." She stated if anyone even tried she would stop there heart. "However you see fit...How about on the wall?" she spoke suductively to him.
"My pleasure..." He said as he moved and made it so her front was pressing against the wall. It was smoother for some reason. And cold against her bare breasts as Nathan put his cock slowly into her, causing her to stay pressed against the wall as his body pressed against hers. Nathan smirked as he peered to the wall, he had seen what it was and it was a window to the room of a small sleeping couple. "Better not be too loud...You'll wake them up." He loved to torture, especially in sex...He wanted to humiliate her without being that obvious about it.
The next thing she knew she was facing the wall, her breast's pressed up against it, it was cold, and though it was rough it was rather smooth at the same time. Aurora, whined softly as he put his member inside of her, keeping her pressed against the wall. Of all the buildings it had to a home to someone. She heard his words and nodded her head slightly.
He smirked and began to thrust into her, making sure to do it slow but pushing it hard into her to press her more into the glass. "So...Tell me..." He said as he continued to thrust into her, one hand going down to start rubbing her pussy as he thrust into it, "...What is it you are going to call me when you get home to my mansion, hm?" He wanted to tease her by taunting her about how she had become his sex slave and wanted to keep reminding her about that. To him, it was her punishment for aiding that puppet.
She moaned softly as he thrusted into her slow and hard, pinning her more so to the wall. she whimpered as he rubbed her while thrusting into her."Master...." She stated she wasn't keen on being a servant but at least she wouldn't be doing chores, or at least that many.This indeed was a punishment, she didn't like it at all, well, she did, but didn't it was different.
"Thats right...thats what you will call me from now on..." He said as he began to go faster now, lifting her up and holding her legs to spread them open as he fucked her, her entire body now being presented to the sleeping couple inside. "Don't be too loud...Or they'll see just how perverted you are...How much of a slutty little witch you can be." He loved to taunt her. He knew he could take control of her cause of his power and he knew she was frightened of it...which only made it that much sweeter for him.
She gasped and whined, moaning as he went faster into her. Next thing she knew she was up in the air as he fucked her hard and fast if the sleeping couple woke and came downstairs, they would see her and she didn't want that. She bit her lip trying to keep quiet. She would have jynxed or hexed him by now but she was indeed afraid of him and his power.
Soon he let her down and stepped away, having pulled out of her. "Heh...I think I'm done doing all of the work. You're the servant here. Why don't you start your first chore and please your master on your own? Go on. Get to it." He pointed down to his cock, which was still wet with her juices.
Aurora was breathing heavily as he put her down she began to catch her breath. She sighed and got down on her knees. Aurora took him striaght way into her mouth tasting both her and him. She started slow then increased the speed and the pressure.
"Good...Good..." A hand was put onto her head as she bobbed her head up and down his cock and he petted her like a dog. "Now be sure to drink up this nice treat I'm going to give you..." He said with an evil sneer as he held her head now, tired of her doing things like she was and wanted to take control once more. He held her head and began to thrust his hips, forcing his cock to go in and out of her, but he gave her air every now and then. "Tell me...What do you like most about my cock?"
This was demeaning, she was being treated like a common pet. At least he was giving her praise though. She stopped as he grabbed her head holding there, as he pumped into her. She gagged here and there, She took the air he gave her, "It's experianced, and hits all the right places." She stated.
"Damn right." He said with a laugh as he continued to thrust until one strong push pushed his cock into her mouth as he began to shoot his seed out. He pulled out and began to shoot his seed onto her breasts, marking her as his own now. "Now then...If you haven't gotten off yet, why don't I finish off your slutty little pussy, huh Fido?" He called her a dog's name just to tease her some more.
Her eyes widend as he shoot his seed into her mouth, she swallowed what went into her. She was now marked his property, with his seed on her breasts. She nodded her head, for him to finish her off, then looked at him curiously as he called her Fido. Then remembering she never told him her name.
He pushed her over so she laid down in the cold snow of the alley and moved to spread her legs, his tongue licking her pussy lips as he wanted to tease her a little bit more before he put his lips to them and began to kiss and lick at the same time, alternating between them and paying special attention to her clit every now and then as well.
Her body shook from the cold snow covered ground. She whined slightly as he licked at her pussy. He was doning a very good job of teasing her getting her worked back up. She was already sensitive to begin with so she was nearing her mark.
Soon he pulled his mouth away from her sex and moved to her breast, kissing and licking her nipple with his lips and the tip of his tongue, two fingers going back to start fingering her in a slightly crooked form to rub up directly against her walls as he fingered her. Soon his teeth lightly clamped down on her nipple and tugged and his free hand suddenly spanked her ass, making a loud pop to the contact of his hand upon her bum.
She moaned softly as he started to finger her while sucking on her nipple. She moaned as he rubbed up against her walls, it felt so good. As he tugged on her nipple and spanked her ass, her back arched, "Oh I'm gonna cum..." She stated.
"The cum. Your master is allowing you to cum." Nathan returned to biting her nipple as he fingered her and spanked her randomly until she would release her orgasm. Once she was finished, he laughed at her. "Now then...You're naked and we still need to go home. It's a day's trip. I believe we can fly there now. I can lead the way, though don't try anything funny. Got it?"
Aurora did cum after a bit of him hitting, biting, and fingering. She moaned out as she released. She stood, her back felt like it was frozen. "No worries..." She snapped her fingers and the outfit she had been wearing reformed and was back on her body. "Funny? How? You think I'd drop you?" She asked that would be stupid he wouldn't die from it all it would do is make him angry. She thought of how she wanted to do this and figured a typical broom would be the way to go, she reached into her bag and pulled out her broom, enlarging it.
"Good." He reached out and grabbed the broom. "I'd rather not sit on it. If you do not mind, I'd rather hang while you fly. Unless the weight will throw you off if I do this."

(Sorry for a short post. :[ )
Aurora straddled the broom, waiting for him to hop on. "Oh Alright...I don't think it will, never done it before besides when someone tried to knock me off of it..Just hold tight without breaking it, and if We need to turn turn with me." She explained, once he was holding on she kicked off and up they went.High into the clouds to hide.

(That's okay it happens)
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