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Jugger x Shani

She went willingly up the elevator to his room. When he asked she tilted her head curiously as to which day he was talking about. She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, laying her head against his chest. "Yes, I remember....I remember how you hurt me tormented and broken I felt...I nearly killed Katrina...and vas re-taken advantage of..." She stated she remeber all too well what had happened that day. "Something evil had avaken inside of me...I had never known vas there." She added. "You mean that...? Even if I vasn't tied to you as a servant, if you had freed me before hand I vould have helped you...Satine is sveet and kind, I knw how much she meant to you and this house hold, and too me. You're velcome." She smiled at his words and her own.
"Allow me to show you just how important you are to me. To make up for the pain I have caused you..." He held her close and pulled her into a kiss, closing his eyes as his lips danced on hers. He soon fell back on the bed and had her fall onto him as he held her and kissed her, something completely different about how he was acting toward her. He looked into her eyes and smiled gently. "What you see is simply how I truly am in nature when it comes to those I love...Though...the cold hearted bastard I was before is also my true nature toward others. If you knew what I was, truly, you would know that I hold back a great many of evil deeds."
She looked up to him when he said this. Magenta's eyes widend, then closed as his lips met hers. She kissed him back, she was starting to fall for him, she really hoped he wasn't fooling her again. She fell atop him as he pulled her down to the bed. After a bit she re-opened her eyes, to see his staring into hers, she smiled back. He was being so gentle and loving it was amazing. She smiled brightly at the first part his nature towards the one ones he loves. She knew he could be evil too, but that was how he was. Her face then became confused, "Vhat do you mean, vhat you truely are? You're a vampire..." She stated what more was there?
"Yes. I am a vampire. But what I truly mean by what I truly am is far more than that. Personality wise...I am certainly evil. I want to destroy this world and take it over to make it a paradise for vampires...I am not good by any means necessary and I will be sent to hell immediately for crimes I've done in the past. The only reason I do not do such things now is because Satine came into my life many years ago, and I've been forced to suppress my evil so that I do not harm her. It is a shame that love can be such a restraint, and I know she would never go for the world I had in mind if I told her what I intended to do before I had met and turned her."
"Veren't you human once? Vhy so evil? Only if you die then you be sent to hell. At least you care for her that much you've changed alot for her. You turned Satine? For some reason I thought she turned you...but love as resticting as it can be is also beautiful. If you did or if you do create such a vorld vhat vould happen to the others and vhat would happen to me?" She looked at each of the things he had said it was a little frightening that he could be worse than what he already was. She wanted to know if he would kill them...keep them as servants, or use them for food, or a combanation of all three.
"Of course...back then when I just used you all, I cared not for your safety. No. It was not Satine who had turned me, but the other way around. Satine was turned long after I was. I was alive many centuries before her, roaming the earth and slowly plotting to wait for the crucial moment...but what I had not encountered when I was young was not thought of as an obstacle...I did not expect to fall in love, and to have it restrict me from ruling the world to ruling a household. It is better than nothing I guess. Do not fear me, for I would not harm you. You are someone I love as well, and will not be harmed should I ever break my restraints. To that, I promise you."
Magenta had known back then he had never cared for her just used her and played games with her head. "I see, you fell for her vhen she vas human? Vhat attracted the two of you?" She asked curiously, they were total opposites. "If I feared you in that sense do you think I'd still be in your arms?" She asked it was a bit scary but she didn't fear him like she used to. "I trust you...vould you remember that you love me though if you did being..different than you?"
"What attracted me to her...What did attract me to her..." He frowned as he seemed to be in thought. "That was a great millenia ago...So very long ago I had forgotten...the details anyway...She was to be one of my feeding victims where I would have drank her dry. I met her in a tavern, speaking with her. I forget what we talked about...but when I brought her outside to an alley to feast on mouth did not go for her neck, it went for her lips where I kissed her and made love to her for the first time...What did happen...I have forgotten..."
"Something had to of intrested you in her..." She spoke aloud but softly. She was courious for they had to of been together for so long, plus she enjoyed stories. "Did you ever tell her you vere going to take her life?" She asked him. "Did you turn her that night?" She couldn't help but ask questions about it, she thought it was interesting. "How is Satine doing?"
"I did not tell her I had originally planned...I assume it would have something to do with what we talked about at that bar..." He murmured before looking to her and nodded. "Yes...Satine is doing fine...Though...I may have an idea..." He stood up and took her hand, bringing her back to Aurora's room. "Fido, I have a request...I will take away one of your chores if you are able to do this for me. Are you able to send me and Magenta into a distant memory so that I may be able to relive it and remember it fully for when the memory ends?"
"That's understandable," She stated she wouldn't want to know that the love of her life both mortal and immortal, was going to kill her when they first met. "That's good to hear....okay." She said holding his hand as he took her to the witch again. Aurora looked to them when they entered. She listened to the request. Magenta looked at him as he called the witch Fido..Fido was a dogs name. "Her name is Fido?" She questioned. Aurora raised an eyebrow as he said he'd remove a chore. "I should be able to. Do you have a time when this memory occured? Either way I can still probably do it, it's just best that I know where to send you. You'll stay there until the memory ends however long it is, before you can return." She explained a few rules about it, they had to finish the memory, staying until the end of it. that was the main rule. Aurora whent to her cabinet, and pulled out a potion, dusting it off, the contants was a bright green color she poured two vials of it. "Here sit down and get comfy, what it's going to do is put you to sleep and no not to death kinda sleep, it will have you sleep Magenta's persona will be in your head with you, both traveling into the memory. Once the scene has played it will bring you back, and wake you up and you'll remeber what happend."
"This better not kill us or do anything to us, Fido. Darian and Satine will kill you easily. And know that no mere potions can simply 'kill' me." He stared at her though his eyes were resembling somewhat of the beast she had saw before to show how serious he was. He looked to the potion and then to Magenta. "You do not have to come. I will experience it alone, if you wish to stay and watch over me and I will tell you what I remember when I awaken."
"I told you it will not harm you, either of you." She stated her eyes widened slightly seeing his eyes. Then relaxed "I give you my word." Aurora stated. "Alright I'll vatch over and make sure nothing happens, You promise to tell me?" Magenta asked
Nathan nodded. "I promise to tell you every detail that I remember when I come out of this...trip down memory lane. It is going to be quite interesting to see something I have not seen in many many years. Though..." He looked to Aurora. "I simply drink this potion, yes?"
"Alright then. I'll be here vhen you vake up then." She stated Aurora looked to him, "Drink the potion, lay down and think to the time or what happened in your memory." She stated then Magenta said, "So vhen you first vent to the tavern."
Nathan nodded and drank the potion slowly, closing his eyes as he did so and put the empty container on the bed as he laid back, his head laying on a pillow as he could feel his mind slowly begin to fade out until he passed out.


He'd awake with a sudden jerk, his eyes wide as he looked around. This truly happened to him in the past, having awoken from a dream after nodding off while speaking with Satine. He had no control of his body movement or speech, but was fully aware of what was going on mentally even if physically he was not there. Holding his head, he looked to the girl in front of him and saw a human Satine, seeing her with more color than she had before. He could feel his primal urges...the blood lust he had before. "I'm sorry for falling asleep...I feel a bit tired, but after another drink I should be fine." He smiled and ordered another strong ale to wake him up. "What were you saying, miss?"
Magenta got comfortable and stayed beside him waiting until he woke up.


Satine was sitting by a gentleman who had come in for a drink, she was on break. "That's al'ight, it 'appens. Well you 'ad asked me 'ow I ended up 'ere. I'm sorry if I bored ya." She stated. Satine wasn't the respectable lady then as she is now, she was a tavern serving wench, with a cockney British accent having a difficult time with "h's", that faded in and out being around different people all day. but she lived in the same house that she lives in the future. Satine was once a respectable lady of the time but as the plauge hit people were getting greedy and scared about everyone and everything. So she had fallen from grace, trying to make ends meat. Her clothing was nicer then most, showing she was still on the upper side of things, but times were hard. "A recap, both my father and brother 'ave died, my mother 'as fallen ill...And my once betrothed would beat me to no end, slandering me name and stealing from my to support my mother and I...I needed a job they was hiring. So here I am, not very impressive rather sad wouldn't say?" She stated Satine had lost everything but the home she lived in and it was getting hard to afford that too. "Lucy!! Get this gentleman another large tot of ale please!!" She called realizing that he never got his drink.
Nathan chuckled lightly. "Yes...The plague. It is a shame that it is going around. Many people believe its just God's way of punishing the sinners of this world." He began to tilt the bottle of empty ale back and forth, watching as the few drops inside of it moved as he tilted it. When he received his next bottle of Ale, he smiled and began to down it quickly and soon enough it was gone as well. "Well then...Satine, was it?" He said as he reached over to her and patted her shoulders, his eyes peering into hers to try and allure her with his non-noticeable exotic eyes, eyes that were once able to charm any who peered deep into them long enough. "How about you and I...Go out into the alley back there...And I make your job worth your" He said as he pulled out a very large pack of gold, something really rich with about four pounds of gold coins in the bag. "What do you say, hm?" It would be more money than the bar made in one day.
She smiled and "God don't 'ave anything to do with this...he sacraficed his son to give us the right to sin, to save us from sin, God wouldn't do this to his people...It's something else. Satan maybe be, or it's just some sort of illness that eventually will pass after consuming enough victims...Whatever it is I wish it'd stop." She stated then picking up her juggar of gin. When she heard her name she looked over to him, "That's me name." She stated then was caught in his trap staring deep into his beautiful eyes. She listened, looking to the side to think about it quickly then looking to the sack of gold he pulled out. She couldn't resist, she needed money and it was indeed more than what she'd make in a day. She looked back up at him, then she looked over to Lucy. "Lucy! Cover me a while I heard something of my mother, I need to check it out." She called. "Go a 'ead Satine, no worries." Lucy called back. She looked to him and smiled, standing up, waiting for him to escort her out.
Nathan smiled and stood up, walking with her after taking the pouch of gold with him as well. He brought her out to the alley and licked his lips. "This...Plague....It surely will pass." He said as his blood lust was rising so fast, Nathan mentally had not felt the strong sensation of wanting to drink blood like this in so long that it surprised even himself that he had such a blood lust. Nathan moved over and pressed her against the wall, kissing up and down her neck as he slowly began to bar his fangs, though she would not be able to see them due to her not being able to turn her head to look. "This plague will pass...But you will probably not be around long enough to see its end."
She walked along with him out, to the back alley. "I'm sure it day." She replied, smily softly to him. Her back hit the wall, as he pressed her up against it, she sighed softly, as he kissed her up and down her neck. His lips were so soft, on her neck. Satine's heart started to beat faster pumping her blood more. "I doubt I will, people are dying left and right...My whole family 'as basically been wiped out...I prey to God I wont get it seeing w'at it does to the body, terrible."
Nathan's eyes lit up with evilness. A delicious thought entered his mind. He barred his fangs, and pierced them into her neck, though instead of taking blood, he began to give her blood, which would start her transformation as a vampire. She would now live for all eternally naturally, having to see the horrors of life and the disease that came with it and to forever be forced to watch those around her suffer and die as she lived on healthily, unable to gain diseases due to her already being technically dead.
Satine gasped as his teeth sank into her neck, her heart beating hard and fast. Her body seeming fight off whatever was happening of coarse she figured he was just being rough not thinking he could be a vampire. She was still up against the wall, as he was biting her neck.
He soon pulled out and licked up and down her neck before stepping back. The transformation would begin to make her weak and he began to explain to her exactly what it was that he had done to her. "You are to become something like me...A vampire...A demon of the night as you people call us...Something straight from hell...immortal to nature...You will now roam the earth...unable to die unless killed by others. You'll be forced to watch those around you die of disease and old age while you remain healthy and young...And your blood had best learn to control it...Or else you could kill off a whole town if you can't control your newly formed craving."
She started to feel light head after he had pulled out it felt as it her body was shuting down as if it were dying. She put her hand to her head, "Her eyes grew wide at his words, she couldn't believe that he was a vampire, "You bastard you've condemed me to Hell!! You took my soul for Satan...No! bastard you filthy bastard.." She cried, and she felt so weak, she wanted to lay down, but affaird to fall she stayed on the wall.
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