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Jugger x Shani

Satine snuggled into him as he held her close, she becan to cry again. She felt him looking at her, so she looked up at him. Satine nodded her head slightly, "You promise? You promise not to leave me here alone?" She questioned just to make sure, she was so fragidle in this state, she didn't want to be alone.
Nathan nodded to her. "Yes Satine...I promise..." He lifted her chin up gently with his fingers as he leaned down and pressed his lips passionately to her, starting to feel something...something that was not lust or betrayal but actual love, something he had no had since...Well...He never had love, since he was born a vampire and was naturally evil.

All of a sudden Nathan would jolt up in the bed. His forehead would have been sweaty from the dream and he looked to Aurora and Magenta and frowned. " it happened..." He held his head and wiped it of sweat. "I was such an ass back then...I caused her the greatest grief ever...if she found out that this was all my fault to begin with...if she remembers me turning her and what all happened...She will not love me anymore...!" He seemed flustered by it.
She smiled softly as he promised her that he would never leave her alone. Satine closed her eyes and kissed him just as passionate. She could get used to him being around plus she needed him to survive plus she was feeling something between them.

Magenta jumped as he jolted from his slumber. Aurora turned to look at him, curiously. "Master, vhat happened?" Magenta asked worriedly. "Vhat did you do...vhat are you talking about?" She asked him wanting to help him.

As if something triggered Satine to awaken she did. She got up and for some strange reason she wanted to go outside. She grabbed her cloak and went out back. She went out to her flower garden. Which is basically over ther years, flowers had planted themselves and grew over time basically covering her family's cemetery. There was a bench at the egde she loved sitting out there it always semed so peaceful, plus she could hear the ocean from there.
"My word..." He said as he held half of his face as he seemed to be in distress. "I caused the Black Death of the Middle Ages...The plague, I was the one who created it...It killed Satine's entire family and I turned her into a vampire just so she could see people around her die to the plague while she lived healthy as a vampire...And I was there for when her mother had died...A cemetery... Cemetery..." Nathan stood up and began to walk with purpose downstairs and out the back door where he saw Satine sitting on her bench. He frowned, wondering why she was out here. He left the house, seeing as how it was night enough for him to step out, dusk slowly coming to fruition and his body only felt slightly burning. "Satine...What are you doing out here...?"
Magenta took hold of his other hand she was confused, "You created the plague that killed millions?" Aurora asked in shock. "Nathan..." Magenta stated for the first time, she couldn't believe he had wanted to cause so much pain to Satine so many years ago.Magenta was about to folllow him, then decided not to, he needed to do this on his own. She did go off to her room to un pack.

Satine was just sitting there relaxing. "Oh..Nathan." She smiled. "I guess you can say I wanted fresh air, I'm been the house for days, I wanted to come outside, it's so nice out here. plus you weren't there when I woke...Come sit with me."
"Yeah..." Nathan said as he walked over through the garden, looking for the tombstones that were there before but he could not see them in the large growths of various flowers that had sprouted. He sat next to Satine and was silent, his memory now fogging his mind as he felt bad. He felt he should tell Satine, but he did not want her to hate him and leave. 'Why did it have to be like that? Why could I not have found her and not started that accursed plague...' Nathan thought as his guilt ravaged his conscious.
Satine felt something wasn't right, just last night he was being cuddly, and loving and now he was silent, and seemed different. She looked at him, smiling softly, "How did you sleep, love?" She asked softly.
Nathan shook his head. "Not good...Not good...Just had a horrible dream..." He murmured before looking over to her. "It was about a man...He met this woman and took everything from her without her knowing...She fell in love with him and for many years they had been together without arguments or hatred for each other...until the woman found out...Then I just woke up." He was trying to slowly lead into what he wanted to tell her...He would tell her somehow...she deserved to know...
"Oh did you, What about?" She asked reaching out for his hand, holding it softly in her slender hand. "Oh...Well no worries dear it was only a dream, a rotten could have woken me up I would have helped you with it." She stated still smiling a bit.
"I have a question...You know that my memory gets...hazy...after a few years...We've been together for a few centuries now after all...What if I had done something to you in the past, and you did not even know it? And what if you found out...? If it was truly devestating to you...would you still stay with me, Satine?"
"Okay shoot..." She stated "Yes it does, but so does mine it's called being old we are centuries old after all. Nathan what's going on, if you have something to tell me please do say so. Nathan whatever it was if you had done something, I'm sure I'd stay with you anyway, it's so long ago."
Nathan frowned and looked Satine in the eyes, much like he had done to her the very first time he met her. He was trying to figure out exactly what to say...what to tell her...How to tell her...And how to explain that he never meant for it to happen. Eventually he took a deep breath and began to explain to her starting with Magenta giving him the idea and everything after that until he arrived outside in the old cemetery with you. Once he was done...he hoped she would not hate him.
Satine still smiled at him as he looked into her eyes., she looked into his. Satine listened to his tale bring back memories from so long ago. SHe started to remember everything, her being nothing more then a serving wench, the session in the alley way, the pain she felt, her mothers death, everything. Her smiled had faded, and her eyes grew wide...She removed her hand from his and put her head in her hands..."...You...stated the plague? took my family away from me...then you look my life so I could suffer, telling me you loved me and cared for me...when you wanted me to watch as everything I loved, everything I owed wither and die...The only thing i can say is you kept one promise for the most not even you left search of a water that would never work and the both of us nearly cemetery..." She looked to the flowers and vines the interesting way they had grown. "My cemetery...I was supposed to die too..." She stated putting her hand on her stomach remembering her mothers words. The most tragic thing in her life was caused by the man that she loved, she was so hurt, expecally to know he basically used her all those years ago. "Are relationship was based on lies... all of it?" she asked wondering if it was all just a game.
"Don't say things like that, Satine..." Nathan said as he reached out toward her, though pulled his hand back and had a hurt look on his face, thinking he should not touch her for the time being. "I...I did keep my promise...I stayed with you all these years...Never leaving once unless it was for business..." He shook his head and stood up. "And yet...I leave for two months, mainly because I was...I was cut down by a puppet while I searched for something that would make us happy...And you say I never kept my promise to be with you...I was with you for centuries...You were alright with two months away from me knowing I was doing you a favor...!" He shook his head and stepped back from her. "Our relationship started as a lie but it developed into something much more...I am sorry that your family died because of me. Had I known you before this...I do not think I would have started the plague..." He sighed as he stepped back once more, not being able to say anything to her. He knew she would not want him anymore. He turned to face away from her. "Everything I've done since I've truly fell in love with you...It was for you...Our relationship is not a lie..." He said sadly as he looked to her. "But let me ask you this...if our relationship was truly a lie...why did I shed tears for you when you were on the brink of death?"
Satine's hand went to her chest her heart was still healing and every now and then it hurt she was emotional. "I know you did...Nathan. You didn't leave besides business." She confirmed. The next part hurt her. "Okay? You thought I was okay...for those two months you were gone? I wasn't okay I was worried sick...I could eat...I stayed both day and had told me not to come looking for you, so I stayed to look after the house and everyone in it...I thought you had gotten caught in the sun, or lord only knows what...later having a puppet rape me trying to make me his lover...All I could think of was you.. all I wanted was you. Then have me kill you as you only get periced through my heart...All I asked if that was the only lie or if there was more...?" Satine reached her hand to him looking sad, she wasn't sure if she should get up her heart was aching. "My love...I know you weeped for me...I know you love me...and I love you...I'm sorry I'm just shocked and emotional right now....It happen so long didn't know...I..forgive you...please...forgive me?" She asked her hand still out reached for him.
Nathan shook his head. "Back then...I knew. Back then I purposely created the black plague out of dead corpses and my own blood mixed with toxic gasses to create the destruction I brought about. I knew your family had died, you told me...It was seeing you cry to your mother...that changed me..." He said as he looked to her and took her hand as she reached out for him. He pulled her close and put her hand to his face like he had done to her before and wiped his tears from his eyes once more, though little, they were still there. "I do not know why...I was a heartless fiend back then...I do not know why I was so saddened and guilty when I saw your mother die in your very arms. I have caused much greater grief to other people..." He shook his head once more. "Satine...I have done you so many wrongs throughout the years I've known you...I do not believe it is possible for me to right any of them...And it is not I that should be forgiving you...but the other way around..."
"But before I told you you didn't created it to kill a great number of people which it did, But I'm sure if we had met before you wouldn't have killed them..." She stated. "My mother was all I had left...then you wrapped me in your arms..., I had somebody then." She stated she felt his tears and her own started to flow she couldn't help it. "Nathan I I forgive you, I'd be lost without you. I just need a little time for this to sink in..."She said wrapping her arms around him in a hug.
"I...Did not expect you to be so forgiving..." Nathan said as he felt her begin to hug him. He frowned and lightly wrapped his arms around her. "I thought that you would have left me for something like this...That you'd hate me, knowing I took away your entire family and kept it a secret from you for centuries..."
" hurt, as I am, that you murder my family indirectly..You've stayed with me...for centuries. You could have left me to suffer alone in my suffer as a newborn vampire, killing anything and everything just to feed, but you didn't. I'm grateful for that. Nathan also...this is my house...I can't leave, I'd have no where else to did happen so very long ago, you didn't mean it...I love you Nathan...if I was younger I might have left then, we're in a different time now my love...and you've save more than once. I wouldn't be able to stay mad at you. For example the day you left to find the fountain I thought you were mad at me for the fight we had the night before. "
Nathan shook his head. "I did not mean that you would leave...I assumed you would have kicked me out. I know that this is your home indeed and I would not have stayed if you wanted me to leave." He smiled lightly. "I love you too, Satine...And I only left because I wanted you to be happy after that fight we had...and I assumed you wanted some time away from me so I left, using this time away to search for our mortality."
"I wouldnt be able to kick you out this is as much your home now, look at it, the firsttime you ever saw it it was ready to betaken from me. You've helped me pay the bills. You've put time, effort, money, and servants into our home again. And if you did leave I'd be lost without you and probably through myself to the horrid light of day." She smiled to him. "Nathan yes I was upset but I easily forgive...As much as I would want to be mortal again, it's okay just think if I was that string puncturing may heart would have killed me. "
He sighed. "I still want to make you a mortal once more...You were so...terrified. So terrified of going to hell for becoming like us...And I told you something...that if you played your cards right and stayed on the side of good even as a vampire, you would not go to hell...It makes me wonder if thats why you are who you are now, me having tricked you like that so you'd force yourself to be nice to everyone...This is why I wanted you to be mortal, I did not want you to go to hell for when and if you died."
Satine was confused as to why he wanted her to be mortal. 
"Nathan that's very sweet of you...but it was a different time back then, everything was ruled by the church. Anything anyone who wasn't apart of it were going to hell....though I had sinned as a mortal to try and pay the bills. I've killed for survival, I always had a gentle heart maybe that's why it's so easy for it to break. I had forgotten you told me that...Nathan if I am sent to Hell if and when I die, I'd be waiting for you to join me...It doesn't scare me as much as it used too...maybe my soul would be spared. Either way I wouldn't want to leave you. Plus just thinking of trying to be human again, it sounds rather hard."
Nathan nodded. "Yes...It does sound difficult." He said with a sigh as he smiled and looked to her, holding her hands. "Well...if we are to go there...Lets make a heaven of hell." He leaned in and kissed her lips gently, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the love he was pouring into the kiss. All the while he still held her hands as he did so and soon nightfall was now completely upon them without the sun's influence even in the slightest for light.
"Even if it did happen we'd have to retrain our bodies, sleeping, eating, injury, illness. Our immune systems have been dead for hundreds of years. We'd probably die the first breathe we took."She was both serious yet teasing. She smiled to him, looking at her hands as he held them. "So long as we're together it will be." as his lips met hers her eyes closed feeling the love he gave and she returned. Satine opened her eyes and looked around, breaking the kiss gently, "The sun has left us...comforting darkness."
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