Jugger x Shani

"Yes...creatures of the night...forever so long as we walk." He smiled and held her close. "Satine...Shall we head inside? I think...we shoudl prepare. Tomorrow, me and you, and some of our favorite servants and allies...We should all have a day off...maybe go to the beach at night and enjoy the ice cold water against your bodies. Yes?"
"Yes, even in life, yes as long as we walk we shall be." She smiled then rested her head on his chest. "Hm? Inside? What's your rush? Prepare? For w'at? I don't remember our last day off. The beach!? Why are we just standing around then, let's go inside." She stated smiling she was excited. "Oh Nathan...will you do me a favour after we plan and have our little meeting, could youfind me something to drink? You know where all the best are." She asked sweetly, plus with everything that happened it was hard for her to drink her fill or at all.
Nathan chuckled lightly to her as he saw her sudden excitement for it and walked with her inside. He called for Magenta, Aurora, and Darian to come and meet with him down in the basement so Katrina could be included as well. Once down there, Nathan smiled as he began to explain his plans for a beach trip after Katrina was outside of her heat cycle, though the downside was was that they'd have to go to the beach at night rather than the day. "Well...For me and Satine it is that case anyway. I actually would prefer it somewhat...as we could be alone." HE said with a smile to her. "The rest of you could have fun on the beach during the day, it is up to you."
Satine walked with him leaning on him slightly it would be a bit until her heart fully healed, a heart in any case was fradigle so she was being careful. When Satine heard the names that were called there was one she didn't know. "Who's Fido?" She asked curiously since Aurora never did mention her name. They all listened to what Nathan had to say. They all thought it was an excellent idea.Katrina should be done with her cycle on Friday. Aurora wasn't sure why she was there, out of the hundreds of others who had been there longer than herself. Magenta glared at Aurora also not understanding why she was there. "I'll go either day or night." Magenta stated Katrina agreed she'd go whenever Maggie went. "Then we can go in the day so you two can have the night." Magenta smiled. Satine smiled that her and Nathsn would have some allone time at the beach.
Nathan smirked and looked to Darian. "Think you can handle all these women alone by yourself during the day?" He said teasingly to Darian, who only glared and shook his head. "More than you ever could." He replied and looked to Katrina with a gentle face as he moved to go into the cage with her, closing and locking it behind him. Nathan did not object. He looked to them all. "Then get things prepared to go. We will be leaving to go in two days. Got it?" He turned to Katrina. "Be certain you try and stop your heat cycle by tomorrow. Friday. Got it?"
Magenta smiled at the fact that he was teasing Darian, she thought it was cute. Katrina smiled toward Darian, watching as he came into the cage. Shocked when Nathan didn't say anything. She then cuddled into him. Magenta smiled she couldn't wait this was so exciting, unless serving them, she had never been on a vacation. "Got it.." KAtrina and Magenta said at the same time, Katrina looked at him "I should be finished tomorow." She stated unless she miscalculated but that didn't seem likely. Aurora was there, but she stayed quiet, and slightly back from the others. Satine looked to the woman in the back, She pointed, "You..who are you? What is your name?" She asked curiously she new everyone but her. Aurora looked at her, "Aurora..."
"Hm...I expected Fido to suit you more. Though I guess Aurora is good too." Nathan replied as he looked to Aurora and then looked to everyone else. "Everyone just be prepared to go in two days exactly. It'll take us a day to get to the airport. I have a personal plane and driver waiting for us for when we arrive, that way we don't have to get through airport security...Oh the joy of being rich and wealthy due to immortality." He said with a smirk.
Aurora looked to Nathan as did Satine, "So this is Fido?" She asked curiously, she wondered why, then figured it was because he didn't know his name. Katrina looked to Nathan, "How long are we staying?" she asked so they knew what to pack and how long to pack for. "We're talking a plane?" Magenta asked it kept getting more exciting, she had never been on a plane before either. Satine smiled at her excitement then smiled to Nathan at his last comment, They had gained quite the wealth from being immortal, being able to save so much money for so many centuries.
Nathan smiled. "We will be staying for about two days." He looked to Satine and laughed. "It is time for us to prepare...come with me, my dear Satine." He held her hand and began to walk her to his room at the roof once more. It was not that much of a room, just a bed and a dresser and a mirror that he had just for ironic reasons. Once there, he looked to her with a smile. "Pack your things as well. I've saved some of your clothes in here as well, like you asked since I've bought you too many clothes for your own dresser."
Katrina had never seen the Master this happy, it was new and strange to her. Satine held on to Nathan's hand going to Nathan's other room, it wasn't as luxurious as his own, the one with the translucent walls was much nicer. Satine smiled, "so this is where the rest of my clothes went?" She asked remembering asking him to put them somewhere she just couldn't remember where. "As much as I love them all and can hardly part with them...do you think I should get rid of some?" She asked she's had some of these outfits for centuries. Satine grabbed a bag, and looked through her things taking three corsets and the skirts that matched them. "Nathan...can you help me decided on a bathing suit to bring? Its too hard to choose." She asked sweetly and smiled.

Once the couple left Aurora poofed ip to her room to pack her things.
Magenta rolled her eyes looking at the two in the cage. "Why does she have to come?" she asked more toward Darian to see if he felt the same way. "Hey Trina want me to pack your things as well? Since you won't be out till tomorrow night?" she asked Katrina looked at her "Sure Genta." she smiled.
Nathan shook his head. "You shouldn't throw any of these away. They may be ancient but they still add to our more...old Victorian Age charm." He said with a smile and began to look through the bathing suits and such for her. He wondered if he should ask her for them to skinny dip since it would just be the two of them alone in the water at night, though maybe she wanted to wear a bathing suit. "Find something red...It always looks amazing on you."

Darian shrugged as he looked to Magenta. "I don't know. Nathan seems to have taken a liking to the girl, making her an actual sex slave rather than a servant. Something must have happened during their encounter while we searched for that puppet."
Well I didn't think of throwing them away, just donating them, not that I want to part with any of them...I love them all, I miss that age it was so simple then. When we return we'll get someone to turn one of the old rooms into another closet." She stated as she continued looking. Satine figured her bathing suit wouldn't stay on long since she'd be alone with Nathan but she still wanted at least one anyway. "Something red, gotcha..." She said looking through her red ones grabbing a one peice and a two peice so she had options. It was fairly easy for her to pack she didn't really need anything besides clothing.

"I don't like her...I vonder vhat pushed her striaght to being a sex slave? I vonder vhat did happen there, vhile ve looked for the puppet, and how he got her to tell vhere the puppet was. She looked scared and sad as she had burned it..." She stated trying to think of what had happened. "I'm gonna go pack...Darian are you coming to?" She asked curiously or if he was going to stay with Katrina awhile.
Darian nodded. "Unless Nathan thought that she was amusing enough to him that he could just turn her into a sex slave or this is her punishment for helping that puppet...and yes, I will come as well. I need to pack also." He turned to Katrina and smiled as he kissed her lips. "I will be back as soon as I can." He said gently before leaving the cell and walking with Magenta up to her room. "So...what is it that you'll need help packing with, hm?"
"Both very good points...and both very possible. Alright." She stated and waited for him to get out of the cage. Katrina smiled and kissed him softly. "Alright no worries I'll be here." She stated staying on the bed as she watched him leave with Magenta. Magenta walked with him upstairs. "I really don't need much help...I haven't much clothing, nor does Katrina, but if you vant to pick out a few out fits she has.." She suggested knowing he'd like to help pick what she would be wearing for the few days they'd be gone.
Darian shook his head to Magenta. "I do not know what it is that Katrina likes. You know her best out of the two of us, you pick what it is that she might like." Darian sat down and began to look around for something for her to pack her clothes in. "Do you not have a suitcase or bag or anything to pack your clothing into?"
"True, But You'll be looking at her all day so I vanted your opinion too." She smiled at him then started to grab the few things they did have. They each had four-five 'normal' outfits not including there servant uniforms, and there night dress. Magenta looked to Darian, "I don't...I only came with a small blanket and the clothes that were on my back, vhen I vas bought. I never needed one I never vent anywhere if I did I had my servant clothes. Katrina doesn't have anything either, she vas basically cat knapped...vait, she has a basket, it's like a picinic basket,"
"Katrina was kidnapped to be forced here...? I had no idea." He frowned, remembering this for later so he could question Satine about this since she was technically under Satine's side of the house when it came to servants. He began to forage around in their room until he found the cat basket under the bed and smiled. "This should be enough to pack a few clothes in here for the two of you." He put it beside her and stepped back. "Well if you want my opinion, just pull out some of the clothes so I could see then."
"Yeah, She vas...do you think any of us vere villing to come here and live under servitude? Other than you none of us vere paid for any of our services. I've been in this game all my life it's nothing new, but now that I have my freedom, I have no vhere to go and the Master and Satine gave me permission to stay...vanted me to stay. But vhy do you think you don't see many Cat creatures around? Most vere chased away or murdered...she vas one of the lucky ones. Katrina vas in her teens vhen she came here." She stated grabbing a few outfits for herself, then looking through Katrina's picking out a few things showing them to Darain. "I thought it might be, she fit in it...so clothes should be fine."
"Nathan seemed very intent on keeping only one of a species here...I guess so that we don't breed and produce offspring that will cause some problems around here. Though...Perhaps for some of you, taking you in was the better thing to do. For me, I was a simple mercenary and was just paid to keep Satine safe. Though for you all, perhaps you all were taken in from horrible families or just had nowhere to go when you were little?"
"Yes I never did understand that, though I never asked either. Yeah that's vhat I figured it might be a breeding thing that's vhy us females vhen in heat get locked up...True...I don't remember my childhood...for as long I can remember I've been a servant, I think I vas born into it..I do remember being sold three times before the master bought me. Katrina I'm not sure about..."
"In that case, it would probably seem you were bought into a...uh...'good'...home." Nathan replied when she said that she was bought three times before having been purchased and brought over to the current household she lives in. "At least you have friends and family, and now a freedom to look forward to. Most people here do not have such privileges that you will probably already have now that you are free and living here."
"For the longest time it didn't seem so...but things are different now..." She replied to Darian. She laid out both hers and Katrina's clothes, starting to fold her own. "Very true, my main problem is, is that I don't understand the outside vorld, I'm safer in the castle. Oh I know of almost everyones privlages once being under the same rules. But a new future to look forward to." She smiled slightly.
Darian shook his head. "You have no idea of the privileges you now have. You can go into the sectioned off areas of the manor now, since technically the rule does not apply to you since the rule states 'Slaves and Servants are not allowed in the West and East wing.'. It makes you wonder what it is exactly that they are holding off from us so that we do not get into it. Perhaps something personal, or maybe it could be something far darker."
Magenta tilted her head as she listened to Darian. "I've forgotten those vings...In all technicallity, sure I could...but I'm also sure it's kept hidden for reasons ve're not supposed to know about...It is curious to vhat is hiding in this old house, it is centuries old. I'm sure it's full of secrets. Darker? How so?" She asked curiouslt starting to wonder about the wings that were blocked off for the servants. The anwser when she had asked why, was just that it was forbidden, and it wasn't like she had much free time to look about.
Darian shrugged. "I've always felt there was more to Nathan than what met the eye, and seeing him now as I am a werecat only makes that feeling stronger whenever I am around. I know it is not my place to look through other's possessions, especially should they be Satine's, but this matter does...interest me and I will definitely look into it later. It is somewhat troublesome...Something darker could definitely be in there, though as for what, I can only imagine...or maybe not even that."
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