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Jugger x Shani

"Alright," she agreed, She'd probably still call him Master, whether he was or not, calling him anything else would feel odd. As they rolled Magenta was a bit confused, this was a new angle on things. As he bucked into her hard and faster, Magenta began to moan out. It felt so good. Her back arched as he fucked her and rubbed her breasts, a low pleasurable growl escaped her lips, and her nails dug lightly into her thighs. Magenta wasn't sure what she wanted him to do to her, new to having sex this would be her third time she was still learning. She thought a moment and remembered the first time. "I do not know exactly Master, one thing I do ask is that we finish this time..." She stated since the last time they didn't when he was messing with her mind. Her sharp canines showed it must just be a reaction werewolf's have, they where more prominate than normal for her, since they were always sharp.
Nathan broke out into a small laughter. "Yes...I promise to finish with you this time." He leaned forward so that she was still on his waist and had his cock still inside her. He still bucked his hips as he put his lips onto hers and closed his eyes as he kissed her passionately while he thrust into her, his cock being experienced and hitting the right spots within her, assuming she had the same sweet spots as vampire women did.
She smiled at him, granted she didn't find it too funny, but in a sense it was kinda cute, but unless he wanted to finish with Darian or alone she was the only woman around. Magenta moaned into his kiss as he hit all the right spots, most women were the same, the only difference was, was that Magenta is fully alive. Possibly feeling alot more as he was treating her like a vampire female. Magenta kissed Nathan back, as she moaned and whined, she lightly dragged her nails down his chest. She felt close as he continued to go, Magenta only fully having sex once, though against her will, she wasn't used to holding or going trying to be at the same time, she was trying though knowing he needed the release from nearly dying. Magenta's walls started to squeeze him.
When he felt her begin to squeeze her walls around his member, he moaned out as he began to thrust into her faster, his cock getting closer and closer to spewing his seed into her womb, though he would not be able to impregnate her due to the fact they were of different species. Minutes later as the thrusting continued, he moaned out and bit her nipple with his front teeth and tugged on it as he began to shoot his seed into her, his warm love juice filling her womb heartily and full. He slowly pulled out, as well as removing her breast from his mouth and when his cock was out, he shot out another small stream up to hit the bottom of her breast. He fell back, panting as he looked down to her. "Well?"
Magenta was moaning and panting as he pumped faster into her womanhood. She moaned as he bit her nipple, after a few good thrusts. With a pleasureful moan she came, just as his seed shot into her womb. Though Magenta didn't fear pregnancy, they were different beings, though at times they have similar forms, they were too different. Then when he pulled out another string of his seed shot at the bottom of her breast. Magenta was panting she rolled off of him laying next to him. " was...amazing..." She whispered out of breath.
"Good..." Nathan reached over and pulled her over to him, holding her against his body to keep her warm, her face against his bare chest as he held her close. His hand laid down onto her ass however, and squeezed every now and then as they laid together until he had finally felt slumber and passed out with her in his arms. Darian was outside and annoyed of the whole situation, that he could still have passionate sex wiht someone other than Satine made him angry but he refused to let it affect him and his judgment on the situation at hand.
Magenta smiled softly at him, as he pulled her over to him, she cuddled with him. Her head rested on his chest like a lover's, Her heart was racing and she tried to hear his then remembered his doesn't beat. Magenta fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe and warm. Magenta remember he said that he loved both her and Satine, so she was surprised but not as he said he needed to play while Satine lay ill and awaited their return.
The next morning, Nathan would awaken and look to see Magenta still on him. He patted her shoulder to wake her up and slipped out from under her, looking out and saw Darian still awake and keeping watch. 'Dumb werecat.' He thought in his head as he looked down to look at Magenta. "Wake up. I'm bout ready to pack up the tent. Now wake up so I can." He said as he already started to put down the tent and then start to pack it up.
Magenta slept soundlessly and stayed asleep through the night, She moved as he tapped her shoulder. When she heard him say to wake up she groggily did her body was sore from last night. Magenta grabbed her clothes and dressed herself. Once dressed she got out of the tent and stretched as Nathan packed the night. She went to Darian, "Darian did you get anysleep last night?" She asked softly wondering if he had been up all night.
"No. I could not sleep with the sounds of you and that vampire fornicating for what felt like hours." He replied. Darian stood up and stretched, several of his bones and joins popping from being so stiff from staying in the same upright position for such a long time in such cold weather. Once Nathan was done with the packing, he walked over to Magenta. "Okay Magenta...follow the scent again. He'd probably had time to gain ground as well so we'll need to pick up the pace. We're gonna catch this bastard today. Go!"
Magenta blushed but her face stayed calm, she was embarassed and sad that he hadn't gotten sleep. Magenta moved away from him, since he was cranky. She heard Nathan speak and she listened. Magenta took hold of the string and sniffed at it, she caught the scent and transformed while running, running toward there next location.
Nathan continued to rush on with her, Darian in tow behind them. Several hours of running would lead them deep into a heavy blizzard and made it to the point where they'd have to slowly trudge through the snow, hand in hand, just so they would not get lost for they could not see more than three feet ahead of them. Eventually they would come across a large, demonic tower. "I assume this is the place." Darian said as he looked up and walked the two of them inside, forcing open the door with a powerful kick and pulling them into the safety of the tower.
Magenta hadn't sensed the storm in time, only thing on her mind was to find the puppet, so they had to push through. It was freezing and they couldn't see anything. in there pursuit Magenta held tightly to the boys as they were holding on together so they wouldn't seperate, and be lost to the storm. If that happened the only one that might servive was Nathan. Once inside Magenta shook off, and changed back into human form, she wouldn't have been able to make in her human form though, much stronger than humans, the storm was that bad. She shook her hair out as a human as well, her body was freezing it was so cold, and Magenta had a really bad feeling about this this place.
Nathan had moved over to Magenta and wrapped his coat around her and pulled her into a hug. "Is my dear Magenta cold?" He said lovingly to her as he began to walk with her into the tower's first floor, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Darian followed in tow and continued to walk on, climbing several steps without anything happening, though they did pass by some weird rooms full of potions and scrolls and even one torture chamber with the remains of the victims scattered about in the cages and torture devices before going back to the rooms being full of potions and scrolls until they walked into a single floor with four blue flames on four pillars surrounding a symbol in the floor. "I don't like the looks of this..." Darian murmured as he continued to walk on with them.
Magenta looked to him as she felt him drape is coat around her. She hugged him back, nodding her head. "I..I'm Frefre...freezing" She replied, shakily, she wasn't used to extreme weathers. She looked around see potions and scrolls, then her eyes grew wide seeing the torture chamber with the body's still there. "Nathan this place gives me the creeps..." She stated starting to warm up some.

Aurora heard something downstairs, She was in the middle of a potion, but stopped to see what was going on. She made her way down and over to the banister on the stair case. She saw the three walk around the first floor, two men and a woman. "Indruders," She called "What are you doing in my home?" She asked sternly, unaware who they were, just knowing there were in her house, in her tower, She didn't want them to touch or take anything.
Nathan stepped forward and motioned for Darian and Magenta to stay back. He stepped forward and approached the witch, standing only a few feet before her. "We're here...looking for some stupid wood puppet and destroy the little fucker. Now. Take us to him or get out of the way. I don't want to spill any blood that does not need to be shed." His fangs were showing as he glared at the witch.
She paused a moment, "A puppet...? There's no puppet here... Son you need to relax..." She stated her voice unchanging he was looked tense, Aurora then looked to the other two. She smiled softly, "You poor're must be freezing, Has the storm gotten worse?" She questioned softly. She looked at the other who seemed unphased by the cold and just stood there.
"Leave them out of this witch. You're talking to me and I am right here in front of you. Speak to me. Now where is the puppet? His scent ends here. And do not try to put on a nice-girl act. We've seen your torture chamber and those potions and scrolls you've been making. I recognize a few of them and they are not pleasant. So tell us where this puppet is. Now."
Aurora turned her attention back to the vampire. "I know where you are I'm not blind. I know it looks it but, I see quite well. Again there is no puppet here...nice-girl act...Yes indead I have a torture chamber, Most with old houses have them and if someone desereves to be punished then so be it. I make all kinds of potions I like to experiment." She when one she was keeping her cool trying to act as sane as possible, though she wasn't, she had quite the issues.
(Link is messed up.)

"The blood is fresh." Darian said to her to counter her claim that the chamber was there before. "And several of the bodies there were still containing skin. I doubt that you claimed this tower without bothering to clean up the bodies first and disposing of the blood unless it was fresh." Darian continued on with a growl. Nathan turned his attention back to her. "Last chance before we force ourselves to look in. Where is the puppet?"
(really that stinks)

"They needed punishment for disobeying and stealing. It's happens such is life..My tower is normally clean I just haven't had the time to reclean my play room if you will.." SShe stated then listened to the threat, Aurora laughed wickedly. "What in there? Go ahead have a look...I've nothing to hide. There is no puppet in my home.."
(Try to find a similar version of it on the internet?)

"Magenta. Darian. Go on and search this entire tower. I'll keep this witch busy if she tries anything." Darian nodded and took Magenta's hand and began to rush past Aurora and proceeded up the nearest staircase. Nathan grabbed Aurora and glared at her wickedly. "Now then. Do you want to tell me where the puppet is or should I beat the truth out of you?"
( I fixed it)

Magenta looked at Nathan, when he called her name, then to Darian, holding onto his hand as he took hers. rushing past the witch trying to find the puppet.

Aurora's face went serious, as he grabbed her. "Unhand me..." She glared back at him. "I told you there is no puppet...beat me? hmm? that sounds like fun." She stated then cackled
"Do you wish to truly make someone such as I angry? Do you know who it is you are attempting to fool? My hound's nose never fails. And she led the scent here...So...I gave you your chances and it would seem I'd have to beat the information out of you." His grip on her shoulder hardened as he turned around suddenly and tossed her toward one of the fire pillars.
"Aww are you getting upset? I know not who you are and you are in my home, you have no authority here. Your mutt's nose wont be able to smell for long, She's coming into a warm enviroment after being out in a blizzard, she'll be smelling her own snot." She informed him. "Beat me then, it will be fun. Beat me." Aurora cackled, she felt his grip tighten on her shoulders. Her eyes widend as she went flying towards one of the fire pillars, The pillar fell and the bowl of fire nearly fell onto her. She quickly redirected the fire throwing towards Nathan. When she had hit, she split her lip, and it started to bleed, "Do it again." She said cockily smiling wickedly. licking the blood from her lip, Aurora was ready to fight.
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