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Jugger x Shani

"No...I haven't done anything wrong...I've opened up my home...given wild breasts food, shelter, and protection. Clean there wounds and trained them. Yes I wanted him to live...he wasn't a very good body guard either...I've given him money, anything he wanted was at his fingertips...He went to the cat...who brought him so much pain...True all that I've done for him...He did didn't he? That's what he wanted and on most occasions I'd give it to him.When I didn't he'd become upset. I was always his out let...I'm sure he said it at least once...he does call me his lover...He made me believe that he loved me...I was a fool to believe...I don't know if he had the water with him or not...."
"There is a steak knife in the kitchen...I know that there is one with silver, it can kill a vampire and a werecat easily...It was made for cutting turkey for thanksgiving, making the cleanest and thinnest of cuts...Use it to bring their end, tell them your pain...And then you will be free to embrace anyone whom truly deserves someone as I...The lock is broken on the cage, something that Nathan had forgotten since he cares so little for everyone except for will be easy...Nathan will never attack you and Darian had calmed down to think clearly...They cannot kill you, for they know if they lose you and they live, their meal ticket is gone...Show them that you are more than a simple meal ticket..."
"Yes...I remember I had bought that knife for the house, It's the sharpest knife in the house...Yes someone one who really cares who is more deserving then them...He only cares for us and himself. True thats all I am to them, a meal ticket..." Satine looks to the door and stands up, slowly heading to it pushing it open. She walked to the stairs and looked to the sleeping cat, then went up the stairs into the kitchen. Satine pulled out the steak knife and looked at it, looking at it's shine. She then went in search of the boys.
Darian had went away from Nathan against Nathan's will, not listening to him and said that he was not his master or owner. Nathan was now walking around in search of the puppetman and soon sat down, sighing as he closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair until he heard something and looked up to see Satine with the silver steak knife. "Oh...Hello there Satine...How'd you get out? And...What are you doing with that knife? Its not Thanksgiving..." He said as he stood up and stepped back cautiously.
"Hello Nathan...The lock was broken, It must have been neglected...Very good Nathan..No it's not Thanksgiving..." She stated and walked slowly toward him. "Nathan have you ever told me you loved me? Besides calling me your you ever really love me?...I mean you hate everything and every one so.. well besides me or so you said and recently the mutt...I'm I a mutt in you eyes?...I heard you found the fountian...did you bring the water back?" She asked a series of thoughts that went through her head before she wanted to strike wanted the anwsers even though they probably weren't true.
"What are you asking of me? Of course I love you. Whats gotten into you Satine?" He said as he bit his lip when she mentioned the fountain. "Yes...I found the fountain...And no...I didn't bring back any water...The fountain was a sham...The real youth the fountain gave was for mortals, not the undead...It would not work for us. When that puppet found out, he cut me and all that were with me down and tainted the fountain with blood. Did you really want tainted water that would not work? Now put the knife down before you do something stupid, Satine..."
"I think my questions are quite clear, Nathan. I told you it wouldn't work and did you listen to me? No you didn't. You left me... had me worried sick...Wait..How do you know it didn't work?...You drank the water didn't you? What if it had worked how would you have returned" Satine knew he drank it thanks to the puppet, but wanted to hear him. "Are you just saying that you love me because I have the knife in my hand?"
"Have you gone mad? I've had human slaves with me to test it! Elderly ones! Once they drank it, they returned to their teenage youth! When I drank it, I hadn't changed a bit! It tasted like simple tap water and rain water! That was when the puppet turned on me and cut me and all with me down! No, I am not saying that I love you because you have a knife in your hand, I had thought my love was purely shown to begin with. What is making you a hectic fool!?"
Satine held the knife thightly to her side. "You drank it with out me...what if you did turn human how were you to return home?" she asked. "He tricked me... like you've tricked me. You made me believe that you loved me...I was just a toy..." She stated her head was so full of lies and truths she wasn't sure what to believe anymore her hand started to shake. Satines body started to shake she wanted to cry but was cried out. Satine dropped the knife and fell to her knees. Her hands went to her head, holding it a minute. "Nathan....he's...not here...."
"You mean this entire time I've been searching, you're just now telling me...!?" He said after a minute of thinking about what she meant by that. He shook his head and moved over to her, kicking the knife away from her before he knelt down beside her and held her. "Satine, where is he. You must tell me where he is, he's controlling you, you aren't acting the way I like you to act. You must calm down and tell me where he is located so your suffering can stop."
"He just told me....down in the cage..." Satine clinged onto him as he held her. "I'm sorry Nathan...I'm so sorry." She cuddled into him. "I don't know Nathan...He didn't tell where he was but he's been gone for a while...I don't like it he's made me do horrible things...Nathan I have to kill Darian...I don't want to...I have two days...if not I'm goining to kil you, he's gonna make me do it...if I try to send either of you away he's gonna kill me on the spot..." She shook more trying to calm herself down.
The string inside her would begin to pierce out of her, wiggling around violently and painfully for her for having spilled the beans. It began to wrap around her neck and drag her away, and once again it left a tiny piece of itself inside of her. The string began to drag her down the stairs as Nathan chased after, only to grab the string and begin to proceeded to tearing it up. "Satine! Satine are you okay!?" He said as he rushed over to her side and held her. She had a small wound the size of a bullet wound through her heart and she'd feel pain like never before. "Satine, you're gonna be okay, alright...!?"
Satine began to scream and shriek and hiss as the pain as the string violently came out of her. Satines hands went to her neck, trying to get the string off from her. Satine had fallen down the flight as Nathan had cut the string loose. "Nathan!... it really hurts..." the pain was so much her dry tearducts had water in them. Her back was arched as he held her she held his hand tightly..."I don't know, Nathan my heart has a hole, that I'm having trouble really hurts.." It reminded her of the pain when her body died when she was turned.
"Shut up...Just shut up Satine...You're going to be alright...!" He said as he held her close. A vampire dying from a heart wound from the inside was rare, but doable. 70& of the time they would recover from such a wound but the 30% still had Nathan scared. "Satine...You'll be just fine...I..." He picked her up and began to walk her upstairs. "Well need to help fix the wound...You need medical treatment as soon as possible..." Nathan began to call out to all servants with medical training to come and meet him in the 4th floor bathroom. Once there, Nathan allowed those servants to treat Satine's wound. He held her hand the entire time. "Just remember..." Her 'conscious' said to her, the small string still within her, "...he's just doing this cause he's got you paying half the bills on the house...He fucks other women as well...Are you truly his sole lover?" Or a lover at all?"
Satine was trying to focus on the hole in her heart but she was in too much pain, to fully get. Satine held onto him as he held her, she held tighter as he carried her up the stairs. Her head started to hurt from trying to fix it and being unable to fix it. Satine's immortal life was resting ih the hands of these servants. She smiled as Nathan held onto her hand, for a moment it felt as if everything was to be alright. But then the little voice in her head making her think. "I mean more thean that to him...I have too...I know he does and I don't care if he does...he still comes back to me!...He loves me..." all of this in her head she stopped paying attention and her heart started beating, she can make it beat when she's upset and when she feeds to pump the blood throught her, making it worse for the servants to help her.
Nathan saw that she was losing too much blood. She still had the possibility to bleed out, but then he remembered when he tasted Magenta's blood he always felt so good. "MAGENTA! COME HERE NOW!" He ordered, yelling at the top of his lungs for the girl to arrive. He'd cut the girl slightly to let her blood drip into the wound so that Satine would not bleed out, having werewolf blood rejuvinate her so easily.
Magenta being in her werewolf form heard the Master call and she ran full speed toward him, sniffing him out then smelling Satine, and her blood must have been spilt somehow. once she got to the door and changed back to human. She was shocked by what she saw, several servants try to do open heart surgery on Satine. "Yes Master?" She asked coming into the room. worried now about Satine and what had happened to her. Satine onced fixed was going to need to feed, bad.
"Do not pull away from me." He said before telling her what he'd do. He reached over and grabbed her arm and bit into it and then held it over Satine's heart. "Stay here and endure this pain, and I promise to treat you later. As for now, Satine needs your blood if she wants to live. I swear I'll allow your freedom if you give her enough blood to live." He said as he held Satine's hand with his free hand. "You're gonna be alright Satine...I love you...Don't you die on me okay...?"
Magenta's eyes widend as he told her not to pull away. She became slightly fearful but did as she was told, she gasped sharply as he sunk his teeth into her arm. She listened to what he said Satine was to feed from her again. "But Master, Mistress Satine drained me to the point of death just two nights ago, I'm not sure if my body has enough to give, for the both of us to live..." Magenta stated though she stayed in place like she was told to do so. The bite he put into her arm wasn't going to get enough out quick enough. She looked to Satine and the Master, with sad eyes. Satine was like her mother in a sense since they took her from her last Master. Magenta sighed softly, then pulled her arm away from Satine, transformed her opposite hand and sliced into her arm. Having her blood pour out Faster over Satine's heart. The blood stung at Satine's wounded heart as it tried to heal her. Satine looked up to him, and smiled holding his hand weakly. Her face saddend "I love...I love you too Nathan...I always have...I'll try not to" She smiled weakly."I haven't gone anywhere yet...either way I'm going to die...You know that." She spoke weakly from the blood loss and her throat was dry. She spoke onto what she had said before, Magenta was in pain and she was confused, she had to reslice her arm as her wounds heal quickly being a werewolf.
"Magenta, wrap your wounds. Tend to them..." He said when he heard her speak of her dying. He shook his head as he took off his shirt to wrap around Magenta's arm and told her to lay down nearby, in case they needed her. "Satine...You are not going to die...I will make sure that...that puppet will not kill you. I will find him...And you will be safe...You are not going to die on me, so don't you dare say it..." He said as he held her hand to his face and held it tightly as he wanted her to know he cared, to prove her doubts wrong to show he truly did love her.
"Yes Master." Magenta took his shirt held it against her arm till she got to the next room. She sat in a chair and licked at her cuts Taking a first aid kit and wrapped his shirt around her arm tapping it up. Magenta laid down and rest waiting to be called again. "I told you what he said....and look what happened....If I live...then you or Darian dies no matter how angry he is with me I will not take his life...nor yours...If I send you away...I will...I don't wanna die Nathan...but even now I feel the ghostly shadows of death upon my neck..." She could feel the love he has for her, but the little voice, 'her' voice is telling her other wise, He was acting like the way they were, when they were first together.
"But I tore up that string that was inside you...You should be safe now..." He said as he looked to her, his eyes actually watering up, something the servants were beginning to notice and looked at each other and spoke with their eyes about the disbelief and then they went back to helping Satine before Nathan changed and lashed out to them. But Nathan was to preoccupied with Satine's condition worrying him. "Satine...I won't let him kill you...I promise I'll find that...That son of a bitch...and I'll kill him, just for you..."
Satine had forgotten the string had been torn to bits, everything should be alright. Her eyes had small sparkle to them. "I trust...I love you...If you should fail...I'll be right behind you....I know you'll find him and make him pay...." Satine looked right up into his eyes. "Nathan....are you...crying?" She asked softly not to draw attention. She knew Nathan never cries, being vampires it's hard to it takes extreme emoition, suffering, and pain. If they were tears Satine knows he could fake them in a million years.
"Shush..." He said as he wiped his eyes so that his eyes didn't gleam as much. "Just rest...Get your sleep...I'll be here with you the entire surgery...Then Darian, Magenta, and I will go out and find this bastard...I promise you I will make sure he pays." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Rest as they finish the surgery...The werewolf blood should be numbing you from getting directly into the system as well."
Satine smiled brightly, That was comfirmation enough for Satine, she felt at peace for a moment, "...and you wouldn't weep.. for me...that you couldn't..." She stated softly, "...I don't want to sleep...what if they fail...I won't see you again... It is helping, her blood is so powerful..." Satine closed her eyes and she fell asleep, not meanning to, but she was exhausted, and she was thirsty now that she had lost most of the blood that was within her. 'Master the hole is starting to heal on it's own now, We've reinforced it with stiches just in case.' One of the servants stated, they way it seemed besides what really happened, it was as if she was dying from a broken heart.
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