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Jugger x Shani

Satine thought a moment, slightly confused but it made sense, he wanted her to give him more. Granted her mind was hazed over for the moment thinking of him as her love. "Alright dear..." Satine said, she sat up slightly looking into his eyes kissing him deep and passionately, like she would have, with Nathan. Her nails scratched at his back moving up and down. Satine then moved to his neck kissing and nibbling it, as a "lover" she didn't want to hurt him. Nor could she fed from him, or give him a drink in return, to energize him. Satine really wasn't sure how to have sex with a puppet, since for the last several decades she had been with Nathan.
The puppetman laughed at her attempt. "You are too kind...Not to my tastes. You seem to be unlike what I believed you were. Oh well, tis a pity but you are mine now so I might as well use you." He said as he flipped so he was on top of her now. He smirked and began to penetrate into her once more, thrusting his cock deep into her to stimulate her, doing it a little rougher than before to show her that he was her master now.
Satine knew not how to be a slut, she was a good and gentle soul, plus she couldn't do much since she had been underneith him in the first place. Satine hissed as he pushed deeply and roughly back into her. He was dominating her, unlike Nathan power were powerful, but Nathan was out of love, while this was to show ownership. After a bit Satine began to whine and moan, hitting all of her spots.
It would not be long after he began. His seed, artificial and fake but real to the touch, shot out and filled her womb. He moaned out as he did so and pulled out, smirking as he watched a small trail of his seed slowly begin to come out of Satine. He stood up and began to put his clothes back on. "You will speak to no one of this, you will act as my master in public but know and remember who truly owns you. Got it?"
Once she felt his seed hit her, she also came, moaning out softly as there juices mixed together. Satine felt himiliated she was once powerful, while also kind, but she had become soft over the years, and now she belonged to a puppet. How the mighty have fallen. She sat up on the bedwatching as he redressed, "Yes Sir..." She stated in agreement, with that string inside of her he could make her do anything he wanted, and that thought scared her.
The puppetman disappeared, his string unraveling his body so that he could explore freely without anyone stopping him. This left Satine to do whatever she wanted so long as the puppetman deemed it okay to the relationship he had forced upon her. By now, Darian had already begun his chores after all else was finished. He cleaned and washed the rooms and bathrooms and did what he usually did before going to take a shower to clean himself before he'd start on dinner for the household.
Satine was happy she was alone again, though she hated being alone but she didn't want to be near him. Satine went and took a quick shower to freshen up. She then dressed and returned to the budget she had started before becoming a slave. Once finish Satine went to the Kitchen, seeing Darian in there. "Darian? what are you doing? You're supposed to be resting." She stated he was weak and this was the last thing he needed to be doing. "Would you like some help?" She asked sincerly, wanting to do something to distract her mind, plus Magenta was weak and Katrina in the cage.
Darian shook his head. "My body is fine...I can still perform chores..." He said as he continued to do the dishes, his head and shoulders drenched in sweat from the tension of him trying to stand up. "I...I made my decision to become one of you...I want to be with Katrina...Even if I have to lose my humanity..." He said as he dropped the plate into the sink and held onto it to help him get support. "My strength is leaving me...I can hardly stand up...I'll be reduced to being handicapped until I turn..."
"Darian're straining yourself too much...Please rest, I'll take care of it really." She stated she used to do the dishes before it wasn't a big deal, if Nathan were there she wouldn't have done it, for they would fight about how it was a servants chore, but now she herself was a servant. Satine's eyes widened and gasped slightly, "Really? You have? This is wonderful news, You won't fully lose it look at me, and Katrina, and Magenta, we go around as if we were human, minus a few traits." She stated though she was in horrible mental, and emotional pain, this made her very happy. "She gasped again seeing him grab the sink for support. "Good enough for me," She stated and picked Darian up carrying him downstairs to the basement. "Katrina sweetie wake up!!" She stated then grabbed the key opening the door, sitting him down. Katrina awoke to see Satine and Darian. "Morning what's going on?" She asked softly. "Darian told me what's going on, and it's time.." Satine replied she didn't want this to wait. "Darian are you ready for this?" Katrina askked softly looking at him.
"No...I'm not ready..." He murmured. "I am only losing the feeling in my legs...Once I turn I should gain that feeling back due to your regenerative properties...Just allow me a few more minutes of humanity..." He murmured as he closed his eyes and took a deep sigh, feeling his body mentally for the first time in a good while before he opened them and nodded to Satine. "Make this quick...And please do not make me regret this..."
"Satine...? I don't know if I can..." Katrina whispered softly, she never tried to turn someone before, plus she knew it would hurt him, she didn't want to hurt him. "Darian losing feeling in your legs is not good and if you're mind goes, we may not be able to help you...Katrina you can do this I know you can." SHe stated trying to consule the both of them. "Darian give me your hand...This make hurt a bit." She informed him he was about to have sharp cat creature teeth in his shoulder. "You won't regret this...I promise Darian." Satine smiled softly at him. Katrina fully transformed infront of him, she was going to have to use enough force to break his skin and get into his muscle. She went over to him and sunk her teeth deep into his shoulder, and stayed there for a moment. Satine held his arm firmly so he wouldn't swing at her, and so he could squeeze her arm, knowing it was painful. Katrina let go and jumped away, she had his blood on her teeth and mouth, it dripped a bit. She looked at him with sad eyes.
Darian didn't even flinch or feel anything when she bit into his shoulder. He just sat there and looked at Katrina as she bit him. "I don't feel any pain...the disease must have been spreading faster than I thought..." When Katrina pulled away, he wondered why she had sad eyes. He didn't feel any different and assumed it would take some time for the effect to take place for him to become a werecat, though he asked her anyway. "Katrina...? Whats the matter...?"
Katrina was shocked with how still he was, she thought he might throw her away from him. But her ears went down to the sides, she felt bad yet happy for biting him, he'd probably feel the pain later though, when he starts to transform. Katrina stayed there and licked his blood off from her, she liked the taste, she had never bitten a human before and she liked the taste. Tender, sweet, soft skinned..She now felt hungry and wanted to eat something, she had been fine before. "I didn't hurt you? Did I?" She asked softly though he said he didn't feel anything, she still didn't want him to suffer or feel pain. She never was a violent cat, unless threatened or trying to help another. Katrina sat down as she continued to clean the blood from her.
"No...My body is numb right now...I think I'm paralyzed for the time being...The disease spread faster than I thought...I expected at least another week or so of life before it'd deteriorate me but I was really wrong, and it is good we did this when we did." He said with a sigh. "I am tired now though...Severely tired...I leave my body in the hand of fate: Death or Immortality..." He murmured before closing his eyes, falling asleep on the chair with his breathing very light.
Satine continued to hold his hand making sure he was okay. "Then it is definately we did this now if not we might've lost you." Satine stated softly. "Rest now and when you wake you'll feel different." Satine said again just as soft trying to sooth him. "Death!? Satine he's still not going to die right? This will fix it?" Katrina asked worriedly, now frightened. "Shh, hush now Katrina...His body was deteriorating faster then we thought it was, so hopefully turning him will save him. " Satine stated calmly though she to was worried. "Satine why do I really wanna have a human?" She asked she wanted to eat people now. "Because it's one of your peoples deliciouices, it was your main source of food that's why people have been chasing and eliminating your people." Satine explain, Katrina fell silent, "Katrina can you move him out of the cage and into another one please? Since he may turn with the rules that's why the females go into the cages in the first place." Katrina stated she wasn't sure what would happen, now that Darian will be one. Satine nodded and picked him up gently and took him to another bed in the basement. leaving his cage open. she went back to Katrina, petting her gently then giving her a loving hug. Satine then shut the door and locked it, sitting in a chair watching the two cages. Katrina curled up on the bed, and waited.
Once Satine was out of the basement, she would feel her breasts get groped as the puppetman appeared behind her more silently than the wind itself during a summer day. "Hello there love." He said gently as he kissed up and down her neck. "I saw what you did for that human...Though...I fear he may pose a problem. True, I saved him for he was a human and I sympathize with them...But he won't be for long, and he will be stronger than a normal human, meaning my life is in danger...Once Katrina is asleep...Take a steak knife from the kitchen and silently end his life..." The string inside her would be going crazy, due to his will for he knew she would not do this without some...encouragement. "Make sure that Katrina stays asleep the entire time...Leave framing someone for the murder to me..." With that, he disappeared just as silently as he appeared.
Satine jumped as she felt himm but didn't see or hear him, she wasn't expecting it. Satine tilted her neck letting him kiss her neck not like she had a real choice. Satine listened closely to his words, 'A problem? What problem?' she thought as she continued to listen. Her eyes widened as he told her to kill him, she tried so hard to save him. "No, I can't, please don't make me do that!" Satine pleaded she was very fond of the human and didn't want him to die he was the only real male figure she had left. Satine hissed as the string was going crazy within her, wanting her to kill Darian. "Please can't we just send him away? Send them both away let them live happily out in the world. Katina is one of the last and has never known love until Darian...Ow!" She begged she couldn't do it her mind was going to mentally explode. Satine walked to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest steak knife, and hid it on her person. She then went back downstairs and watched and waited listening to their heart beats, her body shaking slightly.
Darian was somewhat almost dead already anyway. His breathing was far below that of a normal person's when they slept and it would pretty much seem like he was already dead. By the time Satine would have walked in, it would seem like he had already died...Well...Because by the time she had walked in and actually got close enough to even cut him with the knife, his body was limp and his breathing had stopped. Darian wasn't breathing anymore whatsoever so since he was dead, the string within her stopped her from stabbing the dead body, knowing it would be easier for the puppetman that he died under natural circumstances.
Satine stood over Darian's dead body, once the string stopped she looked at him with sadness, if she could cry again she would. Darian was dead...Nathan was dead....Satine took a hold of Darian's hand, and stroked if softly, running her hand through his hair. She hugged him close, giving him a peck on the lips, and then on the forehead. "Good night Darian, you kept your humanity after all." She covered his body with the blanket, she would set up a place in the cemetry in the back, he was like family after all.
Some seconds later, the blanket would slowly begin to slip off and Darian would sit up, eyes almost melded shut pretty much as he wiped them. "Whats that about my humanity...?" He murmured as he felt his chest and could feel his heart had slowly down severely. He felt like he never had to breathe. "Huh...It would seem my training as a human combined with the flexibility as a cat has made it so that I seldomly need to intake air in large amounts..." He murmured as he held his head. "My head is still spinning...How long was I out for...?"
Satine gasped as the blanket moved and Darian sat up. "Darian...?? Your..alive!!" Satine hugged him tightly, she thought she had lost him. "An hour...maybe less..." She stated anwsering him, she was debating if she should tell him to leave or not. This was hard if she told him to leave he couldn't go without Katrina, he didn't know the first thing about being a cat creature, and it would be dangerous for Katrina to go with her being in heat. But if he stayed he'd die, probably by her hand.
Darian smiled as he held her in a hug as well. "It'd take more than a disease to take me out...haha..." Though the joke here was that it was an obvious lie. That disease was quickly putting his life at an end though he was now more cat than human. He could feel his feral instincts take in and he needed to learn to control them, to sate his natural urges...One being to feast upon creatures. Werecats were mainly feral in nature and had to be tamed...though, because Darian was turned into a werecat rather than born, he was half tamed...but he'd have to have a strong will to stay tame. "Well...What now, Satine?"
Satine smiled at his joke but knew it was a lie, she watched as his illness nearly took him. She didn't want to let him go, she had grown more feelings for him then she had thought and he felt so nice to hold and cuddle with. "Well...I...I. We'll have to have Katrina help you out with everything, changing, controlling it, hunting...and so on." She stated.
"No...I will not change my daily life for such a trivial thing done to give me immortality...I will remain human in my actions and never show my werecat instincts." He seemed determine to stay as human as possible, the only reason he had done this was so he could be with Katrina and nothing more. "Satine...If you keep holding me like this...Katrina might think something would be going on between the two of us, no?" He joked as he looked to her, smiling gently.
"Of course Darian, you may still need help controlling transformations sometimes they happen at random." She stated then thought. "Oh you might have to help Katrina out a bit, she hadn't tasted a human in years, it brings out more of the animal in her she just may need some reminding she can funtion as a human too." Satine explained, to him. Satine still hilding him, looked up at him, "Yeah probably, I'm sorry I'm happy you're alive...." She said letting him go. "speaking of lives. I have an idea. There's a cottage in the woods were I used to live before inheriting the castle, it's still clean and functional, I want you and Katrina to live there so you both can have a chance at a normal life. Nathan won't mind...that she goes, and you won't be too far." Satine stated knowing she had to get him out of the castle and she didn't want his blood on her hands.
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