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Jugger x Shani

Darian shook his head. "My loyalty as a human to you was paid for as a mercenary...And I died, don't you remember...? I am not human anymore...I am but a humble servant who is supposed to stay here and serve you, Satine. Telling me to go out and have a normal life now is like...Is like saying that you do no require my services anymore and that you do not wish for my presence. I wish to stay here and serve with you whilst I work alongside Katrina."
"Yes Darian I know, and yes you did die...No you are not human...You can serve me by living, you don't really want to stay here, no one'll be a servant for the rest of your days, or my days...It's not that I don't require your services, and you know I love having you around, it''s...just that I want to free you both...there are differnt rules now under the two of the same creature especially opposite sex, if you two end up mating it creates offspring, and we can't have that there's too much going on around here. I just want to give you both the chance at life, you'd still be on the grounds it's just aways down the path.." She explained she wanted him to stay but she was going to be forced to kill him.
Darian was silent for some moments. "Then I assume that rule does not apply to you and Nathan then. I understand." He said rather coldly, feeling hurt that she'd want him gone after he had practically pledged his life to serving her. He stood up, walking away from her and going upstairs. He did not want to be near her...She had made him angry and annoyed and he did not want to speak with her. He would talk with Katrina and take her out of the house then later. Until then, he roamed the house, an obvious aura of anger surrounding him, warding off other servants from approaching or even walking by him.
"Darian it's not the same, Nathan and I are dead, we only set that rule and it doesn't apply to us because we can't reproduce..." She tried to explain, but she knew he was upset and angry with her, but it was better then finding him dead, or killing him against her will. "Darian...!!" She called, she didn't want him angery with her he had done a fantastic job at saving her until resently, now that she was a puppet on a string. Satine needed to send him away to save him, she worked so hard to keep him alive, her attempts would be wasted if she had him stay. Satine sunk down to her knee's on top of this the thought of Nathan felt like a knife had stabbed her heart.
Magenta was still pasted out on the couch.
The puppetmaster would begin to pull her with invisible strings, having her get dragged upstairs to see him. Once she was close, he pulled her into his arms. "I sensed all that happened...Seems I've been too late and he has indeed turned...Now do you see why he is a nuisance? As a human, he was too weak to defeat this...this cat creature...He could very easily cut me down into a yarn ball...This is why I want him dead, for he if finds out about your situation...He will come after me. So then...Deal with it somehow, hm? I would prefer death for him...though your idea will work too I guess...Best hurry...He isn't in the best of moods, and he can't control his new power fully." He smirked and seemed to disappear, fading from view once more. Then there was a loud crash like a pot had fallen upstairs. Darian was throwing a rampage, starting to tear the wallpaper and take off pictures from the walls and just destroying everything in his path as his body began to slowly transform to a more cat-like form.
Satine stood and walked as her strings were being pulled. 'Not again.' She thought as she was basically pulled upstairs. She stated there in his arms, and waited for him to stop speaking. "He has been turned...No not to me Darian isn't a nuisance. I'd rather have you cut to ribbons than destroy him." She spat she knew the puppet would be upset with her, but she didn't care she hardly ever killed, she couldn't kill Darian. Satine quickly ran upstair to see what Darain was doing. "Darian!! Stop that! Please...please calm down, we can talk about this." She stated in a bit of shock, granted she knew that the creature was taking it's course.
When Darian heard Satine's voice, he turned to glare at her, his eyes catlike and he now had whiskers and some cat ears. He glared at her and snarled as his claws came out and he began to walk toward her, having his hand on the wall and his claws tearing at the wallpaper as he walked, leaving several long cuts along the wall as he walked toward her. He was feral now, unable to control himself and acting out of pure anger, brutal fury, and blood lust, the natural werecat's desires.
Her eyes went wide as he just glared at her she started to fear as he walked towards her, he looked so different now that he wasn't human. She looked to the wallpaper that was now being torn. Satine's hands tensed , normally Nathan was here to deal with the new arrivals so to speak."Darian please..." she stated softly, looking at him with sad eyes. Satine knew kindness wasn't going to work her nail extended some and she bared her teeth. She had to at lease knock sense into him or knock him out and put him in one of the cages downstairs until he could be tamed, unless the puppet made her kill him she was going to try and reason with him. "Darian listen to me Stop this behaviour, I am the Master of this house." She hissed, with demand.
"You are not my master any longer!" He roared out as he dashed toward her, claws high in the air. He would have struck her, but something got in his way. Someone was holding her back, and it looked like a familiar shape. It was Nathan, having come back finally and he had stopped Darian from attack. "The hell is wrong with this human!? He's gone berserk!" It seemed Nathan was unable to sense that Darian had came to be a werecat very recently. "Satine, get the choke collar on him so we can take him down to the basement! I'll hold him steady!"
Satine was about to attack Darian as he charged her. He had stopped all of a sudden and she couldn't see what it was, that made him stop. "Nathan!!!" She was in disbelieve, He was alive...she was sure he had died. Satine quickly reached into the draw behind her and grabbed the collar, quickly putting it on Darian. "He's been turned Nathan...he's very upset with me right now..." Satine informed him on that.
"This human upset with you? Thought I'd never see the fucking day." He said as he threw Darian into a wall and reached over, grabbing him by the collar and began to drag him. Darian would start to choke and he tried to pry the collar off, but to no success. Nathan took Darian down into the basement and tossed him into one of the cages and looked around. "Now where's my fuck slave Magenta? I've been dead for two days and now I want some relief. Then I'm gonna look for that fucking puppet and burn him alive!"
"Yes It's a londg story I'll fill you in on it later." She replied she was afraid of the puppet now he could be anywhere, watching, and listening to her. She followed Nathan and Darian downstairs, watching as Nathan threw him into a cage and locked it. "Magenta is no longer in heat, I don't know where she is, passed out probably. I nearly drained her, But I didn't she'll be fine."She explained. she tell him details later. "Please do it..." She stated in response to the puppet man while her mind still could. "I'm so Happy you Home.." She stated hugging him, tightly.
He grabbed her when she hugged him and forced her into one of the stronger cages as well. "Sorry my dear, but this is for your own safety as well...I am very well aware as to what this puppetman could do, and he probably bonded with you." He closed the cage door and locked the key, turning to walk away. "I will return when I dispose of the trash that decided to take my woman away from me!" He stormed upstairs and walked around, in search of the puppetman and was doing pretty much as much damage as Darian as he searched for him. "Come on out and fight me you ass! You left me to die and now I'll make you die!"
"Nathan..!?"Satine was confused for a minute as he forcefully pushed her into the cell, She hadn't done anything but hug him, she loved and missed him. Then realized why he did it for both of their safety, with her being control by him she couldn't help it, or be in control. "Nathan he tricked me...I wouldn't have if I had known." She stated walking to the door of the cage as he locked the door behind him. "Nathan!! Be careful..." She called to him hoping he would win, and end this nightmare. At least Satine knew he cared for her as he had called her his woman.
Nathan eventually figured something when his rage died down. He couldn't defeat the puppetman when he was alone, what difference would it make now? Perhaps he would have to use someone to assist him...Even though he didn't want it, but he was doing this for Satine. He knew just who to choose, so he went downstairs and walked over to Darian's cage. "Hey boy." He began to whistle to him like a dog. "Come here...You want to stay in this house? You help me kill that puppetman. He's making Satine hurt, you don't want that do you?" Darian glared at him and said nothing as he approached the gate and nodded. "Fine...He is the cause of my anger, I would assume from what I heard. I will help you kill him, if it means Satine is free."
Katrina woke up and looked around she saw that the master had returned home.she looked around and say that Satine was in a cage. "Satine? What's going on?" She asked softly and confused. Satine looked at her, "the puppetman is evil, he's tricked me and I'm under his control, darian became upset with me and became very angry, we put the collar on him and dragged him down here, and Nathan is looking to kill the puppet for almost killing him and for taking me and the house..." She explained to Katrina who was now dumbfounded. Satine went to the bars when she heard Nathan return. Satine felt horrible for telling him to leave but she couldn't kill him,she'd explain it all to him later. "Both of you be careful, please."
Darian turned a cold shoulder to Satine as she spoke and proceeded upstairs after Nathan. They proceeded to search out for the puppetman, and wondered where the creature could be. Nathan didn't want to split up, knowing that he could easily kill the both of them if they were alone. Though, the search was time consuming and the servants were ordered to yell for if they saw the puppetman. Hours would pass before they'd find no one. "The bastard is so easy to hide..." Murmured Darian as he looked around, trying to sniff the air but did not smell anything. "Should have been a werewolf if I needed heightened smell senses..."
Satine looked down when Darian gave her the cold shoulder she would have to explain it to them later. Satine sat on the bed and waited, for them to return or to find the puppet. Magenta who had been drained finally woke up, as her blood pumped and refilled through her veins she yawned stood and strected. She went to the kitchen for a glass of water and when she came out she saw Darian and the Master.They looked as if they were looking for something."Master...You've returned." She stated she never he was gone but now he's back, and she smelled Darian's new sent, Kat must have bitten him.
"Yes. I am back. Indeed." He said as he moved over to Magenta and moved behind her, pulling her into him and smirking as he groped her breast. "And I've been a little...Depraved...lately. I'll be sure to find you later to fix this problem..." He kissed up and down her neck but Darian rolledh is eyes and continued to search the house, leaving them to find the puppetman on his own. "Until then...I must find the puppet...Should you see him, I want you to scream to the loudest you can...I will be there immediately and I will dispose of the creature." With that, he turned and left to leave them. Meanwhile downstairs, the puppetman would appear behind Satine in her cage. "Such fools think they can find me. They cannot find me because the question rises...Am I truly even here? I seem to pop up out of nowhere, do I not?"
Magenta leaned, into Nathan as he held her in his arms. She gasped slightly as he groped her breasts. "Yes Master..." Magenta stated, still confused with him, but he was the Master. Magenta was confused to what's going on, but she was sure she would find out. "Yes Sir." Magenta stated and sniffed the air, she transformed to get a better sense. Satine jumped when she heard him behind her speak. "You'll show yourself you are now...well you have to be here don't you?...well you do..." Satine was now confused.
"Tsk tsk...I'm not here at all. Spirit, yes...My spirit can take on a physical form on its own thanks to the help of a friend of mine from where I am...I left soon after I bonded with you." He laughed. "Though, I will refuse to tell you as to where I am. You might blabber to your lover. Though to be honest, I'm surprised he's alive to begin with." He laughed. "I had thought he was human when he first drank the water but I guess the water he found was not the fountain of youth, but something different. Though as to what, I do not know." He smirked and slowly began to fade away, leaving this message to her: "If you don't kill Darian with two days...I'll have you kill Nathan. And if you try to send either of them away, I'll have you killed on the spot thanks to my friend inside of you...Bye bye."
Satine's eyes widened, as he explained that he wasn't even here. "You bastard...fight like a man...not hide like a coward." She hissed. It was true Satine would tell Nathan as soon as she found out where he was. "Nathan drank the water, he wouldn't have made it back as a human it would be a far travel... He would have drank it without me." She stated she wasn't sure which hurt the most. Satine gasped as he left her that message. "I won't do it....I WON'T DO IT...I WONT DO IT!!!" She screamed starting to flip the bed, she ripped up the pillow, feathers were every where. She then threw the bed and tearing that up as well, she broke the chair and the table. She jumped from one side of the cage to the other, she was having a tantrum. "DO YOU HEAR ME!? I WILL NOT DO IT!!!" She was just going to have to die, she wouldn't take either of their lives. Nathan had been her companion, for decades, going through each day of immortal life together. While Darian she was really fond of him and she just helped him live even though he had to turn, He wanted to be with Katrina and she wouldn't hurt the girl, she would not take back the life she helped give him. Satine broke the light in her cage, curling up in a dark corner. The damned thing inside her was going to make her kill her lover or Darian and if she tried to save them, then it would kill her. Satine once looked up to, sought for guidance, kind and respectable, was now losing her mind. as she was curled in the corner she looked like both a lost child, and an insane mental patient.
The string began to creep out of her body, leaving a very very small piece of itself within her so that even if she did see it and destroy it, it would simply replenish itself inside of her. It moved to the lock of the cage and pierced through it, destroying it before it shot back into her, making it feel like a long needle was going into her very bloodstream once more. Satine would hear words inside her head, it wouldn't sound like the puppetman, it would sound like herself. "I always hated Nathan...He was always so cruel to everyone around him and he drank the water, wanting mortality without me. He doesn't love me...He just loves the idea of being with me..." It was planting false thoughts into her head, hoping to persuade her to think it was her. "And Darian, he was only here because he kissed me and wanted me. Did he do this simply because of mercenary work? Once he found out I did not like him back...He only stayed for Katrina, tossing me away like I was useless...He doesn't deserve to live anymore than Nathan..."
Satine wasn't paying attention to the string as it seeped from her body to the door. She only realized it had went out was when it shot back into her. She yelped in pain, It hurt she never liked shots in life, so though she hasn't had one since it was still an annoying pain. Satine heard the words in her head, they sounded like her, and they know things no one was around for, they had to be her own dark thoughts. "I didn't hate him...I dislike him when he hurts others, but could never hate him..." Satine was anwsering 'her own' thoughts trying to work this out in her head...He did drink the water...but he went for me...he would have turned mortal...without me....It does seem that way...doesn't it?..that he just wants to be with me...but doesn't really care about me..." She was buying into his lies, she felt so lost and so hurt. "Maybe thats why he did everything and anything I asked...besides getting paid for it...he wanted me...he even kissed me...he knew I was Nathans...True as if he had lost all interest, in me...he stayed for a cat...When it's put that way maybe neither deserve to live....maybe I don't deserve to live..." She was having this whole war in her head about this but her sanity seemed to be dwindling too much has happend over the hundreds of years and so much more in the past few months.
"Do not think that you should not live, you have done nothing wrong...Think about all the good that has been done for them...I've helped Darian lived, paid him and even gave him a good home to live in, yet when you were not his he left you for a cat, a simple cat that has nothing to do but cry all day, one who is not even as beautiful as you. Would you settle for such good intentions on your part be shoved off for a cat who has done nothing but pain him? And Nathan...Never have been loved by him, he only used you for sex...Did he ever once even use the word 'love' to you? Does he truly even care for you? He drank the water so he could be able to die...Thnk about it like this...did he even bring any of that very water home with him?"
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