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Life As We Knew It

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He smiled at her. "Oh, do not worry. Though your own induction into my ranks was quite sudden, this man I have had my eye on for quite a while. Only recently have I come across reason to believe that I might prosper from the relationship with him, and at the same time, I devised a leash for him, though I hope it shall not be necessary." He sipped his own wine, savoring the flavor before he continued. "I believe I shall keep his identity a secret until the pact is certain, but I shall tell you this much; he is a man in a position of power, as am I, though he lacks the refinement and intelligence to keep his organization running smoothly. That is why I have decided to recruit him. He is a powerful man, bold and lethal, and with certain assets I may have a use for, and I can offer him a stability and control that he would be hard pressed to maintain on his own, oil for his machine if you will, as well as a certain degree more power than he already has. That is why I am sure he will accept. As for your guarding against him, should the need arise, I think I shall wait until after the meeting to disclose that, my dear." He smiled at her winningly. "Do not worry. I shall have you well protected."
Nala was stuck, when she heard infection say that he wanted to arrange a meeting she could BARELY nod in agreement, and was dumbfounde when he began to swing away. She was even more surprised when Drake, a man that had had her heart in the palm of his habd at one time, called her a traitor. As she held back the erge to quite literally crych him with her power, said "I didn't betray you, you knew from the beginning that I am in this for myself, if I save a few people, o.k but that doesn't obligate me to save every person who cries for help. I am a rouge, I steal only what I need and only hurt people if it is absolutely nessasary."
Then as he teleported away she thought, 'I never said i'd join him, and even if I did who would care if I died besides, maybe Kenny' with a look that was a combination of hurt, sorrow, and pure hatred, all aimed toward a certain soldier of god.
Then releasing the demon she said, "Murdoc, the next time you see Saint Drake tell him I said; Tá súil agam go bhfuil tú ag excommunicated agus a sheoladh chuig lobhadh i ifreann do gach tsíoraíocht, tú bastaird heartless, he'll know what it means." before dematerializing and heading home yet again.
“I'm more then capable of protecting myself.” Victoria said, “Is there a dress code? Also what type of missions should I be prepared for.”

She wanted to be well informed about her job so she can take go on the proper training. Victoria although she had powers was still young and the training she had was very minor in the realm of combat.
Drake reached out with his mind to Nala. "Look. I may have over reacted. I'm sorry. If you want to talk I'll be fighting Wyrm.....probibly. I'm sure he would t like seeing me. Last time we met. ......things didn't go well." He spotted Wyrm's limo now in the middle of traffic. He drew I. His wings and dived down, landing on the hood and crunching it.
Nalestia had stayed totally silent when he had tried slipping into her thoughts, although she really wanted to tell him to go rot in a pit of hell so low that even satan dare not go near it. They had beeb together once, on mant levels and knew just the kinks that would hurt the other. Drake knew how she felt about being called a traitor, it hurt more than a kick to the chest toward a wall with a knife in the back, and had used it in spite of that knowledge. But if there was one thing that made the angel hurt was when she completely ingored him, twice it had set him into a rage that he had to go to heaven to clear his head
ShashaWraight said:
“I'm more then capable of protecting myself.” Victoria said, “Is there a dress code? Also what type of missions should I be prepared for.”

She wanted to be well informed about her job so she can take go on the proper training. Victoria although she had powers was still young and the training she had was very minor in the realm of combat.

He smiled lightly at her. "I don't doubt it, and yet I find that I have a vested interest in making sure that you are well taken care of. As for the dress code, since you are going to be one of my own direct subordinates, you will be affiliated with my group. Therefore, you shall wear the uniform of my people while on missions, however, during your own time, you may where what you wish. As for missions, you will gain your orders from me on a mission to mission basis. Most will be espionage, in which you will not participate, but simply observe and direct troops, relaying my orders, unless something goes wrong in the mission, in which case you are to take a direct role in the preservation of the cargo. Any other sort of mission you will be briefed on as I have need of you. As for training, I have many skilled assassins under my employ, and I believe they may be able to teach you much. However, you shall also take part in a personal training that shall be ministered by myself."
As he landed on the limo Drake broke the windshield apart and yanked the driver out and threw him out onto the street. In his head was a completely other matter. He knew dusk would probibly ignore him, and he didn't blame her a bit. But what she failed to understand was that he was under alot of stress right now and he needed her. So he reached out once more as the limo came to a screeching halt. "I'm sorry Nala, please forgive me." He really meant it and he snapped back into reality when he realized that someone else was in the limo with Wyrm.
When,she,heard him again she felt the need of forgivness and the sincerity and could help but answer, "Alright, but I'm going over to you, so tell me where you are, Angel. " although it didn't help that she would always turn into putty in his hands whenever he used her nickname, but luckily it was the same vice virsa.
Victoria looked at him and finished her wine, “What kind of personal training? Also are we there yet?” Victoria asked. Victoria put the glass down as she looked back outside.

(Sorry I was a bit busy and mult-tasking)
He laughed. "Yes yes, my impatient one. We are just pulling into my complex now." They were at that moment passing through a large iron gate. It was the entrance to a wide property. Most of it was private woods and a trimmed lawn, but in the center was a large mansion, gothic in style, with spires and gargoyles. It looked like a large fancy victorian style mansion that had been outfitted with all of the furnishings of a third world castle. Wyrm sipped his wine and smiled at her. "Doesn't it look inviting?" He laughed. "Do not worry, the interior is far more modern and comfortable. Now, as to your personal training..." He grinned. "That shall remain a secret until we begin. I can't be spoiling all of the suprises at once, now can I?"
"Well nothing says secret layer like a old creepy house." She commented and was a little put off by him not answering the question. She was overall happy with the place. Victoria was happy to have a place to call home. She couldn't wait to see her room and be able to relax for as much as she could.
A cold trickle of sweat ran down Drakes neck as he saw that the people inside were not related to Wyrm at all......unless he was now hiring 70 year old couples that were on their way to a candidate speach. Drake eyed the sapphire necklace around the woman's neck. He almost laughed at his mistake. "Umm sorry about that. Here." He shot some light into each of them. "There you are forgiven for all your sins. And will be admitted to heaven no matter what. " it was all he could really do to repay them. He reached out to Dusk again. "I made a mistake. Wyrms not here. I was foolish to think he'd be found so easy. Can we meet and so we can discuss where he might be?"
"sure, but lets met as civilians. It will cause less Suspicion. How about Vic's coffee shop." Was all she said before heading ome to change.
When she arrived at the apartment she found that Kendall was just waking up and changed quickly before saying, "Kenny, i'll be out for a while, i'm meeting up with Drake." as she began putting on a pair of black distressed jeans and a baby t that said, 'Nobody cares!' next to the twitter bird. "He's back in town?" was all Kenny could ask before Nala was out the door, although the second the door shut she thought; 'I'll take that as a yes."
Nala was glad Vic's shop was so close.
Drake smiled when he heard her. "Ya. Okay. Ill be there." He flapped his wings until he was high above the clouds. He took a few minutes to cool down and regather himself. When he felt better, he landed on the cafe shop. He raised his palm skyward, and the armor dissapeared and he now wore a simple 21st century outfit. It included a faded pair of jeans and a green and white plaid, button up. He walked around to the front and waited for her.
As she rounded the corner and entered the cafe, Nala couldn't help but be a little nervous, she hadn't seen Drake in public for almost six months now. Then she saw her old flame, as usual when in civil society, he wore the clothes that a always made him look like a farm boy. She walked over to him flashing him the smile that always seemed to inhance her canines and how white her teeth were, "Hey Drake, long time no see." she said as she walked by the counter, then waved a Vic, who was working the register today. "Hey, Celty." The man said then turned to Drake asking "Haven't seen you in a while D, what happened buisness trip or something?"
The battle had been intense, it truely tested Murdoc and in this endeavor he realized he was starting to slack off in his old age. Drake and he had traded blows, Murdoc was unable to gain an advantage, as was Drake. In a metaphorical battle of Angel Vs Demon, they were indeed equal. Drake was unable to penetrate Murdoc's Ultimate Shield, and Manson was unable to bring the Angel to his knee's. As the power contained within the gem of his ring faded, Manson Murdoc would pull one final event out of desperation as he stood now before Drake with an innocent civilian grasped by the throat.

"Always a pleasure, but I'm a tad famished." He held the person out, the unspoken threat that he would kill this person if Drake moved. Manson would back away, before he considered it a safe distance to flee. He had the ability, and the power to end the battle with Drake, had it not been for a certain hiccup by Wyrm, but he felt the burn associated with fueling his own abilities, and that would end with Murdoc exhausting his power and becoming mortal. Now a safe distance away he would erupt with maniacal laughter.

"Tell me Drake, where is this one going?!" There was a sickening crack, and the hostage fell lifeless to the ground as Manson would flee the scene, his claws digging into brick as he parkour'd up a building and disappeared.

Later that night, a human Manson Murdoc would stand idely smoking a cigarette and chugging an energy drink at the appointed meeting place with Wyrm. He was not happy about this, it was apparent on his face. Decked out in a new suit, he ditched the formal black attire for a crimson 3 piece. Boldly, he was alone. The burdens of the day had taken it's toll on the Crime Lord, and just like Julias Ceaser he saw his empire crumbling on it's own weight. Earlier that day he had already set the events in motion to allow this meeting to take place uninterupted. The painstaking process of going out of his way to frame Wyrm, to cause the Angel to attack the wrong limo, one of Manson's, a neccesary loss, he even hit up an undesireable, a druggie who happened to have connections to a particular hero, Nala. Now equipped with information on the heroes, his next step would be to gain information on his competition. The fact he actually did not know a thing on this Wyrm character is exactly why he even showed to this arranged meeting.

(sorry folks, I was out of town.)
Drake looked around as she came in. "Not bad.....I hadmm to take care of some stuff." He noticed her beautiful smile, and felt his heart race. "You look......dashing. I suppose I should probibly update my apperal. Mortals change the fashion so quickly anymore ..." He grabbed a chair and scooter it back so she could sit. After she did he grabbed one himself. He ordered a coffee. "So it seems as if its you, me and Johnny against infection, Wyrm, and Grimm. I don't know about this infection guy, but the other two are nobody to mess with. I don't see this ending anyway easy. "
He looked at her for a long while, his eyes watching her, pleased. She would be a valuable asset to his organization, and as long as he could provide her with the things that she desired, he was sure she would remain faithful. He also found her appealing, her attitude as well as her appearance. However, he would bide his time on that front. He was a patient man. They pulled into his garage and he stepped out of the car and then went around to the other side, opening her door for her. "Come, my dear. Let me show you around your new home."
After taking a seat a being bombarded by Drake's waste-no-time personality, Nala sighed then said "Wrym and Murdoc, yes but remeber that at least we will never find these two working together." Then hesitantly she added "However, I might be able to persuade Infection to side with us, from what I felt from him, he has the people of the city in mind and really wants to protect them." in a more hushed tone. Then Vic came over carrying Drake's normal coffee and Nala's usual decaf caramel moch machiotto with extra whip cream, and placed them both on the table. Then before winking at her he said, "These are on the house."
Drake looked up at her and smiled "thanks. " he looked back at Nala, and stirred his coffee. " have you been? Hows Kenny? " he hadn't much time to "watch over her" as these mortals put it. That really wasn't his job anyways. But he still did so from time to time. Thinking about it made him blush a bit.
Giggling slightly at his blush she said, "I'm good, and Kenny is still as crazy as ever. How are you and Peter, haven't heard any news of him in a while." and began drinking her coffee only stopping to lick the whipcream mustache off of her face.
"Ah, he's fine. Just guarding the gates as usual. The crazy thing is, he never seems bored. Always vigilante. " he smiled and took a sip from his coffee and took in the moment. Her. The calmness. The coffee. "You know, you always have had a way of getting me to do things .....I haven't sat down and ate for that matter for as long as I can remember. "
She rolled her eyes at the fact that peter was so weird, and took another sid of her coffee. Then hearing Drake's words she felt so bad for all the times she had led him on, only to crush his hopes and his heart, and her eyes had shown that pain but she said "I kind of figured, for an angel you look like crap. At least we're both getting some well needed rest, even if only for a brief moment." before looking down at the tabke trying to avoid his eyes.
"Ya. I know." He saw the pain in her eyes. "If anything's bothering you, it's alright to tell me." He took her hand in his for assurance.
When their hands touched she felt a strong wave of concern from Drake that had pushed her to the brink of tears. "I-it's just....i just can't take it anymore!" Nala said with a hint of hysteria in her voice, then she looked at him with tears threateing to spill down her cheeks.
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