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Life As We Knew It

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Infection stood confused. Ther hero called Drake was more of a liability now and Murdoc, he needed to die. Both were useless but the girl, he liked her, she understood. He slowly walked forward, the other agreeing.
"It Seems we underestimated you." He said to teh girl.
"We believe the lady speaks true. Unlike you two she has shown compassion and caution. We are Infection, and we would like to propose a meeting. We will meet you tommorow at dusk. We will find you. We have mush to discuss." He allowed the Symbiote to shift from its tendril appearnce to its regular form.
"As for you two," He said adressing Drake and Murdoc, "We will take care of you both soon." He then smiled baring his mouth of fangs and web swung out of sight.

At Mina's he was late and she had long since gone. A note had been left. It simply had two words on it. Two words that hurt worse than anything.
"We're Through."
Wyrm watched the blue haired girl continue on her way, the bodies of the fools who had tried to pick on her lay sprawled out on the ground, frozen in death. A long laugh escaped his lips, puncuated by hissing. He had heard from one of his spies about the girl, and he found her very interesting. Unlike Murdoc, who was powerful but reckless, this girl kept her cool, and seemed to just want to be left to her own devices. He found her..appealing. He drove his car up beside her, and then stepped out, smiling at her. He was wearing his signature red velvet suit, and a pair of sunglasses to cover his eyes. But his skin and teeth were still more than enough to make it obvious that he was not normal in any capacity. "Well, my dear, I must say, that wasss well executed. No screaming, no unnecessary violence, and most of all, you were in complete control of yoursssself the whole time. Ssimply wonderful." He clapped softly, taking off his sunglasses to look at her more closely, his sharp toothed smile wide.
The blue haired girl looked at the man. He must have seen what she had done to the people in the park but, he didn't sound like he was angry or trying to hurt her. She kept her hand ready to react if anything went bad.

"What do you want?" She said in a calm voice watching is movement's carefully. She was unsure if she should trust him or not.

(Sorry early morning so a bit of writer's block)
His smile did not waver at all as he tilted his head slightly and his pale green snake eyes slid down her form, then back to her face and her eyes, staring at her a while. Then he closed his eyes and lifted his chin slightly, and all of a sudden his short forked tongue darted out of between his teeth. It didn't look at all like a human tongue. It was thin and flat, black, and had two forks. Then he opened his eyes and smiled at her again. "Ah, you do not trust me. You are wary. Very good. It would have been extremely foolish of you to think otherwise, and I must say, I would not be at all interested in you if you were that much of an imbecile. Luckily for us both, you are not, and are in fact a very intelligent woman." He circled her once, looking her over, and then looked into her eyes for a moment, then extended his hand. "Wyrm, at your service."
She watched him carefully. She still didn't trust him and the appearance didn't help his case. His snake appearance just had a natural untrustworthy nature. She wasn't sure if the guy wanted her as an assassin or prostitute.

"You can call me Frostbite. Now what do you want? I'm not a prostitute." She said a lot more on edge ready to attack.
He laughed now, a disconcerting, hissing sound, but with enough of his normal voice to make it also rich and inviting. "I did not think you were, Frostbite. You are merely interesting, and I am wondering whether you would mind taking a ride with me." He gestured to the car behind him. "Do not worry, I mean you know harm. Despite my appearance, I am quite trust worthy. I always keep my word, and even so, I believe if I tried anything, you would be more than capable of defending yourself. Am I right?" He smiled once more. "Please, I wish to get to know you a bit better, before I decide whether or not the proposition I have in mind would be appropriate."
"Fine but, so you understand if you make any moves that I don't like I will lower the temperature of the entire vehicle to the point that the gas will freeze." She said. As she got into the car with him. "Now, I want to know why you choose to bother me today. Please make it quick."
He got into the car with her and motioned for the driver to start driving.
Then he turned to her with a smile and waved a finger in front of himself. "Tsk tsk, no no. As I have already said, I wish to get to know you, and that cannot be rushed. What is it that you want, more than anything else? Hmm? I want to understand you. You see, I enjoy puzzles and riddles, and you are a great mystery, I can tell. Therefore, I wish to solve the riddle of your being. How did you come by these most interesting powers? Why do you seem to enjoy being alone? And what drives you, what is it that you live for? These are the questions I want answered."
She looked at the guy slightly annoyed at his questioning. "I'm not the type of person that just shares her life with a stranger. You need to get to know me a lot of longer and I might tell you my goals." She said looking out the window as the car was driving away from the park. She was thinking how soon she could leave.
He grinned, watching her. "I didn't believe it would be that easy. I don't expect you to tell me all that I wish to know without a price. Therefore, I have decided to answer those same questions about myself first. All I ask is that once you know who I am, and what I wish for, you will not withhold the knowledge I seek from me. After all, I shall be concealing nothing, you may be sure of that, and you may judge for yourself whether you think you can trust me. Are we agreed?" He held out his hand once more for her to shake, his eyes watching hers.
"Well I can't promise I will share anything about myself because I'm a private person however you can try." She said slowly getting bored. It was clear she wasn't a person that would share her life unless through telepathic extraction. "So as you might have figured I'm a private person and don't really want to dig into my life again.
He smiled at her. "Very well then. I shall let you have your secrets, but I still wish to propose something to you. You see, I am driven by a profound desire for the two greatest things this world has to offer." As he spoke, he poured her a glass of wine, offering it to her. "Jewels and knowledge, my dear. They are the only things in this life worth pursuing. Jewels are the most lustrous and beautiful of all things, and knowledge is what makes life bearable, otherwise it would be an endless tedium of boredom that would be hardly worth living. My desire in life is to acquire all of the gems and jewels I am able, through whatever means necessary, and to spend the rest of my life learning and discovering as much interesting knowledge that I can."
She accepted the glass of wine and listened carefully to what he had to say. "Well I'm sure you are looking for more then a henchmen when you are talking to me. I find your interests interesting and willing you acquire these things for the right price." She said assuming that the man was looking for her skills to help his cause.
He smiled widely. "I am glad to hear you say that. You are quite right to believe that I do not require a henchman. I have a large network of spies and thieves that are very good at their jobs, and therefore have no need for more muscle." He looked at her. "No, what I need now is lieutenants, people who can manage directly my missions and tasks with little chance of screwing up, and who can hold their own against those meddling heroes." He looked at her and caressed her cheek for a moment, then said, "I believe that you have such talent. I have one other in mind to be my other lieutenant, but make no mistake, this would be a position of authority and power. It is a chance you shall not likely ever have again, and an opportunity of a lifetime. This, my dear, is your chance for a life better than the one you have. A chance for you to decide for yourself what you want, and have the opportunity to take it. No more will you have to deal with the rules and pettiness of the world around you, you will be above them. So, do you accept?"
She glared at him as she caressed her cheek but she couldn't help but be happy with the offer. What Victoria hated more then anything was the fact that she was not in full control of her life. The rules of the world around her often hindered her life. Victoria was often annoyed by people and society. "I accept." Victoria said.
Saint clenched his jaws at what was about to happen. "Traiter!" He yelled at dusk. Drake couldn't believe it. This infection was going to be the death of him! And if he managed his was out of this one, he would have to deal with Grimm as well! Damn why did mortals have to be so easily persuaded! !
Drake thought silently for a few moments and looked up at Dusk. A soft laugh escaped his throat. "Don't be so hasty to join him.....he will kill you too." And with that he disarmed her physic hold and teleported away.
He smiled at her, undaunted by her glare,and he took her hand in between his own. His skin was not as smooth as a humans, but more like soft leather, a light brown, and covered with an intricate diamond pattern that ran up the top of his arms, leaving the underside bare, and was also visible on his forehead and nose, but tapered there, and did not cover his eyes, cheeks, or mouth. "I am very pleased. I hope to forge with you a bond of trust that will be absolute, so that you do not fear that I shall betray you, and I shall not have to fear of your turning against me. You see, the other lieutenant I have in mind is wild and unpredictable, therefore, I shall have to fasten a tether to him, to make sure that he remains loyal. However, I am going to give to you a certain amount of my trust, and not have any restrictions on you. For both of our sakes, I sincerely hope that you shall honor my trust." His eyes watched hers keenly for a long moment, then he took her hand and kissed it gently. Then he turned and picked up his own glass of wine and turned to her, holding it out for a toast. "To a prosperous relationship for many years to come."
Although slightly set off by his actions she let him kiss her hand. "Unless you give me a good reason I will not turn on you. As for me, I'm good at following orders when needed." Victoria said as she tapped her glass against his then took a slip. "Now what are the other perks to the Job? Such as pay and benefits. "
He looked over at her, his smile fading slightly. "I am sorry if you were mistaken by the nature of this offer. I acquire wealth in jewels, and am loathe to part with them. All who are in my employ are here because I offer opportunities and freedoms they shall not find elsewhere. These are your pay and your benefits. What use have you for money when all that you would buy with it is already within your grasp? As for benefits, I cannot think what you might desire of me besides your freedom, my trust, and a high position in my organization. Had you something specific in mind that you desired?"
"Well currently I'm homeless and only have the money left from the last city I was in." Victoria said, "Also call me crazy but, I do like living comfortably and with money I don't have to rob a bank every once and a while."
He raised an eyebrow, which was slightly disturbing because instead of hair on his brow, there was a tight knit line of the same diamond pattern that adorned his whole body. Then he laughed, hissing as he did. "Ah aha, so you do. I'm sorry, I had thought I had made that part clearer. You, as my lieutenant, shall be staying at my own headquarters, and shall be furnished accordingly, with any comfort and pleasure you desire at your disposal. You shall not have to worry about money, for all that you want will be provided for you." He grinned. "I take care of my own, my lady."
She smiled then said, "Well this job is sounding better and better." Victoria took out her sketchbook and started to do some drawing. "How long until we are at your place? Also what is my first assignment?" She asked.
He smiled. "We shall arrive presently, and your first assignment is that you must accompany me tonight on the way to meet my second lieutenant. He does not know yet that he is my lieutenant, but that is what our meeting is about. Make no mistake, he will become my lieutenant, for I can offer him, much as I did you, the thing he desires more than all else in the world. He desires power, and that I can give him."
Drake paced back and forth atop the NBC broadcast studio. The the situation just seemed to be getting worse by the second. This was one of his favorite spots because the breaking news would keep him updated about the problems around the world. He stopped pacing abruptly when he heard,
"The worst string of jewelry thefts in history continues as the 30th St Jewellery store. The suspect is unknown at this time, but the ....."
He let out his breath at the news. "No....not him...not now!" He slammed his hand against a concrete wall, cracking it slightly.
A trickle of sweat ran down Drake's face as he lay his forehead against the wall. It was time to get serious about this. Maybe Johnny might be able to help. He took flight and made his way towards the power that he knew came from the jewels that Wyrm possessed.
"Well If I may suggest, grabbing a person off the street might not always work." Victoria said, "Some people might resist when a stranger offers them a ride." Victoria finished her drink. "This person what should I know about him if things get hostile?"
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