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Life As We Knew It

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Oh great not only was he overly religious but he thought he was a "soldier of god" and not only that he appeared like he was planning on attacking him. He looked between the two and raised an eyebrow underneath his mask. What an odd couple but who was he to say what was odd. He could turn invisible or intangible after all. He heard them bickering and then all of a sudden both turned their attention to him in a single collapsing instant. He released a sigh, "The names Johny Wraith and I've been canvasing the area looking for any criminal activity. I've been doing this for a long time now." He said folding his arms across his chest as he continued his hold on his intangibility. He knew they couldn't touch him physically but it seemed the woman, or Dusk, seemed to have other means to keep him at bay. "My...'Quest' as you put it is to guard this city. So I'm here to do that."
Dusk floated there with a smug smirk on her face, the craned her head so that she was facing Saint and said, "See, now was that so hard?" puting her hands on her hips, but still kept a psychokinetic hold on Johnny, though it was weakened slightly.
"Whatever ...." saint turned around and looked across the city. "We have to find that evil.....before it does something bad. " he directed his gaze toward Johnny now."would you happen to know of any significant evil lurking around here?"
He shook his head lightly. "No, its been fairly quiet around here surprisingly." He let his power fade, his slightly translucent appearance becoming more and more physical as he returned to the material plane. This guy was... Eccentric to say the least and obviously had a strange air about him that made Johnny rather tense. None the less he was willing to see what these two could do in a situation. "Why? Is this...'Evil', that you talk about supposed to be here soon or something?"
"You're an idiot." he sneered, clumsily withdrawing his revolver out of the lapel of his pin-striped blazer. The idiot he was referring to was the gentleman standing before him, who had just delivered news of a failed assassination attempt. (Referring to Infection going off to save the innocent.) Bullet went clean through, should have confirmed the kill. He cocked the hammer back and jabbed it into the poor man's brow. "You do understand the nature of the situation don't you?" He pressed the gun and leaned in closer, sweat poring out of his skin with a musk of alcohol. "We haven't generated revenue in days!" He relaxed, he laughed desperately. "Days... Can you believe that?" he put his gun away. "We haven't been able to run anything or push because the feds are fuckin' everywhere!" He stepped up hastily, calling orders. "And now they have a fucking case! Fuck! Go take care of it alright? She's already talked, I'll be damned if I get turned over because he's a chickenshit tattletale." He dismissed his lackey and retreated to have another drink, haphazardly pouring it with a slumped posture, already a bit inebriated.
Saint Drake frowned at this news. "That's when it happens. You'll have peace. Then disaster. The twenties, argued to be the best decade in American history. Following this, the great depression and World War Two. Something big is about to happen .....I can feel it." He looked to Dusk, then to Johnny. "We have to find it."
Dusk looked at Saint skeptically and said, "Sorry but, this new baddie is your problem not mine, so don't get me involved with idiotic vigilante schemes, got it." in a harsher tone than she meant to.
"Mr. Murdoc." another lackey called, holding two different dry cleaned suits.

"Oh yea, let's go with the jade." He gestured to an elegant 3 piece suit. He had since retreated to his own devices after cleaning up a muckjob's mess. Clean, and minus the stench of alcohol, Manson was getting ready to make his appearance at a afterhours club he owned. Standing before a vanity mirror he casually popped open a bottle of pills, his woman paying him gratuitous attention as he plopped them down. He had a constant need to consume, from energy, to emotion, whatever fueled his ability to perform alchemy with his body. The door shut as he had his carnal way. Within hours, Manson Murdoc; known as Grimm in the criminal underworld due to his demonic appearance in his diamond carbonized form. "The Ultimate Shield" was his nicknamed spoken of those who crossed him. He chuckled at the thought as someone called out to him from the VIP dancefloor. He tipped his glass in their general direction as he occasionally plucked an apetizer on the table before him. It was tedious work, staying in one spot as his men paid tributes and respects, both monetary and in completion of tasks.
"Well...I guess It wouldn't hurt if we all worked together, except for those who wish to not work I guess." Johnny gave a light shrug as he watched Dusk and Saint rattle back and forth. He thought Dusk's reluctance to help was a tad odd, but seeing as he knew so little of either of them it made little sense for him to assume as much as he already had. He would still need to keep an eye on both of them as much as he hoped they were on the up and up. He moved to the edge of the building and looked down. "Any ideas on where this...'Baddy' could be? Cause its been kinda quiet tonight?" He asked letting his eyes slip back to the two hoping they had just a little more info then they seemed to have.
Dusk twitched slightly when he said 'Baddy' and felt as if she'd just been mocked, but kept her emotions in check, at least for now anyway. She then looked at Johnny and said, "Sadly, the only info I have is that he's planning to run this city into the ground and rebuild it in his own image, you know the whole deity complex thing." shrugging her shoulders, after completely releasing Johnny fom her psyonic grasp.
Saint spread his wings to their full span."I must go to heaven now. I will watch for this one and be here the moment arises. Good luck to the both of you." With that he became a great white light and disappeared.

He emerged in front of two great white gates. A figure stood in front holding a tablet and a sword was at his side. Saint Drake approached him and smiled "saint Peter! Long time no see. Hows things going? "
the frown on saint Peter 's face deepened as drake said these words. "Not good. Jesus wants to see you right away. " the gates opened and with a confused look on his face, saint Drake walked through.
Johnny looked on as he saw Saint disappear into a strange glowing light. "Well...He's a weird one alright." He said as he let his head shake for a moment. He watched the ground below him for a moment and watched the bustling people make their way through the streets. He looked back up and sighed lightly, turning to face Dusk. "Well...If you do decide to join in and you want my help take this..." He lifted a small pouch on his belt and pulled a small round device from it, tossing it in Dusk's direction. "That's a run of the mill communication device...Just press the center and talk into it. I'll get it." He said and then leaped from the building and let himself glide in the air landing on another rooftop. He let the events sink into his head and wondered what was so going to happen next.
Dusk was a bit surprised by his actions but used her psyonic ability to catch it instead of her hands, then placed it on her belt holster. When she was about to bid farwell to Johnny he just jumped off the building, used to such actions she just sighed.

Then she noticed the sun beginning to rise and thought to herself 'Shit, Kenny's gonna tear me a new one if I don't get home before she wakes up.' and turned her self and the things closest to her into dust and travled all the way to the small apartment she shared with her best friend, Kendall Pierson, a petite brunnette girl with a sausey attitude and mouth to match. Luckily when she got there Kendall was still asleep and her window was open, so she she began floating even faster through the window and into her own room. There she removed her mask to reveal her fair face and nearly glowing green eyes. she then continued to strip down until she was only in her bra and panties, and proceeded to take a shower before waking Kenny and heading to Moonsbridge communittee college for a day of boring classes and even more boring teachers.
A smile couldn't help but manifest on Manson's face as a particular person came up to his VIP table.

"I managed to get a deal for you." He quipped to her, not exactly telling the truth as he was simply selling her at wholesale rather then at profit prices. Accepting the money, he motioned to another person who escorted the young woman away. There was an incentive to supplying her at face value, which was only a recent event. The music blared, and the bodies danced. Bored, Manson reclined back in his chair; one hand idley shaping a rock in a black, clawed hand. His diamond carbon shield manifesting in only the lower part of his arm. His posture was slouched, open, and leaned back in the chair. More then anytime now he appeared as a King in his own dilapidated kingdom. The night was boring, and it'd be a matter of time before his plans came into action, what it came down to was who would act force. Would the heroes force his hand or would they play into it?
*A few hours before Dusk got home*

Kenny had just walked into 'The Gates Of Hell!' club and bar in order to get her weekly supply of angledust. She entered the joint and asked the bartender where she could find Mr. Manson, he told her to head into the privot booth on the far right corner of the club, and she did. When she got there she was told to wait until Mr. Manson called her. When he finally did she rushed to get to him, knowing he wasn't a very patient man, but when she got there he looked quite relaxed and that made her feel a little at ease. after he spoke, she handed him the usual amount she paid, and was escorted out of the building shortly after. She then proceeded to go straight home so that, if her roommate, Nalestia was home she wouldn't have to explain why she had been out so late.

When she finally got home she was slightly surprised at the fact that Nala (Nalestia's nick name) wasn't home, so she took a quick shower,hid her stash, and went straight to bed, after all she had had a long day, and was going to have a longer one tomorrow thanks to the new school year starting.
He looked at the money in his hand. He smirked and fanned the cash to someone.
"That's loyalty!" He put the money away, commenting on the fact she payed full price for her usual amount when he could have saved her money. With a faint flash his hand materialized back into normal flesh as he leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs as he watched the crowd.
"Thats tonight business. I'll leave it to you." He sai to his entourage. He grabbed a plate of food off the table and stood up, leaving the VIP area as he ate while he walked. People waved, greeted and gave shoutouts on how awesome his club was. He returned their affections absentmindedly, still bored when he felt the chill night air hit his face. Boredom usually spawned this behavior; tossing the plate after he finished, Mr. Manson Murdoc decided it was time to spur on his urban legend.
The blood was always a sure fire way to start a frenzy. The other loved the smell and feel of it. Simon found it diffrent. He had just killed another would be villian scuffle. They were both older and had recently been warring in a ghetto not far from his own home. The Bullet and Siphen they had been called. One was an expert marksmen and the other a human leech. He had found them near an orphanage fighting over the children. At first they were frightened of him as well, his maw filled with teeth and claws glistining in the moon light. After wards several followed him raving about his "awesome spike tentacle things and cute knees" He smiled and sent them back, thier caregivers terrified. He smiled at the adults and quickly spoke,
"If anything else happens call this number." He tossed them a card. It was business card for a Simon Bradford.
"We will arrive soon after." He took off swinging through the night.
When he did arrive home, the other reverted back into a worn pair of jeans and black t-shirt.
Simon walked to his fridge and pulled out and old takeout box of food and sat next to last weeks bank heist. He needed to get it laundered and buy a new computer. His current model was a month out of date. He looked at his cell phone.
Seven missed calls and all from Mina. She was either worried or pissed.
Johnny kept up his vigil for another hour or so after the whole debacle that he experienced with Dusk and Saint. He let the cold air of the night clear his head. The edge of rooftop after rooftop collided with his feet as he made his way around the city. He couldn't believe how dead it was. Absolutely nothing was going on and it scared him a bit. The knowledge of some big baddie nagged at the back of his mind and made him agitated and nervous. Was he just around the corner? Or was he going to show up in another hour or so? Whatever the answer that the universe was going to provide he knew that it was out of his hands for now since he had absolutely nothing to go on. He made his way through the city and as he reached a particular apartment complex on the corner he went fully intangible and slipped through the roof of the building and slid down several stories to wind up in a small corner apartment. He disengaged his powers and began to pull the costume off of his body and changed into some normal clothes tossing the costume into a secret compartment in the closet. He ran his hands through his hair and made his way over to the bedroom. He yawned hard as the length of his rounds seemed to have finally caught up with him. He moved to his bed and stared at the side wall. A blown up poster of a newspaper clipping from earlier in his career. He smiled as he saw the three forms on the poster. Those were the days, simpler and full of mentors and action. He let the smile encompass him and he drifted off to sleep.
Saint approached the high alter with the feeling of hope rising inside him. Meeting his maker always made him feel this way. "My lord, you wished to speak with me?"
There was a long pause before an answer came "yes Drake. I have summoned you to warn you of the danger that lays before you. The One that calls himself the infection will bring a great wraith upon the universe. All that lay before it will be laid to waste if it succeeds."
"My lord, I have many questions. Where is it? Why does it hide? Why - " be was cut off by his leaders voice.
"My son, the woman who can fly and the man who can dissapear will lead you to the beast. Follow them to the one who is vain. He may assist or be may not. The choice is his to make." Silence followed and the light faded and drake stepped down. Drake stood there a wile to think about what God had said.
"Where the hell have you been?" Mina shrieked over the phone. "You were supposed to be here hours ago. I don't care if you want to forget your birthday but I won't. " Her voice carried well into Simon's ear.
"Sorry Mina, I've been busy with work. Things have gotten crazy."
"Look, I know things have been difficult and the funerals havent helped at all but locking yourself away isnt going to help anyone, least of all me or you. Believe it or not but they were like my family too. Now get your ass down to my apartment or you can sleep alone again."
Simon clicked the phone. Mina had always been possesive and unlike most everybody else she had stuck with Simon since they were kids back in high school. They were nigh inseprable and it seemed natural that as time moved on thier friendship became something deeper...something more primal. The other was the only thing that held any sway besides her.
Simon shifted the other to a button down black shirt and khaki's.
"We'll maybe sleep was out of the question anyway."
Mina was a good 5"1' and carried herself like someone twice her size. Simon was a good man, someone who had been shattered several times but always had the strength to move on . His families death however had changed him. Before he was a bit broody but now he seemed more inclined to severe bouts of isolation and depression. She felt a small sliver of sadness seep in for him. She resolved to make him happier and finished packing. She smiled as she waited for him, waiting to move in as a surprise for him.
Despite his life of infamy and luxury, Manson Murdoc was still a man driven mad with power. Not in the sense that he was currently in control of almost the entire city, except for a few districts still owned by the Italian and Russian mobs, but in the sense that he possessed a rare ability that marked him... Different. Empowered. He possessed a form few have seen and lived to tell the tale, those who have, are chosen. Chosen to spread the myth of the Black Shuck. Grim. The Ultimate Shield. He had many names. The night was cold, he could feel it on his "skin". The cool night air was alive with the lights of the city. Gone were the epilepsy inducing strobe and party lights from the club. No throbbing bass, just the sound of the city. The loudest sound to him was his own breathing, panting, out of breath, an occasional growl of frustration coming out in a beastly manner as he pushed himself. Unknown to the world below, Manson was leaping rooftops at a alarming rate. His movements fast, unnatural, and certainly not in a fashion a man would move. One would liken it to how a werewolf would chase down his prey. His footsteps sounded heavy, but the figure moved so fast. Gone now were the clothes that adorned his upper body, now only down to his slacks and shoes. His torso bare, his matte black skin in this shape reflected the pale moonlight, most strikingly, his head was now demonic, scary and horned. His eyes red with black slit pupils.

How do you think he established such a magnificent criminal empire? Couldn't expect anyone to do your work for you, and after bits of information he had picked up, it was time for action. Sure he was a man of bullets and guns, he even took up martial arts and swordplay, his ability to alter his body allowing him to mass the experience more then any man who has lived a normal life. The legend of Grim the Black Shuck went back centuries. After traversing the city by rooftop any within the vicinity would hear a glass window shatter as if someone through themselves through it. Especially Johnny, who would find himself a surprise visit by the black demon crouching over him on his bed.

"You guys aren't exactly being subtle about this new Superteam you have going." He pressed a clawed finger into his chest, just enough to prove how sharp they are. "So c'mon oldtimer..." His eyes glanced over to the newspaper clippings. When he returned his gaze back to the hero he leaned in closer. "We're getting too old for this shit Johnny. MY-" he nodded for emphasis. "-city tells me an angel's looking for me."
Drake made his way to the armory. The heavens armory was to some, filled with infinite weapons, armor, or magic. The thing about it was, all you had to do was ask, and then you would have it. He approached the doors and entered when he had chosen his weapon. He loved his armor that he had now. It protected him against all mortal weapons and deadly objects. So some would say he was invincible.
Those who said this were wrong.
You see, mortals could get their hands on a immortal weapon. The holy spear of christ. The bow of saint Michael. These were just a few of the weapons that were lost on earth.
He made haste as he picked up his new sword. He had used it only once before, against spawn a few hundred years back. The sword glimmered with a blue sheen. It had one special property. It could extend or contract at will, as well as slice through any earth material. Unbreakable, it was the best choice for the job.
He exited the armory, and made his way to the gates. It was time to find the powerful, vain one.
"Ahhhh! The night air is sweet on my skin, as always." Wyrm turned to the man sitting next to him. "It smells of carnage, blood, debauchery, and most of all, luscious plunder for the taking. What glory can be found in riches. Don't you agree, Mr. Maybury?" Mr. Maybury made no reply. Wyrm laughed. They were speeding towards his next heist, Midas Jewelry. It was a rather successful jewelry chain that specialized in collecting pure sapphires. The mere thought of it made Wyrm's tongue flick between his sharp teeth. He leaned forward to the driver of his limousine and said, "How about you play something a little bit more upbeat for our dear friend Mr. Maybury. He doesn't seem to be enjoying this tune." The driver looked at him skeptically but then changed the CD, switching from the blues to classical composition. Wyrm leaned back in his seat, satisfied, and turned once more to the man sitting next to him. "Well, Mr. Maybury? Is this tune to your liking?" Mr Maybury was silent and Wyrm laughed wickedly. It was exceedingly difficult to answer that sort of question when you had swallowed poisoned rum and your tongue had swelled to three times it's normal size and choked you to death.
Drake appeared where he had left. On that building that he and dusk had met Johnny. He jumped down into a side ally, landing with a soft thud. He signaled a cab and when pulled over he climbed in. "Bayside casino please." He said to the driver and leaned back to think. He was sure he would find information to the one that the lord spoke of. There was one man in this city that owned everything.
Manson Murdoc.
He was aware of the guys status around here. But Drake didn't care. He was distracted by a speeding car cutting the cab off. "Hey asshole, slow down!" Yelled the driver.
Some time later they pulled up to the casino. He strolled in not bothering to check in or buy some chips. He walked right up to the guys in the black suits standing on the second floor. He saw a door marked "owner" and he approached the door. He was stopped by two thugs in suits "hey man you can't go -" that's all he allowed them to get put before picking them both up and throwing them off the balcony, and possibly killing them.
He opened the door and stepped in looking around. "What the? " said a guy with a name tag that read manager. Drake grabbed the guy by the shirt and pulled him inches from his face.
"Where's Murdoc?!" He growled as he shook him a bit. The guy started to sweat when he knew he couldn't tell.
"I....I don't know..he never tells me."
"Bull! You know I can see your lying! Don't piss around with me!" To demonstrate Drake slammed his head on the table. "Do you want to talk now? "
The man started to cry now, clearly weak minded. "He went out to take care of some business! That's all I know!" The man cried. Drake let go.
"Tell him to meet me in Times square at 7:00. He will know who I am because he will be the only one who can see I have wings. " he walked out of the room and teleported to his next destination.
The blue haired Northern girl walked through the streets of New York alone. She looked to be in her late teens. She entered a coffee shop and looked at the menu with all the various coffees and deserts. She soon was up at the counter and still didn't know what she wanted. A man at the back of the line was sound very frustrated but this didn't help the girl make her choice.

"What would you like?" The coffee worker asked.

"I'll take a Iced hot chocolate and a slice of Cheesecake." The blue haired girl said with a small voice.

"Ok, your order will come at the end." The worker said as she took the girl's money.

Then it was the business man's turn up at the counter. The blue hair girl waved her hand at her side and soon the the buisness man slipped and fell bashing his head on the counter just as the girl got her order. She walked over to the corner and started to enjoy her meal as people attended to the business man that was on the floor.
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