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Life As We Knew It

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(Wow...Not to block this moment or anything lol but I totally lost track of this one... I'm sorry for that. I'll post to get back up to speed and let you guys...Have at it lol)

Johnathan spent more time in the coffee shop then he intended. Although he heard the deep boom he had brushed it off as something that was either out of his hands or something that he didn't need to deal with. That thought made him frown a little. As a hero he was supposed to jump at any sign of danger. Any thought of a threat was supposed to send him into action. However, for no reason that was apparent to him he didn't. The thought twinged his mind. He felt a hand brush over his shoulder and within seconds he looked up. He realized that his head had laid against his arm, which was splayed out on the table as his half drunk cup of coffee was on the untouched side."Hey. Buddy. Don't think you should be sleepin...Especially if your not paying for it." The rather nondescript barrista said. Johnathan shook his head a little and realized that he had spent most of that time asleep. He sat up and shook his head, both out of embarrassment and disgust at himself. Without so much as a word he rose from his seat and walked out the doors.

He took the quick way back to his apartment complex and made the climb to his floor and within moments he stepped into his room. He sighed heavily, still in disgust that he not only slept in a coffee shop for no reason, but also didn't see what the trouble was. After berating himself for a few minutes he figured a fitting punishment was to suit up and make rounds a little earlier tonight. Cracking his knuckles he phased through the wall of his apartment and invisibly made his way up the stairs. He went to his normal routine of jumping along roof tops. Taking only a moment to wonder if the act was going to get him any bites today. He patted at his belt and realized that one of his communicators was missing, then the realization hit him that he had given it to someone, either Dust or that "Angel" Drake. The thought jogged his memory to the warning that the two had gave him and could only wonder what was going to happen.
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