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Life As We Knew It

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He was halfway to see Mina when the other stirred. There was conflict and the winged one from earlier, he was near as well. Near Times Square. He sensed it and felt Infection spread, coating him in the rage and bloodlust. He bared his teeth, and laeped to the nearest wall, scaling it and anticipating the fresh thrill of the fight.
Wyrm's limousine and the black cars of his associates pulled up behind Midas Jewelry. He stepped out of the car and looked at the building, glee filling his eyes. The street was quiet since all of the buildings were closed, save for the small coffee shop on the other side of the street. He turned to his men, who stood behind him.

They were not the thugs that most villains employed, dull witted and brawny. He had painstakingly collected the very best thieves, spies and assassins from around the world. These who had come with him were not even the best of those, and there were only five of them. He did not intend to make a flashy entrance. His men were dressed head to foot in a dark green patterned body suit with a snakelike pattern similar to his own, complete with face masks. He grinned them, his razor sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight. "Go, my Vipersss. Ssseek out the precious jeweled sapphires that reside here. Do not been seen, but leave no one who may notice you alive." His men nodded and slipped into the dark.

Wyrm leaned against his car and watched them climb up the building with their suit's special suction pads and then slice through the window with their small jewelers knives. Then they slipped into the building. Wyrm smiled again and waited. Not ten minutes later the same men came crawling out of the hole, and down the wall, each laden with a bag of plunder. Wyrm met them and opened the first one's bag. There they were, the gleaming dark blue sapphires. He laughed now, and then turned around to the building, just as the alarm inside began to ring. He got into his limousine once more and they sped away, just as he pressed the button on the receiver that would send a signal to the large metal orb that he had placed in the basement of the building the night before. That orb then opened, and out of it crawled two dozen of the worlds most venomous snakes.
Johnny woke up a few hours later. He pulled himself out of the bed and got dressed into some normal clothes. He still marveled at the fact that he still managed to keep some semblance of a normal life. He pulled his dark blue jeans up around his waist and pulled his grey denim jacket over his shoulders. He stepped out of his room and fiddled with his keys a little before leaving the confines of his apartment only turning to lock the door behind him. He had to think what he was going to do today, considering that it wasn't really a work day or anything. He decided that maybe a bit of coffee would help clear his head and allow him some time to think about what to do next. He perked his head up as he realized he forgot his bag, and went back into his apartment to pull it out of the closet. He unzipped it a little and noticed his costume inside it. He zipped it back up and left the apartment a second time. He hoped against hope that he didn't have to pull it out and do anything, but considering that he usually had to intervene in something he always carried it with him. He walked down the stairs and out the small door. And veered left down the street towards the coffee shop.
"They took the sapphires."

Manson's breakfast would spew out all across the fine dining room table. "WHAT?!" with a flash of light, he slammed his carbon fists down on the table. Only his hands and forearms became black when his true form barely manifested in rage. Splintered, he left the table and stood up, leaning against the windowsill of his playboy suite. He thought about this, what now? Who had the balls to steal his reserves? Did they know the truth about them? Is that why they did it? Or was he just unlucky and some smart guy pulled a clean heist.

"Were there any deaths?" He asked without looking. "It's too early to tell, we found out not long before I told you." the liasson said nervously.

"Find out who did it." Manson barked to the insubordinate. Even his people didn't know the true nature of the Sapphire's. Manson looked at his clawed hand, flexed his fingers, and the room glowed the moment he changed his flesh back into it's normal state.

"This town used to be big enough until the freaks started showing up." He spoke to his reflection, there were too many variables now, too many accidents could happen. Since when did the heroes come back? Oh thats right... There is too much of a good thing.
The blue haired girl looked over as the police and ambulance had came to the shop. It appeared the man had hit his head harder then she thought. He was bleeding out on the floor now. The girl didn't feel bad, she just finished her cheesecake. When she tried to leave however, the Police stopped her for questioning.

"Can we get your name?" The officer asked.

"I'm Jane Foster." The blue haired girl responded.

"Ok Jane, what did you see?" The officer asked.

"I was just getting a coffee at the end there. The they guy just slipped and fell." The girl said

After the questioning the girl was aloud to leave so she walked away from the crime scene.
Saint Drake was growing restless. He wanted this Manson guy to show, but he seemed as if the information had either gone unheard or ignored. That was not the way this was going to end. He stood silently looking down upon times square. He drew in a deep breath. Drake had only done this a few times in his immortal life, and was about to do it again. The angel shout. A loud booming echo that would be heard by everyone.
"MANSON! I do not underestimate my might! You have one hour to fullfill our meeting arrangements or I will destroy your puny empire!"
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" He roared, face palming a thug in colors against the wall as if it was weightless. In anger he mercilessly killed the snitch, one of Wyrm's men. Had it not been for the sudden booming demand of Drake, the man would probably still be alive. He unclenched a black, clawed hand from the poor man's face as the body went limp and slumped to the ground. Only partially transformed, his taloned hands would tug and adjust the lapels of his business suit as he stepped away, towards his entourage. Popping his neck by turning his head side to side, he wore an expression of extreme distaste. "So we have some snake mutha' looking for some pretty rocks..." He muttered to himself "Playing with things he doesn't know about..." In a flash, he moved so quickly he now stood with one of his subordinates throats clenched, his claws digging into the skin enough to cause a trickle of blood run down his throat. "Put the word out now!" He dropped the goon and started laughing. "There's a bunch of clowns in this city, you would think the holier-than-thou heroes would know something on patience...Haha, they run on MY SCHEDULE! IN MY CITY!" He turned to the sharp dressed man clutching his throat. "Put the draft out, see if that sickly boy wants to put his own brand of justice on the heroes."


"Oh you know, the one who is always KILLING YOU STUPID CUNTS OFF?! Infectious? Infect-shawn? I don't know! FIND HIM! While your at it, there's a few more..." He settled down now, his people fearful of his sudden mood changes. He pulled a cigarette from his lapel pocket and one of his secretaries lit it for him. He inhaled deeply before continuing. "There's a few other notorieties. See if they'd like a bit more fame through our....- he inhaled and exhaled. - endorsements."

"And who would that be?"

"Get that one chick, you know, we had to cover up the controversy her dad caused over experimenting on his her...?" He flicked his ash and looked up to the skies, his thoughts on the now high priority threat from the Angel. "It's time that family paid their dues anyways..."

"Anyone else?"

Manson Murdoc finished his cigarette. "There's one more, a battery like me it seems. I've heard about another girl who can absorb energy and crazy over here-" He motioned to a portly man. "Swears she made him smell things and mind controlled control you? Haha oh my..." He laughed insultingly. "What'd she do, wave food in front of your fatass Claude?" He patted the fatman on the back and walked towards the Limo parked by the alley. His people parted to allow him through.

"What are you waiting for? Take care of it!"

He stepped into the limo and nodded at his driver, a few others got in, the rest got in neighboring cars and they departed.

"Take a stop at Four Corners, I'm feeling a little famished, I need to be in top shape to make my date on time." He chuckled.
Johny yawned as he made his way through the streets. He had spent more time on patrol then he usually would have. Though the thought of some big bad...Thing certainly made it all worth it. And if that meant that he had to get a few less hours of sleep, well then that was what it was going to take. He rubbed his head as he walked closer and closer towards the shop. His eyes darted directly to the ambulance parked just outside as they were escorting someone out. Johny had to raise an eyebrow at the sight. As he made his way forward he accidentally bumped into a blue haired girl. "Sorry." He said gently with a nod. He opened the door and watched the cops walk out, and all he could do was shrug at the sight. As he waled in he turned to the barista and ordered his coffee, and then after a few extra moments of waiting he sat down ready to enjoy his drink when he heard the sounds of a loud and booming voice off in the distance.
Infection licked his claws. Once again they were covered in blood. Another would be hero lay dead at his feet.
"Pathetic, if you had stayed away we wouldnt have to kill you." And in his own twisted way Infection spoke truth. While he despised Heroes, if they made themselves scarce he felt no need to hunt them. Villians who threatened the inocents, well they were always fun to kill. He had heard of one since eating a thug, well more precisly the thug had told him of a man named "Grimm" who possesed a similiar trait to him. Transmutation. He didn't like tha sound of this one. Also he had been following a girl. While he truly cared for Mina, this one made him smile. Or more approipatly made the other smile. He continued following the scent of the so called angel, hoping to maybe make a deal. He knew that this one was reasonable or at least smart. Swing through the alleys he made his way to Times Square. (Found a suitable pic for Manson Murdoc [minus sideburns] just tossing this out there. I'll post as soon as I see what the other villians do in response to my character sending out his liassons)
Drake felt the evil presence before he saw it. Pure evil. Infection. Darkness. Hate. Anger. All of these things radiated off of the being. But drake wasn't stricken with fear. He didn't need to be fearful. He had god on his side. Let this thing come, he would be ready.
A faint tickle ran through his mind. A loud and stern voice said to him "do not underestimate this one. He will not go easy. " it was his lord giving him advice. And he took it to heart.
He saw a limo pull up in front of him, no doubt murdoc. "Hmph. Be made it. " said drake under his breath.
Wyrm sat in the center of the room, his eyes studying the man in front of him. The man had been caught on his premises without permission, and armed. He had been in the company of three others, who now all lay dead. The one left was tied hand and foot, with a black eye and bruises all over. He looked like he was about to piss himself as he watched Wyrm. It pleased him. He looked away from the man to the sapphire in his hand. He had sensed shortly after he acquired them that there was something else going on with them. They were not ordinary gems, though they looked beautiful and flawless, they also had a certain ethereal quality about them. They contained some sort of strange force, and he wanted to know what it was. He looked back to the man, smiling. "Tell me what these sapphires contain, and who your master is who sent you, and I will let you live." The man gulped once, then again, and then cleared his throat and said in a shaky voice, "It's Manson, sir. Manson Murdoc. He sent us to find out who stole his sapphires. They are special to him, sir. He uses the souls trapped inside to feed his abilities."

Wyrm raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised. "Is that so?" He had not expected Manson to have such a powerful source of energy. He grinned at the man. "You have been most helpful. I shall allow you to live, as promised. I want you to bear a message to your master. Tell him this." He got up from his chair and walked over to the man, staring into his eyes. "Tell him that I admire his courage and ingenuity, and that I wish to meet in person, as I have a proposition for him that he will find most intriguing. Tell him that I shall be waiting for him by the docks tomorrow night, and to come swiftly. I am a patient man, but I dislike being exposed to the stupidity of the heroes for too long. Now go." With that, he gestured to his guards, who untied the man. He looked at Wyrm one last time, then bolted from the room. Wyrm laughed.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCKING-.... FUCK!!!" He roared, thrashing about in his limo, rocking it on it's axis as it arrived at his destination. His phone lay on the floor, crushed from a clenched fist when the idiot on the line informed him of the latest event. With a flash, he changed back into his more human appearance and took deep, heavy breaths. He'd deal with it later, the audacity of this newcomer did not intrigue him, did not alleviate his fears of possibly having a new ally, but it filled him with such rage at putting him at a disadvantage. The sapphires weren't the only gems, he had various safehouses throughout the city, but what troubled him was if the one called Wyrm would figure out how to tap into his energy resource. He looked out the window, seeing the Archangel standing, waiting... Manson fidgeted with a fire topaz gem that was the diamond of an extravagent ring, it faintly glowed as Manson's exposed flesh on his hands changed into black taloned claws. Opening the doorm he stepped out, getting into character as he raised his arms up in a greeting as he casually made his way over to Drake.

"It's been awhile!" He smiled. He reached out to shake the beings hand, more of an insult really, to test just how far a soldier of god could be forgiving, he knew he probably wouldn't shake his hand, Manson was the exact opposite of the angel.

"I'm a busy man Drake, and after some of the things I found out, you have your hands bound too. Can't we do this another time? I have business to attend to."

Elsewhere, Wyrm would find the body of the man he let live outside one of his prominent establishments. The body was mutilated, burned, and the facial expression frozen in rigor mortis was one of sheer terror. Oddly enough, a sticky note was planted on the forehead of the corpse, which read "See you at midnight! <3"
Infection crawled down the building.
"Well, well. This Hero looks like an angel, wonder if we should make him that way? No. Sadly no, we are here to talk. We might despise heroes as much as villians but we have a truce for you." INfection stood in the shadows, white tendrils swirling around him akin to a cloak. His face an unreadable mask.(literally). Infection noted the scent of an unfamiliar one as well. He tensed himself, the other roared in rage but he silenced it, telling the suit there would be a time and place.
"Who the shit is this?" He asked, almost insultingly as he held one arm out, palm to the sky in a gesture pointing in his direction. He knew who it was, he was the one Manson was looking for, he cursed under his breath. So much for recruiting him to do his dirty work, it would appear him and the angel were working together. His expression became one of distaste as he stepped up to Drake, looking up to him as he was slightly taller, but Manson's face was mere inches from his. A blinding flash later and a demon would be peering face to face with an angel. His fanged teeth exposed with the absence of lips. His piercing red eyes unwavering as he stared at Drake.

"Exactly what are you trying to pull here...?" He did not look away.
He grinned widely as he looked down at the body of his messenger. This Manson Murdoc was very interesting. Wyrm believed that he could prove to be a valuable asset. However, he was obviously an impulsive man, and quickly driven to anger. That made him dangerous, and Wyrm knew that if they were going to work together, he needed a leash. That was why he even now had men returning with the other gems that held souls. He had gone to work figuring out a way to tap into the power of the sapphires as soon as the messenger had left. It had taken him a few hours, but he had eventually succeeded, and from the sapphires, he had located similar irregularities throughout the city. Now all of the soulstones were in his possession. However, he could tell that the sapphires were the most powerful of the gems, and of them, one stood out. It was larger than the rest, and a perfectly clear, sharp blue. It's sides were smooth and flawless, and it shone and glowed with the power of the soul inside. Wyrm's eyes flickered from the sapphire to the note Manson had left, and then back to the sapphire, and he hissed a laugh. "Oh, I have great plansss for you."
Drake did not shake Murdoc's hand. The man could not be trusted, he was sure of it. "Well, it looks like you showed up. I'm sure your other business can wait." He was interrupted by the dark one drawing near. Murdoc saw it and a scowl appeared on his face. Then he started to transform, ending up as a demon staring at him, inches from his face. "What?" Drake asked. He took a step back. And looked around "is this a set up?" People had started to run and scream. Drake drew his sword and prepared to fight.
Manson wouldn't be surprised at the fact he didn't return the gesture of a handshake. Retreating his hand back, it would go to feign the combing back of hair, replaced now by a crown of horns. He busted out with laughter, with a quick set of jerks and shuffles, his legs and arms tensed for battle ending with a flick of his nose by his thumb in a fashion similar to the late Bruce Lee. Swinging his gangly arms, he ended it's motion directly infront of him, palm side up as he brought his fingers in with a "bring it" gesture. "Trust me Drake, I'll clear my schedule anytime for a chance at you again." He remained aware of the situation, usually he only manifested in this form descretely, but the occasional public appearance kept the urban legends going. The screams were a nice touch, he stole a few quick glances to his surroundings, keeping notice of the one's frozen in fear or the foolish enough to want to stay and watch this battle.

"You still on top of your game?!" He shrieked, lurching forward with astonishing speed, his off hand reaching out before him, gripping the angel's sword and forcing it down while his dominant hand came foward in tightly balled fist aimed directly at Drake's face.
Drake raised his sword, Darkbane in anticipation to the upcoming battle. Drake just hoped he wouldn't have to fight them both. He had narrowly escaped death the last time he and Grimm had fought. He knew he wouldn't last against them both.

Drake raised his palm towards the heavens, and the sky lit up with a burst of white. A bolt of energy shot down directly on saint Drake. When the light cleared Drake stood in the middle of times square, clad in shimmering white armor.

Drake breathed heavily in his helm and looked up to see Grimm charging him fiercely. Drake barley managed to evade the attack and was a bit off balance at he counter attacked with a swipe at Grimm's midsection.
Nala had awoken when she heard Drake's booming voice, aggravated she realized that it would be quite a while before Kenny would wake up, so she adorned her usual outfit and Dusk stood in the room after adjusting her whip to her belt. knowing that Murdoc was being involved she thought, 'Really, Time square, they're gonna give me an ulcer one of these days.' and dust traveled through her window in order to get to them.

When she finally got there all she saw was Drake going for Murdoc's mid section. After materializing herself, she ignored the shocked gasps fron the onlookers and took hold of her whip and cracked it loudly enough to stop both of the men in their tracks. Then said, in a loud but amazingly composed voice "Both of you! Are you two fucking crazy or fucking stupid?" then waited for some type of reply, and after noting that she wasn't going to get one added "Since when was it alright to put innocent people in harms way?" Then she waited yet again, now thoroyghly pissed she screamed,"ONE OF YOU BETTER FUCKING ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!!!"
The blue hair girl glared at the person who bumped into her but then ignored him. She walked through the park and then sat on the bench and pulled out her own notebook when she heard the booming voice. She ignored it and went back to her drawing. She looked up to see two drunk teenagers started to walk into the park throwing empty cans on the ground and approached the girl.

"Hey beautiful, want us to show you a good time?" One of the teenagers said.

The girl ignored them but that just angered them.

"Come on bitch! What's wrong with you!" The man said grabbing the girl.

The girl grabbed the man back and she froze him to the spot killing him. She looked at his friend who was in shock and put her hand to the guy's face as she froze him too. Victoria then started to leave trying to find a place where she could just be away from people trying to bug her..
Drake stood appalled at dusk's appearance. He stepped back from Grimm and shuffled a bit on his feet like a child being yelled at. To tell the truth, he hadn't really thought of the mortals. He had been so wrapped up in the fight to think about it. "Dusk, stay out of this! This is way beyond your knowing." He looked back to Grimm and grimaced. "Well how about we take this to the nether world?"
The nether world was the place most Holey battles were fought and this one would be no different.
Anger surged through her when she heard Drake's retort, and as if by pure instict her eyes locked on him and so did her psychokenisis, hold him in place then told him, "Look buddy, you may have like a thousand years of experience on me but you better understand that even with your holy power you have still yet to be able to break my psyonic hold, so watch it." her eyes grew more intense giving him the message, 'I'm not in a mood for your shit!' and her hold increased as she neared the end of her little rant, making tge Cherubim unable to move a muscle. Theb she did the same with Murdoc, this was the only way she thought they woukd cakm down, well after a few moments of sqwirming.
Drake lashed out at her with his mind. He attacked her defences furiously and with precision. Be was able to keep moving but it wasn't easy. He grew weak after a few seconds and grew still again under her power. "You fool! Let me go! I am all that stands in the way of the destruction of this world!" His eyes shifted to the lingering being of infection. "Do not underestimate these ones! They will break your mind like glass!"
She grimaced as she felt Drake's influece but never relented with her power. Then defesivly she said, "Why would they, from what I can see they are at least liking the fact that I have the civilians inmind unlike a certained winged man with control issues" looking over at the being he had called Infection.
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