Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

When she had arrived, he had not acknowledged her presence. His eyes did not meet hers. He remained silent as he looked and saw the distance between the two of them and sighed silently before moments later, Amaya would be walking up to the two of them to give them their mission. When he had heard them, he nodded. "If that is what the mission requires, we will go." He cocked his head to the side. "Amaya sensei...Are you not going to accompany us to the village?"
Amaya shrugged boredly. "Your chunnin, you don't really need me anymore." She says before turning and making her way back into the village. Kibishii nods. "You can lead where we go." She says softly walking over to him and standing next to him, waiting.
He did not look at Kibishii when she walked over to him. He simply nodded in approval of what she had said. "Alright...I will lead." He turned and began to walk ahead of her, heading in the direction of the village that they were assigned to go to. He began to wonder what the kage of the village wanted with them, but shrugged off the feelings, seeing as how it was irrelevant at that moment due to them not needing to know why they needed to be summoned until the kage told them why.
Kibishii trailed behind him walking slower, she frowned. She wanted to old Nathan back so much more. If it was him, would she grab his hand and hold it while they walked? Would she do nothing? She pondered her thoughts while they walked before speaking up. "Where's Izanagi?"
He stopped and looked to her. "I...Do not know. I thought that he was with you." He frowned. Then shook his head. "I believe I saw him before we started walking. I allowed him to fly around freely before we left." He frowned and put his fingers in his mouth and began to whistle. Eventually there would be some chirping in the woods before Izanagi and two smaller birds that looked like him appeared, trying to fly behind him. "Is...Izanagi a father...? But where is the mother? Or..." He frowned. "You lied to me, bird..." He said as he moved over to pet the bird as it landed on a stump nearby, along with its two hatchlings. "Izanagi is now a parent. He must have a lover somewhere in these woods that he goes off to whenever I allow him to free roam."
Kibishii smiled softly while kneeling down slightly to reach her finger out to one of the baby's. She giggled more as one of them softly nibbled on her finger. "To think Izanagi is a father now." She says after being able to pet both of the baby's. "We should leave him here, I mean he needs to be a father right?"
"He needs to stay important to the mission. I am an beast-tamer ninja. My techniques are no good without my beast. I will allow him to leave his babies with the mother, but he has to come back to meet us. Understood?" He said to Izanagi, who simply fell off the stump and landed upside down, landing in a small pancake-like position before bouncing back into a ball, saluting with his wing for affirmation of his orders before chirping to his birds to follow him. He flew off to the woods with them. "Let us continue."
"Then I can do this mission without you." Kibishii says before walking past him, she kept walking before lifting her head up. who cares what he would do now, its not like he cared about her anymore. Why should she care about him. "You should just go back to the village, alright?" I'll do the mission alone."
"That is not my mission. I have been assigned to do this, so whether you are willing to assist me in this or not, it is entirely up to you, Kibishii." He said in response to her. "You may go on ahead. I do not require your assistance if you are going to just be a burden and get in the way of things."
She ignored his words. "Right because she told you this was your mission only. Its mine just as much as yours." She says while continuing to walk. "I'm just walking ahead, unlike you I don't have to wait for anything." She says while looking back.
"I am not waiting for Izanagi." He replied as he continued to walk with her. "He knows my scent and where to find me. He is a god amongst birds, so to say. So I believe in him to always be safe without me around. I do not understand why you are having such an attitude lately. I do not understand what I did wrong, but ever since the night before, things have grown apart for us. I do not understand. Is it my fault or yours?"
"It's mine. Since you decided it would be easier if you had no emotions its hard to be around you. I came to love the other you, the real one with the emotions. I understand you better while your emotionless, but when you push away food, something you need to live. It shows me just how little you care about anything. So I push myself away from you, its hard to love this side of you, when you cant show me how you feel, if anything towards me." She says calmly, if not a bit coldly to him. She continued her walking though, not looking at him.
"I reject food for one meal of one day and you automatically think that I care for nothing?" He shook his head. "Perhaps it is best if we do not partner up for this mission thin. However...this is still my mission, so I am going to accomplish it whether you are with me or not." With that, he called for Izanagi, who flew through the air in his war-form before Nathan jumped onto his back to start flying toward the village, leaving Kibishii far far behind him.
Kibishii growled muttering to herself in her anger. "You nearly rejected the food I made you last night as well, making a big deal about me cooking for you." In her anger at him she didn't notice thugs sneaking up behind her until she was knocked upside the head. She fell to the ground eyes closing as her head bled from the blow, she could only remember Nathan flying away from her.
Nathan had not noticed the thugs having attacked her. He was now well on his way toward the village that the kage was in that he needed to meet, and within an hour he would arrive to the city. He allowed Izanagi to go into his coat pocket before he began to walk on toward the town, walking into the gate and into the town before heading over to the Kage's mansion. He walked up to the guards and asked for permission to see the kage, given the circumstances that he was on a mission set out by the kage of this village.
The kage was expecting him and sat in his chair with a smile. "Hello welcome, welcome. Thank you for coming to help me. Are you tired? Would you like to rest a bit? ...Oh? I seem to have been told two ninja would be coming, what happened to your partner?" He asked confused.

The thugs dragged Kibishii to a hidden entrance near by, which went under ground and lead straight to the kage's personal office. Not knowing anyone was in the room until they got there, they waiting Kibishii still unconscious.
"She decided that it would be best if we both separate and attempt to achieve the mission's success on our own grounds. I will not let personal matters disrupt me when it comes to accomplishing my mission." He replied to the kage with a bow as he sat down on a cushion. "Tell me lord Kage...What is this important mission that requires my services?" His eyes seemed empty still...more empty than they had ever been since he locked his emotions away to the deepest depths of his body.
The kage frowned. "I need both of you for this mission, but I suppose just you will have to do. I have a couple of important scrolls that need to be guarded. They're just down the hall from my personal chamber. I need someone to watch them tonight, you see I have some thugs who are after my life, and my scrolls. And I'll have a bit of company tonight. A young female, hohohoh, I bet you know what I mean my friend." He says with a smile. "Would you be willing to watch the scrolls tonight and then tomorrow you can take them back with you to your village?"
"Sir..." He said with a frown as he stood up. "I am willing to guard the scrolls for you...but I do not understand the reason behind taking the scrolls back." He would seem to blow his whole story out of the water. "There are thugs after your life, yet you wish for me to guard the scrolls and not your personal room? I care not if I am in a simple closet of sorts while you fornicate with this woman, but if there are thugs I must protect your life. Also...If I am to just take the scrolls back to the village with me and with me not needing to guard you, why do I not just leave with the scrolls now while there is daylight?"
The kage nodded slightly. "Then you may choose what to do, you can stay in my closet while I play with the woman on her way here, or you can take the scrolls back along with you now. I figured I would give you a chance to rest before sending you back on your way home. The scrolls need to go back to your village anyways. You'll be the target once you have them." He says while shrugging slightly.
"If your life is in danger...it is my sworn duty to protect you so long as I am to remain here. And if you wish for me to rest one day before I leave, it only gives me more reason." He bowed to him and sat back down on his cushion. "Might I be allowed to go to your room now and rest in the closet for the time being? My trip here has been...most eventful..." He said rather grimly.
The kage nodded his head. "Yes you may go, let me show you to my personal room." He says getting up and walking to the door, opening it and after Nathan follows shutting the door behind him. He then leads him down the hallway to the room, opening it. He points to the closet. "There is my closet you may rest there if you would like."
Nathan nodded and walked into the closet, closing the door and sat down on the floor. He sat straight up, legs and arms crossed as he closed his eyes and slept like that, straight up. He would not awaken until the kage would enter with his woman, or rather when the kage would enter. When he was in the room, he had to be alert and vigilant the whole time...because he had to protect the kage.
Once the kage left the room, the thugs pulled Aika into the room from the secret door. Knowing the old kage would just play with her in here while the ninja was in the room. The thugs would watch from the secret hallways. The kage made his way back to the office before smiling as he seen the unconscious Kibishii on his table. "Hehehe. Is this her? Wake her up boys, lets play a little bit." He says chuckling until, one of the thugs throws water on Kibishii, she jolted up wiping her face. "What in the-MMMFF" She was gagged as soon as her mouth was opened. Her eyes scanned around, what was the kage doing with these thugs?
Nathan did not awaken. He did not hear the kage's voice or the sound of his usual shuffling when he walked. He did not hear Kibishii and could not make out through the gag that it was her. He remained silent. Asleep...Unaware.

(I'm sorry if the posts seem lacking lately. I'm a bit pre occupied with something else on FB that has me somewhat addicted to at the moment >.> )
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