Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

Kibishi was bound, arms behind her back, once her legs kicked out though, she kicked one thug in the face, the second hit into the third before the forth guy managed to grab both of her legs. Once the other three got off the floor, one held her down my her shoulders, the other two at her legs and the forth cut off her shirt, right through her bra and stepped back for the kage to examine her."You did well my boy's, but she's a ninja.. where did you get a hold of her?"

"The boy was her partner, they had gotten into a fight, the girl is a slut, the two of them have done it so while she's not a virgin for you, you might as well still enjoy her body right?" The head thug says with a grin, kibishii continued to struggle, though it got no where.

"If they are partners why did he get here and you get her?" The kage asks with a slight frown.

"They had a fight sir, something we didn't pay attention to, as he flew off on his hawk, we hit her upside her head while she was angry at him. He didn't even give her a second look." The thug cackled.

( Uhh? Should I be worried that I'll be loosing an rp partner?)
(No! You aren't. I'm just caught up with this FB game thats attracting my attention lol.)

Nathan had awakened when he first heard the kage of the village enter the room. He looked up and watched as he saw Kibishii bound and gagged with thugs around her...but what made him not attack was that the kage was talking to the thugs as if they worked for him. He followed his orders...To protect the kage, no matter what. Even if Kibishii was to be raped in the process, he had to stay there and watch out for if someone would attack the kage. A part of him made it seem like this was wrong...a part of him wanted to attack the kage before something happened, but he did not. He only watched silently as he felt a nagging urge to attack the whole time.
( Alright, have fun with your game then :3 )

The kage nodded and motioned to the bed. "Drop her onto the bed and hold the little slut down, she'll like it when I'm done with her." The thugs dropped kibishii, one of them let go out her leg in which she swung around to the other thug holding her legs. Once her was off her leg she jack knifed kicking the one carrying her shoulders in the face. She got onto her feet, eyes darting around looking for a place to go.

The thugs stood around in surprise, they hadn't thought she would be this difficult, most woman, even ninja would give into it by now, she tried to work the gag out of her mouth only using her tongue to push the rag out. Her moment of distraction was all it took as they all tackled her and dragged her to the bed again. They held her down her breast exposed the whole time the old kage grinned before groping them sloppily, it was clumsy, showing just how horrible with woman he was. Kibishii kept trying to struggle, where was Nathan when she needed him the most?
(I quit. I got bored of it so I'll finish it tomorrow lol.)

Nathan watched as she was being defiled by the men on the bed. His eyes were empty but his body was slowly burning with rage. He put a hand on his heart...it seemed to beat faster the longer he watched. Was it guilt? Was it anger? He did not know...He did not believe that to be the case as his emotions were sealed away, yet here he was...feeling twisted inside as he watched his best friend and old lover be defiled by these men who did not even seem to care for her needs as much as Nathan did. 'Should I...Do something...? I mean...My mission is to protect the kage and not question anything else...But this isn't right...' He thought in his head.
The old kage kept fumbling around tweaking her nipples too hard causing he rto cry out in pain, the thugs jeered as he did, rooting him on. Soon the old Kage had a hard on, clearly seen through his robs in which he hurriedly pulled up. "You, rip the crotch of her shorts. Do it now!" he ordered. The head thug pulled out one of her kunai, cutting a long slit into her shorts and again into her panties. At the showing of the soft blue pubic hair the thugs cackled.

"So she is a natural blue haired girl!" One thug called out laughing while running his fingers into her pubic hair, he then grabbed a handful and pulled causing her to cry out in pain, tears stringing to her eyes. She was still trying to fight, but with her hands tied behind her back, her legs being held down and her shoulders pinned down against the bed. She could hardly move, and she would be raped, she knew it as the kage moved forward with his winkly old dick only as hard as he could manage, her rubbed it at the opening of her vagina. "Come on slut, aren't you enjoying this treatment? Why aren't you wet whore?" The kage growled angry.

One look at the head thug and he was by her head, he slapped her around, she cried out around the rag in her mouth, and still she didn't get wet. " Fuck what the whore needs, get me some water from that jug." The kage says pointing to the jug on his nightstand. The head thug grabbed it pouring it down on her crotch, in which the old kage began to push in with a look of pleasure on his face while she cried.

( lol that was quick)
(It was interesting at first but I soon found after I beat the first bit of missions that it was so repetitive and not enough of the actual battle scenes than I thought there would be.)

By now Izanagi had poked his head out when she began to cry, just to see what was happening and began to chirp. He looked up at Nathan and began to chirp loudly, as if trying to tell him to help her...Though Nathan remained silent and watched, sticking to what needed to be done for his mission...To protect the kage. Eventually Izanagi began to peck his head hard, causing him to bleed, and the pain made him hold his head in pain as blood trickled down his head. Izanagi had slipped through the shutters of the closet while he was still tiny, and then turned to normal size when he was on the other side. He did not turn into his war hawk form because there was not enough room in the room for him to transform. He began to try and tackle the kage as he had his cock in Kibishii, though in his normal form, Izanagi was like a sponge and did nothing. While the kage would be distracted, he jumped up and began to peck at the man's forehead as hard as he could to try and save Kibishii.
( were you playing Ninja Saga? )

The kage stumbled back a bit, pulling himself out of Kibishii, her eyes opened, blinking away the tears as she seen Izanagi pecking the kage on the forehead, it nearly made her cry. This little bird was trying to save her, and it also meant that Nathan wasn't far away. She began to work on spitting out the gag once again. The thug grabbed Izanagi and threw him into a chest at the end of the bed. "I'm sorry sir, I'm not sure where he came from."

The kage growled before shoving himself back into her roughly, she cried out, more tears leaking out of her eyes. She spit out the gag turning her head to the side while the kage began to thrust as hard as he could. "Stop it! Someone please! Help me! Help me!" "Shut up you whore." The kage growled backhanding her, splitting her lip as the head thug walked around grabbing the gag and forcing it into her mouth once again, his hand stayed on her mouth though.
(No. It was something like a zombie western in the future. is Ninja Saga good?)

Upon seeing her lip get split, thats when Nathan seemed to explode. Those beautiful, perfect lips were now tainted and it was all because of his ignorance. He stood up and began to perform some hand signs before he aimed his hand at the hokage through the door. His thumb was like a trigger to a gun and when he pulled the trigger and let it fly forward, a large shot of lightning shot out and blasted the kage into the wall. The door to the closet was now open and Nathan had a demonic aura surround him as he glared at them, his eyes pure white as he seemed to seeth with rage as lightning surrounded his body. "You...Ass...Holes...!" He roared out as he shot another blast out to free Izanagi. When Izanagi was free, he saw the state Nathan was in and flew in to merge with Nathan, granting him body armor that was similar to Izanagi's war hawk form only in armor form. He glared at them as he began to perform more hand signs, much slower than usual but each handsign caused a spark to fly out and crack into something.
The kage was on to ground unconscious from the bolt of lightning, the head thug had managed to move out of the way of the second one to free Izanagi. The other thugs all ran around the room before grabbing the kage and leaving. Kibishii sat up on the bed crying, she was finally able to spit the gag back out as she heaved, her legs locked in front of her. She just laid her head into her knees and cried, she wasn't afraid of the bolts of lightning that Nathan was imitating from his body. The thugs and kage were now gone from the room leaving only those two and Izanagi in armor form.

(meh its alright in the beginning, but once you have to do the chunnin exams to have to find two of your friends who are the same level and fight three people who are so much more powerful then you and its such a hassle. And if you don't beat the chunnin exams you cant continue leveling up.)
(That seems...Dumb.)

Eventually his handsigns were complete and he clapped his hands together. As soon as his hands dispersed, he jumped onto Kibishii and straddled her body as he hugged her close while a large lightning bolt engulfed the kage mansion. Nathan, Izanagi, and because of him protecting her, Kibishii would be safe...though not for those within the mansion. The next thing he knew, he would be on Izanagi's back with Kibishii as Izanagi began to fly them back to their village. Nathan looked over to Kibishii and then jumped up, running over to her to help untie her. "Oh shit...! Kibishii...! I...I'm so sorry!" He said as he managed to get her free. "D-Dammit...I should have acted sooner!"
( It really is)

Kibishii had passed out soon after from the blinding light and the shock of her being raped, when she awoke she was on Izanagi's back. The pain between her legs only reminded her what had happened, she began to cry, curled up on her side. Arms and hands tied behind her back still. When Nathan woke up he untied her in a hurry, she could speak through her tears, after her arms were free she wrapping them around her legs and just cried some more.
(Hm...any FB games you recommend?)

Nathan frowned as he looked down and watched as Kibishii was crying, not even looking at him. He felt like this was entirely his fault...even though he knew it was. But he didn't like the feeling of it. "Dammit...!" He said as he sat down on Kibishii and punched his temple hard. "Every time I do something I fuck it up in the end! Why does everyone I love always get hurt when they're around me...!?" He seemed to scream into the air as he stood up and frowned as he looked down to her. "I...Understand if you hate me...Kibishii..." He said with a sad voice. "But...I think its best if we're never to be partnered up again...I only cause you pain no matter what decision I choose...I'm always a burden to you and its not fair to you or anyone else."
Kibishii sniffled softly wiping her eyes, she ignored how her shoulders hurt. She looked back up at him, he was angry, and that was an emotion. "Come back down here Nathan.. I need you right now. I need you to hold me close to you.." She sniffled reaching up to him, her hand out to him, she wanted him to grab her hand and lay close with her. "Nathan... I want to be your partner no matter what, do you know why?" She asked softly while staring up at her, her lip had stopped bleeding, dried blood was caked around the split though. Her eyes were puffy and pink from the crying she had done.

( I play all kinds, but its bedtime now. Night!)

When she grabbed his hand, he looked down and frowned as he sat down and looked to her. He was...surprised to hear that she wanted to be his partner still. "But...But I just sat there...and let you get raped for a few minutes...All I did was watch and didn't even bother to help...They were rough with you...How could you just...forgive me like that...?"
"Just hold me right now.. please Nathan.." She whimpered softly, she was sad and hurt that he hadn't rushed to her aid right away, but seeing as he was emotionless as ever. Their would have been no way he would have right away. She curled up, holding his hand close to her body.
He frowned as he held her body close to his, some small tears falling from his eye sockets and landing on her gently. "I'm so sorry Kibishii...Just forgive me for having done something so stupid...None of this would have ever happened to you..."
Kibishii was happy when he wrapped his arms around her, his body close to hers but feeling tears hitting her softly surprised her enough to make her turn to face him. "Nathan.. your crying.." She spoke softly while lifting a hand to wipe away his tears.
He nodded. "Yes..." He looked to her. "I...I think the sealing jutsu has been broken after I was pushed past the limit..." He said as he held her close. "Damn...I'm so sorry...I should have reacted sooner...I shouldn't have just sat there when they were just defiling your body..."
Kibishii looked up at him. "It's broken?" She asks eyes wide, while she hugged him close to her body burying her face into his neck. "Oh Nathan... its really you isn't it?" She clung to him, not wanting to let go.
He held her back as she clung onto him, feeling as if she could choke him with how hard she was hugging him. "Y-Yeah it is me..." He said to her gently as he continued to hold her against him. "I...Even remember everything...Everything...Even that night. The night that we had sex..." He said with a small blush forming to his cheeks. "Damn...Everything feels so different now that it feels like something I'm used to..."
She smiles softly. "Nathan... stay with me at my house tonight? Make up for what they did to me, make my hurt go away.." She pleads with him, pulling back and looking at him.
"I promise...I promise I will make all the pain go away." He said as he held her close as she held him until finally he pulled away from her, looking into her eyes gently. "I love you..."
Kibishii felt tears fill her eyes slightly as he said those words, she gulped softly. "I love you too Nathan. I really do.. let's hurry to my house..." She says softly with a blush crossing her face. "I think a shower is much needed to soothe my aching before you get to it." She says leaning in slightly, her forehead against his as she places a soft kiss upon his lips.
"Why would you soothe your aching if you're just going to get it again when I'm done with you?" He said gently before feeling her lips on his. He kissed her back gently and caressed her cheek before pulling away, patting Izanagi on the back so that he would fly faster and get them faster home.
She smiled shyly. "Because right now my body is too tense to relax to anyone's touch, not even my own, by taking a hot shower it would less the pain and your touch will excite me instead of hurt me like it would right now. You can be in the shower with me Nathan, to touch me and help soothe the sore feeling I have."
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