Death note ~The second kira

"I told you. You won't die. I'll make sure of that." He said hoping she couldn't put two and two together. Last thing he wanted was this date to fail because she found out he was Kira. Especially since he was wanting to get her into bed tonight willing to do more than just sleep.
She smiled little then seen the food coming "alright...lets not worry about that now.. and about that movie..i kinda wanna skip it..i still have a headache from freaking out and a loud movie is not going to help"
"Well I think a movie would be a good Idea as it will take your mind of of things but if you would rather just head home after that is fine with me."
He was a little irritated as he had gotten the art teacher to slip forty bucks under the door prior to the death but it didn't matter, he could use that another day."
" im sorry.." She started to eat the fancy food up then some wine. After an hour or so, kali had almost 6 glasses of wine and giggles for no reason at all
Bryan was getting a little annoyed and waved to the waiter "check please" He said rolling his eyes. "And here i was hoping to get into your pants tonight." He groaned paying the bill and hosting Kali to her feet.
"Okay you alcoholic, let's go home."
Kali was not much of a drinker but when she did, it did't take much. "what! i'm n-nnnot no alocholic!" she said mumbles as she followed him outside to the car. "bbbrrraayn!" She yelled, burys her face in his chest
"And you're speaking in double negatives." He laughed getting to the dorm room.

Setting her down on the bed he tossed her a large shirt. "Change, And don't make me have to come over there and strip you myself. "I will do it, and I will ever so much enjoy it, but don;t make me do it."
Kali started to bust out laughing, slowly undressing her self in front of him then let her dress drop to the floor. She stands there in her bra and panties then starts to walks over to him " oh but i do need help!" She giggles wrapping her arms around him.
"Kali, You do realize i want to fuck you-" He paused realizing just how stupid he was being. there was no way she was fully aware of what he was saying.
"Fuck it" And wit that stripped down himself pushing her down on the bed, removing her panties rubbing p against her.
"Its too bad you're drunk as all hell right now."
She let out a gasp as she was pushed down to the bed then her panties removed "oo0oh...someones a bad boy!" She said kicking her legs at him and then giggles
"Very bad" he laughed pressing her erect member against her entrance but not entering her just yet. "I am going to have sex with you tonight. You might regret it tomorrow morning, but i have been wanting to do this for a while."
It was better than the alternative of forcing her against her will to fuck him only to die moments later. And with that he slid inside her.
She let out a gasp, as she was very tight because it was kinda her first time. She let out a loud groan as he slowly made his way, but her hymen soon stopped him half way. "a-ahhh...i-its too tight!" she groaned loudly
"Fuck" he groaned pulling out. Not only was it too tight but she wasn't even wet. "Shouldn't have avoided foreplay" He sighed he began going down on her licking her slit.
"I'll loosen you up."
She gasped, feeling his wet tongue against her clit then started to let out some groans, that being one of her weak spots of making her very wet. "w-what you doing d-down there?!" she asked, not sure at what was happening but it felt weird and good at the same time
"i'm making it easier, just relax" he said calmly licking her eagerly. Already he could see her own cum glistening against her luscious cunt and that was a good enough warning for him. "Listen, this is going to hurt at first, but then it will feel good."

((God damn. its 1:00 Am I got to head to bed, yet i don't want to due to how aroused i am right now.))
( me too >.< i got no school so i don't care lol )

"o-ok...bryan, c-ccan i tell you some thing?" She said feeling him starting to poke at her again but hoping it would not hurt that much.
Narrowing his eyes he groaned. "I can't do this. When i have sex with you for the first time I at least want you sober enough to say no if you want to." He said rolling over. "good night."
Kali frowned little looking at him for a moment then sighed, laying on her side. She was kinda wasted but that only because she would have been to shy to have sex with him if she did't. For a moment she felt dumb for even trying to drink then slowly started to sleep till morning.
By time Kali had come to he had already woken up, showered and started breakfast. Usually She was the one to cook but after her condition form the night before he figured why not give her a chance to just kick back.
"Heavy sleeper" He laughed though usually he was the one who tended to sleep in, but again his classes were the later ones. "Bet you're hungover."
Kali groans, having a headache then rolls around in bed "ugh...fuck..." she started to get up but seen she was naked, making her blush hard and cover her self up. "" she mumbles to her self, wondering what had happen
He chuckled when he noticed her concerned about her appearance and sighed "Don;t worry, nothing happened. It was going to but i came to my senses before it did. I told you that you were safe with me."
She looked over at him, seeing that he was cooking "oh, but you wanted to.." She smiled, wrapping the covers around her body then walked over to the kitchen, standing behind him and her boobs rub against his arm. " you pervert.."
"Yea..." he said with a laugh "But i wanted you to sober up before we have our first time" he admitted serving a plate with a bunch of mutated pancakes. "Would you rather just go to IHOP?" He asked looking at the plate in front of him and dumped the rejects out.
He really did admire her body and wished he could take her right then and there, now that she was Sobered up. Plus they had all weekend now. Why not throw in a morning quickie then go for brunch. But alas it seemed that the trip to IHOP was the only thought in her mind.

He flipped on the TV ans saw a news report about Kira. How deaths have been happening non stop every ten minutes for the past eighteen hours.
"There is little sign of it letting up. Though we fear there may be a second Kira at work as we have seen a major change in teh pattern. The rate has changed along with not every death being an accident."
"So What" Bryan growled. "I Decided to book 24 hours of deaths and got lazy with them being freak accidents, its not as ign of a second Kira."
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