Death note ~The second kira

She blushed, looking down at the ground " well...we have been living together for a while and i was wondering if you wanted t-t-to go on ...a date.." She closes her eyes very tight, very sared at his reaction he was going to give
The hand he had shoved in his pocket gripping his pen released it and he smirked. Sitting down on the bed beside her he sighed.
"I don't know i mean, we have such a great thing going right now..." he wrapped his am over he shoulder and laughed "But i'll give it a go. Maybe it'll work. How about tonight?" He suggested "Movie, Dinner, bed" The only reason he added bed was because they had already been sharing the same bed for around four months. that wasn't going to change. Though he was starting to get really anxious to have sex with her and sleeping next to her each night was beginning to grow irritating,
She smiled big, hearing his comments "r-really?! thanks!" She randomly tackles him onto the bed with a big hug that burys his face into her breasts. " its almost time for art class!" She suddenly remembered, jumped off of him then ran over to the bathroom to pee.
((hmm details. Slightly offsetting. Running to the bathroom would be fine... adding in the pee...))

Rolling his eyes he sighed and looked at her computer screen. Nothing unusual but that didn't matter. Instead he quickly minimized his game and logged onto the site Sending her a PM
"Are you still claiming to be me? It is disgusting. But I now know who you are Kali."
after he then re-opened the game so she couldn't tell it was him who had sent the PM. He then hopped back on the bed and startd using her laptop to check movie times, again to pull any suspicion away from him.
When Kali was done with the bathroom, she walked over seeing him on her laptop. " hey what you doing?" She looked, seeing the movie times then nods " oooooohs well let me check my e-mail real fast." She said, pulling her laptop away for a moment to click on the kira site then seen she had gotten a PM then started to read it. She gasped, standing up quickly then ran over to get her books. "i-im going to class now...s-see you later..."

She said then quickly ran away from the dorm room, not wanting to be near her laptop. As she was walking to her class, She looked all around her, wondering if kira was even near by.So it was true...kira had been stalking her for such a long time but if that was so then why is she still alive? She sighed, entering to class then started to get some clay. " i-im..going to be f-fine..just fine.." She kept mumbling to her self
the Reaction was perfect. Exactly what he was wanting. It wasn't that he wanted to frighten her but he was still irritated from when she claimed to be him, even if it was months ago.
Regardless he brushed it off and went back to planning their date, making reservations at a restaurant and setting it up so they could see a movie afterwards.

"Now time to get attention again" He mumbled as he pulled out the death note filling the next few pages with deaths every ten minutes for the next day. Starting with the art teacher.

"I told you I was the real Kira." Was the next PM he sent. She would read it soon.
Kali was starting to make some random shapes out of her clay, not even sure what she was making but she was shaking so much from be sared. Kira know who she was...she needed to do so many things before she was a good thing she was going on a date tonight because it might be her last one. Should she tell Bryan about it? he would not believe any word she was saying...maybe think she was crazy. Suddenly the teacher dropped to the ground in front of her, making her jump and look down at him. "s-sir?" She said, shaking him
The professor didn't move. At least not until the light fixture above them came loose falling on his head crushing it like a grape. it was another warning. Three warning sin one day. She wouldn't dare claim to be Kira again.
Stretching he set her computer aside and flipped on the TV. Nothing. He was hoping to see a report but realized that with the teacher's death only happening there was no way. But at least he would have his fun. After all, 24 straight hours of a death every ten minutes. It was fine with him.
"Let's see them dismiss me again."
Kali suddenly seen then light fixture crush his head then blood went all over her, making her just stand there. everyone else sreams and ran away. Kali sat on ground staring at his body then called 911, telling them what happen then slowly walked over to the dorm room. She open the door, dropping her books by the door and then just sat on the couch, covered in blood. She just sat there...staring at a wall for a few minutes . It was going to happen soon...Kira was killing everyone around her and she going to lose everything until she died alone
"You're back early" bryan said Walking out form the kitchen drinking a can of soda. "Hello?" He asked wondering why she wasn't answering "Hey are you even-" He was cut off when he saw her clothes covered in blood and hid his smile. "Covered in blood? What the fuck happened?" He didn't need the answer after all it was his will that this had happened.
"Are you all right?"
She was staring...just staring ever so hard at the wall...all she could see was the bloody body in front of her. She hears him talking then turns her head to look at him. She busted out crying "i-i...just can't take it anymore!" she suddenly standing up then started to rip off her bloody shirt and pants. She felt like she was losing her mind and she looked all around her, walking around in circles. " i-i...don't have much time!" She said, walking over to the kitchen, grabbing a knife then balled up in a corner.
"Whoa. Kali, Drop the knife and get to your feet." Bryan didn't know he would have damaged her this badly "What the fuck is going on, you're starting to scare me." And truthfully she was. Mainly because he wasn't sure how dangerous she would be to herself.
"Listen to me. You're freaking out. If you need to clear your head we can still go on our date. Or if you would rather we could stay here an I can try helping as much as I can. but i still don't think you need to worry."
She was crying and yelling random things " YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND! HE DON'T CARE ABOUT NO ONE!" she started to stare at the knife that was in her hand. Maybe she could take her own life before kira would kill her first, at lest she had control over her own life but the truth was she was too sared to even die...mainly because she had not had a full life a even getting married. She slowly started to poke at her arm with the knife, breathing heavily but starting to calm down. This is what he make her sared...for her life. She shakes her head, feeling dumb for giving into his game then sat there, not saying anything for a few moments.
That was a blatant lie. He did care about people. Maybe not as much as one should but he did care, and seeing he with that knife was bothering him.
Shaking his head he decided if he had to he would take her life into his hands, be it as Kira or Bryan, he would make sure she did not control her death. As Bryan he was going to make sure she didn't die. Walking over he gripped her wrist tightly and forcefully took the knife from her.
"I'm sorry i have to be rough with you but I am not going to let you hurt yourself. What do I have to do in order to prove that you will be fine? What If I said I can promise you you will not be hurt?"
Kali gasps, seeing him take the knife away. "a-are you sure it will be fine?" She said as she wipes up her face and looks at him. She was slowly starting to calm down by his words and coming out of her crazyness
"Yes you will be fine. I Swear on my life I will protect you."
Really all he had to do was not write her name down in order to keep that promise. Unfortunately now he would also have to keep his secret about being Kira a secret from he, and to add to that, he had sent her another PM laughing about being Kira and how angry he was at her for pretending to be him. If he had known she would have had this kind of reaction he would have deleted the PM before she would see it. though he felt he may have still had a chance. Perhaps he could.

Grabbing her laptop he sighed using her account to quickly delete the message and log onto the movie times. "We can catch a movie after dinner. I made Reservations." He explained. "It may calm you down back to being the girl i agreed to take on a date tonight. The girl I wanted to take on a date for a while now."
Kali suddenly started to smiled but rubbed her head, having a headache from all the crying and yelling. "i'm sorry for freaking out. i just been....under alot of pressure and my teacher died right in front of me...kira...that bastard is so crazy!" She said with a laugh, then started to walk to the bathroom to get dressed and pain pills. After 15 mins she was in a tight sexy dress and wearing little make up. "alright im ready!"
Raising a brow when she exited she laughed
"No you're not" and with that pressed her up against the wall kissing her deeply. "You do realize you're damn sexy right?" He asked casually breaking the kiss. He knew she had no idea how irritating it was to have her sleep next to him every night and he got nothing out of it except for her body next to his. Pretty much the most they had ever done was snuggle up to each other during the winter to keep warm but otherwise nothing ever happened. "It sucks that this is our first date. I should have asked you out months ago."
Kali gasped, being kissed suddenly, letting out a deep blush then smiled "y-your the one that too so long.. and thanks..." She just thought that he did't liked her and gave up to the point where she had to ask him herself. "well um.. we going to go?" she asked, still blushing little
He laughed "You're so naive." and led her out of the dorm locking it behind them.

Reaching the restaurant he managed to get pushed forward so they didn't have to wait as long and being the gentleman he allowed Kali to sit first before sitting himself along with ordering for them both and continued his variety of tactics to be the best date in the world.
"You know we've been roommates and i have to admit, we don't now as much about each other as we should."
Kali was looking around at weird they were. If seem to be a very fancy place she had never seen before then starts to hear him talk. "well...i'm easy really... i like art, computers and kira. not much else to it..." She hoped he did't ask about her parents but knows he was going to ask it soon
"What about your folks?" He asked casually. I mean you didn't originally live on campus, you just moved in with me. If you lived close enough why didn't you just remain living at home?"
She sighed, biting her lip "i-i rather not talk about it right now.." Saying her mother was a whore in the middle of this place was not a good idea for her. " anything else , besides that?"
"Your obsession with Kira? What do you love about him?" He suggested instead. "And by the way I don't think you love him judging by the performance form earlier. But if you do love him, why?"
" i just like the way he just kills for no reason. and what happen earlier because some one just died in front of me and he told me that i was next. he knew i was going to freak out.He knows who i am. He knows i made the website and i guess its only a matter of time before i die soon..." Kali sighs, looking down at her hands that were twicthing
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