Death note ~The second kira

"Yea well truthfully i didn't like people pretending to be me. Plus I didn't know who you were." He said calmly leading her out of the dorm locking the door. "Look at the bright side. With me you are safe. People may fall around you but you will never befall harm from me."

He was thinking of taking a break form killing though. After all he had just given them twenty four hours of deaths, with a new death every ten minutes. that means one hundred and forty four deaths in a day. He figured angry kira was enough of a scare to anyone and he had something else to rid him of his boredom A young female willingly spreading her legs for him.
She kept thinking about the few events that have been happening the past few days and how crazy it was. " and what if i was hurt and you were not there? would you murder the whole world?" She said with a giggle
"Maybe. If no one owned up to it." He said calmly. "Or just force doctors to find a cure for death, then I would have a zombie girlfriend." Wrapping his arm over her shoulder pulling her closer to him. "But I don;t think that will happen. People are afraid of me. They aren't going to go killing people randomly right now."
Her eyes got really bright at the word girlfriend. She smiled big then giggles to her self " alright.." She hoped into the car with him then waited till they got to ihop
Bryan Sighed as they took their walk down to the Restaurant. Brunch was never really exciting but it was generally the first meal of they day for college students since they filled their morning with last minute studying or in Bryan;s case, Casual sex with your roommate.

"Here we are" He said with a laugh and once they found a booth he placed his order.
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