Death note ~The second kira

"Its actually meant to back up my files for my Laptop. But I also use it of gaming and... well gaming." He then realized that buying the computer this good was pointless since most of his files and internet surfing was on his laptop and just a simple gaming computer would have sufficed.
"Yea i have come across some money lately and decided why not spend it." he said which was true. though he left the reason he had come across money out. "You want something Eat, or drink?"
She groans, hugging one of the many pillow "ahhh....yes." Her mother did't cook that was always TV dinners and fast food. It was pure luck that she was not fat and the fact she lived at her girlfriend's house where she had a happier family that made dinner almost everynight. Kali was kinda was poor with a mother who was a whore that flirts with many rich men that would buy her whatever she wanted.
"What would you like? I mean I am not the best cook but i can make dinner. Or i could just heat something up and crack open a couple beers." He suggested. "Or if you are more into soda I have that as well. Along with milk, Orange Juice"
" i can cook!" She jumped up, running over to the kitchen " if you don't mind,i can make us dinner?" she smiled, looking throw all the cabinets and the fringe. "oooh..i can make this ..this and this..." She started grabbing a whole bunch of things
Bryan raised a brow, this girl was enthusiastic. "Don't mean to sound sexist but I could really use a girl to help me with the task of cooking. As I said I'm not the best. I'm not sure where you take residence but if you want to dorm with me I'm fine with that." he suggested. really it was just the thought of having a nice cooked meal each night that inspired him.
"I'll give free access to the kitchen for now though." He said flipping on the TV.

"Kira, You are a Monster. Things like this DO NOT go unpunished. We will find you and when we do, You will pay for your crimes."
Bryan was not at all pleased with this but let it go for now. No need to whip out the deathnote and kill the reporters.
"Do you agree with these guys?"
Kali gasped at the thought of living in a dorm room with such a random cute guy then started to cook like crazy. She started to bake some chicken, made some mashed potatoes, corn and rolls. This took about an hour and an half. She was almost done when she hears the news and sigh.

" they are not going to find took them so many years to even find the first one!" She yelled, putting in the rolls. All the food was ready and kali started to step up the table. "dinner!" She yelled then got herself a water
That was reassuring, but he already knew they wouldn't catch him. he just wanted to see what her thoughts on his alter ego was. It seemed like she was okay with him.
"Hey. Say you met Kira face to face? What would you say to him?" He asked sitting down and taking a bite of his chicken.
"Anything at all. No strings attached."

Tasting the food he was amazed. "Crap. This is delicious." He quickly took another bite. "I am dead serious about dorming with me. "I swear i will get someone to move your stuff whichever dorm you are in to mine. Plus think about it, only one roommate instead of however many you have now."
Kali sat down at the table with him, starting to eat then giggles at his comments. " ok...i can do alot better..this was just some thing i thrown together"

She never really dated alot of guys mostly because everyone thought she was a weird nerdy girl. Living with a guy suddenly in this beautiful dorm room was a bit much for her to all take in. "well umm..if i did meet him..i guess i would ask why he really does the killings because it seems to be all random...its not really plan out to me..or maybe all the people he picks out did some thing to him....but i dout he hates over 50 people.." She starts stuffing her face with food
"I don;t think he hates anyone. I think he does killings just to proved he can and will do whatever he wants. I am not a psychiatrist but i do believe that the fifty-seven kills was to show that he has the power to end life" He paused "And I bet it was also to mock the cops. They have trouble catching one criminal. Here he is killing fifty-seven people at the exact same time all over the country. Every clue they had was shot out of the way. They have no idea where to look now."

"I would ask him if he would spare someone who found out his secret." he said "I know if I found out who kira was I would keep his secret safe. How about you?"
She eats more then nods " well ofrcorse i would! or he would kill me!" she let out a laugh and finished up on her food then sighs, sitting back. " phew..that was good..i need a shower.." she cleans up the table then walks over to the bathroom, closes the door. She had some clothes in her bag just in case she sleep over her friends house but she ended up at a guy's place. She started to strip out of her clothes, throwing them down to the floor the bends over to turn on the water. As she waited for it to warm up, she did what most random girls did...looked at her self naked.

She had long black, soft skin, no pimples, and very skinny. She found noting wrong with her body but that was not the was her nerdy side of being on computers. She turned to look at the shower then stepped into feel the warm water hit her body. "ahhhh.." she always loved taking showers, making her refreshed
Bryan sighed wishing he could get a peek at the girls nude body. Even as Kira he was still a pervy male. Sure he could have easily written the girls name, made her give him a damn perfect blowjob and then have her drown on sperm making it seem completely fucked up. But then it would also lead to him being Kira. And without killing her she may not do anything. So He now had to find a way to get this Amazing girl to do more than just cook for him.
Kali just started to think about a few things like who crashed her site liked that....that person that seem to be right next to her in the park witch sared the shit out of her thinking that kira might be stalking her because she made that site. She was soon done then sides on her tight white shirt then some black shorts.

She came out of the bathroom, steaming following behind her as it almost seem liked slow-mo movie as she shakes her wet long hair then walks over to the soft bed with her laptop to check her email and her site.
"So you just jump right onto my bed. No invitation or anything." He laughed. "I would only ask to keep my pillows dry. otherwise you can roll around all you want on it.
Turning in his chair he changed topics. "You know this whole time i never received your name. I think i heard it before. Isn't it like Kari or Korrie?"
She giggled then said " my name is kaite.." Ofcorse that was a fucking lie. She knows better to be going around telling people her name. Kira could be anyone. " and i'm sorry but your bed is so soft... that's still alot of room.."She said flirting for the first time in a long time. It felt like a dream so she acted like it was by doing whatever she wanted.
"You're a smart girl" He said. The truth was he knew her name. "I guess I would also be cautions with Kira around. But I'm not worried at all." he began. "I'm Known as Bryan Earns... but most people call me Kira."
He eyes her cautiously waiting for her response. If she ran to the door he would get violent. But she said if she met Kira she wouldn't rat him out.
"To answer your question. I kill for fun. Life is so fragile and boring. So why not kill? I do it to have fun watching freak accidents."
Kali started to bust out laughing, so hard that she was coughing. "Bryan shut the hell up..!" She tried to breath normally then layed back on the bed. "phew.. you spend too much time on that damn kira site. Im tired. Goodnight, you crazy." She giggles little more as she gets under the covers.
He raised a brow. Why didn't she believe him. Well maybe it was safer that way.
"Whoa. Hold on. That's my bed. I have a couch. Now you can move over and enjoy my company. or take the couch. But either way I am sleeping in my bed." He said firmly. "your choice. Truthfully I wouldn't mind having a cute girl nest to me in bed."
She blushes at the word cute and that he was entering the bed. " well i'm not moving!" She said, cuddling with the pillows then yawned. it was the most softest thing she ever felt like when she first shaved her legs and it was all smooth
"Okay" He said calmly removing his shirt and Pants leaving him in his Boxers. "Usually i sleep nude But I'll meet you half way and keep these on." He paused for a moment and sighed. "You know. I can get you a night gown in like two minutes flat. I am pretty sure it would be way more comfortable than what you are wearing now. Or i could even lend you one of my baggy shirts."
She blushed seeing him in his boxers and that he said that he sleep naked. " oh my if you want me to get naked that fast, why don't you just say it already?" She smiled then rolled over on her side
"Oh i really do" He laughed going to his drawer and pulling out a shirt. Tossing to her he sighed "Change or don't Its up to you. I just figured it would be more comfortable this way. I find Boxers even a little constricting which is why i sleep in the nude. Though just because I am dealing with it doesn't mean you have to as well."

He was already aching to see her naked by this point, a few jokes and taunts, mixed with her having no issue sleeping right next to him. She was cute, he would admit that. He would also admit that she wasn't hot. He valued them on two different things. Her body was nice and she seemed to love Kira. Both aspects made her attractive in that sense, but she was also smart and the glasses just made her cute overall.
( Not hot but cute? well then lol )

Kali stands up, taking off her shorts then taking off her shirt, turning her naked back to him, showing that she was not wearing bra then replacing it with his lose boy shirt. She sighed, feeling much better but was still kinda shy at the fact she was sleeping right next to a guy in boxers. At one point it felt very weird to have even come to his room, cook for him and then have him beg for her to stay. Although on the other hand she felt wanted, not alone and might even have a real boyfriend that likes Kira just like her. Her life was coming together perfectly and did't want this moment to end.

( i'm going to time skip, if that's alright with you, if not just ignore the bottom post )

It had been around 4 months, Kali was almost done with her first semester college. She had also been growing strong feelings for her so-called room mate that she shared a bed with almost every-night and also cooked for him like a normal house wife. One thing that she had almost forgot was her Kira site. She did't full on ignore it, just updated with that deaths every now and then. One day she got out of math class and relaxed in to dorm room until art class. She sat down with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the signed into her Kira site to start chatting with people. She looked over at Bryan who seem to be busy gaming on his big ass computer for about an hour. She layed back in the bed then started to chat.

TheRealKira: Hello...
Bryan had been keeping deaths constant. Twelve fourteen every day was when a freak accident would happen and kill one person. It had become the moment of death around the country. People dying in obscure ways but it had gotten to the point where once Twelve fifteen hot everything went back to normal. It was no longer fun. It had actually become a chore to kill people at the same time every day. The fun of the death note was the scare and horror he gave people. Even his deaths were no longer big stories. Instead what would happen was on the news they would mention who died and that was the end of it. What was also tough for him was trying to find time to sneak in a death but alas it wasn't difficult since he had dropped a few classes to keep up on the more important ones.

"So when are you heading out?" He asked leaning back in his chair, his computer having the words "Defeat" pasted across the screen. The then got up and went to grab a beer heading back and leaning over her shoulder.
"Aren't you bored of that site?"
Bryan had not bothered to log on since Kali had moved in and was close to forgetting about it. "I mean i get it when he first arose it was a big deal, but now his deaths are clockwork. He's no longer all that scary"
Each word was true he knew he no longer scared people. He was going to have to change that.

Reading her screen he saw the username and immediately narrowed his eyes. This whole time. The bitch who claimed to be him was his roommate. The one he was planning a very violent death for was his very own roommate. And then his pure anger toward her competed with the feelings he had for her. Though he quickly shook it away acting like he had not noticed her username.
Kali looked over at him with a smile, " well i'm going to go to art class soon..we are using clay today" She started to post more and more things on her site then closed her laptop, finishing up her sandwich. She then thought about how much she had been looking her room mate so much and wanted to ask him soon if he even liked her.

"umm bryan, i was..umm thinking about some stuff.." She was not sure what to say, never had asked a boy to go out with her...maybe why she was always alone.
Hearing those words forced him to grab the pen in his pocket instinctively. There had been a few people who had said something that forced him to trigger a reflex but usually their question was seemingly harmless.
"What do you want to ask?" He asked curiously. Was he going to have to get rid of her or was it safe for her to stay.
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