Etheral (Mr. Nibbles and Mech Pilot)

Souma ignored Ichigo's snarl, but was a little embarassed by his own rashness. Of course the guy wouldn't like Souma touching Rukia's hand. He was her former boyfriend after all. The junior Shinigami did his best to ignore the feeling though, just making a mental note no to do it again. The boy listened to Urahara's introduction, bowing at him and Tessai each at a time. - "Nice to meet you all.." - he said, before watching the undead taking Rukia's hand for his introduction. He was clearly trying to cause some impact on her but with a postulent hand like that, Souma could bet it wouldn't be the kind of impact the creature was hoping for. When the weevel come out into the black haired girl's hand, rhe young shinigami had to muffle a chuckle. 'He tried so hard, poor guy!' crossed his had as he tried no to laugh out loud. It would be rude to both of them and could even get him knocked out.

"I don't mind it. Even the spirit in my Zanpakutou thought I was Souji-san..." - Souma answered Urahara, friendly. - "If you can help me make sense of all this, I'd really appreciate it." - he finished.

He watched the exchange between Urahara and the Undead, and wondered what that box did and what they were planning on doing from then, but decided it wasn't his place to ask. Probably Rukia and Ichigo were just as interested as he was. If not, he would trust the box had little to no meaning and simply forget about it. He watched the rest of the interaction between the people involved, silently, just considering each and every little piece of information they presented him.

As the scene unfold between Ichigo and Demyan, Souji feared for the Shinigami. He had a feeling that guy was powerful. Really powerful. And that it was not wise to try and get him mad. And he though their way of asking for the information they wanted was the best way of not getting it. Why demand the answer when they could politely ask for it with respect? He decided it was worth a shot. If it failed, he couldn't do anything if both Shinigami decided to force the answer's out of the living corpse. - "Please, Stansuik-san." - he pleaded, looking at the one that just recently called him 'mate'. - "The last piece of information you gave us was really cryptic. Before going, can't you give us some answers about the current situation?" - he asked politely.
"You see, killer?" said Demyan gesturing to Ichigo "That's how you ask for information."

Demyan turned to Souma and wrapped a retched arm around him, the deathly fragrance of lilacs and death violating his nostrils.

"Well, Souji-clone-san, I suppose its the the least I owe a clone of my late good friend." jested Demyan, turning away from the rest of the group and speaking softly, even though still heard "So Cloneji-san, I'll begin with really simple language that you Shyishdhaos...sorry, SHIMIGAMI, can understand. I'm a member of the Etherals, the firstborn. The first spirits ever to exist. Before the soul society we ruled. We'll we got cocky and you Shyishdhaos over through us, created the soul society, multiple universes, Steven Hawking, blahdy-blah. Well come modern day some of us are tired of being trapped in our own little realm and decided to try and...well...over throw earth and a the Soul Society and the Hollow World and all other dimensions making one big Etheral demension and enslave all free peoples. Well I'm not game for that, and I have an important piece of equipment they need to succeed. So I legged it. They didn't dig that, so the Etherals in charge of the big invasion sent their personal attack dogs, the Revenants, spirits bound to suits of ancient armor so they wont become incoporeal in this realm. You killed them, we ended up in this rathole and put my arm around you. That wrap it up for you?"

The smile was evident behind the makeshift-scarf of Demyan, seemingly unknowlegable of his half-assed story.

"Wait...what?" replied Rukia and Ichigo spookily simultaniously.

"They're invading... EVERY REALM?!?!" stammered Rukia.

"Yes, thats why we need to get Stansuik-senpai a new body and get him to the Soul Society." Added Urahara, apparently more knowlegable of the situation then previously thought. The Revenants are powerful but not stupid. They won't send a strike team into the Soul Society unless its the best of the best, which we'll be ready for."
Souma was really relieved to see violence was avoided, and almost happy when the other man agreed to give them information. He did not bothered by Damyen's arm around his shoulders, even thought the stench did hurt his nose a little. Though couldn't avoid the need to remark on the creature's strange nickname for him. - "I'm not a clone, you know?" - he said, in a slightly depressed tone - "I've got a mother and everything, I wasn't made in a tube by some mad spiritual scientist. - he finished, sweatdropping. After that, he listened to the undead, a lot more seriously.

His face darkened at each world. If those people were the first spirits to ever exist, the whould be really powerful beings indeed. An invasion of them would probably be the worst thing possible to them, few as the were. After the dead man finished his explanation, he nodded, astounished. Not only he had just discovered this world had a lot of dimensions common people could not see, now he just discovered they all were targeted by those monsters. - "So the best way to keep these dimensions safe, is to protect you and this device you got that they need, until we can extract you to Soul Society, where we can really safeguard it... Right?" - he concluded, looking around to everyone. - "Well, it seems simple enough. We just gotta do it now." - he said, looking at them.

He looked back at Rukia then, not certain of their next step. - "Knowing all this, Kuchiki-senpai, what do we do next?" - he asked her, politely.
As she was considering the options, Demyan unwrapped his arm around Souma and turned to the rest, blushing if he had blood thin enough to rush to his face.

"I didn't technically ever say that it was a device, persay." corrected the Spirit.

"Well then," answered Ichigo "What is it?"

"Well its-"before Demyan could finish his sentence a thunderous earthquake shook the entire shop, knocking many of the members around the shop and sending most of the products flying off the shelves. When the quake ceased, Demyan's eyes were wide and he was breathing heavily, for no logical reason other than reflex. "A story for another time."

Demyan abruptly exited the building, the little bell that hang atop the door ringing as he opened and closed the door. Several silent seconds passed as the group stood to dumbfounded to speak.

"Well... that was..." began Urahara.

"Eventful?" said Ichigo

"Odd?" added Tessai

"Disturbing?" said Rukia

"All of the above." finished Urahara.

About the time the whole group felt the ground safe enough to move on again, a blast of noise like a cannon fired. A fraction of a second later, the limp form of Stansuik flew threw the front of the shop, tearing the whole wall, several aisles and the conter down in his wake. When he landed and the dust cleared they group saw that he was missiing a large chunk from his chest, greenish-red blood festering with maggots oozing from the grusome wound.

"Well," he said weakly "I appeared to have rapidly lost weight."

The zombie fell unconsious around the time an emerald spectre appeared outside of the store. It's armor was ornate and unusual in compared to the others. Its teal-silver plating was gaudy and carefully designed, and where the empty face of the helm was for the other three Revenants, his was covered by a visor that resembled a bird's skull. Its ovular piercing eyes as black, empty and unmoving as the soul that powered the atomaton. His ancient zanpakutou was steaming from the hilt, it was shorter but much larged than his allies'. To the carefull eye, one could see that on the guard of the sabre a six chamber barrel, similar to a six-shooter pistol, was intertwined with the blade. Its handel, too, was as bizzare as the rest of his facade, the handle curved and thick, like the grip of a gun. As the group of Shimigami witnessed the strange monster come close, all they could do was freeze at its horrifiic design and eerie movement, each step of which caused bits of asphault to melt and rise into the air like helium balloons. Air and light bent around the figure, his Riatsu so powerful and so ancient that he was bending the reailty around him. He would take all of their strengths to bring him down, and even then it was questionable.
"Oh... When you said a piece of equipment, I assumed it was..." - Souma excused himself, as he looked at the strange blush-like stain that spread through the corpse's face. it was one of the most strange things Souma had ever saw. He shook his head, and paid attention when he heard Ichigo ask what the hell it was then. The reincarnated Shinigami also wanted to know it, though Demyan never had the chance to finish his explanation as the whole building started to shake.

Souma did his best not to fall, leaning against the counter so he could keep his balance. What the hell was that? Things were already grim enough with an earthquake. Not that he believed that was a common earthquake. Not with everything that was going down at the same time. The boy was sure something bad was starting once again. He sighed once it stopped. - "Damn, I hope we can have some time to calm down a little after..." - the blast cut him short, as he watched in awe as Stansuik flew through the wall, falling limp to the ground. Who could have defeated that monster so easily?

The Shinigami group then saw the mysterious figure approaching through the hole in the wall, torn apart by the now half-dead undead. The sheer pressure of his Reiatsu paralized the newbie Shinigami, who watched the menacing form of the Revenant. What a monster. Fear gripped at his gut while he analized the strange weapon the enemy carried and the way his Reiatsu waved around, bending reality around it. 'What the hell is this thing?' he thought, powerless. Whatever power he hand obtained through Tentsurugihime, it paled in comparison to that, like a toddler against a lion. He felt cold sweat running down his temple, and the palm of his hands becoming moist with it. The reiatsu of that beast was so big he could almost touch it in the air.

'Get a hold of yourself, Souma!' he thought, trying to react. It was useless, his body was still num from terror. 'Wake up! Move! Do something!' he urged himself, but remained there. Then he took his lower lip between his teeth, and bit it hard. The pain was enough to clear his mind if only a little. His body responded to him once more, and he used whatever little strentgh he had, to unsheath Tentsurugihime. It would be pointless to try and fight it with it sealed, and the boy thought he could take som comfort on the power he could obtain. He felt the Reiatsu ran through him as he spoke. - "Shine! Tentsurugihime!" - and gripped the hilt of the transformed sword, a pleasant eletric discharge running through his fingers. Then he took his battle stance. He would give that guys his best, no matter the outcome. To try and protect Kuchiki-senpai and the others was the best he could do.

"So. Any plans?" - he asked Rukia as he studied the enemy, trying to stop his knees from shaking.
"What plan else is there?" answered Ichigo, unsheathing his massive sword simultaniously with Urahara and Rukia. "We fight the bastard."

The being seemed to walke into the shop with little trouble as the twisted wooden rubble seemed to magically melt as he walked past it. It turned its massive headress toward Urahara, sensing him as most powerful and therefore leader by his culture.

"HOW DARE YOU DEFILE URAHARA SHOP!?!?" shouted Tessai, charging at the Revenant far more headstrong then his juniors

"I'uglu, Shyishdhaos!" responded the Revenant elegantly swatting the mighty form of Tessai away like a fly with his sabre, sending his body flying through the east wall like a used ragdoll. The Revenant then turned his head back to the Shimigami and bowed his head respectfully.

"I am Jankovic Eadberht, 2nd Leuitenant under the command of Lord Sindri." He began with flawless Japanese, though his accent still remnant. "I've come to retrieve the Dhaghur by the name or Stansuik Demyan. Unfortunately for murdering my comrade, Lord Sindri has asked I kill and skin those responsible. My dearest appologies, consider it mercy for when the Incursion comes."

"Not if I can help it!" Ichigo said leaping at the arrogant, Emerald Armored murderer.

The Revenant seemed to scoff and dodge Ichigo's blade without trouble sending his palm into his chest and pushing Ichigo several meters across the store with ease. Uruhara was next, attacking the ancient one by making a Shunpo above him and jabbing his sword downward. The Revenant simply stepped back with fey quickness the blade, slamming into the ground with little effect. The revenant swung his blade in and upward arc, slashing the shop owner across the chest, sending blood spray all over the floor. The supposed Sloth of a former-captain only stumbled back and held his wound, far from out of the fight.
"That seems like a flawed and terrible plan." - Souma muttered beneath his breath, but kept his eyes glued to the new threat, ready to fight. He saw Tessai being flung aside like a rag doll, and swallowed hard. That would be one tough nut to crack. He heard creature's introduction and thought he was rather polite, giving the situation. Like Ichigo though, the junior Shinigami did not feel inclined to surrender his life and die quietly. That guy would have to work to get his kill.

He watched as Ichigo's assault failed, and saw Urahara being fend off by the beast, that gashed his chest open. Souma was glad to see the man was still far from being defeated. - "Attacking him on our own seems to be pointless. We need to get him together. I'll be the decoy. Kuchiki-senpai, please cover me." - and that said, the boy dashed against the enemy going for his right flank, leaving the left flank to Rukia. He slashed at the enemy at the last second, trying to destroy its crown.

The attack was nothing more than a ruse, the objective being to create an opening for Urahara to attack.
"You ill trained Shyishdhaos always announce your attacks." spoke the elegant spectre while easily ducking out of the way Souma's attack.

Rukia stood to the daemon's left flank and spoke a incantation that unleashed her beautiful Zanpakutou.

"First Dance, White Moon." she said turning the blade downward, forming a ring of ice around the revenant. But before the shikai could fully activate, the spirit brought his palm up into Rukia's chin, chipping several teeth with his brute force. She was forced from her feet and drawn into the air. With incredible speed, the one known as Jankovic swung his blade downward and upward again in a massive circular arc, cutting rukia and Souma across the chest. The REvenant's Zanpakutou was not very sharp, and the attack was not deadly. Though it was not intended to be. Uruhara had finally gained his balance, ready to unleash his own Zanpakutou.

"Case in point," replied the Revenant before Uruhara had a chance to speak and the two weaker Shimigami had fallen completely to the ground. "But for tradition's sake I'll join in the auditory fun."

The daemon named Jankovic pointed his blade at Uruhara, his eyeless helm peering down the guard like an ironsight.

"Bark. Úplněkpes." spoke the Revenant coldly pulling the hammer of his sabre-hybrid back. With a angry roaring boom, the gun spat two spouts of greenish flame from its muzzle. Faster than any energy blast in the Soul Society, a bullet of magickal metal slammed into Uruhara's shoulder, seperating the arm from the body in a shower of blood and ruined flesh. With out hesitaion, the daemon pointed the smoking blade at Rukia, the tip between her eyes.

"Note for your Reincarnated self, darling." he spoke elegantly "Don't bring an ice Zanpakutou to gun Zanpakutou fights.... Bark. Úplněkpes."
Souma's eyes widened as he saw the enemy ducking out of the way of his blade, the sharp Tentsurugihime harmlessly cutting through the air above him, although he was happy it seemed to give Rukia an oportunity to attack. He was horrified to see the attack failed when he hit her chin, sending her flying. the next thing he knew, his chest had been gashed open, his warm blood flowing through the rupture in his skin. Even more impressive was the fact that he did the same thing with Rukia, in the same movement.

The boy fell to his knees, coughing blood, piercing the ground with his Zanpakutou and using it to support himself. He looked at Rukia with horror, wondering on the back of his mind if she was ok. He needed to do something. He heard Jankovic calling for his Zanpakutou and the great roar of the gun shooting. His jaw dropped and he paled as he saw Urahara's arm flying off, completely detached from his body. Then it turned its weapon to Rukia.

'Kuchiki-senpai...' he thought, despair growing inside him. She would die. He was failling at protecting them, one by one. He could feel his throat dry and every swallow seemed to scratch it. His grip tightned around Tentsurugihime's hilt. His Reiatsu flowed to the sword, becaming lightning. He focused like he had never focused before, in anything. He wouldn't allow it. No way that would happen in front of him. He needed power. He wanted power. Lightning blasted from his sword. He saw the hammer of the gun being pulled back.

Without a second to spare, Souma used Shuunpo, appearing between Rukia and her executioner, his sword aimed at the gun's barrel. He slashed, all the might he could gather backing up his attack, the eletricity powering up the sword's edge, he attempted to cut it all, the gun, the oncoming bullet and the enemy itself. He could almost fell Tentsurugihime's spirit swinging the blade with him, as blade of pure eletricity energy shot out of its blad at the point aimed, to cut everything in its way. - "GET AWAY FROM KUCHIKI-SENPAI!" - he shouted, angrily. The next words simply popped in his head, out of nowhere. He knew what they were. The name of this technique. - "KIRINAMI DENKIKEN*!"


* Lightning Sword's Cutting Wave.
The shop was all but obliterated by the technique. The Revenant's limp body flying out into the western courtyard along with several other goods and rubble that was equally cut to ribbons and burning from the intense energy. The room had a faint glow as the blast of energy faded. Several strands of Rukia's raven hair standing on end with the static energy flowing through the air.

"S-Souma-kun." she mumbled, her violet eyes wide.

Ichigo, the wind back in his lungs, stood and looked at the massive opening in, what was, Urahara Shop's western wall. The Revenant still immobile, though his zombie friend was shocked back to life. Springing up, embers standing on the edge of his greasy, dead hair.

"Damn, mate, you did this shop a number." replied the suddenly ressurected Stansuik

"Now lets give that bastard the equal treatment" growled Ichigo looking at the bleeding Urahara. "Rukia, tend to Hat-and-clogs, me and the new guy've got this."

Ichigo lowered his sword and charged at the daemon's body, giving Souma a smile before doing so. As they ran, Jankovic shakily regained his battle stance and picked his sabre back up. His body was stiff and irresponsive due to the static energy locking up his joints. His ornate and gaudy armor was cut and gashed heavily all over his body, massive chucks of metal vaporized by the electric bladewind. Jankovic finally gained his motor control and clutched his blade tightly in a deffensivebattlestance.

"That's quite a technique you've got there, lad." choked the, less elegant, Jankovic, his voice tired with the lining of defeat. "I've seen better. For instance..."

He leveled his blade with his eyes and spoke an ancient technique that shook the air and light of the Human World.

"VytĂ­ smeÄŤky*!" The blade seemed to transform into a massive contraption that concealed all of Jankovic's arm to the shoulder. It was very gaudy, much like its owner, and was adourned with skulls and jagged teeth made from jade and emerald. The tip of the device bore a massive wolf skull that opened its maw to reveal a six barrelled gattling gun. Jankovic underslung the weapon and cackled, pulling the device's trigger and sending hundreds of small calibre rounds into the shimigami.

*The Pack's Howl
Even Souma was astonished by the damaged caused by his technique. Things were blurry when it came to the power an techniques he had. It was simply something like, having a strange sensation of knowing it, like a faded memory. The specifics about it were all blurry. But he imagined Souji, if they really have some kind of relationship, was a fairly strong fellow, if he could use a technique like that. He could only imagine what kind of damage it would cause if used by someone skilled.

That aside, he was happy it had worked and that Rukia was ok. He smiled at her, quickly turning his gaze back to the enemy. The boy saw Stansuik back on his feet and smiled, glad he seemed to be at least "alive". - "Stansuik-san! It's good to see you up again!" - He then nodded to Ichigo's words. - "Right. Let's do it senpai!" - he noddded again when the older boy smiled slyly at him. He dashed at the enemy when they finished, following his senior Shinigami.

Once out of the house, Souma gritted his teeth, not expecting the Revenant to be still able to fight. Now they would have a lot more trouble to bring it down. He heard the undead man, and watched in awe as his Zanpakutou changed form again, turning into a wicked looking gatling gun. - "Shit!" - he complained, and quickly use Shuunpo to get out of the way of the bullets. Seeing he wouldn't be able to dodge it forever, Souma started spinning the sword, fast enough for it to become just a blur, using the high speed spinning as a shield, or at least trying to, hoping he wouldn't get out too hurt from the attack.

With the shield between them, Souma lunged forward at the enemy, stopping the spinning at the last moment so he could slash at the weapon, trying to bring it down so Ichigo would have a window to attack it.
Ichigo too used Shunpo to escape the blaze of etheral bullets. The strays flew into the shop, using the recently rejuevinated Stansuik as a pincushion, sending spurts of greenish blood from the wounds and knowing him winded to the ground. As the bullets tore up the remaineder of the shop,Rukia threw herself atop of Urahara, holding tightly in hopes to both protect him and herself from the metal projectiles.

"K-Kuchiki-chan." choked Urahara, his mouth full of blood. "Go, help them."

"But, Urahara-senpai-" she replied.

"Go!" he interjected "This is just my gigai remember?" he smiled a blood filled smile.

She nodded and waited for a lul in the bulletstorm.

Meanwhile, Ichigo, floating above the Revanant saw his mark when the weapon was batted downward. He shot down toward the spirit, his sword swinging downward. The revenant looked up in time to have the blade slammed into the side of his iron face and become lodged halfway through. He yelped a gravlely yelp and teleported to a nearby rooftop.

"You little bastard!" he hissed clutching his wounded eye and bringing the weapon to bare on the two Shimigami again before peppering the ground with bullets, one of which grazing Ichigo's arm with a spout of blood.
Souma smiled seeing the plan worked and Ichigo managed to cut through the undead's face as if it was barely there. He was ready to enjoy the victory when the Revenant teleported itself to a nearby roof top. - "Damn, what's wrong with this guy? Why doesn't he turn to dust already?" - he complained, before being once again having the bullets rain down on him.

He saw Ichigo taking damage. - "Kurosaki-senpai!" - he cried, and quickly step forward, standing in front of Ichigo and once again spinning his sword as fast as he could to deflect the bullets. He only hoped to be able to do it without being filled with holes by those strange ethereal slugs. - "Kurosaki-senpai, he have the higher ground upon us. I won't be able to deflect all of it forever! We need to do something, right now! Can you attack him from this distance? I'll keep his attack at bay while you're at it!"
Ichigo stood up proudly with a vengeful grin on his face.

"From a distance?" he smiled "Get out of the way."

He stepped past Souma and swung his blade backward, yelling his technique as he did so.

"Getsuga TENSHO!" he shouted, a cresent of white energy blasted the roof top, forcing the Revenant to jump in the air the corner of the building was ravenged, sending bits of dust and rubble flying in all directions. "Souma! Attack him from the sky! NOW!"
Souma watched in awe as Ichigo's technique flew to the monster, being avoided, but causing great destruction nonetheless to the building that got hit. The young shinigami imagined that his senior's technique would have destroyed the enemy had not being avoided by him. - "Damn, so close!" - he complained, but quickly nodded at Ichigo when he shouted his instrucions. - "I'm on it!" - he answered, and with a fierce look on his eyes, the boy used Shuunpo, reapperaing behind the enemy higher then him aiming carefully.

"You can't dodge while you're in the air, can you?!" - he tauted as energy concentrated in the blade, eletricity running up and down from it, Tentsurugihime shining bright blue as its element gres stronger withing her. Then he slashed at the air, once again shooting a bright blade of pure lightning, which chirped iluminating its own path to the enemy, as Souma shouted once again - "Take this! Kirinami DENKIKEN!"

It was the best technique he could think of to use, the strongest he was able to remember, and the boy really hoped it would work.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed the Revenant as he attempted to teleport away, but he was too late. The beam of energy caught him half way thought the transformation sending a cloud of smoke writhing to the ground and crashing into a clump of broken peices of armor.

The shreaded remains of the Revenant twitch and danced with electricity, being managed to gain some strength to stand. His body weak and his bird-skull mask ultimately destroyed save for one eye slit. " a powerful Zanpakuto." spoke the Revenant before colapsing, peices of his armor seperating. The enemy was down, but not out.

"Finally!" shouted Ichigo pompously "I'm going to end you once and for all!"

The shimigami sped toward the body and raised his blade in triumph "Getsuga, TEHSAGhk-" Ichigo was suddenly batted away by a massive cloud of red and black smoke. Ichigo's body crashed against the building he caused damage against, collapsing the already weakend structure.

"ICHIGO!" shouted Rukia charging out of the ruins of Urahara Shop.

The smoke wreathed and and boiled until it finally took horrific shape. A being in massive Blood Red armor standing 3 heads taller than all of the other's before him. From his shoulders ablack cape drapped down and met a matching black tabard at his waist. This warriors armor was adourned with symetrical cracks and faults, dings and rises that seemed to be carved, not damaged. His helm was a massive spiked crown with a skull faced visor that held back two glowing orbs of deep red fire that represented eyes. Its Zanpakuto was already released in to form of a grim mornning star.

"W-what is that thing?" she asked Souma standing close to him.

"Our worst nightmare..." answered Stansuik exiting the shop, his ruined body still moving somehow. "Bale Sindri...God of Tremors."
Souma cheered slightly seeing he caught the bastard off guard, tranquilized as he saw the beast falling down in pieces, victim of his technique. For some reason, even though he didn't understand it himself, he felt some ehxilaration in besting his oponents. He was never really one to pick up fights, but couldn't help feeling good about winning them. The boy didn't know if that was something from before, or a reflection of his new self, as a Shinigami. He landed beside Ichigo, in time to hear the enemy's compliment. He nodded, intently. - "Yes, it is. The best ever..." - He doubt they could be quantified, but felt extremely confident in Tentsurugihime's power, and saying it did not seemed to be lying. It felt like that.

He looked as Ichigo lauched the final attack, and was ready to seal his Zanpakutou once again, and sheath it, when he saw Ichigo being thrown into the wall, crashing into it and bringing the whole building down on top of him. - "Kurosaki-senpai!" - He shouted, worried about the other male. Knowing he had no time to spare though, he quickly turned his gaze back at the enemy, who morphed into his real form, a menacing weapon in hand. - "Damn, they just keep coming. Does it have no end?" - he asked to no one in particular.

When Rukia stopped beside him, he answered her quickly. - "Beats me. But he seems even stronger then the previous..." - he mused, once again getting into his fighting stance. Stansuik's words confirmed his fear. A god? - "Wait... A god? You mean he's not like the other Revenants?" - he asked, his eyes glued to the new enemy. It appeared to be a lot stronger than the ones they had faced until then.

"Any weaknesses we can exploit?" - he asked Stansuik, concern clear in his voice.
"Allow me to answer that question, Shyishdhaos" spoke the God with a booming, omnipresent voice. "Your race has claimed to control the elements, move mountains, calm tides. Some, have even leveled mountains into plains... but answer me this: How can you defeat that which creates the elements you so claim to control."

With the last turn of his phrase he raised his morning star, Rukia entering a battle stance, Stansuiks leveling his sword to his eyes.

"You don't" Shouted the god, slamming his mace into the floor, causing the whole nation to shake and sending a huge rocky pillar into Rukia and Stansuik knocking them into a nearby building. The god quickly raised his morning star and brought it down again targeting Souma.The earth shook and a shockwave ofbroken earth shot towards him with unnatrual speeds.
Could he really be the ones that created these elements he talked about? Souma couldn't know, but he doubet. At least, he did not want to believe that, because if that was so, his words would probably be true. And that was a possibility Souma didn't want to even think about, as there was no way he could face something like that, was there? It did not seemed as that was a ruse created by the enemy though, and that made him shiver. How powerful could those Revenant be?

He saw as Rukia and Stansuik were hit, being thrown away like garbage and colliding to the nearby building. - "Kuchiki-senpai! Stansuik-san!" - he screamed their names, worried, but had little time to think about anything else, as the next attack was aimed directly at him. Souma leaped, jumping over the incoming shockwave to avoid it and came down right on top of the enemy, slashing at his crown while mantaining a safe distance from him, using the great range of his spear-like Zanpakutou.

"Don't fool around! I don't care who you are! We'll take you down just like the others!" - he shouted as his blade slashed at the enemy.
Sindri was unfeined by the attack. He raised his hand with little interest and caught the blade. The power seemed to not even effect this enemy. He just caught it and absorbed the shock!

The vibration of the blow flowed into his arm and was transfered into Sindri's Zanpakuto in a split second. As if swatting a fly, Sindri brough his mace to bare in an upward arc, smashing Souma's bones in his right arm and shoulder to dust and sending him flying kilometers into the sky.

The Revenant looked down at his barely alive comrade and shook his head in shame.

"These simpletons defeated you, Jankovic?" he boomed "Is that all you Shyishdhaos have for my time?"

For several seconds no one replied.

"Very well, Jankovic...gather, youself and lets collect our prize."

"What of the pelts sire?" questioned the broken form of Jankovic standing up

"Skin them, I'll take Demyan." responded the god, marching forth toward the second ruined building. But before he could get far, a voice responded with hate behind it.

"BANKAI!" it said. A wave of black and red obliterated what remained of Jankovic and forced the God to almost fall, catching himself with his mace. There stood Ichigo Kurosaki, his robe now a black and red coat. His Zanpakuto thin and black. His reiatsu doubled in power and his anger boiling.

"I don't think we're finished here." continued Ichigo

Sindri only answered with a scoff.
"What?!" - Souma asked to no one in particular, astonished when the enemy simply caught Tentsurugihime's blade in midair with his bare hand, as if he wasn't even paying attention to the fight. It was something horrible to see, as it made Souma feel completely powerless before the enemy, which he imagined, he really was. He saw the next attack coming, but even when he tried to back away and avoid it, it was to late. He felt immensurable pain in his right arm and shoulder, and screamed loudly as his body flew, gaining altitude. He was barely thinking, the pain numbing his mind, making impossible to think or plan anything.

He barely noticed when he came to a halt, and opened his eyes, seeing the whole town from up above. Houses, cars and people, far away, as small as ants from where he stood. The view of a true god. Was it that way that gods saw mankind? From above, small and powerless as ants, living their meaningless lives until the day they died? That was simply sad, no matter how he tried to think about it, but he thought it was also true. They were powerless and meaningless, weren't they? The boy could see it by the way he was just flung into the sky as a if he was nothing. He closed his eyes again. He could just give up. Yeah, he had done enough, and got hurt enough for one day. He wouldn't be able to win, anyway.

Then Souma felt Ichigo's Reiatsu changing, growing so much even feeling its whole power was difficult. Giving up? Shameless. How could he even think about giving up, when his friends were trying so hard. He had to go back. Protect everyone. His eyes snapped open with renewed resolve. His right arm was useless, completely limp and bent in awkward positions, but he could still use the sword with his left. - 'I'm not ready to give up yet!' he thought to himself, and kicked the air, falling down like a missile. He was so high in the sky it took him some time to once again see the battleground. He was ready to strike.

Souma would need to attack from a afar, so the attack wouldn't be noticed by the enemy before the right time. It was a bold plan but the Shinigami was sure it was a good one. He could barely see the pieces on the board, but could pinpoint their location by their reiatsu emission. It was enough. He concentrated his reiatsu on Tentsurugihime's blade, lightning once again running through it. Then he slashed the air, three times in a row, and saw three blades of pure lightning shooting out of his sword as he shouted. - Kirinami DENKIKEN!"

He watched as the blades of energy flew down, cutting the air in their path menacingly. They formed a triangle, and was meant to hit the area around the enemy instead of being aimed at him. He hoped the blast could hurt it, even though it wasn't a direct hit, but being an area attack he imagined it would be harder to avoid. With luck, it would open the way to Ichigo's attack. He landed a minute next to Rukia's Reiatsu.

"Kuchiki-senpai! Are you alright?!" - he asked, adjusting his battle stance for his new left arm only grip.
Sindri took his glance away from Ichigo for only a split second before the rain of electic blades thunderously smashed into him. He rose his mace to block the attack, even with his emmence strength he was humbled by the powerful reiatsu the technque released. The triangle of enegry smashed into the morning star and scattered causing the ground around Sindri to shatter like a clay pot.

Like the other Revenants, Sindri's armor locked up due to the electric based attack. But he was not stiff for long, soon he was primed and ready for battle, but such an attack was not meant to harm the opponent but simply destabilse him. Ichigo smiled as the three blades of energy destroyed the area around Sindri, and he sprung into action. Ichigo moved iwth intense speeds, his black zanpakuto slashing at the God from all angles, cutting deeper and deeper into his armored hull with each of his mighty swings. By the time the god had turned to retalitate Ichigo was behind him slashing again.

Furious, the God of Tremors smashed his mace into the ground with earth shattering force. The ground around the battlezone cracked into huge faults. The God pulled his mace out of the divit he'd created a mountain rising with him, the subsequent earth quakes toppling buildings and killing scores by the second. Ichigo stumbled and fell as the earth around him was morphed into the god's playground.

"Have you forgotten, Shyishdhaos?" bellowed the god, a thunderstorm gathing above the summit of the impromptu mountain that he stood on "You fight on my element!"

The god smashed his mace down, a streak of spiked stalags rising from the ground to stab at Ichigo, who just barely avoided the attack with his Shunpo.


Rukia's eyes fluttered open to see the handsome form of Souma-san above her. Though blurred, she knew it was him and smiled at his chivalry.

" now." she groaned with a smile. She slowly pulled herself up to a sitting possition, in perfect time to fall again as the earth around Urahara shop shook, cracked and rose to become a small mountain.

" god." she gaped, her eyes widened at the might of the Tremor God.
Souma smiled when he saw that the plan worked. Being bothered by his eletric attack, the self entitled god became somewhat of an easy target for Ichigo, that cut him from every possible direction, finishing one cut just to appear elsewhere, attacking again. The newly made Shinigami could barely believe someone could move as fast as Ichigo was moving at the moment. The boy looked back at Rukia when she answered, and he smiled at her, relieved. He was about to answer her, before the tremor forced him to pierce the ground with his sword, not to get knocked down.

He looked in awe, together with Rukia, as the mountain rose from nowhere, the enemy standind at its summit. He listened to Rukia's words, and although he was just as surprised as she was she tried to calm her down. - "It's ok, Kuchiki-senpai. We can... We can still defeat it!" - he tried, but it seemed his own voice was betraying him. Could them really? His right arm was useless, and his best technique seemed all but pointless agains the enemy's might. What could he do?

'Don't be discouraged, Souma. You can still fight! Let's do this!' - he thought, trying to be positive, and then charged, jumping all the way to the summit and slashing at the enemy in an upward arc trying to send him flying. Maybe fighting outside his element, could help them win. He used all the strnetgh in his left arm to do it.
The tremor god turned down to Souma with a its eyes of firery blaze. It's ancient hatred brewing so hot that the heat of his anger could almost burn Souma's will into a fear stricken panic. The god, caught the blade again, and with a grunt of anger rose his mace to be thrust down upon Souma with a killing blow.

However, with the mace held high in the air, aiming for the deathstrike, a window of oppertunity opened for Ichigo to execute the fatal flaw in the Tremor God's defense: unfiltered malice.

The black Zanpakuto was thrust through the Revenant god with inhumannly strong force, slicing large bits from the blood red breast plate. Sindri screamed in agony, lowing his vibrating mace and releasing his grip on Souma's Zanpakuto. The god then grabbed the black blade with his free hand and pulled the sabre from within him, his strength so immense it ripped it straight from Ichigo's hands. With a swing powered by eons of avarice, the god struck Ichigo, spinning on his heel and smashing the ball of the spiked morning star into the young Shimigami's ribs, shattering them into fine splinters and disabling vertebrae with the mighty blow that could easily shift a mountain.
Souma gasped in terror when his blade was caught up once again by the enemy, and closed his eyes tightly shut when he saw the final blow was coming to end his life. He couldn't do anything to save himself. His Shinigami life was over so quickly after starting. But the blow never came. He opened up his eyes and saw ichigo's dark blade thrusting heavily into the Revenant's body, hope once again shining for them in the battle.

The enemy recovered fast enough though, and Ichigo paid the price for the oportunity attack. Souma was worried if his senior would recover from it, but he had little time to think as well. Using the window created by Ichigo, Souma slashed at the revenant's shoulder, aiming to severe his arm from his body and with it, detach the entity from his powerful Zanpakutou.
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