Etheral (Mr. Nibbles and Mech Pilot)

Rukia coughed more blood, slowly, but surely, dying. "I know this girl, she's at school, she can help us."

As they hobbled Rukia thought about what she'd seen in Souma, he was Souji...that much was definite. But was it possible he was a reincarnation?

"I don't know how you got that Zanpakutou, Souma-san," she began weakly "But I want answers...but one other thing distrubs me. You're right about that...thing, its not a Hollow. Which begs the question; What is it?"

As they stumbled they didn't notice the fragments of the daemon reassembling, the still living upperhalf attempting to reassemble itself. It screetched at them, Rukia and Souma snapping their heads at the noise. Its legs began to reform impossibly. But before it reached its lower half a man in a blue suit his face concealed by a peice of his jacket dropped to the ground, his own Zanpakutou slamming through the daemon's head. It seemed to gag on the blade for a few seconds, the masked stranger then twisted the blade, shattering the atomata's head shortly followed by the remainder of its ancient, soul-bound armor.

The masked stranger sat on a broken tombstone and looked at the two Shimigami, with a look of pity, as if he looked down upon them. It took both Rukia and Souma several seconds before they realized he was actually a walking corpse. A zombie, straight out of a movie, but he weilds a Zanpakutou?

"He's a Revenant." spoke the stranger, his Japanese broken by a thick Ukrianian sounding accent. "He's the weaker of those that have arrived. So you might want to call your friends at the soul society."

The stranger pulled his saber from the ground and walked over to the two Shimigami. "Cause they've just declared war." As quickly as he came he wandered off. "Good luck...Shyishdhaos." his words exactly like the fallen spirit. He was one of them...but who was he, and why was he here? That word stuck with Souma, Shyishdhaos. Its like no language he'd ever heard.
"At school! Got it, I'll take you there." - he replied, trying to imagine the best way to go there. It was true they could run pretty fast when outside their bodies, he noticed, but it didn't seem Rukia was in her best state to be able to do that. And he figured stressing her spiritual form down would just worsen her condition. He listened to her closely and then nodded. - "About how I got this, I can assure I'm just as surprised as you are. Though the woman inside the Zanpakutou also mentioned that name... Souji. It seems he's the one who possessed Tentsurugihime before me. About those guys, I also know about as much as you do..."

He was cut by the evil screetch of his undying enemy, which made him shiver. He looked back to see the enemy... reassembling? COuld he regenerate that much damage? It was supposed to be dead already, so how the hell was still crawling around trying to reassemble like that? It was almost unbelievable. He knew for certain that Hollows couldn't do something like that, so that guy was definitely something else entirely. Though he had little time to ponder on it. - "Tch, persistent, aren't you?" - Souma commented, ready to give him another blow, and hoping it would be the last one, but never had the chance, as a stranger finished the work for him.

Souma was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the masked individual and his fear was that he was just another enemy. When he spoke though, the boy calmed down a little, though still wondering what really was that guy. It was. A zombie Shinigami? Although the "man", if it could be called that, spoke their language, his words were just as senseless to Souma as his previous enemy's one's. - "Revenant? What is that exactly?" - he asked as the man left. - "And declared war? On who? Why?" - he tried but it did not seemed he would get any answer for those questions. Certianly none in japanese, as the stranger vanished, wandering off.

Souma looked back at Rukia then. - "I guess you better follow his advice and ask for help if you know someone that can help. But for the time being, I better take you to the one who can help you with your wounds." - that said, he wrapped his arms behind her legs, and took her off the ground, carrying her princess-style. - "Hang tight!" - he said, and then headed to school, as fast as his spirit legs could carry them.
When Souma picked her up, Rukia blushed a little at his chivalrous attitude. He was so kind hearted and true, much like Souji in his former life. Souma channeled his energy and the riatsu was felt miles away as he sped towards the highschool with his intense Shunpo. This boy was gifted in more than one way, and Rukia had only seen a tip of the iceburg with his powers. But with such power, attracts enemies like moths to a flame. If what the undead man had said was true, and the "Revenant" they have just fought was merely the foot soldier, then they were in for one hell of a fight when the rest of the group came.

Ashes to Ashes

Inoue Orihime sat patiently in her Pre-Calculus class (not sure if they teach regular calculus in JApanese Highschools) her interest was not focused on the inaugural day of this extremely boring year. All she was focus on was the beams of light dancing around the city. The powerful reiatsu was strong enough for even a girl of her minor power to feel. The direness of the situation was more evident when she looked toward the back of the class to see her friend Ishida Uryu squriming and figgitting, watching the sky convulse under the unique reiatsu. Orihime and Uryu looked at eachother and nodded in mutual understanding. As soon as the bell rang they'd need to investigate.

A pebble broke the silent conversation by tapping lightly against the window. Orihime looked over her desk and out the window to see a Shimigami, one she recognized from school but had never met before, in his hands he was holding a battered and bloodied Rukia.

"Kuchiki-chan." she whispered to herself. Uryu, his hearing sharp as his wits heard Orihime, and knew things were more dire then originally thought.

"Himura-san!" shouted Orihime, leaping up with perfect posture, and bowing "I need to use the restroom!"

The classroom broke into chuckles and the teacher could simple nod and smile at the odd girl.

"As do I, Himura-san" asked Uryu repeating the gesture.

"I-I suppose..." replied the teacher awkwardly. Whispers that would blossum into rumors spread through the class. Two students, male and female wanting to be excused at the same time? Very suspicious.

"Thank you, Himura-san" both students said bolting out of the class to meet their friends downstairs in the courtyard, hoping they were not too late.


"Who did this?" spoke the ancient Revenant pushing his sabre throught the dust of his comrade.

"It was dont by a Revenant's Zanpakutou." replied another, hunched over, collecting the powerder into a small pouch. "But that was simply the killing blow, he was brought low by a human spirit."

The first simply growled in anger and turned to two others of his kind, one's armor rusted and brown while the other's was sleak and curved suggesting it belonged to a female and glowed an eerie blue.

"Find him.... kill him..." spoke the first one, his eyes burning behind his red, spike-crowned helm. "Then find the Shyishdhaos... but bring me their skins as trophies."

"Aye, master" both replied bowing in respect, vanishing in smoke relevant to their armor color.

The tall red revenant turned to the remnants of his green comarade. He gaze steely with anger for both his fallen brother and his hated enemy. Whoever was powerful enough to down one Revenant would surely be worth the worry to his lord.
Souma used the Shuunpo to the best of his knowledge, running as fast as he could. That intense strentgh still ran through his body in unrelently determination, and he felt as if he could face any foe and still come victorious, no matter how though the battle turned out to be. It felt amazing. And the feeling of having the tiny frame of Rukia in his arms, her warmth against his chest, was something that, for some reason, the boy thought to be exciting and pleasant.

When she told him what window to knock, he quickly kneeled next to it, realizing he could stand in mid-air, which shouldn't come as a surprise, but it did for some reason. He was a bit afraid to get the attention of the whole class (upperclassmens, no less), but for some reason, only a girl and a boy looked at him. He knew both of them by name, even though Souma had never talked to any of them. The young shinigami heard them excuse themselves and saw them left the room. Then he made his way around the building, leaping through it.

When he finally saw both of them in the hallway, without knowing which one of the two could help her, he spoke to both of them. - "Kuchiki-senpai told me you could help her. We were attacked by something at graveyard..." - he said, looking at them, a little nervous, with Rukia still in his arms. - "She was hurt pretty bad by that thing. Something called a Revenant. Can you cure her?" - he asked to them both and at the same time, to no one in particular.
Orihime only nodded and knelt down next to Rukia's barely concious body.

"Do not worry, Kuchiki-chan." spoke Orihime, placing her hands on her flower barretts. "It'll all be okay."

With a dance of light, the trinket seemed to spring to life, surrounding Kuchiki in a bright-yellow, translucent bubble. Souma watched with anticipation and awe as the young redhead seemed to magically heal his new found friend. He looked up at another boy with glasses and straight black hair.

"Uryu" he bowed his head slightly, "Ishida Uryu. Not to be blunt, but who are you exactly, and what is this Revenant you spoke of?"
Souma was slightly relieved when Inoue-senpai quickly started working on Rukia. He was surprised by her strange power, as the "encyclopedia" he downloaded from Tentsurugihime had nothing on it. She was definitely not a Shinigami and that was certainly not a Zanpakutou. He could only wonder what it really was. He was impressed by how quickly it started to magically heal Rukia though, and so couldn't care less for its origins or name. Only that it could help someone in need.

He smiled happily when he saw his new found friend's wounds closing up by the influence of Inoue-senpai's light. - "It seems Kuchiki-senpai will be ok now. That's good..." - he spoke, more to himself then to anyone else. Only now he noticed how worried he was about her injuries. The shinigami was happy she would be ok.

He finally look to the other young man, and bowed back to him - "Ah, Forgive me for my lack of manners. I'm Minamino Souma, from Class 2-A. Nice to meet you." - he answered, looking through the other boy's glasses, a friendly smile on his lips. - "Oh yeah, about the Revenant, I know about as much as you do. All I can say is they look like some kind of... Zombies..." - he answered, and seeing the confusion on their faces, he decided to explain it a little further.

Souma told them everything from the beggining (At least, of the important stuff, which was after what happened in his dream world, with Tentsurugihime. No one needed to know that, but him). About the monster, his fight with Rukia and the appearance of the stranger and his Zanpakutou. After he finished the tale, he looked at his three companions - "That sum's it up, I think." - he finished. - "I don't think we should take his words lightly. I'm not really sure what a Soul Society is, but if they can help us, I think we should really call them..."
"Wait," said Ishida "You're telling me you just MAGICALLY became a Shimigami in the last hour?"

"Explains how he doesn't know anything about the Shimigami or Soul
Society...or us for that matter." spoke Orihime for the first time since she began healing Rukia. She turned her attention back to herclose friend "There, good as new."

The bubble retracted and returned to her barretts. Rukia sat up, groggy and still in some pain despite having no visible wounds.

"Thank you, Orihime-chan." she smiled slightly, still weak from the battle earlier. "I assume you've all aquainted yourselves?"

"Oh thats right!" yelped Orihime "I'm Inoue Orihime! I've seen you before, you're Souma-kun right?"

Her perky and bubbily attitude was litterally mirrored by her well endowed bussom, of which Souma had a hard time focusing away from. The only time he managed to move his gaze from them was to see Rukia vengfully staring back at him, fully aware of his perverted ways.

"Her eyes are on her face, Souma-chan." she spat, the naive Orihime none the wiser.


The half-corpse walked the streets of the market place, trying to keep his retched aura away from the nostrils of its inhabbitants. He stopped by a stall where a vendor was busy with another customer. He quickly grabbed a pair of brown cargo jeans, a camo tank top and a pair of black boots.

As quickly as he had arrived,the zombie vanished, turning into a nearby alleyway to strip and redress himself in less raggedy clothing. He saw a woman spraying perfumes at annoyed shoppers as they walked the strip. Slyly, the zombie walked through the mist of flowery perfume, only to leave a merchant gagging at his odor in his wake. He smelled girly but it was better than smelling dead!

He, kept the blue rag on his face, his jaw still disconnected on one side. His hair was raggy and oily from the death chemicals the body had to endure, his irises had all but vanished, and in the propper like his pallid skin had a purple hue. He looked cool if he was going to an anime convention, but sadly he was on a mission to survive. He needed to reach the vendor by the name of Urahara Kisuke, he would understand his situation and give him the necessities to modern day survival. But even though his stench was no longer leaving a trail, his soul was...and his hunters would smell it from half a globe away.
"Well, I really don't know what happened myself..." - Souma explained to Ishida, with a sheepshily smile as he scratched the back of his neck. What else could he say? - "I have to say, things are really misterious about these powers of mine as well. I just know that the spirit of my Zanpakutou came to me at that hour. Though it seemed to think I'm someone else. Someone called Souji, who I never met." - he explained, slightly embarassed. - "But aside from that, yes, they kinda came out of nowhere." - he answered, nodding at Inoue as she conclude everything correctly.

He listened to Orihime, trying to focus on her more than on her more than proeminet chest features. - "Ah, its nice to meet you Inoue-senpai." - he said, smilling a little. For some reason he was happy she knew who he was, even though it was to be expect a little, since he was considered the ace of the Karate and Kendo club. - "Yes, I'm Minamino Souma from class 2-A." - he said, bowing to her, his eyes wandering unwillingly through her body.

The newly appointed shinigami was more than embarassed by Rukia's comment. - "Ku-Kuchiki-senpai!" - he complained, flushed, his face turning a dark shade of pink. - "I-it's nothing like that!" - he turned the other way, crossing his arms, trying to conceal his rising embarassment. What was she thinking, saying that in front of someone he just knew? So unfair! Than he sighed, softly. It would do no good to act like an actual High School student at the time.

Souma kneeled beside his senior both in school and in the Shinigami ways, and smiled at her. - "Anyway, I'm glad you're ok. For a moment there I thought it was too late. Are you feeling alright?" - he asked, sincerely concerned about her. - "You should rest a little before we decide our next step..."
"No time for pain" she stood up, grunting from exaustion "We need to get to Urahara's he might have some answers."

"Not to shadow your authority, Kuchiki-san," interrupted Ishida "But shouldn't we go straight to the Soul Society with this? Threats of war is a bit more than something we can handle. Or at least we should get Ichi-"

Rukia jabbed her knee into the brunettes stomach doubling him over in pain.

"If I wanted your oppinion, Quincey, I'd give it to you." growled the small woman "And he's the LAST person I want involved in this. We can handle this all by myself... I mean ourselves."

Rukia shook her head when she corrected herself, turning away from the aching Ishida. She stepped away slowly in the direction of Urahana's shop. She turned and looked at Souma out of the corner of her eye.

"You coming?" she said demandingly, obviously compensating for her needing so much aid early on in their relationship.

"Right." nodded Orihime following Rukia with Ishida hobbling behind.

"Not you, you two have to stay here." Rukia scolded.

"B-but..." argued Orihime for the both of tehm, Ishida still too winded.

"Look, not that I dont think you're powerful, Orhimie-chan, but this is a bit much for you guys. This... "Revenant" took on two Shimigami and Souma only won by a landslide. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you guys."

Orhime wanted to tear up but knew Rukia was right. She was a healer, not a fighter. Suddenly they all stood in silence, they felt two strong and unique reiatsu ((Is the plural reiatsus or reiatsi?)). Their skins crawled with teh sense of death. Something sinister drew close. The silence was broken when a lasso of rusted barb-wire wrapped around Orihime's neck dragging her backwards.

Two shadowy figures blinked across the metropolitain area high above the clouds. The rust colored Revenant looked down to see two black robbed Shyishdhaos standing next too two humans, their reiatsu's stronger than an average human.

"Look Sindri!" spoke the Rustic Revenant with a gravelled, excited voice. "Shyishdhaos! And abhumans. Oh their souls are probably devine."

"Aye, my friend." spoke the blue female, her voice as shril and rustic as her allies' "We shall bring five pelts back to master! He shall be so pleased."

The two revenants dissapeared in a puff of like-colored smoke. The rustic one appeared behind the 4 youths without them noticing. The rustic Revenant raised his sword then leveled it, releasing its powerful Daemon Gaurdian with heinous words of a foul, dead language.

"Ensnare, Scorugedyr," The spirit howled, and withdrew his sabre, its shape morphing into a long lash of barb wire, the tip encircling into a lasso. He swung his arm forward with all his might, the lash wrapping around the Redhead's neck, he pulled back with a dusty cackled, the poor girl gagging and kicking and screaming short lived screams the whole way.

"What a lovely pelt." thought the Revenant "Master will be pleased."
"You'd better take it easy, Kuchiki-senpai. I know the situation lookgs grim, but it will be worse if you overwork yourself." - Souma warned her, concerned, though he quickly way it was pointless to argue with her about her. For some reason, he understood the other Shinigami was the kind of person that once set on something wouldn't change her mind.

The boy watched the interaction between his new found friends, unnable to hide an expression of pain when Ishida got kneeled in his gut. 'That oughta hurt...' thought the Shinigami, sweatdropping. He felt slightly discouraged to persuade her into calling for help as he saw her violent behaviour. He would never imagine Kuchiki-senpai as a violent woman, but it seemed his personality judging skill were rather poor, as that was a really good knee strike.

"Ah, Y-yes, sure!" - he answered Rukia, running behind her, slightly embarassed for being called. - "Though, I have to say I agree with Uryuu-senpai. We should call for help..." - he said, before shutting up at the slight look of annoyance in her face. He watched the short argument before the three long term friends, and seeing Inoue's frustration, he smiled at her, softly - "Don't worry, Inoue-senpai! We'll take care of..." - he was cut short by the scent, or rather the feeling of rotten, but enormous power among them. - "...anything?" - he was able to finish before seeing Orihime being dragged by the neck as some kind of cheap, ragged doll.

Anger hit him right in the gut. At those monsters, of course, but mostly of himself. He had just said they would take care of everything and then that happened, he being so careless and confident. He watched in horror as the girl gagged and kicked, pointlessly trying to escape death's grip. - "Inoue-senpai!" - he screamed in shock. He had to do something. To act. To fight!

He took his zanpakutou from its sheath in a swift, quick moment. - "You bastard! Let go of her!" - he screamed before running to the enemy with sword in hand, slashing at its hand, trying to make it let go of his barbedwire-like weapon. - "Or else...!"
The creature dodged the attack by pulling its hand up in a reeling motion. The lash around Orihime's neck released but themomementum lead her right back into the spectre's clutches. It wrapped its rusted forearm around her bloody and bruised neck, trapping her movements and barely allowwing any air to enter her lungs. The revenant stepped back, allowing little room for error and launched his whip forward at Suoma in one fell motion. This one was far more skilled than the last.

Rukia watched the battle unfold, unsheathed her Zanpakutou, immediately unleashing it. She clutched the ice blade with both hands ready to swing for the midsection, when a blue spectre appeared infront of her. Its blade spinning around in her fingers with grace and skill. It swung in an upward arc at Rukia, she managed to bring her blade forward enough to block it but was still sent reeling back with the force of the blow.

"Rukia-san!" shouted Ishida powering his bow up immediately and firing several bolts of spirit energy at the female spirit who still advanced, deflecting all the shots with her blade. She brought it to bare on the Quincey, slicing at his arm, cutting deep into his shoulder, spattering blood everywhere. With a puff of blue smoke she vanished than reappeared atop of Rukia dropping down onto her, the sabre pointing downward, Rukia barely dodged the blow by rolling asside, the massive Zanpakutou cutting a few cm from her hair as it slammed into the cement
Souma gritted his teeth when the creature easily avoided his attack, backing away out of his reach, and still managed to capture Inoue-senpai, wrapping its horrendous arms around her neck. The boy was afraid she would suffocate before he could do anything, at that rate, and knew he needed to settle that quick. If not by winning, he had to be challenging enough for the monster to let go of the girl and concentrate in the fight with him. As the barbed wire like whip slashed at him, Souma backed away, parrying it with his blade. He couldn't believe how strong that thing was. Way stronger than the other one. Could he win against such a beast?

'You can! Focus, Souma! There's no point in doubting yourself now. Believe in you. Believe in Tentsurugihime!' he thought and took comfort on the weight of the blade in his hands. He had to do it. To call for her power once more. "Shine! Tentsurugihime!" - he shouted, unsealing his Zanpakutou, feeling the change both in his hand, and at his heart, the power running through him like before. He could do it. He had to.

As soon as he did it, he saw Ishida being sliced at his arm, blood gushing all over the place. It was cruel. Horrible even. How could those monsters jus merciless attack them like that? As soon as the monster did it, it fell on Rukia and Souma feared she would be beaten once again. - "Kuchiki-senpai!" - he shouted at her, worried. What could he do? He had to trust her and try to save Inoue for the time being. And fast, before Ishida could bleed out on the floor, and die from bloodloss. 'What a fucked up situation.'

He looked back at his own enemy. - "I don't know why are you attacking us, but I won't have mercy on you! Now let Inoue-senpai go!" - he shouted, and seeing no reaction he charged, ready to strike. As the enemy had a hostage right in front of him, acting as a shield, Souma could not slash at him carelessly or she would get hurt. That said, he tried to pierce throught the Revenant's head, in a more pinpoint atack, above Inoue's height, hoping it would keep her safe bu me menacing as well. He would try to get between the two of them the first chance he got.
The beast squeezed Orihime's neck tightly, forcing her unconcious before avoiding the blow by teleporting into rusty smoke. Before the blade reached its mark, the Revenant appeared behind Suoma and wrapped its razor-whip around his legs, forcing him to the floor before throwing him up into the air. The Revenant transported again, this time above him, slashing the whip around his waist, cutting his chest from front to back. The spectre pulled up hard sending Suoma into the heels of its rustic, metal boots. The whip released and Suoma crasshed back down to earch shortly before the Revenant slammed down, rust and lime deposits crumbling from his armor as he landed.

Rukia jabbed her blade into the groin of the revenant. Its screeched in pain, giving rukia time to escape. She lept out from underneath the daemon, grabbing her blade and pulling up, driving the blade through its back. The blade lost its momentum and forced Rukia to dislodge it before delivering the killing blow. Her eyes widened in horror as the back wounds sealed. The daemon teleporting slightly away from Rukia. The daemon looked at Rukia with malicious baby-blue eyes. Then it spoke.

"Scream, Úplněkjevýkřik." with that word, clearly in Japanese, Rukia knew the Revenants were not just regular enemies, they too had Zanpakutous. Ones far older than any in the soul society.

Without anymore time to reconcile, the Revenant pointed the tip of the blade at Rukia, it now glowing bright white. A concentrated burst of super-sonic sound flowed through blade and out into the streets, shattering all the windows and forcing everyone to grab their ears. The balefull howl lasted for what felt like minutes when in reality the painful, mind numbing noise only lasted 9 seconds before it stopped. Everyone's vision blurred and motor functions distorted, even the Rustic Revenant seemed to suffer a head ache as it too grabbed its helm in pain with one hand and stumble a bit as the dust and errosion was blown off its once silver armor.
Souma noticed he really hated that annoying, smoke-turning transformation of the revenants. They were always able to escape his attacks by turning to it on the last moment, avoiding him and gaining the upper hand of an attack to his back. It was really an awful and dishonor, but useful technique. The boy screamed in surprised as he was dropped and then tossed into the air, and next in pain while the whip slashed at his torso, cutting him up nice and deep. The pain was unbearable, and he couldn't react or try any moves as the heel of the enemy descended upon him, and sent him crashing down with ground shattering force. His last scream was loud and clear, as he fell his spiritual body crushed against the hard floor. He was way to dizzy and feeling way to sluggish to get up right away, his whole body numbed by the trauma of being beated fiercely by the enemy. He did not even had a chance to defend himself. How strong were those guy?

The Shinigami couldn't do much more then observe Rukia's fight with her own enemy. He was glad to see her take first blood on the fight, mentally cheering for her as his voice seemed to still be lost inside his aching chest. Then the Revenant unsealed his Zanpakutou and Souma brought his hands to his ears as the supersonic wave flew past by him, while the windows of the school all shattered around them, glass flying everywhere. What kind of battle was that? How could him and Rukia win against that kind of power? He felt as if his head was splitting in two, his ears ringing when the sound finally stopped. His vision was blurry but he could see that even his own enemy was affected by its partners attack.

It was his chance. He wouldn't have any other like that. He needed to get up. To attack it while it was weakened by its own partner's move. If he waited for the oportunity to pass, he may not have another chance to end that. He tightned his grip on Tentsurugihime and charged it with eletricity, feeling it run through his body, charging himself as well. He shut off the pain he was feeling, and focused his eyes to go beyond the blurry, his mind to go beyond the dizziness. He got up as quickly as he could, and charged.

He took three steps, then used the Shuunpo to get behind its enemy, and sliced at him, neck height, hoping to decapitate it while it was weaknede, then get Inoue-senpai, and jump to safety and get an oportunity to catch his breath.
The rustic one seemed to freeze up like the last revenant but, giving the ample time to strike. The blade cut through the cloth that was all that remained of its neck, severing the helm from the body. The ancient crown fell to the ground rust crumbling from its recesses, its body still standing perfectly still behind him. Orhime looked up at Souma her eyes full of tears her throat bruised and bloody.

"S-Souma-san..." she said, her voice still dainty even though it was gravely.

Rukia, disordered by the attack barely had a chance to retaliated before the attacker spead towards her. She braced for the death blow, expecting to die. The blade penetrated flesh, and blood spattered on her face... but no pain. The blood... the blood wasnt her own. She opened her eyes to see the back of Ishida's head. His bow withdrawn and a revenant Zanpaktou halfway though his chest.

"Die...y-you bitch." He spat firing bolt after bolt into the eyes and mouth of the metal atomaton. Each energy bolt forced her back in screeching pain, the bolts easily penetrating through the back of her helm. It screetched, crying in its language and falling to the ground, blinded by the arrows.

Ishida too fell to the ground, unconsious, the blade still inside him.

"ISHIDA-KUN!" she shouted dropping her Zanpakutou and turning him over in her lap as the daemon crawled around in its death throes.
Souma grabbed Orihime by the waist, supporting her with one arm while keeping his Zanpakutou with another. He wouldn't make the same mistake of letting him in only two pieces this time. He quickly slashed at the crown, to shatter in and then concentrate the eletricity in his blade slashing it while charged at what remained of the revenant's body, a blow as strong as he could hit it, in hopes it would destroy it for good. He was no expert in Revenant's phisiology (If those dead things had it) so he couldn't be too sure. Beating it a little more was the most rational thing to do in his opinion.

He turned his gaze to the woman he was holding, even if barely standing himself. - "Inoue-san! Are you alright? I'm sorry it took so long to rescue you!" - he apologized, only noticing what was happening with his other companions, when he heard Rukia's scream. He looked on her direction and he was shocked at what he saw. - "U-Uryuu-senpai!" - he mumbled horrified. He leapt in their direction landing beside the body of the young Quincy. Maybe Orihime could still save him. - "Hang on, senpai!"

After leaving Orihime next to him, Souma looked at the daemon who crawled around, anger boiling inside him. Those things did not deserve mercy, and he couldn't offer them any. Mercilessly, he charged, and slashed at him, attempting ot cut him in half from the head to it's waist, and to destroy its head, hoping it would stop it from regenerating.
The first rust revenant shattered into several jagged pieces as Souma shattered the helm and shot lightening into the body. Its destroyed form turning to dust. Orihime could barely see, coughing bits of blood from her destroyed throat.

"I'll be okay, dont be sorry." she kissed his cheek and smiled, her body still coming off of an adrenaline high "You're my hero."

Rukia tried with difficulty to pull the blade from his chest. After some painful grunts from both of them, it was free. She barely noticed Orihime next to her she was too focused on keeping Uryu awake and her wounds compressed. She looked away when the Blue Revenant screeched for the final time, split from crown to groin, its body dissolving into dust as it was destroyed.

"S-Souma-san." she stammered. "He's dying, Orihime... can you heal him?"

"I can try, but he's badly wounded he needs a hospital." she choked.

"You both do." replied a familiar male voice, forcing Rukia's skin to crawl.

They all looked up.

"Kurosaki-kun!" cheered Orihime gravely.

"Where the fuck were you!?" shouted Rukia on the verge of tears. "Ishida's DYING!"

"He's made it through worse." spoke Ichigo approaching them with arrogance, his black shimigami kimino fluttering in the breeze. "I would have made it here sooner but I nearly blacked out 'cause of that sonic boom. Orihime-chan..."

"Yes Kurosaki-kun." she smiled, her eyes glinting with emotion, the exact opposite of Rukia's who burned with hate at her ex.

"Call an ambulence and heal Ishida the best you can." he said solemly. "We need to get to Mr. Hat-and-clogs'. He'll know something about this. That and who's the new kid?"

Ichigo pointed toward Souma with his Zanpakutou rudely. Obvious dislike toward him.
Souma was glad to see the damn thing go down into tiny little pieces as its crown was slashed and his body destroyed. Hopefully it would stay that way for the time being. He'd had to go through all of that again. His body still ached all over, and he knew he was in no condition to fight again in the time soon. He needed to rest, and recover from the last two battles. He didn't know if his spiritual form had actual ribs but it sure felt like they were there, and craked into pieces, by the way. He just hoped he would recover quickly from that, in time to face any other threat the could happen to appear. Having declared a war, he was certain that wasn't the last time he would see a revenant.

The boy looked down at Orihime, relieved she seemed to be doing ok, even though her throat seemed to be somewhat damaged. She would probably be ok, and that was enough for him, right now. He blushed heavily when she kissed his cheek, the sensation of her lips in his skin lingering even after she backed away. He was very flustered by the way she called him, but couldn't say he disliked it. It was very good to be called a hero, for sem reason.

Then, he felt better when the last Revenant died by his blade, taking a deep breath. It was finally over. He headed back to the place they were treating Ishida, hoping he would be alright. He was about to say Orihime also needed to go to the hospital when he was cut off by the newest male voice. He did recognized it as Kurosaki Ichigo's voice, one of the best friends of Keigo-senpai. He looked at him and was surprised to see him dressed as a Shinigami.

"Eh? Kurosaki-senpai is also a Shinigami?" - he mused to himself while watching the interaction fo the group. He could see Orihime was somewhat pleased with the boy's presence, but Rukia seemed to be heavily distressed by him. Souma thought he was a little indelicate regarding Ishida's wounds, but kept it to himself. He was in no position to judge, and for the time being, as he was the new guy, it was best for him to keep his mouth shut if possible.

He let the just arrived giving his orders, and only replied when he was mentioned. - "Ah, Nice to meet you, Kurosaki-san." - he said, bowing, as polite as he could. - "I'm Minamino Souma from class 2-A." - he said, looking at the Substitute Shinigami. - "I don't want to step over the authority of any of you two, but, wouldn't it be for the best if one of us stick with them? Even in the hospital it might not be safe..." - pondered the boy, but left the decision to Rukia and Ichigo. - "If not, we should really decide in what to do. I mean no offense, but we all seem to be over our heads here..."
Ichigo simply scoffed at Suoma's response, casuing much distaste to fill Rukia and Souma. "You may be in over your head, scrub, but Rukia and I could handle this with one hand tied behind out backs...well I could."

"You arrogant twerp!" yelled Rukia, charging at Ichigo. "This "scrub" is the reincarnation of on of the Soul Society's most famous Captains. And for a newbie he's saved Inoue-chan's, Ishida-san's, and my own life in the past hour. So you best shut your mouth and show some respect, because I haven't seen your out here busting your rear to stop whatever abominations have been vomited from hell and I'm sure no one else did either. With that said you have no room to give orders."

Ichigo reeled back with wide eyes, as did Orihime and Souma. No one knew react to Rukia's sudden, pent-up outburst. Though the energy behind it did not seem to be freshly generated.

"If anyone should be in charge here," continued Rukia "It's Souma-san and myself. Souma-san," Rukia asked turning to him "I think it's best we make our way to Uruhara's. Do you have any other ideas?"

"That's what I sai-" tried to reply Ichigo but was sharply cut off by Rukia's infamous deathstare. "Eh, fine."


Urahara Shop was quiet this monday afternoon, not completely uncommon. Tessai continued a constant invintory, sweep, mop, repeat routine since they opened this morning. Uruahara, however, counted the cash in the register, bought tea and breakfast for everyone then took a nap, only waking from his slothly state when a customer had a question that Tessai couldn't answer, which never happend...or something spirtual was awry. So when Tessai entered the backroom and stirred Uruahara with a grim stare, Urahara sprung up to see
what was the matter.

The short pale man put his signature hat on and exited the backroom to the uninviting auroma of lilac and rotted flesh.

"Can I help you-" spoke the former Captain, abruptly finishing his sentence. "Sir..."

He saw a man, his flesh pale and bluish as if it had been decaying for months. His eyes were white and crisp, the irises invisible at this distance. His hair was short, black and greasy, with fingertips that were litterally worked to the bone. He woreclothing that was still creased and bore tags, obviously stolen. The man looked up at Urahara with devious eyes, one hand on his Zanpakutou the other figiting with some items on a shelf. Urarhara immediately felt the shift in spiritual preasure. One a distinctive rieatsu that he knew belonged to only one being in the galaxy.

"It's been a long time, Kisuke-kun." spoke the gravelly voiced zombie.

"Indeed it has... Stansuik-senpai." replied Urahara with a modest smile
'How arrogant is this guy?' thought Souma, while listening to the senior male Shinigami. He nerver knew Kurosaki-senpai was that kind of man. He thought nothing of being confident, but that was just plain arrogant of the man. Of course he was the Junior, probably the least experienced fighter over there, but he was doing his best to fight. He thought about giving him a good answer for that but Rukia cut him off and spoke first, unloading a heavy (and truthfull) lecture at him. He was taken aback by her words, surprised to see her defending him with such fierceness, which made him happy from the very bottom of his heart. She was right, being in an "alpha male" dispute with someone that could lend them some fighting power was a pretty silly thing to do at that point. It was for the best to avoid confrontation, and his witty comeback would only rise even more disagreement between them.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Kurosaki-senpai. I just meant these guys are tough, and having help to ensure our victory could be the a really good thing." - he said, bowing his head slightly, way more mature than his senior. Then, he turned to Rukia. - "Also, I'm thankfull for your kind words Kuchiki-senpai, but I really don't think I'm the right one for calling the shots..." - he continued, also far more humbly than the orange haired Shinigami. - "I'll be more than happy to follow your orders. I know I have a lot to learn from you." - he finished.

It was not as if he was affraid to take the lead or anything, but he did felt as if he still had too little knowledge to make the right calls. Not only that, but he wasn't sure he was mature enough for the leadership position and mostly of all, different from Ichigo, he did felt he was a bit way over his head there. For the time being he felt it was for the best to watch her and learn what he could about the situation.

He thought about everything for a while and then decided it would be alright to at least give his opinion. To a leader, it was always good to keep an ear open for good advice. - "If I can give you my opinion, though, I think I should take Inoue-senpai and Uryuu-senpai to the hospital. It'll be way faster than calling an ambulance, and I can probably still hold off an enemy to give you time to help us if they get targeted again... After taking them there, I can join you in Urahara-san's shop." - he said, thinking about which would be the best way to proceed. - "And even if I go to Uruhara-san's place as you want, I'll probably won't understand half of your talk, as I'm still trying to set things straight in my head..." - he blushed then, looking at Rukia. - "Well, that's what I think, but as I said, I'll do what you say, senpai."
Ichigo and Rukia looked at each other and then back at Souma.

"Fine, take them to the hospital." replied Ichigo

"But the Revenants are hunting Shimigami reaitsu," added Rukia "The longer that we can keep humans out of harms way and focused on fighting us the better."

"So make it snappy, essentially." added Ichigo with a slight smile.

"I-its okay." added Orihime, her dainty voice still strained from beind squeezed so tightly. "I-I can heal Ishida-kun enough until an ambulence arives, hes not going anywhere without some proper medical assistance. B-besides, w-what if those sp-prectres come after Souma-kun when he's with us, or worse, alone."

The three stood thinking over Orihime's wise words. Then all nodded in agreement.

"Okay but only if you promise you'll be okay." said Ichigo with genuine care.

"I will, Kurosaki-kun." she smiled, her small voice the opposite of her bright eyes. "I promise"

"Alright then," added Rukia "Let's go, we don't know how close those other Revenants are."


Urahara drank his tea gingerly as he sat with his undead guest. Tessai nervously cleaned all the spots where the zombie was standing, trying to disinfect the areas where the walking corpse had lumbered. A lawsuit from a Shimigami for contracting something from this shop was the LAST thing Urahara Shop needed in these slow economic times.

"You realize what you ask of me is highly illegal in the soul society." spoke Urahara, sipping his tea. "Like, execution 10x over, illegal."

"You live in exile yet you still follow Shiyshdhaos law?" laughed the corpse known as Stansuik, his jaw falling slightly slack behind the make-shift scarf. "You were always a strange man, comrade."

"Shimigami." corrected Urahara.


"We're called Shimigami... we have been for millenia." said Urahara uncharacteristicly stern. He was not fond of the etheral's tongue for his race.

"You may be a Shimigami here, but to me you'll always be Shyishdhaos, Kisuke-kun." smiled Stansuik. His twisted smile to see Urahara not feeling the ironicly warm demeanor of the zombie. "Very well, Shy...shimigami... I'll play your game. What will it take to get what I want?"

"You mean a Tabula-Rasa?" inquisited Urahara

"No," interjected Tessai "he means a murdered innocent."

"If thats how you wish to look at it ogre." insulted Stansuik, forcing Tessai to break his mop in anger, for he knew he never stood a chance against the daemon in his TRUE form.

"Look," continued Stansuik turning to Urahara "I'll do all the dirty work, I'll find a body, I'll extract the soul and you just import my soul into his frame."

"Or I could report you to the Soul Society who will capture and interrogate you by torture." smiled Urahara.

"Would you do that to an old friend?" smiled the corpse

"I perfer the term "dusty aquaintence"." replied Urahara wittily.

"Never lost that charm did you, Kiskue-kun?" Stansuik picked up his mug and lowered his scarf before taking an awkward drink with a broken jaw. "Cheersh."
Souma listened to their brief conversation in silence, a little worried he wouldn't take the two of them to the Hospital. But if it was from a medical point of view, he couldn't do anything about it, they would have to what they could. He just hoped the Revenant were really hunting the Shinigami, and that their presence away from the two humans would be enough to keep them out of harm's way, at least for now. Listening to Orihime's reasoning though, he couldn't help but think 'Well, at least I can try to defend myself. If they attack you while we were away, you'll won't be able to even try it'. He couldn't say it though. He just kept it to himself.

"Take care, Inoue-senpai!" - he told her once hearing Rukia's order, and then jumped behind her, heading to Urahara's. He did not know what the place was, who Urahara was, or what how he could help, but if Kuchiki-senpai thought it was the best course of action, he would sure as hell shut up and follow her. Not only because he trusted her and had no choice, but also because he wanted to avoid her deathstare.

He kept moving forward without complaining, even though he still felt pain everywhere. He couldn't do much but to run behind his two seniors, imagining how things would unfold from them. He decided not to say anything, as the atmosphere around those two was foul, at the least. He imagined they had recently broke up, and he barely could stand the tension between Ichigo and Rukia. He swallowed hard as he kept his feet moving, and his eyes away from both of them, running just a little behind of his companions.
Urahara realized that even if he refused this spectre's demands, he would find another, shadier dealer who is willing to commit to the grim process of Tabula-rasa Gigai transfer. But being how a reanimated corpse was in his store, drinking his tea, he had already defiled several laws of nature today, might as well defile more.

"Fine, Stansuik-senpai." sighed Urahara reluctantly "I'll do it."

"Knew you'd come around old friend." Stansuik cackled in sucess.

"Under one condition." added Urahara.


"You must find someone who's soul has given up on their body." he added "Go to the Karakura General Care in the center of town. Its a large 7 story hospital that spans a city block. You cant miss it. Go there and find someone who is in a coma and has no chance of survival. Then do the transfer and bring them here."

Tessai grimace, knowing Urahara wasn't as heartless as his undead ally. Stansuik seemed to puzzle the offer for a few moments, not sure weather to take the offer. An invalid person was no better than a rotting body in his opinion, but at least he'll have a heart beat again.

"Deal." spoke Stansuik extending his hand to seal the deal. Urahara went to grab his hand when he was interrupted by a familiar female voice.

"Urahara-san!" she shouted unsheathing her Zanpakutou.

He turned to see three shimigami had just entered the shop, Kuchiki Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo and.... his eyes widened and jaw slacked.

"S-Souji..." muttered Urahara, dropping his tea, the mug shattering. The resemblence was uncanny, even Tessai, stammered a bit at the ressemblence of the supposedly long dead Captain Souji.

"Damn, mate, I thought you were dead." added the corpse named Stanuik.

"Shut up vermin!" shouted Rukia "I don't know who you are or why you're here but I don't trust you!"
As soon as they got in front of the slightly ran down shop of Urahara, Souma quickly advanced past his companions, and opened the door to them, mainly for Rukia, as he was being raised to be overly chivalrous. He thought nothing of the act anymore, as it was something he would do without even thinking. He let Ichigo enter as well before following them inside and closed the door behind him. As it was, the only thing he heard, even before noticing the people in the room, was the sound of Rukia's Zanpakutou being unsheathed. He was startled, and quickly turned around, expecting to be surrounded by enemies.

What he saw could not be a more friendly-like enviroment, with two men drinking tea, and the other cleaning around. Except, of course, tor the fact that one of the them looked was a rotting living corpse, a Zombie. His first thought was also to unsheath his Zanpakutou and get ready to the fight, but luckly he recognize the one that helped them against the first Revenant. He was really surprised when the first called him Souji. But only got really impressed when the zombie itself seemed to know who Souji was. Apparently, only he himself and Ichigo were oblivious to the guy's legend.

He took a step forward, and placed his hand over the guard on Rukia's Zanpakutou. - "Wait, Kuchiki-senpai. He's the one who helped us against the first Revenant. He does not seem to be an enemy..." - he said, trying to avoid more violence. His hands made their way down to the upper hand in her grip, and wrapped itself around her hand, softly making her stand down. His hand remained there, this time too focused to let the fost touch of her warm hand to get him over conscious of her female nature.

"I'm not Souji-san. I'm Souma. Minamino Souma. Nice to meet you." - he turned to both men who seemed to recognize him. - "But maybe you can explain me a little more about why everybody thinks I'm this person. After we can get some answer on what's going on..." - He turned his look to Rukia then, and stepped aside, letting go of her hand, so she could assume from there. She was their elected leader, after all. At least, the one Souma decided to follow for now.
Rukia blushed when he touched his hand, not immediately withdrawling, she enjoyed this touch, but turned away sheepishly when he let go. This caught Ichigo's eye, he was obviously jealous because of his noise snarl he made and pressed between the two Shimigami to get to the two men and the undead man.

"Name's Urahara Kisuke," he smiled, "Sorry for the case of mistaken identiy you just look alot like an old friend...suspiciously alot like him. And maybe we can help you. Thats Tessai and this is-"

"Stansuik Demyan" interrupted Demyan pushing through to see Rukia, grabbing her hand with his own pestulent grey one "You can call me Demyan-kun."

She withdrew her hand before a weevel crawled out from her hand onto hers. She squrimed for several moments with the "heebee-jeebeez".

"And Demyan, was just finishing a transaction with me then he was going to be out of our hair for good, weren't you Stansuik-senpai?" interjected Urahara.

"Aye, I was." said Demyan turning to Urahara with a wry glance.

Urahara moved to the back of the store and searched through some dusty boxes. He blew the dust off a small wooden box that was locked with a large rusty bolt lock. He pushed the box into Demyan's decrepid hands with a resounding "Here."

"Only open it when you find the...person of interest." continued Urahara, watching his words carefully "Then return here with it and the...person of interest."

"And you're sure this will work?" asked Demyan investigating the small box, shaking it a little

"Nope," smiled Urahara "Now have a nice day...or don't, have a shitty day for all I care just stop stinking up my store."

Demyan saluted the Shimigami and winked at Rukia, still shuttering with the feeling of something creepy-crawling walking on her hand, and headed toward the door.

"You just going to let a zombie walk out of here?" questioned Ichigo turning to Demyan "Hey, Stansuik, wait a second." He didn't stop "Hey! I'm talking to you Romero film reject."

Demyan stopped in his spot and craned his neck in a matter that should be painful toward Ichigo, giving him an equally sideways glance.

"Pardon?" He replied sarcastically "I think there's a beetle eating my ears becasue I swear that was an attempt at an insult."

Demyan and Ichigo marched at each other, Ichigo easily towering over the famined corpse of Demyan.

"We want answers," interjected Rukia, seemly on Ichigo's side for once today "Things were fine until you showed up."
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