Etheral (Mr. Nibbles and Mech Pilot)

Hime's eyes rolled into the back of her head from the intense pleasure of her rear being invaded. She could hardly even breath, only hard puffs of air escaped her lips with the resounding thrusting of his finger and pounding of his cock. She tried to speak but only moans and pants could be heard in place of words. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Souma, digging her long, silver nails into his back and wrapping her smooth, pale legs about his waist. She leaned up and shallowly kissed him, all her energy sucked out of her as she edged to a hard, wet climax. Her anus tightened, her pussy swallowed Souma's monsterous cock and she squirted her hot fluids around him, the smoky, clear juice mixing quickly with the hot spring water.

"Ooooh fuck yes!" she moaned arching her back and pulling herself against Souma upright and indulging herself in every last second of her orgasm.
It was clear that Hime was throughoutly enjoying herself with his caressess, something that, for unknown reasons made him both excited and proud. He wanted for her to feel great, go climax like she had never climaxed before. He could feel her body contracting, clenching around his invader members, every reaction clearly stating she was closing in on her orgasm. It only served to drive him further into her, strongly, faster.

Suddenly, her anus tightened around his finger, while her pussy squeezed his dick, driving him over the edge. He cummed, alongside her, his seed overflowing inside her womanhood, filling her completely, as he groaned in pleasure, bitting softly into her shaking lips.

Some time later it was over, the very last bits of pleasure slowly leaving his body that relaxed, although still pulling her quite close to him, feeling her soft and delicious breasts on his chest. Souma gasped for air, bitting on the pale skin of her neck, his hands still holding her tightly. He kept his finger inside her butt, the rest of his hand caressing its outside. He was a little bit scared that she would once again be mad at him for releasing his essence inside of her, like she did the first time, but he was in too much of a bliss to really care about it.

"That was incredible, Hime..." - he muttered, almost breathless. - "I didn't think you would do something like this after this morning."
Hime breathed, exausted from the romp of sex. She muttered something but it was to filled with gasps and panting to really make out. It was meaningful, that was evident. She even breathed with love in her breath and a smile on her face. She was falling for Souma just as she did her Shimigami so long ago.

"My god," she muttered, "That was... amazing... I haven't cum in, ages."

She looked at Souma, blushing and smiling, holding onto his shoulders. She fought the urge for a while but eventually it was useless. She gave in. Leaning in and slowly planting her soft, plump lips against his own in a passionate kiss reserved only for lovers. But as quickly as the moment came, it vanished. A loud knock from seemingly another world evaporated this one. Hime disintegrated into thin air in his arms, along with the world around them, leaving only blackness. Soon the light returned and Souma realized he was on his knees, in his bathtub, alone.

The knock resounded.

"Souma-san," said a soft female voice from the other side of the door "Souma-san, are you alright? I heard you groaning in there! Souma answer me."

It was Rukia, her voice heavy with concern. The dream was over, it was time to return to grim reality without Hime.
Souma smiled as he listened to her words. It felt good to know he had pleasured her, that she indulged in her body's senses and all the delightful sensations his own body coud provide her. The sole fact that a woman like that belonged to him, body and soul, was something that touched him deeply, moving him way beyond words. He loved her, no matter he knew her for only hours, it felt like centuries, and the feelings for her came flooding his chest regardless of time.

"It was amazin, wasn't it?" - he smiled, caressing her face while his lips met her own, and he sucked on them, sipping every last drop of her saliva, trying to suck in her very essence. But suddenly, she disintegrated in his arms, a feeling very close to despair filling what was, just a moment ago, full of love and happiness. Reality once again grasped at him, pulling him back to the life Hime had so tenderly rescued him from. The ony thing that comforted him, even if just a little, was the fact that he knew, deep inside of him, that he would see her again.

"Yes. I'm alright. I'm alright, Rukia-san." - Souma blushed heavily when he heard what she had just said. She heard him? He hoped he never said anything embarassing, along with the groanings she claimed to have heard. Not to mention the fact that he was nude, talking to a girl (even if it was through the door) and with a raging erection between his tights. - "Er... I was... Stretching. My body was a little sore. I'm alright!"

Quickly getting up, Souma quickly rinsed and dried himself off, proceeding to put on his pajamas. Some seconds later, he was leaving the bathroom, a little bit calmer.

"I'm sorry for worring you, Rukia-san!" - he smiled at her, sheepshily. - "What do you say we go get oursevels some lasagna?" - He asked, trying to sound cheerful.
Rukia was clearly worried about Souma, just in the way she stood. Her body was tense, she seemed uncomfortable. When he answered she let out a shallow sigh of relief with a smile.

"Glad to hear Souma-san." she smiled blushing a bit "I-I'll just wait for you."

Rukia could not help but feel guilty, dragging this boy into their fight. Shimigami or not he was completely ignorant of the world they now lived in not 12 hours prior. If only she got him away from the fight faster. Or did a better job to protect him, maybe just maybe, he could live his normal, human, ignorant life. Souma exited the bath and smiled sheepishly down at her, this brought her out of her demeanor, a weak smile appearing on her face.

"Yes, let's." she answered following her Shimigami friend.
Souma nodded strongly and proceeded down the stairs, from where the noise of dishens being set were coming from. His mother was probably trying her best to make the dinner as impressive as possible to their new guests, and the boy couldn't help but sigh. She meant well, he knew, but still sometimes she made him really uncomfortable. As soon as they where in the dinning room, his mother smiled at them.

"Now, that's how a gentleman goes to dinner. Not sweaty and dirty like you were before." - She smiled at him, turning to Rukia - "Sit here, Rukia-chan, I'm confident you'll like my lasagna!"

"I told you not to call her that, mom." - complained the boy, slightly distressed by his mother's informality.

"Oh, you're so uptight, Sou-chan!" - she patted his back, and gave him a full serving of lasagna, which smelled simply delicious. She was the greatest cook, in Souma's opinion. - "Just wait until I show her all of your album pictures! It'll be great!"

"No it won't! Give me a break..." - he sighed heavily and his mother laughed, seemingly having a blast. He could tell she was trying, in her way, to lift both his and Rukia's spirits, but did she have to do it at his expense?

"Here, Rukia-chan, enjoy!" - Saeko gave the petite Shinigami just as much food as she gave Souma. - "And I expect you to eat it all! Itadakimasu!" - she finished after serving herself.

"Itadakimasu..." - followed Souma, diging in. It was really good, especially when he was that hungry. He didn't know about Rukia, but he was starving just as much as he diserd to get in bed and sleep through the night. Maybe even skip school in the morning, not to deal with the death of a friend. Casting this thoughts aside, he just decided to enjoy his meal and the rest of his night. He had never brought a beautiful girl to eat with them, so he couldn't help but look at her from time to time, holping she was, if not enjoying, but at least a little more at easy with their company. That was all he could hope for at such a dire moment.
Rukia smiled widely at the display. Souma's mother was a lovely, very kind woman, and she couldn't be more grateful to be in their company. She was honored by this families kindness, blessed as well.

She smiled again at and giggled, possibly even laughed at Souma's expense. She smiled at him, pulling her hand away from her mouth. Locking eyes with him, glinting gleefully at him. He was blushing, though even red fasted and flustered he was still handsome and striking. Souma's warmth of presence seemed to thaw the chill that the Reverent had cause to Kakura Town, and the cloudy hell that was coming seemed to be lessened possibly even lined with silver as long as he was with her.

Rukia sat down, crosslegged at their traditional Japanese table. She finally felt hungry, realizing she'd eaten nothing all day. Suddenly comfortable with her surroundings, Rukia quickly began feasting on the plentiful food. It seemed like the best food she'd ever had, partially because she'd lived on Ramen for months. Something with real meat that wasn't school food seemed glorious.

Suddenly, Rukia realized how unlady-like she was, and promptly fixed her posture and wiped her mouth with a cloth, blushing brightly from embarrassment. She smiled a bit, still blushing; a small giggle escaped. She'd never been this happy with anyone before. This truly comfortable, even with - dare she say- Ichigo.


Stansuik entered the back entrance of the Kakura General Hospital. It was late, and he was determined not to be caught. A walking bleeding corpse is not necessarily something that would be a welcome sight in a superstitious world. Especially amongst the sick and dying.

He pouted, finding his way around the shallowly lit corridors, black ichor dripping from his massive wounds as he passed. It wasn't fair, Urahara forcing him to use an invalid. He'd be a gimp if not crippled completely. It would be a useful cover for a civilian but not a warrior.

A fork in the path Stansuik followed appeared before him. One to the elevators, his destination. The other, the ICU. With the battle this afternoon and its numerous tremors, many civilians would be rendered "Invalid". Urahara never specified how fresh the cripples must be. Stansuik's warped, broken jaw twisted into a devious smile as he prowled to the ICU to find a young, unfortunate victim.
Seeing Rukia in such high spirts, at least, as much as she could be given the situation, helped to put Souma at ease. Since it was like that, he didn't even minded that such fun was made at his expense. He could certinaly endure it, in her behalf. That is, until old photo albuns came into play. That was the point where Souma drew the line. Still it made him happy that she could still smile after witnessing what happened to her former boyfriend. No matter the state in which their relationship was, it couldn't be easy to bear witness to something like that. The very memory seemed to make the flavour of his food to vanish almost completely.

Suddenly, he noticed he was at breaking point himself. He never saw that much violence, such raw evil, displayed and affecting everything around it. The fact that he was able to fight it at least to some degree came as a surprise, but the fact was that all around that situation was horrible, to the point of despair. That sense of normality, his own apparent coolness, suddenly became clear to himself as an act. He wasn't cool and collected as he appeared to be. Inside him, fear, anger and a whole other row of feelings boiled and twirled on his gut, making his insides tight and hurt. On the outide, on the other hand, he was just as he had ever been. Calm, collected and even a little bit charming. It was an act. Purely an act.

But it was one he would kept. Because it was an act that, for now, was giving strength to those around him. Especially Rukia. And she needed that right now. Soon, if they got lucky, they would have more answers and help from the place she called "Soul Society".

"! Souma-chan!" - he heard the voice of his mother. He looked at her, suddenly startled. - "Are you listening? If you don't eat, it will get cold..." - she smiled.

"Oh... Oh! Yeah, sorry, okaasan." - he replied, flasing her one of his best smiles, then went back to his food.

"This boy is always like this, Rukia-chan! Always lost in his own mind!" - she sighed, but in a manner that clearly showed how much she loved him. Then she turned back to the raven haired girl - "Must be tough being his girlfriend, huh?!" - she asked Rukia, with a devilish smile on her lips.

"Okaasan!" - protested Souma, blushing. - "It's not like that!"

"Oh, I know, I know..." - smiled Saeko.

Souma kept eating, while watching the interaction between both woman, that for now, lived together. Saeko clearly took a liking to Rukia, as she always seemed to do with everyone. Probably she already considered the girl to be her daughter-in-law. Once he finished eating, Souma got up, and started to clean up, leaving both girls to talk. While washing he suddenly remembered.

"Oh yeah... Okaasan, can you please fix the futon for Kuchiki-senpai?" - he asked, while washing a pile of dishes.

"Yes! Of Course!" - replied Saeko, with such eagerness, that made Souma almost regret it, as she dashed to the stairs.

"WAIT!" - he shouted - "On the guest room, you hear?! Not side by side with mine, you crazy woman!!!"
Rukia roared with laughter as the boy blustered at his mothers rash actions. She was so eager to engage her son in a relationship as most Japanese parents are, but her methods were so unorthodox and lighthearted that even in this darkest of hours, Rukia felt there was some light still in the world.

She turned and looked up at Souma, smiling at him and placing a hand on his knee to console him for all that he's been through today.

Damn, Rukia thought, one day. That's all this has been.

It had felt like an eternity since the two departed on their separate lives and the Reverent brought them together.

"You know Somua, after all we've been through... I wouldn't mind some company tonight." she said sheepishly but sharply backpedalling "You know, we might sleep more soundly if we feel someone has our back you know?"

Rukia looked away and moved her hand blushing again but smiling a bit. She'd not felt this kind of school girl crush in ages.

Huh, is that what it is? She thought A crush?
Souma felt his face getting hotter and hotter, as a rush of blood tinted it red, as soon as he felt Rukia's hand on his knee. He was used to his mother touching him like that, but aside from her (and Hime, if all the action going on their shared "dream world" or whatever it was, counted) no girl had ever touched him beneath his waist. She did it very casually though, in a manner that didn't imply anything, which was good, in a sense, since his head would've probably tilted if it weren't like that.

Her words, on the other hand, were sharp as a knife, cuting deep into his confused self. Did she meant something special by that? Or was she just afraid to spent the night alone, after all they endured that day? To avoid his system from overheating in anxiety and confusion, the boy decided to assume she meant the later. It would also avoid a lot of embarassment, in case he was wrong, which was a definite plus.

"You mean... Sleep in the same room?" - Asked Souma, turning to his guest - "W-well, I assumed you'd not want that... But if you do, it's alright for me, I guess." - he finished, cheeks slightly flushed. - "Actually, If I know okaasan, she probably already arranged everything."

He was suddenly very aware of Rukia's presence, as a girl, not as a fellow Shinigami, at his side. She was petite, it was true, but her feminine charms were undeniable, in a very peculiar way, completely different them Hime's blatant sex-appeal. She was appealing in a whole other way, that make Souma suddenly wondering about what lie hidden nder her clothes. He shook his head, briefly, getting rid of those thoughts. Kuchiki-senpai was way too good a girl, for him to be thinking like that.

Minutes later, he heard, from the stairs, on the second floor:

"Well, I'm off to bed! Gotta open the restaurant very early in the morning!" - Said Saeko, finishing in a very suggestive manner, right after - "You two have fuuuun." - she smiled, letting her words fade out as she made her way to her bedroom. Souma sighed, loudly.

"Told you she would take care of it..." - he looked at Rukia, smilling gently. - "Come with me, I'll show you to my room. I hope you don't mind the mess..." - he said, turning of the lights as he guided Rukia to said place.
Rukia followed Souma up the stairs closely as the lights behind her quickly dimmed to nothingness. As they reached his bedroom she was met with a rather nice room in comparision to her own, and a soft bed. Rukia seemed delighted to finally get to bed. After all it had been a long day and the next few upcoming were going to be just as long.

The second mattress was laid out directly next to Souma's taking up most of the floorspace. However both mattresses were pushed together to form one bed. Rukia blushed at the thought of sharing a bed with another man. But after all they weren't actually in the SAME bed, and as long as they didn't do anything she saw no real harm in it.

Rukia pulled a small pair of pajamas from her bag and turned to Souma with a soft smile.

"Is there someplace I can change?" she asked.
Souma blushed a little bit heavier when he saw that, as expected, his futon (japanese mattress) was laid right next another, forming a large bed, that would clearly be enough for both of them to sleep in. At least, his mother had just abouth enough common sense to lay two sets of blankets. The boy was sure he would probably overheat, for multiple reasons, if forced to share the same blanket with his senpai. She was very appealing not just for the sheer fact of being a female, but also for being quite good looking one, in a very delicate and petit way. A kind of beaty that was, to Souma, a personnal favourite.

"Change? Oh, of course." - he smiled, a bit awkwardly - "The bathroom, first door on the right. Make yourself at home." -he finished.

Once she was out of the room, Souma counted to fifteen to see if his heart would slow down, even if just a little bit, and once done, quickly changed to his own pajamas, a simple sleeping garment in a dark blue color.

The boy figured that, even more than him, Rukia was probably very nervous with the current development, spending the night at a boy's room, one that she only really met that morning, even if she said she didn't mind to do it. If he could act normally, he could probably make her a little more at ease, and that was exactly what he wanted. TO help her, after such a hard day. After considering things, Souma took a couple of deep breaths, trying to settle down. I worked, if just barely.

Then he proceed to lay down, in his mattress, and cover himself with his blanket, shortly after killing the lights. Then, he waited for his guest to return, looking at the dark ceiling.
Rukia returned a few moments later in a tight tank top and a pair of skin shorts. She was blushing.

"I-I didn't grab my good pj's for some reason... s-so I guess these will do." She stamered trying to pull her shirt over her nearly revealed womanhood. She sheepishly climbed into the bed and pulled her blankets over her quickly, laying back facing Souma.

She'd never been this shy with Ichigo, why now? Why all of a sudden is she so shy?


Stansuik stalked to rooms where patients were sleeping, working of their dying ailments and wounds. None seemed to fit the zombie's standard. Nothing like his real body. He saw elderly with heart issues, mangled living-corpses, and many dying individuals caused by the fight earlier this afternoon. Stansuik almost gave up on finding a body in the ICU when a young raven haired boy appeared out of the corner of his rotting eye.

Stansuik investigated the boy, instantly feeling riatsu, he was spiritually aware. Stansuik looked at his chart. Ishida Uryuu, seemed to be making a miraculous recovery given the severity of his wounds.

"Perfect." mumbled Stansuik taking the relic from his pouch and preparing the procedure.
It was clear to Souma that Rukia was somewhat very embarassed by the way she was dressed in front of him, which was, in more ways the one, a very appealing garment indeed. The boy couldn't help but stare at her petite, but very sexy body. He felt the known tightening in his crotch, as the unwelcomed erection hit him, hard, and ook a deep breath. Of course, on the way things where at the moment, Souma certainly wouldn't try anything, as it would be a complete lack of respect for Rukia and their situation. Still he couldn't help but think about it.

"I think it suits you really well." - he stated, once she announced it was the only attire she had. He watched in silence as she laid down and covered herself. He could feel the temperature of his body skyrocketing under the blanket. - "But... We should sleep, huh? It's pretty late. Have a good night, Kuchiki-senpai!"

And as he said that, he turned to the other side, his back facing Rukia, still pretty much aware, and conscious of her presence, right beside him. Made him wonder if he would be able to get any sleep that night.
Its was one of those nights, Souma was awake for what felt like hours but was merely a few minutes. He tried to close his eyes and just couldn't seem to fall asleep. He didn't have a clock in line of sight at this point in time so there was no way to determine just how much time has passed.

Rukia seemed to have no problem falling asleep she was sound asleep, looking innocent and pure in her dreamstate. She would not have slept this soundly had she been alone. She seemed to murmur though, as if in unrest despite her appearance of silent comfort. It felt like something was wrong.
Souma sighed, once seeing he wouldn't be able to enjoy a good night's sleep. That cursed day seemed to never end, even though it had already ended. The boy had a weird feeling that he was stuck in a nightmare, and he simply couldn't wake up. Which would mean, to sleep, just so he could gather his energy (and courage) to face the repercussion of all that happened. A peaceful sleep had been denied for him, though, and he would have to make do with just a little rest.

The young Shinigami could hear Rukia's steady breaths, one after the other, in a somewhat soothing manner. She seemed to have no problem falling asleep, and as soon as her head laid in the pillow, she passed to a better world, in her dreams, where maybe things were happier than on their reality. Souma certainly hoped so. It was her murmurs that made him question if she was, indeed, enjoying a good dream. Probably not.

What was he supposed to do in that situation? Caress her hair, and tell her everything was going to be alright? It was bold, but even more, it could even be a lie. A lie both of them very much needed, but still, it could turn up being a very big lie. Embrace her? No, that was even bolder, and he was sure he wouldn't be able to face her in the morning, if he did. So, how could he help her? Even more, COULD he help her? What could he do for her, really?

It took him almost five minutes of consideration to decide the best course of action. Something not too bold, but that could still offer comfort and peace. His hand slowly made its way out from beneath his blanket, and into hers, taking her hand on his own. He hold her delicate hand with care, his thumb caressing it. It was a small gesture he know, but he hoped it would convey the most important message he had, offer that which was the only help he could giver her:

"It's okay, Kuchiki-senpai..." - he murmured, very softly. - "I'm here for you..."

Souma finally closed his eyes, hoping that her presence, her warm and delicate hand on his own, would comfort him just as much as he hoped to do for her. God knew he also needed, and craved for it.
Rukia almost immediately turned in on her side and pushed herself close to Souma, cuddling with him as it were. She smiled and sighed in his arms, still clearly half asleep. She curled up within the crook of Souma's arm, holding him closely and sighing in relief.

"I love you," she whimpered almost in tears "Ichigo."

She was dreaming, her sudden burst of affection no more than a lingering memory of the lost one she held so dear and close.
For some reason, the name she whispered in her sleep pierced his heart like a dagger.

Was it jealousy? Maybe a little, but Souma convinced himself fairly easy that it was only pure sadness. He could only guess how lonely and sad she was feeling that night. Every trace of malice that could creep its way to his brain - as he could feel her sexy, petit body against his own - vanished when he considered what she was going through. His hand went straight to her hair once she curled against him, brushing it all the way down.

Souma was decided. He would provide whatever comfort he was able to, if it could ease her pain for a little while. She needed comfort and he would be happy to provide her with such, if he was the one she chose to do it, despite the fact that he wasn't the man on her mind - or heart - at the moment. It didn't matter. A friend needed him right now, and he would be there for her.

Embracing her tightly and surrounding her with care, Souma closed his eyes and surrendered himself to unconsciousness, lost in the warmth of Rukia's body, taking comfort from her presence as she did with him.
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