Etheral (Mr. Nibbles and Mech Pilot)

"I'm not going to die, Kuchiki-senpai... I promise you..." - Souma answered her, caressing her hair while while putting a lock of it behind her ear, a little smile in his lips. - "I'll always be there. I promise." - he finished, and he meant it. He would avenge Kurosaki-senpai, yes, but he surely did not mean to die in the hands of his enemies. He would fight because he could fight, and kill because he could kill, and he wanted to protect those who had been left behinf by Ichigo. He felt as he owned it to hte memory of the orange haired Shinigami.

"And you did not brought me into this fight. I was the one who went to see what was happening at the cemetary. I'm the one responsible for my fate and no one else. Don't add to your guilt needlessly, Kuchiki-senpai." - he told her, still holding her tightly. - "And I'm not lying in the slightest. I intend to keep living till the end, until I see this Revenants all kicked back to the hell they crawled out from. Now rest. You need to take some rest, Kuchiki-senpai."

And as he said this, he went silent, carresing her hair in a soothing manner. If it was needed of him, he would become her safe place. He wanted to be.
She sighed into him with each word he spoke. Rukia knew a lie... these were no lies. She held him tightly no longer crying, she crawled more closly into him, smiling a tear filled smile. Her grip lessened and and one hand found its way into his own. His voice was soothing and his words were well spun. She smiled brightly... feeling a feeling she never thought she would again. Though she denied it, she liked the feeling.

She looked up at him with watery eyes, smiling brightly.

"Please, Souma... call me Rukia...." she grew close to his face, wanting to kiss him, but knowing that it was too soon, and wrong. But she allowed herself to lay her head on his shoulders. "Would you like... to sleep here tonight, Souma-kun?"
Souma caressed her hand which was on his own with his thumb, feeling a lot better now that she stoped crying. He was worried about her. It had been a long, long day, and after all that, she needed to sleep a little. Get her head straight once more. He knew it would take some time for her to be completely on her feet again, but this was a start. The boy blushed slightly when he heard her last words and then nodded slowly.

"Ok, then, Rukia-san..." - he said, trying to please her. He felt really close to her now, even though until now they had barely spoken to one another. Maybe what the had been through that day was enough to bring them closer, though he imagined if it would be like that som days later. He hoped so.

"Stay the night? I... can't. My mother would freak out..." - He told her, thinking about the reaction his mother would have if he only but asked it. It was childish, he knew, but he couldn't do anything about it but blush. He rather be hones and appear childish then lie. - "But the offers still stands... I think you'd feel better if you took some time off this place, for now..." - he said, his hand unconciously caressing her hair.
"O-okay." she smiled and blushed. Holding his own hand as he caressed her hair. She felt so at home with Souma, even though the void of Ichigo's life had been ripped from her heart and not yet filled, Souma was the best remedy for her aching heart at this moment.

"Let me pack a small bag." she smiled, standing and walking to her closet. Blushing and smiling like a little school girl as she turned her back to him.
Souma watched in silence while Rukia packed, looking around the run down apartment with a bit of curiosity. For a supernatural being of such incredible power, the girl was really simple and lived in a even simpler way. He would imagine someone with her kind of background would live in a place that appeared some kind of dream, but actually it was a place in the very grasp of the monotonous reality.

"I live above a small restaurant and cafe my mother runs. I work there. So we wake up pretty early to serve breakfast. It's pretty lively there, so I think the new airs will help you..." - He smiled then - "If you don't mind a little noise now and then. Sometimes it gets pretty busy, you know?"

He tried some smalltalk while he waited, as the silence, being alone in a girl's room, could make him uncomfortable. And thinking about the whole "Souji-san" story was a recurring thought in his head since all the confusion with the white haired Tentsurugihime. Remembering the spirit in his zanpakutou made him blush. He hoped he would see her again soon as well. Even thought he knew that seeing her would probably mean more life and death situations to come...
"Oh, I don't mind a little noise." she smiled, putting her school clothes in her bag as well as a few casual clothes for the weekend, depending on how long she stayed. Honestly she was willing to stay as long as the welcome was open, but she hated to impose this poor boy, he's already experienced enough.

"Ichigo's father is unruly, and his two little sisters..." she paused and slumped almost immediately. "His... his sisters.... that family... how will they react when they're told... told about Ichigo?"

She looked up at Souma, her eyes welting with tears, but none ran. She'd cried as much as she could for the evening, even her body had its emotional limits.

"I-I'll go get changed." Rukia snapped, pulling a yellow dress out of her dresser and bolting into the bathroom.
Souma nodded, smiling a little when she commented in not minding a little noise. Because it really could get a little noisy from time to time. The school boy watched as his senior packed her things, feeling a little happy with this little development. Of course, all the tension and events of the day had shock him, but still, he was glad, and relieved that she had accepted his invitation. After all, after what she had seen, just a couple hours ago, he figure she should not be alone. Least, in a house where memories would surface no matter where she looked. His attention was caught once again when she started talking about Kurosaki's family.

He could pretty much picture the kind of family the blond shinigame had, by the description Rukia gave him. Saying that should be a real burden on the girl, but he imagined it was a recurrent thought on her head since seeing Ichigo being flayed alive. He figured it would be a hard news for his family but an inevitable one. Rukia was nearly crying again, it seemed, but before he could provide any more comfort, she made her escape to the bathroom, which left the boy with some time to himself.

Souma thought about the day, carefully. Sindri's power was something far beyond he considered something normal, and clearly even other Shinigami, powerful and more experienced than himself had a hard time fightning him, a testament to the enemy's power. Could they win in an open war against those things? He did not want the answer. He feared it. And fear was his only company while Rukia took her time dressing.

He went to her bag, and took it, wrapping around his shoulder, and made his way to the window, looking at the night outside, his head full of doubts. And there he waited patiently for Rukia, so they could go to his house, where he could take a long shower, and then have some well earned rest.
Rukia exited, the petite girl dressed in a yellow sundress that tugged tightly to her narrow waist and rid up high on her smooth, pale thighs. She wore leather boots, that went a little above her shin, a white fur substitute wrapping around the seams. She must have put just the slightest bit of make up on, because her face was near flawless in the moonlight. She was unnaturally beautiful, especially for someone who had been sobbing all evening.

"I'm ready." she smiled "Oh! You got my bag, thank you Souma-kun. Uhm, I guess lead the way?"
Souma was still lost in his ominous thoughts when the sound of the bathroom door took him out of it. He turned to it, slightly, his attention slowly turning to the real world again, thought it seemed he was still lost in some kind of dream. At least, the woman he was looking at seemed to come directly out some odd, beautiful dream, the kind that would left a boy his age sad and bothered when finished the next morning.

She was beautiful, simply flawless, and the boy could not help but slightly blush at the sight. He looked at her, taking some time for his brain to process her words. He looked at his shoulder, and then realized her meaning.

"Oh, yeah. It seemed kind of heavy." - He blushed. Chivalry usually went unnoticed these days, and the girl taking notice of it threw him off balance. Her smile was pretty. He nodded. - "Just follow me." - he went for the door, and opened it for her, closing behind him, and giving her space to lock it. Then he took the stairs, walking just one step ahead of her. After some minutes of walking in silence, he decided it could be nice to engage in some meaningless conversation to try and take her head away from problems.

"First time I'll bring a girl home, you know?" - he thought about it, and quickly corrected himself - "I don't mean in any strange ways, you know? Just stating a fact! It will be nice to have someone else in the house, other than me and mom." - he smiled for her, sweetly.
Rukia giggled sweetly. It was amazing how chivalrous and valiant he seemed, when in reality it was just in his nature. Souma wasn't some rugged godly man, nor was he a wimp, or a douche bag, or a saint. He was simply...

"Perfect," Rukia said out loud, quickly blushing and covering her mouth "I mean, perfect time for a change I suppose"

She laughed, hiding her Freudian slip behind it. Could she, be falling for this boy? How? They just met! Ichigo just died! What was she a whore? No, she simply enjoyed his company, that was it. It HAD to be it. For her sake. For Ichigo's sake.
He smiled as he looked at her covering her mouth. It was a very gracious gesture.

"Yeah, it sure is." - he pondered, while walking. But he knew that for him, everything had already changed today. He was always capable of seeing spirits bt what happened that day was something completely unimaginable. He sighed and shook his head, trying to get that thought away from his head.

"Strange, huh? How life is, I mean." - He said then, walking beside her, carrying her bag. He made sure to walk at her right side, between her and the road. - "We had never talked until today. I would never imagine you going to spend the night at my house. Keigo-senpai will freak out, probably." - He laughed a little, remebering their mutual, not very discreet, friend. - "Oh yeah, do you like lasagna? We're having lasagna tonight, if I'm not mistaken." - he asked as they walked to his house.
"Yes, if I remeber Keigo any he was not a very subtle man." she laughed, it felt good to laugh genuinely, it hadn't happened in a while. And of all days today.

It wasn't long until the duo arrived at Souma's home. Time seemed to go by quickly when amungst friends. Rukia was glad to say that she could call Souma her friend. He had been for her there more in one day than many others have her entire life. As she walked up the steps to the sandwich shop, Rukia toyed with her bangs to make herself presentable infront of her new friends mother, to make a decent impression.

"After you, Souma-san." she said with a small smile and beaming violet eyes
Souma quickly jumped the steps to the porch, stopping in front of the door, and fumbled around in his pockets. Cell phone, Cell phone strap, nose remedy, handkerchief, wallet, arcade coins, some Yens and a pack of gum. - "Where are they?" - he muttered to himself, until his fingers finally reached the keys, pulling it out of his pocket. A chibi samurai doll keychain attached to it - "Here it is" - he smiled at her as he unlocked the door. They were using the side door, which was in fact the main door for the house. The main door of the building was in fact the entrance to the small familly restaurant they had, attached to the house. That part of the house had big glass windows, so they could see the inside of the restaurant, currently closed and dark.

"Tadaimai!"* - Souma said loudly as he entered the small house's main hall, so to announce himself to his mother. After Rukia entered the house, he closed the door.

"Okaerinasai!"** - Came his mother's voice from the kitchen. Souma motioned for Rukia to follow him, and made its way there. Minamino Saeko was a beautiful woman for her age, youthful, not at all looking like a woman who had a teenage son. Se had dark her, the same color as Souma's in hair and eyes. A delicate face and a god looking body, clad in a light, floral dress.

"Konbanwa, Okaasan!"*** - he said, going to her and planting a little peck in her cheek.

"Sou-chan! Konbanwa!" - she answered in high spirits as ever, a bright smile in her lips. - "Dinner is almost ready!"

"Mom! Don't call me that..." - he blushed, embarassed. It was the way she usually called him, but it was really distressing to be called like that in front of his sempai.

"Oh, what's wrong Sou-chan? You're embarassed? You're so cute when you blush!" - she said, pinching his cheek, hapilly. The boy blushed as he sighed. Complaining wouldn't work.

"Argh... Whatever... I brought someone with me, tonight." - he said, steping aside - "This is Kuchiki Rukia-senpai, my senior at school. She's the one I told you about before, when I called you, remember?" - he asked so she would recall that the one who had lost someone today was the same person stainding at their house at the moment, which would avoid him to mention Ichigo's death once again, in front of the female Shinigami. - "She'll stay over, tonight, ok?"

Saeko finally took notice of the petite, pretty girl behind Souma, red eyes clearly indicated she had cried a good portion of the night. She remembered Souma mentioning in his last call that a friend had lost someone important, but had not imagined he was acquainted with a an older, beautiful girl like that. In the end she smiled at Rukia. Having a girl that age staying the night was obviously something she was concerned about, but she couldn't turn someone in need, away.

"Rukia-chan, right?! Welcome, and make yourself at home, ok?" - she said, politely, as cheerful as she greeted her son.

"Mom, don't call her like that..." - he sighed, desolated. He could see that, in her head, she was already meeting a daughter-in-law.


* "I'm Home"
** "Welcome Home"
*** "Good Evening, Mother"
Rukia giggled to herself as the mother and son exchanged words. She was obviously teasing him in front of his senior on purpose, something very similar to her own personality.

"Thank you Minamino-senpai." she said with a low and respectful bow "I can not truly express how grateful I am that you leave your house so open to a stranger like me. But seeing your hospitality shows that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in Souma's sake." she said again with a warm smile. It was hard for Souma to tell if Rukia was genuinely smiling, she was so good at hiding her emotions that she could just be putting on another act of strength and warmth for his mother. Truthfully even Rukia couldn't know for sure if she was happy or not. Her emotions were so conflicted that she could hardly even make sense of her own thoughts. Everything about today was a blur, it all felt fake, dreamlike even.

"If there is anything I can do to assist you in making your dinner, please do not hesitate to ask Minamino-senpai." Rukia had, in her many years on Earth in hiding, come accustomed to refering to beings younger than her as Senpai. Rukia was easily four times or possibly more older than Souma's mother. Souls age very slowly, so slow it can hardly be said that, once mature, they even age at all.
"Its fine, its fine! I do enjoy my work." - Saeko smiled. - "And it almost ready anyway. But I'm might take you up on that offer on a later time." - she winked at the seemingly younger girl, oblivious to the fact that she was way older than her. Souma watched the exchange between the two women, sitting on his usual spot at the ocidental table they usually used, obviously embarassed whit his mothers shenanigans. That fact quickly got the attention of Saeko. The look on her face didn't lose in nothing to Rukia's own Deathstare. - "What do you think you're doing Sou-chan? That's not the manners I taught you! Show Rukia-chan to her room, take a shower, then you get to eat! Got it?"

"Sure thing, mom!" - Souma answered, the color drained from his face instantly. - "Over here, Kuchiki-senpai!"

The boy quickly got up and made his way to the stairs, guiding the newcomer through the house. The last door from the stairs was a simple, but welcoming guest room. Bed, dresser and wardrobe, all matching in style. Nothing fancy, but surely nothing that would make a guest feel bad. He explained where was the bathroom and both his and his mother's room. After that, he smiled.

"Well, I better go take my bath before he gets here and drag me to the bathtub herself." - said the boy, smiling and waving at his guest, quickly grabbing some casual clothes, black boxers, black pants and a short sleeved dark blue T-shirt, and made his way to the bathroom, finaly free to enjoy his bath and relax a litte. It was a tiring day, and god, he need to relax.
"Thank you again, Souma, I cannot thank you enough." she smiled at him, her eyes glistening, almost on the verge of tears again, but not this time, seh was through crying, for life. She was tired of being weak, she was tired of being hurt, she was tired of needing help, starting tomorrow a new pheoniex would rise from her ashes and she would begin training to unleash her full potential in the upcoming fights.

Though a spirit, she was still MORTAL, and her spirit was tired and beaten to no end. She collapsed on the bed, her legs dangling over the sides. She closed her eyes and dreamed of a fresh start, for her sake, for Ichigo's sake... for Souma's sake.


Souma relaxed in his bath, the water sloshing around him as he sunk into the water deeper, his body soaking in the hot water. His muscles began to losen and his bones stopped aching. For a split second he was almost as he was before all this mess. But there was no way for that too happen, Souma's life has forever changed, judging by the current events, that might not be a long life either.

Suddenly, Souma felt an unusual warmth and pressure along his waist. Without warning he felt the temperature change around his cock as a soft, moist, fleshy something enveloped his girth. He recognized the feeling of a tongue running up and down along the length of his shaft, slurping and precum that leaked before it tainted the water. He looked down to see a pool of silver hair surrounding his waist, the steam covering all but the thick, round ass of a tattooed woman sticking out from the end of the bath.
Souma sighed contentedly as his body soaked in the hot water. That was life, right there. It could almost make all his pains go away. At least the ones he could feel with his body. The wounds in his spirit, on the other hand had no cure, no remedy to make it better. Just time could closed. That was if the enemy allowed him to have any. Too much had happened in one day, and even though he tried his best, he had simply no way of letting it go. Questions piled up on his lap on top of a fair share of doubts and uncertainties. He thought that maybe the spirit guardian of his Zanpakutou could help him with some of them, but in the little bit of knowledge she "downloaded" into the boy's brain when he wielded her, he found nothing that could help him meet with her, even less when not on his spirit form. He sighed again, this time a little bit disappointed. He was still lingering on that thought and something different was happening on his lap.

First came the warmth and pressure around his cock, a very pleasant sensation numbing all his other senses. A tongue ran all over it, sending shivers from it to the rest of his body. He could feel his manhood all but completely enveloped in someone's mouth, a sensation he had read many times abouth, but for him, felt simply indescribable. He had little time to actually understand what was happening as his thought process began slowly to leave him, his brain solely focused on the sensation his body presented him.

"Oooh, damn, this is good..." - he moaned, unnable to restrain himself. His hands quickly made its way the silver hair he could see between his legs, gently caressing the head that so eagerly pleased him, his body involuntarily lunging forward and his waist retreating only if just a little. The perfectly shapped ass that sticking from the water and the silver hair, not to mention the way she appeared, made it clear that his assailant was none other than Tentsurigihime. - "So good!"

He knew he shouldn't do that on the bathtub of his house, in fact not even knowing how it was happening, but his mind could only focus on the pleasure and the silly thought that wonderred if she might drown if keeping her head under the water so long. As she sucked on it, waves of pleasure invaded him, making his whole body shiver and contract, the small hole on his butt tightening slightly as it was assaulted by the sexual energy released by his cock, alongside the rest of his body.
The steam of the freshly run bath had subsided and Souma had become aware of his surroudings again. He was in the spring within the ice caverns again. This must be Tentsurigihime's roving grounds. The local her pressence was most strong and comfortable.

Souma felt her nails dig into the meat of his ass, squeezing them hard, a finger even lingering to tease his anus. A feeling he was aprehencive of, but quickly found enjoyment in. She seemed to have no gag reflex, as Souma was not a small endowed boy, and yet she gulped every inch of him and even began stuffing the edge of his balls into her plump, pale lips.

Her head bobbed faster, and sucked harder, taking in one of his testicles. Her finger gently worked its way into his ass, stimulating his prostate, and making his throbbing cock feel 20x better. A hand reached up from the water and stroked his muscular chest, a sign she was ready for his cum.
Souma was confused at first by the sudden change in the landscape, but another wave of pleasure quickly made him ignore it. He could've been brought to hell, that he would simply not care as long as she continued pleasing him as she was doing so far. He could feel the texture of her lips and tongue on his manhood, his body melting with each and every sensation. It was simply amazing that a human being could feel so good with something so simple.

The boy was slightly shocked when her finger touched his anus, but was in lost in pleasure to complain about it, although his body shook and closed itself from it. The pleasure quickly relaxed him though, the tip of his finger relaxing his anus and adding to that incredible sensation. Soon, he was moaning sofly from the new found pleasure as well, the whole sensation overwhelming. It was impressive how she could take all of him at once like that not feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Suddenly she increased the intensity of her activities, which took his breath away for a brief moment, until the pressure on his hole suddenly increased. Souma felt his ass opening up for her and her finger sliding inside him, something he had never felt before, as far as he could remember it. The boy gasped, eyes widened and a silent scream on his lips as she violated his most private place, the pleasure completely undeniable and unspeakable. He did not know what exactly she was doing inside of him, but it multiplied his pleasure tenfold. He was almost unaware of his own hips pressing against her hand trying to squeeze every bit of pleasure he could out of his own butt.

"Oh, my... My butt... This is..." - Souma moaned when he felt the woman's hand on his chest, telling him it was ok to let it all go, and so he did. - "I'm! I'm cumming!" - he finally screamed, feeling the overwhelming pleasure of his orgasm, waves upon waves of it, making his body shiver and contract, his anus tightening around her finger, and his body arching back, one hand on her had that so carefully blew him, the other on the hand she kept in his chest. He let all go inside of her mouth, every little bit of cum his body had been able to produce after their first sexual contact this morning, in an angry release of sexual satisfaction. After long, delicious moments of intense, complete and blindlesly pleasure, his body relaxed back, as he gasped for air, hoping she would never take that finger from inside of him nor his dick from inside her.
Slowly the silver haired woman rose from the steaming spring, smiling with her mouth closed. She wrapped her arms around hims and kissed him, her tongue, covered in cum pushed into his mouth, forcing him to swallow half of his amazing load. Her pussy rested where her mouth was, perfectly perched on the tip of his long, hard, throbing manhood. She backed away, a string of saliva and cum leading from their lips. Tentsurigihime swallowed her share and pressed and finger on his lips teling him to swallow.

"Its not fair for me to get all the prize now is it?" she smiled leaning into him, her pussy sinking only slightly more onto his tip, almost penetrating "Its been so long since I've tasted cum. I'd almost forgetten how sweet it is."

With that last word she popped her ass down and penetrated Souma completely, letting out a soft moan.

"You performed up and above my expectations today, Souma." she smiled, slowly gyrating her hips and moaning inbetween words "You... you still, still have much to learn...but...there is hope...for you."
Souma accepted the kiss gladly, but was rather surprised when she shared with him the fluids he had just released on her. It was something of a shock really and the boy didn't want to swallow it, but felt he had little choice in the matter, not really prone to arguing with her. Gathering his courage, he brought the strange liquid to the back of his throat and shutting his eyes tightly quickly swallowed it all, feeling her finger pressed on his lips. It certainly wasn't a traumatic experience, but the boy still had mixed feelings about it. Gladly, it was his so it was probably nothing too strange.

"Well, if you say so" - he answered the guardian spirit, with an embarassed smile, feeling her womanhood right atop his already raging cock. It was incredible how he didn't even needed a second's rest before getting ready to action, if that woman was around. She let herself down on his cock then and he felt the immense pleasure his body was receiving, completely wrapped by her insides, something that felt completely out of that world. His breath quickly became ragged again.

He could feel his dick throbbing inside of her, drenched in her juices, and safely warm somewhere he felt was meant only for him. He tried to pay attention to her word,s but the swaying of her hips made it a very hard task.

"Tha-Thank you..." - he replied, his voice only but a whisper. His hands cupped her face, caressing her lovingly. He had met that woman only that morning but he could feel a bond with her that surpassed everything he had experimented, to that day. He loved her. He loved her with all of his self. - "It was... It was all because of you." - he said, gasping for air so he could continue. - "I have so much to... to ask you. So much to tell you... Hime..." - The nickname simply popped in his mind, as if it was only natural he would call her that. Hime. "Princess". His princess.
As he cupped her face she smiled and kisses his neck bouncing harder and faster on his rock hard, goliath cock. Then he said that word, Hime, she slowed to a halt and backed away looking him in the eyes stunned. A smile seemed to crack out of the corner of her stony gaze. She looked at him and pet his hair.

"Wha-what did you call me?" she said with and eager smile, her hips already reacting to the answer even though he had not yet said it aloud. This boy was indoubtably her Shimigami, how he was replicated so perfectly and returned to her is a mystery. No force in the Soul Society can replicate a soul perfectly through reincarnation. Then what made Souma? Was he even human?
Souma was visibly a little distressed when his lover's incredibly pleasant movements came to a hald, the woman looking at him as if in shock. At the first instant, Souma wondered what he had said wrong, reminding him he should keep his mouth shut, less he could screw up important events. Just as suddenly though, a smile cracked on her lips, and he was blissfully relieved to see she wasn't mad or anything, but rather, simply happy.

"What... did I call you?" - he asked, just as much to her, as to himself. The word quickly came to him again. - "Hime. I called you Hime." - he repeated, and just the same as before, it seemed just right for her. His hand caressed her face again, gently, pulling her close, and softly sucking on her lower lips - "My Hime" - he repeated, slowly throwing his weight ahead, little by little reversing their situation. When both were perfectly aligned, the boy spun, sitting her where he was sittng just a second ago, her back being supported by the stone edge of the hotspring, this time him being the one on top of her, for the first time. He kissed her once again, his tongue seeking hers, and then retreatin, sucking on her lips. His hips slowly started moving, back and forth, plunging his throbbing cock deep inside of her, until he felt his balls hitting her ass. Slowly at first but gradually gaining speed. His kisses followed, trailing down her neck as he sucked on her skin his lips eager to sip her very essence, teeth nibbling at it.

One of his hands dropped back to her ass, caressing that part of her body that in the morning had given him so much pleasure, as the other played with her breasts, actually the first time he remembered playing with one, but the knowledge of hot to please her engraved in his dead. His fingers massaged the big mound, before teasing her nipples gently. He wanted her to feel what he felt before. The pleasure she had gaven him, he wished to throw it all back at her so she could understand how deeply his feelings were. He wanted her moaning and screaming in pleasure to repay everything she had done for him in such a short time.
Hime felt the hand wrap around her plentiful ass, she moaned pushing her hips fully into his waist, allowing the cock to plunge impossibly deep into him. She grabbed onto his shoulders, her fingers trailing up and down his dripping back side. Every rough yet passionate thrust pushed a soft, pleasured moan from the base of her throat. "Oh, oh yes, oh gods Souma." she whispered, biting at his ear as he continued to pound away at her bare flesh.

Her moans advanced, becoming louder and closer together. Her whole body tensed with every violent, strong thrust Souma pushed into her. She dug into his back, her legs wrapping around his body and screaming loudly as her body was pushed further and further to its limits.

"Gods, Souma, YES!!" she shouted, sinking deeper into the pool, letting her body become full forfiet to Souma.
Souma groaned in pleasure as he ravaged her, his hips thursting fast and strong in her, so much he could feel his balls bouncing against her body, his hand grabbing her ass fully ans he siped from the few drops of spring water in her neck, sucking on it desperatelly, as if it was the last droplet of water in the universe. He pounded her as hard as he could, his body seeming to remind perfectly the speed and intensity she liked. The tip of his cock slammed against her G-Spot everytime he entered her and he reveled in every sweet moan that escaped her lips.

Seeing she was approaching the climax, Souma decided to do as she did, and intinsify her pleasure by an illogical ammount, with one simple finger. Making its way to the middle of her butt, his finger sliped between the cheeks and inside the crack, teasingly playing with her butthole, pressing it just to feel it opening up a little before retreating. Once she was relaxed enough, his finger slid inside her, swiftly filing her rectum at the same time that he renewed he pounding, so deep he could touch her womb.

"Oh god, this is so good, Hime. Feel it." - he whispered in her ear, unnaware of what he was saying to her, as words such as that had never left his lips before. - "Your pussy, your butt... I want them to cum for me. I want you to cum for me. To cum really good." - he nibbled at her ear once more, relentlessly fucking her as he felt his own orgasm getting closer and closer.
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