The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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Matt glanced at the spot where he had seen the figure move behind the trees. Shit. Seriously? If it's that hoodie guy I will knock his ass out, he thought as he moved towards the direction of the trees. "Hey! Who's there?" he demanded as he continued to walk towards the trees. Most would consider this ill advised but to Matt it was still early to make any logical thoughts. Like to screw whatever it was and just run for his life. But no, Matt just continued to walk to see what it was.
Jessica sat down on her couch, missing the warm caress of her boyfriend. She missed his touch and his kiss, even if she was still mad about the prank. But she couldnt help wanting his love and his body. She began to feel herself wetten at the thought of her and her boyfriend's sexual deviancies last night.


Matt saw the shadow behind the tree outline the edge of its wide trunk. It was tall and whatever it was it was big. A tremble in his step began to form and he slowed, his fist balling up, but his curiosity well outmatched his terror. He very close to the tree, the black outline still standing perfectly still...unnaturally still.
Maybe he should turn back and pretend that he hadn't heard anything. But as Matt got closer he knew that he couldn't. Slowly he heard his phone making odd noises and stopped to pull it out of his pocket. Looking at it it started to make the same staticy screen as the video had. Rolling his eyes he shoved it into his pocket and continued to walk talk towards the black outline.
Jessica wished her boyfriend were there right then. She wanted to cuddle and play. She sighed and shut her eyes, lying on the couch and waiting for a call that would mean her boyfriend was on his way.
The shadowy form moved around the tree. It was bald, but Matt couldnt get a good view of its face...wait... it had no-

"GET DOWN!" The masked man ran up to matt from behind and pulled him by his collar as fast as he could in the opposite direction. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?"

Matt spared a glance back to see the creature who stalkedhim. He was tall, his arms unnaturally thin and long. He wore a business suit, and most frightening of all, he had no face. No eyes, ears, nose, nothing. He didnt even look like a burn victum...he was just faceless. Looking into the spot where his eyes should be made Matt want to vomit in fear, but he couldnt even do that...he just froze.

"COME ON!" shouted the masked man. The thin monster called him with a silent voice, but the sound of the masked one was full of dread and caution... as if he was trying to save Matt... but the monster was so tantilizing... who could he trust?


Jessica's phone rang in Tom's special ringtone, her eyes widened and her heart fluttered with glee. She quickly answered the phone but no response followed. Soon the phone burst into massive static that hurt Jessica's ears, but before pulling the phone away, she managed to hear a graveled voice amungst the static.

"See me...." it whispered, but before Jessica could gather the nerve to listen again, the line went dead. She tried calling Tom back but it went straight to voice mail each time. Whoever called her wasn't Tom, but did it from Tom's phone. Something strange was happening, and it was becoming more frightening by the second.
Jessica happily picked up the phone, answering. She frowned and listened, a chill running down her spine as she heard the gravely voice. Who was it and what did it mean? She kept trying to call back, but it went straight to voicemail. She left several worried messages and waited for some response. She wondered what that Slenderman creature was and what he even wanted.
The shadow in the corner of her room danced and whished out of the room. She saw something move out of the corner of her eye followed by several hard thuds of someone running upstairs. Something was in Jessica's house, and it was upstairs.
Jessica gasped and turned her attention toward the shadow. She tensed as she heard it running upstairs.

"Tom... This isn't funny," she called, slowly getting up and walking up the stairs. She expected to find her boyfriend or one of his friends. "Tom?" she called, nervously following the shadow.
When Jessica turned the corner to climb the stairs she saw the shadow of the full figure of a person turn the corner and slam the door into her room. She didn't see what or who it was but she was beginning to feel a tingling sensation in her spine that it wasn't natural.
Jessica gasped as the thing went in her bedroom. She clutched her phone tightly and began walking toward the bedroom. "Tom? Tom?" she called. She kept walking, grabbing onto the doorknob and slowly opening the door.
She opened thedoor to an emptyroom. The fluttering of movement coming from the closet, cracked open only slightly. A small shadow can be seen moving from behind the door. Something, inhuman.
Jessica looked around before stupidly moving toward the closet and tentatively opening it, looking inside. Her hands were shaking, and she prayed she would find her boyfriend inside.
Out flew a black shadow of a figure flapping its wings around Jessica, fluttering around the room in a panic. Jessica screamed in terror for several seconds before realizing it wasn't human...or monster... it was in fact a bird. The little black bird flew around the room, fluttering its wings against the window in attempt to escape.
Jessica screamed for a minute when the bird flew around her. She looked over at the creature and sighed, feeling her heart pounding. She went over to the window and opened it up, letting the bird fly out.
When the bird flew out the window it seemed like it had a pain in its wing, for it fluttered for several second before falling to the ground weakly, though in pain the creature struggled to escape more rapidly than Jessica had ever seen a bird escape from a human. As if it were terrified of somehting much worse. It fluttered and flapped in atempt to escape in futility as a moving fan drove past, crushing it without the drivier knowing, leaving the dead bird in its wake.

Jessica gasped, feeling cold dread fill up her spine. She backed up, her back pressed against something, a human was cold, and seemed to radiate death. Two tentacles wrapped around her body, she knew it was not human, even as a joke.
Jessica watched as the bird struggled to get away as fast as possible. She wanted to help it, take it to the vet, but it was already trying to escape. She thought about her situation before she gasped and backed up slowly, right into a tall, cold body. She didn't dare move. She felt two tentacles slowly wrap around her, and she stood petrified with fear. She couldn't scream. She couldn't move. She only whimpered and hoped this thing was harmless.
JEssica spared a look up at the monster, seeing the thing she only thought was possible in nightmares, the Slenderman. Another black tentacle wrapped between her legs and another between her perky breasts. It spread them and teased at them, squeezing them tightly with seperate tentalces. She was slowly picked up forces to look it in its featureless face as it fondled her.
Jessica managed a whimper, and she began to squirm and fight the thing, struggling against it as it held onto her. She kicked and shook her head, trying to escape. She clawed at its tentacles, hoping to get the thing to let go. She could get out. She could get away. She was sure of it. The frightened girl shook her head.
The tentacle closest to her pussy grew a barb and cut through her pants and panties with easy. Two human hands cupped her breasts and squeezed her, the beast growled in assumable pleasure. The same tentacle became thin and bulbosy, rubbing at her clit teasingly while the other spread her legs into a split.
Jessica fought and wailed, still holding onto her phone. She began to try to dial Tom's number, but her phone wouldn't work. She kicked at the creature as it cut through her pants and panties and then began to tease her clit. She screamed, her open window blowing air in. She hoped someone would hear her. She clawed at the creature and shook her head. "Leave me alone!" she cried desperately.
A tentacle reminescent to a tongue plunged into her mouth and down her throat as if to kiss and silence her. With a similar movement the cock tentacle teased her lips, spreading them with a push. A second tentacle moved her panties from covering her virgin as. The thin bulb began to tease her there too, pushing harder than anywhere else. The slenderman's arm reached out and shut the windows with his etheral hand. Leaving the poor girl helpless to his sexual deviancies.
The girl whimpered as a tentacle pushed into her mouth. She kicked and struggled in panic as the tentacles pushed at her ass and slit. She pushed him and clawed him with her long nails, desperately trying to escape.
Her fingernails pulled back large peices of black, gooey flesh. The skin melting away to the ground in puddles of black fluid that was shortly reabsorbed by the slenderman. He bent her over and thrust his tentacles into her mouth, butt and pussy with force. Each thrust from the black slippery wyrms violated every inch of her, she was completely helpless.
Jessica cried out in panic and pain as each of the tentacles suddenly thrust into her. She kicked and struggled, biting down on the tentacle in her mouth, hoping that she could get it to release. She didn't want to be raped by this creature. Please, please, Tom, come soon!
The daemon screamed and thrust harder into her mouth and ass. Making her wish she'd never retaliated. Its pants ejected a massive, 13" monstrosity that could barely be described as a cock. Its was large, thick, pale and veiny. But its skin seemed to crawl and shift as if it was an organism of its own. The tips was long and thick baring a retractable barb for locking the cock inside of his victim until reaching his violent orgasm. It leveled itself to her pussy and the tentacles retracted he pushed it against her pussy, stretching the lips as he attempted penetration. The monster held down her hands to give himself more force.
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