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The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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Jessica tensed before reaching back and grabbing the towel and baby wipes. She cleaned herself off the best she could until she felt semi-decent. She then tossed the baby wipes in a trashcan on the side of the road and crossed her arms self-consciously, now that her body was more revealed.
"Don't worry," spoke the demon-man "You're not my type... being a woman and all."

The demon pulled down its hood revealing long, curly hair. He then removed the mask and voice changer for the first time to reveal that he was,in fact, a woman! She had, soft, pale, ebony skin and enchanting green eyes. Despite her beauty, her form was weary and gaunt. She appeared exausted, and stressed to the point of bitter and insane lonliness.
Jessica watched in surprise as he, or she, revealed herself to her. She nodded a little with relief. "Who are you?" she asked.
"I thought we agreed on no more questions, girly." groaned the beauty, her tone relfecting that her internal beauty does not match her out beauty. "We're here."

The car pulled up at a rural shack off the road and overlooking lake Tahoe. Jessica had lost track of time amungst the fog, she saw no road signs or major highways, just one constant road.
Jessica frowned. "But..." She crossed her arms and sighed, staring out the foggy window. When they arrived, she blinked. "What is this place?"
"It's your knew home, sunshine." said the ebony girl walking up to the cabin, looking around in all directions and inside the cabin before finally unlocking it and immediately turning on the lights. Jessica could see her through the window inspecting the small shack. Suddenly she came back out and waved Jessica in.

"You commin'? she barked "He's not fond of the indoors."
Jessica frowned, slowly following the woman with her arms crossed. She peeked in the shack, her bags in her hands. She swallowed a little. "He attacked me in my old house, though." She looked over at the woman. "Do you know where my boyfriend is?"
The house was homely, its piping was all visible and dripping. The carpet was damp and the smell of mildew was ominipresent. Buckets and pots littered the small one room cabin, catching the more excesive drips. The mystery woman was opening a can of baked beans, the label appeared to be from the 80's. She held the opened can of gooey beans, offering it to Jessica.

"Hungry?" she said, before opening one herself and sitting down.

"Well, I suppose he might have attacked you if the house was big enough and rurally located. But he rarely attacks groups of people unless he KNOWS he has an advantage, if you were upstairs and alone that's why he went indoors." she smiled a bit "We're the lucky ones you know."
Jessica sniffed the air, wrinkling her nose. She dragged her bags in and crossed her arms as she looked around. She didn't like this. She looked at the beans that were offered to her and slowly shook her head. "No... thanks..." She sighed and sat down on a dusty couch. She nodded a little. "I was upstairs and alone. My boyfriend was on the front porch for a while, though..." She looked up at the woman. "Where is my boyfriend now?"
"Hopefully alive." responded the girl, her diamond eyes focusing on her food. "I make no promises. But regardless they won't just release him, they must be offered something in return."
Jessica frowned. "Hopefully?" she asked. She bit her lip. "Why'd they take him? What do they want?"
The mysterious woman saidnothing for several seconds and only ate her beans. When she was finished she stood up and took off her sweat shirt, revealing a toned muscular body hugged tightly by a tank top. Her perky nipples showed through the shirt, even though they weren't hard.

"No one really knows." sheanswered finally "The only one who I've ever met to have been taken by the Slenderman and return is Masky, and he's now a frothing lunatic."
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