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The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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"Oh," Jessie said quietly, relaxing a little. Maybe she was just paranoid, but she felt like this man wasn't just talking about her father. "It's not like that..." Sure, she wanted some love from Tom, but she was still limping. She felt like sex would hurt right now. "Anyways, can I have the key?" She held out her hand for it.
Jessie smiled and nodded. "Will do." She took the key and headed back outside to Tom. "Let's get inside fast," she said. "I don't wanna stay out here."
"Sure thing Jessie." he said, locking the truck and grabbing their bags. He opened the door and plopped down on the old bed, exausted "Damn, I'm beat."

He groaned, rolling over and leaving his life's love room to lay next to him.
Jessie sat down on the bed after she had closed the curtain, making sure the window was locked, and locked the door. She checked all the doors, checked the closets, checked under the bed, before she crawled in next to him and turned on the tv. "Sorry," she said. "I want some light and noise." She turned it on low volume, and kissed him quietly. "Thank you for doing this."
He smiled at her obsessiveness, but could not say he blamed Jessica. she was attacked and raped by a horrific monster... though he throurghly believed he had killed it twice over back home. He PRAYED he killed it at least once... if 6 rounds to the face couldn't bring it down they would have no choice but to keep running... thought he did not find comfortable.

"No problem at all my darling," he said kissing her back "I love you, and I'm always going to protect you...always."
Jessica smiled and crawled over, cuddling close and kissing him deeply. She still hurt. She settled down in the blankets and smiled at him before she shut her eyes and fell right asleep, going into a dreamless sleep for a while with her loving boyfriend by her side.
Jessica awoke into a dimly lit room, the tv was off, the shades closed, and Tom was gone. Only the dim white light from outside the hotel filled the room with its miniscule and malnourished light. The clock by her bedside read 00:00... something was wrong...very wrong.
Jessica sat up and looked around in confusion, feeling a chill run down her spine. Where was Tom? She got up sorely and began looking in the small hotel room. "Tom? Tom?" she called nervously, praying she'd find him and he'd be alive.
No response followed however. It seemed as if the thick morning fog from the outside world had drifted into the room through osmosis. Even looking into the bathroom seemed like their was a smokey haze of water. Tom, was definitely not in the hotel room anymore. Jessica tried to turn on a lamp but it didn't even make a clicking noise... it was like the world itself had become stagnant and silent. She looked next to her to see a cleanly made side of the bed where Tom should be. The pillow was not ruffled, and the sheets were not stirred... as if he was never there at all.
Jessica looked around in confusion as she couldn't find her boyfriend. It was like he'd never been there. She turned on the lamp, nothing. She bit her lip and went over to the door, trying to open it. "Thomas?" she called loudly.
From behind the bathroom door an eeire aura seemed too pour out from within. Something unnatural was being contained by the simplistic oak wood. Jessica was almost too terrified to find out, but with everything that had happend, it pays to know every corner of every room at any given time.
Jessica could feel that creepy feeling on her back. She turned and went to check out the wooden door, nervously touching it and peeking behind it.
She oppened the room to see only darkness. Nothing resided within. Only darkness and the eerie feeling that more was going wrong every second she spent within the hotel.
Jessica bit her lip nervously, before she ran to start packing up as quickly as she could, whether Thomas was there or not.
She had packed her bags quickly, but Tom's weren't even there. It was like he never even was in the hotel room to begin with. The wholesituation sent shivers down Jessica's spine. Something was wrong in this hellish hotel and she wasn't prepared to find out what... sadly she had no choice.
Jessica looked around for Tom's stuff, but it wasn't there. Had he left in the middle of the night? Or was he never there at all? She grabbed her bag and shook her head before she began to take her stuff to the door, trying to open the door and leave.
She opened the door to be met by a blanket off fog. The main office building was only a few rooms down but it wasn't even visible. In fact, the longer that Jessica left open the door the more fog rolled into her room. But now all she needed to do was check out and then find Tom. But was the office to the left...or to the right?
Jessica frowned, sticking her hand out into the thick fog. She began to stumble out, going to her left, hoping that the main office was there. What was going on? Surely Slenderman hadn't tracked her all the way here. Surely this wasn't his doing, either.
After a walk that seemed to last forever. She came across the main office. When she attempted to open the door it was locked. No closed signs were up, and there were no cars within the direct vicinity... what was going on?
Jessica jiggled the doorknob. It was locked. She bit her lip and looked around desperately. Shouldn't there be someone at the office at all hours? She ran a hand through her hair and walked back toward where Tom's car should be.
Jessica wandered for several minutes in circles, lost in the fog. She saw one or two other cars. They were both grey sedans, but due to her misdirection, it was probably the same car. Eventually she found the beat up Ford Pick-up... it was empty, no Tom, no sign of him every touching the car since last night. He had to be here... but where?
Jessica was getting worried. She opened the door and threw her stuff in. She wouldn't leave without him. "Tom? Tom! Tom!?" she called desperately, wandering looking for him.
Tom didn't reply... it was dead quiet, unnatually quiet. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps. A sound that JEssica had come to dread. The sound of dress shoes, clacking on cement. Off in the distance, a shadowy tall figure could be seen approaching slowly in the fog. One did not need to see in the fog to know that he did not have a face and his limbs were unnaturally long.
Jessica froze when she heard the footsteps. She trembled and looked at the shadow of the faceless man, images from her last encounter filling her mind. "What did you do to Tom?" she demanded, her voice wavering.
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