The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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"Then we'll run away... live off the land for a while and transfer to a new school...far out of Minnesota." He held her tight "We'll get away from Sonya Forest and all its horrors..." he smiled at her and kissed her "I'll never let that happen to you again...ever."
Jessica looked up at him. "I bet he would follow me," she said quietly. She nuzzled against him. She would love to run away with him. She kissed him gently, tensing as her body ached. "I love you."
"I love you too Jess." he smiled rubbing her body to ease her pains "And I promise things will get better... one way or another."
Jessica smiled and nestled against him, slowly falling asleep curled up with her boyfriend. She sighed quietly and breathed evenly for a while, before she began to have nightmares replaying Slenderman's visit. She thrashed and whimpered, rolling around.
The beast had three tentacles inside her pussy and two in her butt. Jessica was dressed in an all lether outfit with no crotch or ass. The slenderman cackled in extasy as more tentacles flew into her mouth and ass.
Jessica wailed and struggled, as if fighting some unseen entity. She cried in her sleep, groaning and whimpering as she hit Tom when she rolled up against him. She clenched a hand on him and squeezed hard, and kicked against him, wailing. She whimpered and struggled. So many tentacles...
It went harder and faster, till she was bleeding dangerously. The many dicks went deep into her and filled every one of her holes with boiling hot cum. It turned her over to laugh at her with enormously sharp teeth that twisted at unnatrual angles. Then the mouth opened and pulled itself inside out until it was Tom's face! A sharp toothed grin full of evil. His eyes grew wide and his pupils became circles with x's in them. "Wake up babe!" it screeched.
Jessica whimpered and squirmed in her sleep, wailing when she saw the face before her. She gasped and shook her head, hearing Tom tell her to wake up. She sat up suddenly, gasping and whimpering. She turned to look at Tom beside her, and she whimpered. But he wasn't Slenderman, thankfully. She curled up beside him and shut her eyes, crying quietly. She didn't want to be here anymore. "I want to go away with you," she said.
He smiled at her words, greatful she would leave with him.

"Alright baby...we'll go to my house tommorow morning, get my things and leave before school starts. We'll drive. Not to anywhere. Just drive.And whereever we ened up we'll make a home together... I love you baby." he smiled holding the crying girl tightly "Want me to help you pack?"
Jessica whimpered and nodded as he asked if she wanted him to help her pack. "Can we leave before my parents get home?" she asked quietly. She didn't want to have to face them. "They said they'd get home at about nine tomorrow morning." She looked up at him and whimpered, tears streaking down her red face.
"We can leave right now." He smiled. Holding her hand, knowing she'd be safe as long as she was with him. He knew that was his calling in life, to protect this precious gem of a girl from falling into the tendrils of darkness. As long as there was breath in her lungs, Tom would never let anything touch her.

He got up and began helping her pack her things. Putting her small valuables and sentimentals in one back and as much clothing as he could in another.

"Maybe you should write a note, babe... your parents love you... give them a link to the video and a brief description of what happened. We'll be long gone before the police can do anything anyway." he smiled brushing her tears from her face, feeling anguish for making her leave her family. His wouldn't miss him, but she was an only child, and a wonderful girl. He was lucky to have her "Maybe one day in the future you'll see them again... just not until all of this is put to rest."
Jessica staggered to her feet, obviously in pain, and went to get her notepad. Her parents would see the blood and strange goop. Maybe they'd believe her.

She wrote a long note about how it happened, and went and put it on their computer, pulling the computer to the video. She staggered back and got dressed in clean clothes, a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She didn't feel like doing much. She didn't think she was still bleeding, and she certainly hoped not. She went in the bathroom and packed a bag of everything she needed. Her makeup, her toothbrush and toothpaste, and female necessities. She came back in her bedroom and smiled weakly at her boyfriend, glad that he would do this for her.
As they exited the house, watching the sun rise off in the distance, Tom stared out of to the distance. His face flustered with worry.

"Jess..." he trembled throwing her bags into the back of his truck "Get in the"
Jessica heard the worry in his voice. She turned and looked where he was looking, and she quickly staggered toward the truck, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. She felt nauseous, exhausted, sick.
Out in the distance, the horror of the rapist stood. His silohette shaped by the rising sun. "Seeeeeeee meeeeeeeee" is screetched waking the neighbor hood, breaking into an impossibly fast sprint with legs and arms that moved like tentacles.
Jessica wailed in distress and quickly climbed into the car to protect herself. She beckone Tom to climb in quickly so the thing wouldn't get her.
He climbed in, and slammed the key into the ignition, turning it over all in one fell movement. It stalled. The radio sparked up to horrific static back lit by the noise of a girl screaming for help.

"NO!" Tom shouted "COME ON!"

The car still stalled. He looked at the glove box and back at the sprinting slenderman, only a few houses from them, he appeared to be getting taller as he approached, his arms stretching for the truck.

"JESSICA! Open the glove box, and pull out the gun inside, shoot him!"
Jessica screamed and urged Tom to get the car started. It sputtered, and she kept screaming. "Come on, Tom! Start it! Start it!" She heard him tell her to get the gun and shoot him, and she scrambled for it, fumbling with it and rolling down the window just a bit in order to put the gun up to it. Her hands trembled as she held the gun there. She couldn't do it. She didn't move. "I-I can't. I can't," she stuttered.
The truck still stalled and the radio still cried, the girl begging for the slenderman to stop raping her. Heforced the key almost to the point of breaking it.

Jessie shut her eyes and pulled the trigger, desperately hoping that the gunshot she heard had hit the Slenderman, and that it had done some sort of damage, and not hit an innocent bystander. She slowly opened her eyes.
The creature stumbled feet from the truck, pulling itself closer, black fluid gushing from its neck.

"Give me that!" yelled Tom grabbing the gun "DIE YOU SICK RAPIST MOTHERFUCKER!"

Her fired the other five shots into its skull, blowing bits of its head off with each well placed round, the creature deflated and melted into the ground before completely disapearing. Tom turned the key and the truck started and the radio played regular boring country.

"Lets get the fuck out of here." said Tom driving away, never looking back. Had he, He'd see a man, come from the shadows, a hooded man wearing a mask. He walked up to the spot where the slenderman vanished. The ground seemed to melt and rise, black ooze forming a faceless person.

"You'll never get them," spoke the man in the mask. He turned up to see the ooze man gone. "I pray you'll never get them."

And thehooded man ran in desperation after the ford truck.
Jessica squealed with every shot her boyfriend fired. When the truck finally sputtered to life, she yelled, "Go, go, go!" She collapsed in the seat when they were finally driving away, getting away from this place. Hopefully Slenderman was gone for good.
Night had fallen, the were somewhere between the borders of North Dakota and Canada. They stopped at a gas-station and motel for the night. Tom filled up while Jessica went in and bought the room.

"Two lovers looking to get away huh?" spoke the elderly man behind the counter. "You'll never escape him." he said eerily while Jessica was looking away.
Jessica went and got the room, smiling quietly at the man without answering. She looked away, outside. When she heard the old man speak, she tensed and looked back. "What do you mean?" she said defensively. "From who?"
"Your father," replied the old man "You can try and have secret fuck sessions but he'll find out. We always do."

He winked at her creepily.
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