The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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Jessica yelped when she realized she'd made a wrong turn. This strange hospital was something she'd never seen before. Having no choice, the girl ran at full speed, not wanting to look back at the creature following her. She didn't want to know what it wanted. She ran inside the fallen door and into the darkness, biting her lip fearfully. She kept going, her heart pounding.
The features of the hallway she ran down became more and more distinctive. She'd seen this place before. But where? She thought.

She turned a corner and pushed her back to the wall. She turned and saw the foot of the black suited man enter the hallway. Suddenly the burned out hospital returned to her memory. This was the same place from the video!
Jessica screamed when she saw the man enter. She couldn't believe this was the same hospital. She was half-expecting to stumble over the body of the filmographer any minute. She pressed herself to the wall fearfully, jiggling the locked doorknob beside her. She had nowhere to go.
She had her back pressed tightly to the wall. The clacking of dress shoes against the concrete floor as she screamed and cried in fright. Suddenly the clacking stopped, the shadow of the Slenderman just around the corner. It stopped, for some unknown reason. Then after a few seconds, its shadow retracted. Leaving Jessica to believe it had abbandoned it's search. She leaned forward slightly to peak around the corner. And almost as soon as she leaned forward the door behind her shot open, knocking her down. There in the doorway, he stood, his arms outstretched for her. He groaned a horrifying but eeriely familiar groan as he approached her. Suddenly, it tripped and a piece of rubble falling flat on its face!

"Shit, god damnit." said a familiar voice. "Fuck that hurt."
Jessica screamed and backed up, trembling. She scooted along the floor and pressed against the wall again, protecting herself with her arms. When she heard the familiar voice, she looked up, slowly reaching over and turning it over.
It looked up at her. Now that she got a good look at it, she could see it was a he, his face was concealed by a flesh colored head sock. He pulled the sock off his head to reveal himself as Tom's best friend, Ryan, Captain of the Football team. His nose was bleeding and his eye looked a little puffy.

"Boo," Ryan said embarrassed. Tom appeared from around the corner, video camer in hand.

"This is SO going on youtube." he laughed.
"Oh my God, Ryan! This isn't funny!" She smacked him on the arm, standing up and blushing. She brushed herself off, then saw Tom come around the corner. She made a disgusted sound. "Tom! That's not cool! I was really scared!" She punched him lightly in the arm.
Tom still kept the camera on her, admiring her curvy figure.

"I know, thats why it was funny." he laughed. "Sorry babe, I owe you."

He pointed the camera at Ryan so he could lean down and kiss Jessica to say he was sorry.

"Round of applause for Ryan's performance!" said Tom, Ryan doing an over dramatic bow in response.

Tom shut the camera and turned to Jessica, he smiled at her. She was truely scared, he didnt think it would bother her THAT much.

"Im sorry Jess." he said it meaningfully "I love you babe, besides it was Ryan's idea."

"I plead the fifth." contorted Ryan
Jessica crossed her arms, growling at her boyfriend and his friend. She hated that he'd done this, but she had to forgive him. She punched her boyfriend again. "I can't believe you," she murmured. "You still went along with it." She looked at the camera. She had to find some way to get that thing off of youtube. She didn't want everyone at school seeing this.

She sighed and narrowed her eyes. "You owe me big time," she said. She smiled slightly when he kissed her, but she was still a bit mad at him. "Let's get out of here. This place is creepy."
"Diddo." said Ryan "this place gives me the willies."

Tom, Ryan and Jessica all left the building. Though all seemed right, Tom turned over his shoulder out of instinct. There he saw it simply looking at him dead still; the man that haunted him last night. The Slenderman.
Jessica didn't see anything else. She walked forward and never looked back. She was glad to have the boys with her, and she felt a little comforted as they walked through the forest, hopefully back toward the school.
The school buzzed with activity. The rumors of the extremely close slenderman had spread like wild fire. People all over kept trying to narrow down the source of the Slenderman email. Everyone so far recieved it as a forward. But thats how viral videos usually happen, thought Tom. He didnt want to do the prank, but he was peer pressured. He thinks that perhaps he may have angered him. He obviously knows where Jessie lives... but what about her? He can't go home and leave her to be victim to the Slenderman and whatever its devious initiative is.

At lunch Tom remained relatively quiet, he didnt want to sound crazy, but he knows he saw what he saw. Jessie saw his distressed look. He barely touched his lunch and normally he ate llike a horse. This concerned Jessica.
At lunch, Jessica sat down across from her boyfriend like she usually did. She had mostly forgiven him, though she would make him do something in return for it all. Maybe another session at his house or something. She smiled at the thought, but her devious grin disappeared when she saw that Tom wasn't eating.

"Hey, what's wrong? If you're worried about me, I'm fine. You guys just scared me."
"Huh?" he said, barely hearing her "No, no, It's not that... I just...didnt sleep well thats all."

He hated lying to Jessie, but he already pulled this goddamn prank, she'd never believe him if he told her that he thought he was being stalked by the Slenderman.
Jessica frowned and nodded. "Well, okay," she said quietly. "But you've gotta eat something." She began eating her lunch from home, a sandwich and some cookies. She smiled at him, offering one of her home-baked cookies. "Come on, Tom."
He gave a half hearted smile and took the cookie and bit a small bite out of it.

"Thanks baby." he smiled, leaning forwards and kissing her cheek leaving a crumb or two behind. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Jessica smiled and brushed her cheek off. "You'd pull a lot fewer practical jokes."

She stood up and headed to her next class after lunch, not planning on seeing him for a few hours until school was over.
When she got up, he looked over outside... he saw him again. But he wasnt staring at him this time. He followed Jessica.

"no." he said outloud.

Tom charged outside of the school to confront the monster. It was long gone within the few seconds it took Tom to exit the cafeteria.

"Comeon!" he shouted "Fight me like a man you pussy!"

It was a few minutes of yelling and sweating before the security showed up.

"You cant be out here, young man." the security guard said condiscendingly.

"Yea, sorry..." he followed the guard back inside and turned around too look at the forest several streets down. There it stood, taller and spidery. "Stay away from her." Tom shouted before going inside.
After school, Jessica met Tom outside once again. She smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "You wanna come over? My parents said they'd be gone this afternoon and tonight." She could still tell he was stressed.
Tom wanted to... he needed to, but he had practice he needed to go too, plus schedueling the Championship Banquette.

"I would love to baby..." he said regretfully "I have practice and a bunch of other shit. I promise I'll try to come over if I have time, okay baby."

He leaned down and kissed her, the kiss was deep and lovingly. He held her tight, wanting to kiss her forever.

"I'll call you as soon as I'm free, okay baby?" he smiled "Just do me a favor... don't go through the woods, mkay?"
Jessica wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply, wishing he could stay. She sighed and looked up at him with a small smile. "Okay," she murmured sadly. She frowned when he told her not to go through the forest. She slowly nodded. "O-Okay."

When he left her, she did as he said, instead skirting around the forest, though it would take much longer to get home.
It saw it next target. Jessica. She was beautiful. Independant, but frail. She was perfect. And she would make an ample specimin.

As she walked around the forest, a spiderlike tree followed her from within the brush, awaiting its chance to strike.
Jessica felt a creepy feeling come over her, and she paused for a moment, before continuing. She wasn't in the forest. Nothing could hurt her out here. She kept walking, determined to get home.
Jessica was home, her parents had already left for the evening. There was a note on the fridge that read:

"Be back by 11, sorry for being out two nights in a row, its just how it worked out. Dinner is ready in the oven for you. Be in bed by 10, we'll see you in the morning. Love, Mom."

Jessica felt safe now in the warmth of her home because she was completely unbeknowest of the daemon that lurked after her as if she were prey.
Jessica read the note and smiled. Feeling a bit more relaxed, she headed into the living room and decided to relax in front of the tv for the afternoon. After all, she didn't have any homework, and Tom couldn't come over yet.
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