The Slenderman (Horror/Sexual RP, PM to join)

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Jessica knew he wasn't going to talk. She smiled and shut her eyes, groaning and panting as he thrust into her powerfully. She yelped a little in pain at his forceful thrusts, but all in all, she quite enjoyed it. She was soon moaning and squirming with pleasure, her body arching as she came just before Tom. She felt him quiver before he came, shooting his seed over her legs. She smiled and shook her head. "It's fine," she said with a smile. She pulled him down to kiss him, sighing. She looked out in the crack between the curtains, looking to the woods.
Matt heard the same etheral noises behind him yet again, this time coupled with a wooshing rush of air. This time the wind actually chilled him. As if it were an artic breeze.


Jessica's eyes widened in terror as the horrific sight of a being with no face stared back at her. It wore and all black suit, with a white shirt and red tie. It looked at and stood perfectly still, watching the two make love for god knows how long. Tom, oblivious to the manifestation sucked on Jessica's neck and[/size] rubbed her semen filled womanhood, unbeknowest of her terror.
Jessica squealed in terror when she saw the creature staring at the two of them. She squirmed until she was sitting up. She pressed herself to the wall, away from the window, looking toward it fearfully, though she couldn't see the being anymore. She pointed at the window. "T-T-Tom..." The memories of the video came back to her. No way. He'd hired one of his buddies to come scare her. No way. "Tom. If this is some sort of trick... I'm gonna kill you."
He looked out the window not seeing anything. He pulled up his underwear and looked out her window. He noticed a tree branch having blown up against her house. He removed it and let it fall to the first floor.

"Are you okay baby?" he asked walking over ot her wrapping his arms around his half naked seductress of a girlfriend. "Are you sure that movie didnt spook you?"

He picked her up easily, she was light and he was a shortstop for the highschool's baseball team. He placed her on the bed like a princess, taking a tissue and wiping the seed from her legs, then kissing the salty residue away.

"I'm right here baby." he caressed her face and kissed her "You want me to spend the night and leg it when before your parents wake up?"
Jessica watched as he went over to the window, looking out and seeing nothing. She shook her head. "N-No, I swear! I saw it! I saw that thing!" She swallowed, closing her blinds and then her curtains so there was no chance of seeing anything. She felt him lift her up, and she looked up at him as he cleaned her off. She smiled up at him and kissed him back. She nodded. "Please." She didn't think she could stand just staying alone when she was all freaked out now. She laid down in her bed, waiting for him to crawl in beside her. "Will you get in trouble with your parents?"
"naw," he said, climbing under the covers spooning her closely "Its all good, my parents are chill with me coming home early in the morning."

He kissed her neck intending to tickle her, as she squirmed ticklishly her hips harded his cock again. His hand began to play with her clit as he kissed her neck. He looked up, Jessica's eyes closed from being tickled, and he saw it. In her room.

A man in a suit, without a face, standing in the corner ominously. He lept up quickly and suddenly it was gone. A hat rack with a coat and hat on it was all that remained. He was sweating profusely.Maybe its best that he stay the night anyway. He thought.
"Maybe I'll just do some looking around after school tomorrow..." Bri muttered under her breath, her mind still stuck thinking about the video. Normally she probably would have just brushed it off as a lame meme, but the fact that the video was made so close to her home definitely intrigued her.

Bri jumped suddenly as her phone started ringing; she'd been sitting in an almost eery quiet for several minutes as she started to write out some math homework at her desk, and the loudness of her phone's tone broke the silence like thunder. Most of the time she would have just ignored an unknown number, especially when she wasn't expecting a call, but this time she grabbed at the chance for any kind of distraction from her boring schoolwork.

She grabbed her phone and leaned back on her bed, before answering the call...
As bri answered only an eerie static replied. Some garbled noises that could be perceived as words were heard before the phone speaker burst with static interference. She quickly hung up the phone to avoid breaking her phone's reciever. When she turned to her computer she noticed that it was bugging out. The image was blurred, very much like the video she had just seen.
Bri shivered involuntarily at the harsh noise from the reciever, hanging up and tossing the phone to the far end of her bed, as if the phone itself were dangerous somehow. She tried for a moment to guess what the voice on the other end had said, before going over to her computer. "Great... that video had better not have had some kind of virus or something...", she thought, swirling the mouse around to make sure the screen hadn't froze.

Not sure what else to do at the moment, Bri decided to try restarting the computer. "She'd better not be playing some kind of prank on me..." Bri muttered quietly, thinking of Melody, her friend from school that sent her the video.
Jessica looked up in surprise when Tom jumped up. He looked like he had seen a ghost. She frowned quietly. "Tom?" she asked, seeing her boyfriend sweating. "Are you okay?" She smiled at him. "Now you're the one bugging out." She had convinced herself that she'd been seeing things, freaked out by the video. "Come on. No one's here." She settled into the blankets and fell asleep.
Tom looked back at his beautiful girlfriend and curled up with her. He let himself fall asleep. His eyes fluttered shut. But with a random urge to re open them, Tom opened his eyes. The being with no facestared back. Sitting on his side of the bed. Tom lost all energy at the blurred sight and fell asleep as well.


Bri's computer started up normally, but went black for severalminutes. Bri cursed Melody for possibly giving her computer a virus. She confirmed this when a picture finally appeared. All it was a was a white circle with an "X" through it. Its seems to move like it was an animated give. This image stayed there for a long time before a the screen flashed bright and then started up again, this time bringing her to her desk top. The image still in the front of Bri's mind.

Jessica woke up in the morning and realized Tom was still there. She shook him. "Get up, get out!" she hissed. She urged him up, grabbing onto her bathrobe in case one of her parents intruded. She had completely forgotten about the creature outside her window last night. She practically pushed Tom out the window, kissing him. "See you later today. They're letting me out today." She smiled and tapped his nose before shutting her window.
"Goodbye," the windo slammed "babe."

He appeared quite disheveled and groggy. He didn't sleep well. He kept having bizzare nightmares, and then there was the faceless man in Jessie's room. He dismissed it as nothing still. The sun had barely come up and his house was half a mile away. He hated not being able to drive to his girlfriend's house. The fastest way to his home was, admitedly, throught the woods. He didnt like taking that short cut, but it would have to do.
Matt looked around, annoyed more then anything by the sounds. Deciding that it was getting late and probably better he headed straight for the club house that he and his friends had built high up in the trees. Getting there he pulled a rope that let down the latter then climbed up, unlocking the pad lock with one of the many keys that had been distriputed throughout the group of friends. Once inside he pulled up the latter and closed the door. Then he quickly texted his mother's phone letting her know that he was spending the night at a friends, which was a lie but she didn't need to know. Dropping his things to the floor he made himself comfortable on the pile of bean bag chairs before letting himself doze off.

In the morning he awoke to a headace, his head filled with fragments of his dreams. Picking up his things he looked in one of the cupboards to see if possibly his friends had left a pack of smokes from their last time they had been here. Finding a half empty pack he shoved it into his pocket then let himself out of the tree house, putting things back into place for next time. Dropping to the ground he then rubbed his eyes and looked around before starting the walk home through the woods again.
Bri curled a strand of her long hair around one of her fingers, a nervous habit of hers, as she stared at the weird image. Between the strange call she'd recieved and the things her computer was doing, she began to feel that something was very wrong, though she could scarcely even guess at who might be behind it. Melody was a very shy girl, a friend of hers since elementary school, and one of the nicest people she knew; Bri doubted that she would knowingly send her a bad virus, or otherwise play any cruel pranks on her.

Feeling very frustrated, and a little worried, Bri opened up her anti-virus program and ran a scan, then went downstairs to say goodnight to her parents. They were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching some sort of late news program on TV. She hugged each of them, saying "'night mom... 'night dad". "Goodnight dear", her mother replied, "it's a little early for bed; wanna watch a movie with us or something?"

Bri felt very tired though, and decided to just get some sleep. She was eager to talk to her friends the next day, especially Melody, so after brushing her teeth and washing her face, she checked her computer to see if the scan had detected any viruses, then promptly climbed into bed and let herself drift off to sleep.
Jessica got dressed and went downstairs to grab breakfast. She kissed her parents and hefted her bag onto her shoulder. Her parents didn't question anything, and she had already thrown her sheets in the wash. Conveniently, today was the day she usually washed her sheets. "See you after school," she said.

She walked out, brushing her hair back behind her ears. The fastest way to school was through the woods. She felt a shiver run down her spine at the thought, but she needed to get going. She walked toward the woods, entering the cover of the trees, not noticing anything
As Matt stepped forward he heard the distinctive sounds of steps behind him. He turned to see no one. He walked on and the sound continued but more softly. Matt spun quickly, he saw a shadowy figure off in the distance bolt behind two trees. Something was following him.


Bri awoke with a headache. Distorted and nightmarish dreams filled her head. He bed was soaked with sweat, he legs exceptionally wet. He pelvis ached and she was increadibly tired. The kind of ache and tire one feels when they're coming on with something sick.

She got out of bed and walked over to her desktop. She moved hte mouse to see how the virus scan had worked out. Bizzarely, she the scan showed nothing. The computer litterally had nothing wrong with it. When she closed out the program the same eerie image replaced her usual background image. It must have been a GIF, as it moved in a similar sporatic way it did the first time. She needed to run a deeper scan. Something was definitely wrong.


Jessica walked into the woods alone, something ill advised for a beautiful girl her age. She felt safe for a third of the way, then an uneasy feeling filled the marrow of her bones. She thought maybe some music might help drone out the feeling of needing to look over her shoulder every 20 seconds. She cursed Tom inwardly for making her watch that damn Slenderman video, something about it just made her whole demeanor melt.
Jessica felt a creepy feeling edge into her body. She shivered, looking back behind her. Quickly, she plugged in her headphones and turned her music on loud. If she couldn't hear anything, then she wouldn't jump at every sound the forest made. She didn't need to be freaking herself out over rabbits running through bushes. She was gonna make Tom feel her pain when she saw him next... She didn't do well with these creepy videos. She kept walking, trying to ignore the feeling that someone was following her.
Suddenly, Jessica's ear buds went silent. The sound came back but only briefly. It fluttered in and out for a few minutes before the speakers broke out into ear shattering static. The white noise didnt feel natural. It put her more at unease than anything else. She felt an icy chill run up her spine as the cloud cover and trees brought the forest into an eerie darkness.
Jessica froze when her earbuds went silent. She frowned and waited, and then they came back, filled with static. She yelped and yanked them out of her ears, nervously looking around. What was going on? She hurried through the forest, picking up her pace. She needed to get out of here.
In dark panic, Jessica got turned around. She tried to use her iPod's compass to navigate but the device would only show the apple symbol then shut off. She heard an crunch of leaves behind her, and a soft, unearthly breathing.
Jessica kept trying to get her iPod to turn back off, but the damn thing wouldn't work. She didn't understand. Electronic failures... Wasn't that something that happened when Slenderman was around? She bit her lip, gasping and freezing when she heard the crunch of leaves. "T-Tom?" she asked. "Is that you? Please tell me it's you. This isn't funny." She didn't dare turn around, afraid of what she'd find.
She let her head turn a bit, just so she could see out of her peripheral. Her eyes widened in horror. A tall man in a black suit and red tie stood a few yards behind her. She turned some more to see its face only to have her heart drop at the horror of it having none. Its pale face was void of all facial features, and yet it seemed to stare at her with malice. It stood perfectly still, waiting for her to move first.
Jessica swallowed nervously, frozen at the sight of the creature behind her. She bit her lip, trying to decide what to do. It was so tall, it'd probably easily be able to catch her. Her electronics had spazzed out, so she didn't have the option of calling for help. She felt like it was just waiting, like a cat waiting for a bug to move. She drew in a breath, sweat beading on her forehead despite the cool air around her. Slowly, she tensed her muscles, before she broke out into a sprint back for home.
Jessica didnt even give it an over the shoulder glance. She bolted in horror, not willing to look back at the monster behind her. She turned around some trees and suddenly a building appeared off in the distance. Jessica, believing it was civilization ran for it. As she arrived she found that it was an old burned out hospital. She was lost, and the fast crunch of leaves continued behind her even after she stopped. It was close.
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