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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

Lund smiles as he senses abit of the irritation coming from his brother. "Well all he gave me was a scratch. Nothing to worry about now then." He leans back in his seat still eating as he makes himself comfortable. "Well having a daughter who likes to wake up at odd hours tends to make you sleepy during the day. Something you wouldnt know anything about?" He gives Jak a somewhat friendly smile as he keeps sipping his wine wanting to be finished as he thinks of Kiana.
Jak smiles back, "No I don't and even if I had a daughter, I would not know about it. Now, if I had a SON, that would be worth raising a child that will not be a burden upon my house and my purse." Jak knew how to play this game it seemed.
Lund laughs softly as he shrugs off the vague insults. "A daughter can have value as well. She can be married to a noble to ensure a treaty or even a peace that is needed. Besides it will be years before I need an heir to take my place. My son won't find me drunkenly fitting with every maid in the manor."
"If you live long enough to produce a real heir that is..." Jak commented under his breath as he rose his cup to his lips to sip upon it, drinking the wine down with a smirk on his face.
Lund grinds his teeth together as he watches his brother. He leans back sipping his wine slowly just watching. Soon after joining the table he is full turning to ask a maid to fill a second plate for him to take back to Kiana. Letting out a slight yawn he stands when the plate is brought to him. "If you will excuse me now. Im going to see if my wife is awake enough to eat something." He bows to his father and mother ignoring Jak as he heads for the door.
Back in his room, Kiana was sitting propped up in the bed with Sarah in her arms, Nessa sitting at her side. Both women's head turned towards him as he entered the room. Kiana's eyes narrowed as she glared at him. Nessa looked from her to him and back again, smiling and shaking her head a little bit.
Pauses as he sees Kiana's eyes narrow at him. Swallowing softly he heads towards the bed offering the plate of food to her. "I brought you dinner darling. I figured you might be hungry after you nap." He sits down on the edge of the bed leaning in to kiss her cheek softly. He glances towards Nessa offering her a soft smile. "Thank you for sitting with her Nessa. I owe you one."
Nessa smiled and seemed to laugh slightly, "Knowing the chewing out you are about to get... let's just say we are even..." she told him as she started to head for the door, exiting out and leaving him alone with his wife.

"Lay down..." she told him, her voice rather coldly, "As you should have been doing this entire time I should add..."
Lund swallows again as Nessa speaks. He gingerly moves to lay on the bed turning his head to watch Kiana. "Im sorry I left you darling. I had make an appearance. Jak doesnt think Im hurt as badly as his allies may have told him. Its all about appearance right now." He moves to kiss Kiana on the cheek once more pushing the plate of food towards her. "Are you hungry?"
She pulls her check away from his lips after they just graced her skin. "Humph..." she made a rather displeased noise. "I don't care. You are hurt and you have to put stress on the wound in the morning. You should be laying there and letting it feel, not putting unneeded pressure on it by gallivanting around." She seemed to ignore the food he was offering.
"I wasnt out gallivanting around love. I was just down at the dinner table making an appearance as my father asked me to." He sighs softly as he lays back on the bed. He rolls to one side keeping his head where he can watch her. "Are you going to eat or must I force feed you?" His eyebrow arches as he watches her a soft smile on his face.
She did not seem to be in a mood to be reasonable with him. She had been furious with him when she woke with her head ache, finding him missing when he should be letting himself heal. So furious, she would not give him the pleasure of being reasonable with him this time. Even if she was hungry. "I'll eat when I feel like eating..." she said as Sarah started to fuss around in her mothers arms. Kiana knew what this meant. She sighed, "Will you whistle please?"
Lund sighs beginning to see just how angry his wife was with him. "You need to eat darling. Its not just for you." He smiles as Sarah fusses realizing what she needs. He brings his face into view of hers and begins whistling softly. He keeps the whistling soft as he begins to whistle a soft tune. He brings his hand up to touch her cheek tenderly.
Once again the whistling is able to melt more then just the baby's heart. I melted her mother's heart as well. Seeing how it was a little awkward for him to lay down and position himself to be in the baby's view. So she moved to lay Sarah on her back on the bed, right beside him, "Here. She's more entertained by you at the moment then she is with me. I'll eat while you two can play."
Lund glances up at her offering her a charming smile. "Is it ok if I play with her? I dont want you to be upset at me for getting her to worked up." He smiles as he reaches for Sarah's hand pretending to nibble on it as he glances at Kiana. He makes sure she eats alittle something as he continues to amuse their daughter. He keeps whistling softly as he adjust himself to be alittle more comfortable as they play. "I really didnt mean to upset you love."
"She's already worked up and will be up for hours still. I was only cross the last time because it was near to her nap time when she needed to be calming down," she picked a little at the food though her appetite was not really that great. "You should have woke me up if you were going to go love. I told you I would sit beside you through the meal."
He sighs softly as he touches Sarah's cheek still playing around with her."I didnt want you to have to face Jak not after what happened. I still cant believe he asked that of you." He leans down blowing a raspberry on Sarah's stomach laughing softly as she waves her hands. "I wanted to cut him down then and there, but I used my diplomatic face with him. I dont know if he suspected anything, but well know tomorrow at the duel." He swallows watching her. "Do you have your kit ready for then?"
She had to smile at how he amused her. He was able to talk about running a man through while playing so cheerfully with the baby. It was adorable to see him playing with her like that. He'd have her smiling in no time if he would still be around long enough to make her smile. Of course a reminded of the pending doom of tomorrow removed her from the happy thoughts in her head. "Yes... I have my kit ready...."
He turns to look towards her smiling softly. "So how was your nap darling?" He leans in pretending to nibble on his daughters waving arm. Light laughter begins escaping from him as he watches the look of joy on her face. "I swear to you darling I never get tired of seeing this beautiful face when shes enjoying herself." He keeps pretending to nibble slowly as he glances at Kiana as he plays.
Kiana was glancing downward, sort of watching as she poked her food with her fork, not realizing he was looking at her in that moment. "It was fine. It was one of those times though that I sleep so hard and deep and dreamless that it feels now like I did not sleep at all."
Lund frowns softly as he watches her poking at the food. "Should I come over there and feed you love? Your poking your food listlessly over there." He scoots to the edge of the bed as if to get up and make good on his offer to come over and feed her. "Im sure Sarah would like to help as well." He smiles waiting for her to look up. The moment she does he blows a kiss towards her smiling lovingly at her.
She looks up toward him, her face a bit sad as she just sighs and pushed the plate aside. "I'm not really all that hungry," she tells him before rising up and coming back to sit on the other side of the bed, Sarah between them as her little head moved back and forth looking from on parent to the other. Kiana didn't know just what to say to him. This could be the last time they have time together. What did one say in an instance like this?
He frowns at her not eating more, but leaves it alone for now. "So I was thinking after this business is done we should take a vacation. Just you, me, Nessa, Angus, and the children. We can tell father its a tour of the lands. It would take us at least a week." He reaches for her hand kissing it lightly as he lets out another whistle knowing how Sarah loves it. "I think some time away from these stuffy walls would be nice. Do you think Nessa would go along with it?"
She shook her head, "You are going no where by right back into the bed after the duel tomorrow. And that is where you will be remaining in every cut and wound on your body is fully and completely closed and healed," she told him as she moved to lay on the bed just like him on the other side of Sarah so they could both play with the baby. Kiana reached out her hand to let Sarah grab onto her finger and hold on as tight as she wanted.
Lund smiles as she joins them on the bed. "Alright then after Im healed up. A nice long vacation then right?" He leans over to kiss her cheek tenderly. After the kiss he leans in to whistle letting Sarah play with her mothers finger as well. "Shes going to strong headed I think. Just like her mother." His last few words are said playfully as he glances at her smiling jokingly.
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