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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

"Lay down," she tells him as she starts to push him, urging him to lay on this belly. But Sarah's starts of crying once more draws her attention the babies' way. She gasps and without thinking goes to Sarah, taking her from the maid that had all this time been working to watch and ease her. "Thank you," Kiana tells her as she starts to rock Sarah in her arms. Crossing to sit on the side of the bed with her.
He lays back on the bed smiling at her softly. "I think I remember how this works darling. I have the scars to prove it as well." His eyes widen slightly as she rushes to the babies side, but he nods with approval as he waves the maid away. He begins to shift slightly as he turns himself to be able to watch Kiana and Sarah. "She was worried about her mother is all. Speaking of which shouldn't Nessa make sure you aren't injured." He turns to call the maid back to send her after Nessa.
"I'm fine," she said as she rocked Sarah gently. "Don't bother her. She's already helped so much today. Let her be. I promise that I'm fine." She honestly though didn't know if she was one way or the other. Her attention was still on him and on the baby. There was no time to focus on herself at the moment. Perhaps it was that little tid bit that was holding back an real reactions to what had happened to her earlier.
He shakes his head as he motions for the maid to fetch Nessa anyways. "Well for my peace of mind let her come and check on you. I don't want to jus ignore the fact you were knocked to the ground." He reaches out to touh her arm lightly as he twist slowly on the bed to get a better view of her face. "Where did he hit you?"
She smirked a little at him and answered, "In the hallway." Before he would cut in with wanting her to be serious, "Slapped me across the face. He was mad that I yelled out. He... wanted me to go with him and exchange my obedience for your life." She suddenly felt bad that he would be insulted over her denying Jak her body for his guaranteed safety. Would he think her selfish to not that the chance offered?
Lund let's out a sigh at her joking. He nods as he reaches up to touch her cheek tenderly. "Does anything hurt or anything?" He leans in to nuzzle her arm kissing it softly. "I'm sorry that I let you go alone darling. I thought you were safe here." He closes his eyes sighing softly feeling worse go having let her go. "He wants you love because he can't have you. He's always been like that."
She sighed and shook her head, cuddling Sarah more to herself, "Nothing hurts. No." Well perhaps her shoulder did a little bit but it was nothing serious. So she thought. And it could just be from holding the baby. "Don't blame yourself Lund. You should be blaming me for getting you stabbed if anything. If you didn't go after Jak, that never would have happened."
Lund reaches up to touch her arm smiling softly as he pats it. "I went after Jak on my own darling. You didnt send me after him so dont go blaming yourself for that." He sighs softly as reaches up to caress her cheek. "How is our little darling doing?" He smiles as he leans up to look at his daughters face as she holds the baby.
He seemed to forget that she had pointed out the direction for him to find her attacker in. If she had just reached out for him and held him close, he never would have run off. Never would have gotten hurt. He could not convince her otherwise. She could have saved him all together if she had just submitted. Now... now he was hurt. What had she done? Glancing down at Sarah, her heart warm at the child's sleepy eyes, "She seems to be settling once more. She's been woken so many times now I'm sure for once she just wants to sleep now."
Lund nods softly as he lays back on the bed closing his eyes for a moment. "I think Im going to join our daughter in the idea of a nap. Will you wake me when its time for the evening meal?" He takes her hand kissing it before laying back his eyes closing once more. It takes only a few moments before he is fully asleep laying on his stomach to keep his back protected from any movement he might make.
After he went to sleep, Kiana looked down and realized the baby was sleeping as well and so she returned the bundle to her crib. With him out and the baby out as well then, her ordeal seemed to catch up to her as she laid herself on the sofa. By the time that Nessa did arrive, she was out like a light as well. Hers a bit of an uneasy sleep though as Nessa checked her over in her sleep then leaving the whole family to rest after ward, well into the evening.
He manages to sleep deeply even with Nessa's arrival and checking on Kiana. He rolls to his side slightly begins to stir hearing the servants in the halls starting to move as they started lighting the torches to ward off the coming darkness. Groaning softly he sits up favoring his back coughing softly. It takes him a few moments to get up and move into the bathroom rinsing his face off with cold water. The whole time he keeps the door open listening for any sounds of Sarah awakening.
Sarah woke on her own a little bit later, not crying but just fidgeting around in her crib. Certainly not enough to go waking her mother who still slept on the sofa nearby. Laying on her back, on hand draped over her stomach while the other hung down towards the floor, her breathing soft and slow. Like a sleeping beauty.
He moves towards the crib hearing the soft sounds of his daughter. He stands over the crib smiling at Sarah softly as he reaches in to touch her cheek softly. "Did you sleep well darlin?" His hand reaches into the crib rubbing her cheek very lightly as he smiles happily. He glances over his shoulder at Kiana smiling as he moves to lay a blanket on her tucking her in.
Kiana stirred slightly but did not wake. Soon it would be time for the evening meal. No word yet had come on if he was still expected there by his father to sit among his enemies, one of whom was the very attacker that had stabbed him in the back. It did not appear that Kiana would be waking for any kind of meal this time though. She was so deep into her sleep, no telling what could wake her up.
With a soft sigh as he moves to his closer pulling out a fresh shirt wincing slightly. With soft steps he moves to the door sending a maid off to bring Nessa to him. With very slowly movements he begins pulling his shirt on feeling the stitches stretch as he moves. He pauses only one arm through the shirt breathing alittle heavily from the effort.
Nessa enters and crosses quickly to him to help him with the shirt, "You are lucky I caught you doing this and it was not your wife. She would kill you if she say you putting to much stress on those stitches like that." Once his shirt was in place, Nessa stepped back the appropriate distance, "Now... you wanted to see me?"
He smiles softly at her as she helps him with the shirt. "Yes I wanted to thank you and ask if you would sit with Kiana and Sarah. I dont want to wake her from her sleep. Shes had a hard day." He reaches for his sword slowly buckling it on as he steps in front of the mirror checking his appearance. "I have to make a showing tonight at the meal. Father wont except me to and neither will Jak or his allies. I want them to think my wound is alot more minor then they think."
Nessa sighed and took a seat in the chair right between Sarah in her cradle an Kiana passed out on the sofa. "I had a feeling that was what you would like when the maid came to me. She will stay with my boy while I stay with your girls. Keeping the piece for these two without another possible crier." She sighed though and shook her head, "She'll be cross with you for going without her you know..."
Lund turns towards Nessa nodding slowly. "I know she will, but Id rather have her cross with me then have to see her deal with Jak. If she wakes while Im gone you should ask her what he wanted." He sighs in disgust as he turns making sure his stitches arent bleeding. "Do you think its right that I fight him tomorrow or should I take Kiana and Sarah and just run? She wouldnt ask me to do it, but I think shes afraid and wont show it to me either." He sighs again running his fingers through his hair.
Nessa sighed, "You could to that, but it you would run forever. Jak would hunt you to the end of the earth. All three of you. I do agree that your wife is afraid but would not show it. The best thing to do it just help her through it until it's over. Then the healing can begin for you both. Go, just don't be to long. Come back here were you belong with the people that love you."
Lund nods softly as he listens to her words softly. He moves over to Nessa planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "Thank you Nessa. I cant tell you how much your words have helped not only myself, but Kiana as well." He turns away moving out the door and quickly towards the dining hall. He pauses just outside the doors before pushing them open letting the servant announce him to the hall.
The very, very empty hall.

At the table sat only his father, his other, the noblemen aligned to his father's side of this fight, and Jak himself. The rest of Jak's allies were missing from the table it seemed. Jak sat looking quite sour at first until his gaze moved to Lund and a smile crept over his lips and he seemed amused.
He forces himself to smile as moves towards the table. "Im sorry Im late father. Kiana needed a nap after dealing with Sarah for most of the day. I had to wait for a maid to come and sit with her." He moves to take his seat motioning for a glass of wine as he smiles to his mother nodding softly. He takes a slow sip of the wine needing the drink badly with his mouth all but a dessert after speaking. He keeps the smile on as he begins eating. "So brother how was your day?"
Jak seems a bit irritated at Lund ignoring what had happened earlier. After what their father had done during Lund's nap... Jak just smiled. "Well if you were not laying down sleeping your day away, you would know how the day was." And that seemed to be all that he was going to say. Their father chimed in then, "Yes, you missed how I uncovered the owner of a certain dagger among your brother's friends and how he sang like a little bird about his alliance with two other lords that were plotting foul deeds." No one seemed to be saying exactly what had happened out loud.
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