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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

"Oh Gods!" she cried out with her ultimate release. She could have held it out longer but his sweet words did it to her again. His wish for her, for them, it was just to sweet and to romantic and loving and oh so many other things rolled together at the same time for her to deny how much the idea of carrying him another baby was. Yet, in the moments after her orgasm hit her did she think of the horrible chance there she could swell with a baby and once more had to go through it alone.
He shudders softly feeling her start her own sweet orgasm. He tilts her hips up as he thrust deep joining her as he begins releasing inside her heavily. His fingers trace across her cheek holding her close as he stays buried inside her. "I missed our first child growing inside you love. I want to see it and experience it with you."
His words were killing her. Her face slowly sank as she stroked at his cheek. She wanted him to see it too but until tomorrow was over, she could not really give herself the chance to dream of that happening. Her lips started to part to say something when she was interrupted by a loud knocking at their door and the door knob turning. The door opening and sound coming through the opening before whoever it was caught them, "Damn it Lund!" It was his father's voice. "I have let you hide away in this room long enough! You come eat lunch with-" he stopped as he saw Lund still inside his wife. "Damn it Lund!! This is why you leave me to keep making excuses for you!?" he cursed again. Kiana was frozen under him in shock.
Lund smiles starting to close his eyes as he feels her stroking his cheek. He lifts his hea to look into he eyes pausing as he hears the knock at the door. His eyes widen as the door opens freezing him in place. After a few moments of his fathers tirade agains him he pulls himself free grabbing a blanket to cover Kiana's body. "Dammit father the door closed for a reason." He sighs as he pushes kiana behind his own body slightly. "And what business is it what I do with my lunch.
Kiana finally snapped into understanding when he moved off her, her hand moving to cover herself as she realized her parts were full exposed. Her cheeks were red, red, RED with embarrassment this time as she cling to the blanket thrown onto herself. As she stood behind him though, she realized he was still quite exposed and reached for a pillow from the sofa and reached around him to place it just about where his bared parts were.

"It's my business when it's in my house and my son whom I quite verbally am supporting in tomorrows fight is not down there being the good son and showing his face to our allies. There is a time for work and a time for play and you have played for days now with your wife. How much more time are you going to waist?!" His father's shouting had a way of ruining more then just their moment. Soon it ruined the baby's sleep and Sarah was crying. Kiana left go of the pillow hoping that he would have a hold of it and flew yo Sarah to try and calm her, kneeling beside the crib.
Lund sighs softly as he takes the pillow from his wife turning his head to give her a loving smile. "I dont call spending time with my a waste father. As for your allies father they can be appeased at a later time." He sighs as he hears Sarah wake up rubbing his head slowly. "Father I dont understand how you can expect me to show up to dinner knowing Jak will be there. Kiana isnt able to attend the dinners right now so I spend them with her." He uses the cover of the pillow to stuff himself back into his pants sighing once more. He glances towards Kiana questioningly to make sure Sarah is alright. "Besides Ive already had to run one person off who was trying to break into my rooms and scare my wife and daughter. Dont ask me to abondon them now."
Kiana was rocking the cradle back and forth, calming the baby who at least had stopped her crying and was reduced to soft whimpering while Kiana hummed and cooed to her.

Meanwhile, his father was there shaking his head, "Jak is there. Exactly why YOU need to be there. People call you a coward for not showing your face at the same table as him. They all starting to honor him and side with him in this duel. Wish for your downfall. You must show yourself at his side with no fear in your eyes and your head high to gain support." His father seemed to be ignoring the fact that Kiana and the baby were there.
Lund grits his teeth together as he watches his father. He presses his hands together as he begins to pace slowly. "I dont really care what they are saying about me father. Jak has never ridden into battle. The only battle has had to fight is how quickly he can remove a maids corset." He turns moving towards Sarah and Kiana checking on them. He places his hands on Kiana's shoulders giving them a light squeeze. "Is she alright darling?"
She nods a little bit and strokes her cheek, "She is. Just a little cranky to be woken for her nap. She'll go back to sleep and be alright again." Raising her hand up to place her hand on top of his, "Maybe you should listen to him Lund. I don't know a lot how the nobility works but I have learned enough that appearances are a lot to rich men like these. If... you want... I will sit with you. I can handle Jak for one night." She lied fairly well this time.
He sighs softly as he rubs his chin one handed watching her. "Alright darling if you think you can handle it for the night." He turns to his father sighing abit heavier this time. "Give us a few moments to dress and prepare father. We will meet you down in the dining hall." He goes to his closet beginning to dig through the clothes quickly finding a fresh pair of clothes to where. He steps into the bathroom washing his face and hands before dressing quickly.
His father turned and left, again not even acknowledging Kiana or the baby. She did so want some kind of sign from him that he approved of her and even just acknowledged that Sarah was there and was his own flesh and blood. His grandchild. She supposed she was going to need to have a son to get any kind of recognition for a job well done. Like having babies should be a job.

By the time that he was done dressing in the bathroom, Kiana was still rocking and humming to Sarah. At least she had finally ceased her fussing. Now it was just a matter of getting her back to sleep and then getting someone to sit with her while they were eating.
Lund sighs as he reenters the room. Despite everything a soft smile plays across his face as he sees Kiana sitting with Sarah. "You two look precious together darling." He moves to sit down beside her leaning over to watch. "Who will you get to watch her for us while were at dinner?" He begins stroking her cheek softly as he nuzzles against her cheek placing a soft kiss.
She sighs and shrugs a moment, "Nessa and Lily are the only people I trust in this place at the moment. Lily is locked in her rooms so I suppose that leaves Nessa. I feel horrible always relying on her to watch Sarah when she had her own child to take care of. Perhaps when this is over we should seek a nursemaid for her?" Kiana turns to kiss him, "Try and ease her back to sleep while I dress, will you love?" she asked but did not give him the chance to say no as she rose up and crossed to repeat the same thing that he had done, taking a dress into the bathroom with her.
He nods softly as he takes Sarah beginning to rock her gently. "A nurse maid might be a good idea love. As much as we wish to raise our children ourselves we will have duties that require us to be away without them." He smiles beginning to him softly to Sarah hoping to encourage her to sleep. He glances towards the bathroom as he continues to hum and rock smiling as he enjoys this simple moment.
Kiana is swift to wash herself up, both her face and other places of herself, and throw on her dress before she came back into the room, tying up the front bodice of her dress. She paused though as she saw him with the baby. A smile crossed her face as she noticed that Sarah was fast asleep once again. "Now... you two look precious together." She crossed towards the door, "I will go to Nessa and see if she can bring the baby here to watch her. I hate to move her and possibly wake her again."
Lund glances up at Kiana smiling at her. "Alright darling. Ill wait here with our precious bundle." He keeps rocking their baby in his arms starting to him again softly to her. He reaches over to grab a small blanket wrapping it around Sarah as he keeps humming hoping to keep her safe and warm so she will continue to sleep. "Becareful on your trip over there. Run if anyone tries anything alright." He leans down kissing Sarah's fore head as he leans back keeping his arms secured around her.
She was at the door when she realized just what kind of danger she could be in traveling down the hall on her own. She paused, turned towards him and looked a little sheepish, "Perhaps we should just... take her to Nessa and hope for the best?" It was clear his words had now left her a bit unsteady and uneasy.
Lund hesitates slightly as he looks down at Sara. "Darling Im sure no one is going to haress you." He blows a kiss to her softly as he keeps rocking Sarah in his arms. "Leave the door open if you wish so you can scream for my attention if you need." His eyes light up smiling at her again as he glances downwards holding Sarah close still singing to her.
Kiana still didn't feel save but she would not ask him again. If he felt confident in it then she should as well, shouldn't she? "I'll be right back then...." she told him as she glanced out the door and looked both ways before stepping out and walking quickly down the hallway towards where Nessa and Angus roomed.
Lund blows her another kiss confident in her safety. He keeps his gentle rocking going as he leans back glancing towards the door slowly. His smiles slowly fades as he begins thinking of the prospect of facing his brother at the table today. His mind also thinks of the way his father ignored his wife and child shaking his head quickly as turns back to Sarah whispering her name lovingly as he touches her cheek lightly.

Jak smiles as he steps out of the small hallway just down from his brothers room. His shirt slightly askew as he smiles brightly having enjoyed one of the kitchen maids leaving her behind crying in the room behind him. His eyes light up as he catches the flash of red from Kiana's hair pass by the hall. His footsteps are quiet as he rushes to catch her. With one quick motion he grabs her covering her mouth to keep her from screaming as he pushes her into a half hidden alcove. "Well hello there. I didnt think I would see you out here alone."
She was so close to Nessa's door that she has just started to really believe she had been silly. This was her home. She should not need to feel threatened in her own home. Her hand was juuuust reaching out for the door knock when she felt herself yanked back. Hand over her mouth before she could even think about what was happening let alone think to scream. She only thought to scream when she realized who it was that had her and how he has pulled her aside. Panic filled her as her muffled scream was caught by his hand and would reach no ones ears. Her body shivered and shuttered in the fear that was quickly flooding her.
Jak smiles as he keeps his hand clamped over her mouth. He glances up and down the hallway. "Stop screaming girl or I silence you myself." His eyes flash with anger as he raises his hand to threaten her with a slap. "I merely wanted a chance to talk with you. Will you promise not to scream?" He laughs as he says the word talk his eyes roaming her body slowly. "I think after I've killed my brother I might keep you around as a maid."
The only reply she got from him on the matter of her screaming was a soft whimper and a few little tears slipping down from her eyes to splash over his hand. What did he want to talk about with her? She figured talking was actually the last thing on his mind during this little encounter.
Jak smiles as he slowly lifts his hand from her mouth. "Very good my little butterfly. I always thought you were to much for my brother. Although I do wonder what it would take to turn you against him." His hand drops down to the strings of her bodice slowly tugging on one. "What would you give up to assure your husbands safety tomorrow no matter the outcome."
Her hand instantly twitch with the want to shoot up and slap his hand away, but she held the urge back. Clenching her hand into a fist at her side, letting him touch and talk all he wanted. After the started his proposal to her, she could not help but inquire more into it with him. Her husband's life could be in the balance, "What do you want from me?"
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